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Default Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2020, July 15, 2016

Amateur Radio Newsline Report 2020, July 15, 2016

Amateur Radio Newsline Report Number 2020 with a release date of
Friday, July 15, 2016 to follow in 5-4-3-2-1.

The following is a QST. BREAKING NEWS: Amateur Electronic Supply's
Milwaukee location is reopening -- as a Ham Radio Outlet. American
Indian tribes prepare for an emergency earthquake drill. Hams celebrate
U.S. Route 52 with - what else? - a mobile station, and Portugal hams
get a mountaintop repeater. All this and more in Amateur Radio Newsline
Report Number 2020 coming your way right now.





STEPHEN/ANCHOR: We begin this week with an announcement that the
Milwaukee location of Amateur Electronic Supply is reopening - as the
newest Ham Radio Outlet. We hear more from Paul Braun, WD9GCO.

PAUL BRAUN: U.S. amateur radio operators were shocked last week to hear
the news that Amateur Electronic Supply had decided to close its doors
at the end of July after 59 years in business.

Many were equally surprised, however, to hear the news mid-week that
Ham Radio Outlet had come to an agreement to purchase the Milwaukee
store and take on many of AESÕs employees.

According to Steve Gilmore, W4SHG, National Sales Manager for HRO, the
decision to discuss acquisition of some AES personnel was made as soon
as the news broke that they were going to close at the end of July.
"The most important thing to us was to acquire that knowledge and
experience in customer service," said Gilmore.

Gilmore said that they had approval of AESÕs senior management to
conduct the interviews, and while they were onsite in Milwaukee, they
came to the conclusion that having a centralized location would not
only serve an area where they previously had no presence, but would
also allow them to have much quicker shipping times to more of the
country. That brought about the agreement to purchase the facility
after the end of the month.

The company's plan is to completely remodel the Milwaukee store, at
which time they believe they will have the largest physical amateur
radio store in the country, possibly the world, with merchandise from
every major manufacturer in the field.

ItÕs a big job, Gilmore said, since they are also relocating their
Portland, Oregon location to a newer and much larger facility at the
same time. The logistics of relocating a lot of personnel and
merchandise are challenging. But, he added, theyÕre up to the
challenge. Once both locations are finished, they plan on having
month-long grand opening celebrations in both cities. Dates and details
will be announced at a later date.

When I asked Gilmore about the other AES locations, he said that
mathematically, the Milwaukee location was the only one that made sense
right now. He stated that the decisions are made based on
customer/population density, and also tax rates.

Ham Radio Outlet has been in business since 1971, and currently has 13
locations across the United States.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, IÕm Paul Braun, WD9GCO in Valparaiso,



STEPHEN: Emergency preparedness is important no matter where you are,
but it's even more critical for American Indians living on often-remote
tribal lands. There's an emergency drill coming up for the tribes, and
organizers need your help. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Neil Rapp,
WB9VPG, with more.

NEIL'S REPORT: The National Tribal Emergency Management Council and the
National Tribal Amateur Radio Association are calling Wednesday,
September 21 the Day of the Quake. And they're hoping to get some of
the ham radio stations in American Indian Country involved in an
important exercise that day. Working with the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the
groups will collaborate on an emergency communications drill, passing
messages from the Tachi Nation in Leemore, California to New York about
a simulated West Coast earthquake and its aftermath, a well-scripted
scenario which will include a building collapse, evacuations and a
search-and-rescue operation for those missing.

For the exercise to work best, however, it will need the involvement of
amateur radio relay stations and, in this case, the relays should be
stations based in tribal communities or tribal members who are hams
wanting to participate. The involvement of hams in Indian country is a
key component of this drill.

Any tribal Amateur Radio clubs or individuals within Tribal communities
wanting a role in this event should contact Nathan Nixon at
for details. The Day of the Quake will be
here before you know it.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Neil Rapp, WB9VPG, in Bloomington,




STEPHEN: Special event station W4A started in South Carolina earlier
this month but is really going places. You can find those places
throughout July along historic U.S. Route 52. Amateur Radio Newsline's
Heather Embee, KB3TZD, has this story about the hams' 2,000-mile

HEATHER'S REPORT: U.S. Route 52 has been called "America's Other Great
Highway" and in many ways, the route has been greatly eclipsed by its
more famous - and perhaps more romantic - east-west counterpart, Route
66. Still, this lesser-known route has much to celebrate too along its
more than 2,000 miles between Portal, North Dakota on the Saskatchewan
border and White Point Gardens in Charleston, South Carolina.

What better way to celebrate its 90th anniversary than with amateur
radio, which pays similar homage along historic Route 66. This year,
the mobile celebration of Route 52 began on July 7, and is now
continuing west, traveling through 84 counties and 11 states, working
CW and SSB. The party goes on until July 22.

Hams who work the station in a minimum of three states or at least ten
counties, can earn a certificate. Working seven through eleven states
earns special recognition, as does working 20 or more counties, up to
the full 84. There is a special QSL card in addition to the

Listen for the call sign, W-4-A. The partygoers will be running about
400 watts as they move east to west in their pickup truck and then
again on the return trip. For more details, visit the W4A page on

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Heather Embee, KB3TZD, in Berwick,



STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Storm preparedness means more than just stocking up the
fridge and keeping batteries in the flashlights. For hams, preparedness
comes from education, and the ARRL is providing that later this month
as we hear from Amateur Radio Newsline's Bobby Best, WX4ALA.

BOBBY'S REPORT: Storm season is upon us, and if last year's hurricane
season can be considered history, then the ARRL webinar on Thursday,
July 21 might be considered a history lesson. The 90-minute program is
a guide to preparing for this year's Atlantic hurricane season and
emergency response, and will include a look back at the roles amateur
radio played during last year's season.

The overview will touch on the Hurricane Watch Net, the VoIP Hurricane
Net, the Canadian Hurricane Centre and the ARRL's coordination.
Registration is open. If you have questions, contact Mike Corey, KI1U,
the ARRL's emergency preparedness manager, at
If you
plan to register, do it now.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Bobby Best, WX4ALA




Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio
Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the
SPARC club repeater for the Sportsman's Paradise Amateur Radio Club,
K4WAK, in Wakulla County, Florida in time for the Friday afternoon



STEPHEN/ANCHOR: If it's height you're after for your new repeater,
look to the highest mountain. That's what a group of hams did in
Portugal. Here's Amateur Radio Newsline's Jason Daniels, VK2LAW.

JASON'S REPORT: The highest mountain in Portugal has gained another
distinction, thanks to some ambitious amateur radio operators there.
Members of the Azores Amateur Radio Union, or URA, have assembled and
installed a cross-band repeater on Mount Pico on Pico Island, in the
Azores west of the Portuguese mainland. It is designed to work
cross-band on 144.550 MHz and 439.550 MHz. The call sign for the
station is CQ1EPIX.

It's been a long way up for the two ambitious amateurs, Paulo Gomes
CR8ABI and Antonio Paz CU3AJ. The challenging radio work began with an
especially challenging ascent on Saturday July 2: The mountain rises
2,351 meters - or 7,713 feet - above the North Atlantic Ocean. They
were clearly *in* the air before getting *on* the air.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jason Daniels, VK2LAW.




STEPHEN: Where would we be without Nikola Tesla? Well, for one thing,
we might not be on the air. Things would surely be very different
without the work of the 20th century inventor, who was born 160 years
ago in Croatia. It seems only fitting, then, that the weekends of July
and August be devoted to honoring him in the venue that suits his
memory best - radio. The Union des Radioclubs, F8URC, is using the
special callsign, TM160NT, for just that purpose. Nikola Tesla, who
died in 1943, might appreciate the inventiveness of that.



STEPHEN: An amateur radio club in the UK has helped fulfill a radio
enthusiast's dying wish to benefit charity. Here's Amateur Radio
Newsline's Jeremy Boot, G4NJH.

JEREMY: As any amateur knows, the power of radio to accomplish great
things doesn't end when the set is turned off. That was certainly no
secret to Adrian Aylward of Highclere. Although Adrian wasn't a ham
himself, his love of radio and electronics in general made him a
kindred spirit to amateurs. Diagnosed two years ago with cancer, Adrian
died last April, expressing the wish that the electronics equipment,
and certainly the radios he used for so much enjoyable listening, might
go on to benefit others. His family contacted the Newbury and District
Amateur Radio Society, which helped fulfill Adrian's final wishes. The
equipment was sold through a silent auction among club members, with
the remaining unsold items offered for purchase in June at the Newbury
Radio Rally. Adrian got his final wish: The equipment found the good
homes he'd hoped for, and the sales generated a gift of £1,000 to be
given to Cancer Research UK. A portion of the money raised also went to
the Newbury Club.

Jonathan Smithers, representing Adrian's family, said: QUOTE "Adrian
would have been happy that we have helped to improve the lives of those
still living with cancer and also encouraged those with a curiosity
about what can be achieved through electronics." ENDQUOTE

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Jeremy Boot, G4NJH, in Nottingham, the



STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Hams with the Kempton Park Amateur Radio Technical
Society are asking for a radio check. Sort of. The club, which uses the
call sign, ZS6KTS, has just launched a new website and is looking for
feedback. They're inviting amateurs from everywhere to visit them, read
about their activities or post a comment.

The club operates repeaters on 2 meters and 70 cm and is also active on
EchoLink Node 8041. Visit their website at




In the world of DX, be listening for a number of stations working
during the Radio Society of Great Britain's IOTA Contest, July 30

They include Tibor, OM3RM, working as IS0/OM8A from Sardinia, as a
Single-Op/All-Band/High-Power entry. Send QSL cards via OM2VL.

There is also Joe, IT9RZU, who will be active from the island of Sicily
during the contest as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry. Send QSLs
via his home callsign, by the Bureau or LoTW.

Mike, IF9ZWA, will be active from Favignana Island during the contest
as a Single-Op entry. QSLs should be sent to his home callsign via the
Bureau only.

And finally, Theodoros, SV1EJD, will be active in the contest as well,
but will also be working as SV8/SV1EJD from Syros Island between July
23rd and August 11th. Listen for him on 80-6 meters where he'll be
using SSB and RTTY. QSL via his home callsign or LoTW.



STEPHEN: And finally, we close this week's report with a look at Mars.
Ham radio operators will especially enjoy knowing about the surprise
the Red Planet revealed recently through the lens of NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter. Here's that story from Amateur Radio Newsline's
Graham Kemp, VK4BB.

GRAHAM: Lest any detractors of Morse Code hold firm in their belief
that there is nothing at all natural about Samuel Morse's form of
telegraphy - well, think again.

CW apparently is as natural as the universe itself. In fact, scientists
have recently discovered dots and dashes growing in the wild. That's
right, wild, organically grown Code. It's not even cultivated with a
paddle or a straight key.

The messages were spotted recently on Mars by NASA's Mars
Reconnaissance Orbiter, carved into the dark dunes of a field lying
just below the north pole.

Were Martians perhaps having their own version of Field Day? Were the
hams there trying for their Worked All Planets award?

Well, geophysicists do have an explanation - as scientists often do. In
a press release, the agency explained the patterns that sculpted the
sand in such a meaningful way. Bi-directional winds are what carved the
long dashes, and the dots, well, those are still something of a
mystery, though they have a name: barchanoid dunes.

The decoded message turns out to be sheer nonsense - at least for
Earthlings' ears - beginning with the phrase: "NEE NED Z-B 6-T-N-N" and
so forth.

What does it all mean? Good question. We'll keep our ears tuned to the
sky. Perhaps the Reconnaissance Orbiter may next happen upon some hams
in the dunes engaging in Single Side Band or .....even another kind of
Mars Code.

For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB.



NEWSCAST CLOSE: With thanks to Alan Labs; the ARRL; Amateur Radio
Europe; CQ Magazine; Gizmodo; Hap Holly and the Rain Report; the IARU;
Irish Radio Transmitter Society; Kempton Park Amateur Radio Society;
NASA; Newbury Today newspaper; Ohio-Penn DX Bulletin; The Province
newspaper; QRZ; Southgate Amateur Radio News; Ted Randall's QSO Radio
Show; Wireless Institute of Australia; WTWW Shortwave; and you our
listeners, that's all from the Amateur Radio Newsline. Please send
emails to our address at
. More information is
available at Amateur Radio Newsline's only official website located at

For now, with Caryn Eve Murray, KD2GUT, at the news desk in New York,
and our news team worldwide, I'm Stephen Kinford, N8WB, in Wadsworth,
Ohio saying 73 and as always we thank you for listening.

Amateur Radio Newsline(tm) is Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.

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