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Old September 12th 16, 10:58 PM posted to,
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2015
Posts: 23
Default [N2HTT] Together Again (for the first time)

73, de N2HTT

Together Again (for the first time)

Posted: 11 Sep 2016 11:57 AM PDT

Summer is winding down, and a lovely summer it was. I think the weather
here in the Northeast was the best I can remember for quite some time.
Sure, we had some beastly hot, humid days, but on the whole it was great. A
time to play outside, spend time with friends and family, and travel. Not
so good for hanging around in a dark basement workshop, building radio gear.

Coming into the summer I had been working on a low voltage regen receiver,
still a work in progress, and refurbishing the Knight V-44 VFO. The VFO
needed lots of work, especially after I destroyed the main tuning coil with
the careless application of an electric know (still slapping my forehead
over that one.) At the beginning of June I got the coil rebuilt correctly,
but was still not happy with the output into the Knight T-60. A friend of
mine with access to a spectrum analyzer was going to help me out, but we
didnt get together then, and this becameÂ*another project waiting for
renewed attention.

But the summer was not without some ham radio excitement. The real
attention-getter crept up on me unexpectedly. First, some back story:

About five years ago I discovered that Heathkit had manufactured kits in
the late seventies for a CW transmitter/receiver pair. The receiver was
released first, in 1978. All solid state, ham bands only with a switchable
narrow filter, LSB/USB/CW, and built-in dial calibration. This was the
HR-1680, and it was quite popular from the outset.

About two years later, the matching transmitter, the HX-1681 came out. CW
only, no WARC bands, the transmitter was a hybrid mostly solid state but
with a tube final consisting of a pair of 6146s that produced a full 100
watts out on 80 10 meters. Both units were housed in handsome matching
heavy aluminium cases (Heathkit teal, of course) and both sported meters
and main tuning dials that glowed red when illuminated. By slaving the
receiver to the transmitter, smooth full break-in QSK was possible along
with receiver muting and a sidetone.Â*When I first heard of this pair, and
researched them a bit I knew I had to have a set as my primary vintage rigs.
New arrival in the shack

While the receivers are relatively plentiful in the used market, the
transmitters are hard to come by. Perhaps because of the delay in producing
the kit, or maybe the CW-only capability, but it is my understanding that
the transmitter did not sell well. They are hard to find used. Soon after
buying the receiver, I located an auction for a 1681 but had to let it pass
for financial reasons. On and off over the last five years I would see one
of those transmitters come up on auction or in classifieds, but it was
never the right time. Too expensive, or the seller was selling them as a
pair and wouldnt break up the station. It never quite worked out until
this Forth of July.

Maybe it was because most folks have more interesting things to doÂ*than
watching eBay auctions on a big holiday weekend, or maybe the way the
listing was worded it didnt come up on the radar, but during the week
leading up to the 4th I found an HX-1681 up for auction at a an extremely
attractive price. Cosmetically a 9, and completely untested by the seller
who did not have the required big iron power supply. I got the nod from
management, and went for it. I won the auction at a very good price, and a
week later my beautiful transmitter arrived.

Becoming a new owner of an HX-1681 brings new responsibilities. I also did
not have the required big iron power supply, and that became the next
imperative. The power supply is the Heathkit HP-23, later renamed the PS-23
after Honeywell threatened Heathkit with litigation over the HP mark.
Several versions of this supply were made: the HP-23, then PS-23, PS-23A,
PS-23B and finally PS-23C. There were minor user interface changes between
the models, but basically they all supplied 12 vac for filaments, two plate
voltages of 800 and 250 vdc, a negative bias voltage of -130 vdc, chassis
ground and a switch line to allow the rig to turn the power supply on and
off. These power supplies would work with all of the Heathkit tube rigs,
requiring only minor tweaking to match any of the rigs.

One used to see these things by the dozens on eBay and on the classifieds,
and could usually find them for well under $100, but recently they have
become more scarce, and correspondingly more expensive. I shopped around
for as long as I could, but the urge to be able to turn on my new
transmitter was strong, and I wound up buying one for a little more than I
normally would have, had I shopped longer. It was a clear win of instant
gratification over common sense. Life is short, eat dessert first.

The unit I picked was a PS-23, one of the oldest and simplest models. Later
models sport a switch for changing the low plate voltage between 250 and
275 volts. On this model its a hardwired change, which seemed to me an
advantage since I only needed the higher voltage, a convenient front panel
switch that let you set the wrong voltage didnt seem that necessary.
The wiring looked good

The unit I selected was not the cheapest around, but the photos showed that
it had been recapped with modern plastic and aluminium electrolytic caps.
Since the recap kits run about $60, I figured that was one additional
expense I could avoid up front. The only real downside was the unit came
with a home-made, dodgy looking connecting cable, instead of the usual
8-wire covered cable. Hey, the seller said it worked, what could go wrong?
Dodgy home-made cable

Okay, so the first thing I planned to do, before applying power to the
1681, was to go through the final resistance checks listed in the assembly
manual. The manual itself was a bit of a challenge. Several years ago, it
was common to find scans of Heathkit manuals online, but at some point
someone acquired the intellectual property rights to the manuals, and began
assiduously getting them off the web. Today it is difficult to find much
more than schematics, and partial manuals online.

My 1681 did not come with a manual; allÂ*I had was a fragment of the
assembly manual that described the resistance and initial voltage checks,
alignment and adjustments, and basic operating instructions. Okay, that
should be enough to get me going until I realized that the resistance
checks all referred to pictorials to locate test points, and I didnt have
the pictures. I needed to find a manual.

There are folks who sell paper facsimile manuals for specific Heathkit
gear, and I was starting to look at those offerings, when I stumbled across
an auction listing for someone selling a box full of unused Heathkit
manuals. The assortment happened to include both the 1680 and 1681, with
all diagrams and schematics, as well as manuals for some other toothsome
Heathkit gear I dont own (yet), all for a the price of a single facsimile.
I couldnt pass it up, and within a few days I had the manuals I needed
along with the beginnings of a fine Heathkit library.
Lucky manual find

With the manual and pictures in hand, I opened up the 1681 and went through
the resistance checks. The checks required verifying that a short to ground
did not appear at a particular point, but did not specify the resistances
you should see. All the checks passed but I was concerned about one
resistance measurement which was about 3 ohms. That seemed awfully close to
a short, and I spent about an hour tracing through the schematic before
finding a 2.2 ohm resistor between the line and ground. Everything was okay.

The next phase was the initial voltage check. The 1681 is wired with a
3-wire AC cord, with the chassis grounded. I guess by the 1980s this was
already common practice. Older gear I have refurbished has come with
2-wire, non-polarized plugs these are extremely dangerous, and the first
thing I do when I find those is to rewire the gear with a 3-wire cord,
chassis ground and inline fuse in the AC line. Not required this time, just

So I powered up the PS-23, and did a careful check of the voltages supplied
at the 11-pin socket. Everything looked good (I had already made the change
for the 275 vdc low plate voltage) so I hooked the power cable, and turned
on the 1681. The beautiful dial lights lit up red, and I immediately
noticed a sizzling sound coming from the dodgy home-made cable. I dont know
about you, but when I hear sizzling sounds coming from a cable carrying
more voltage than the third rail of the New York City Subway on one of the
wires, I think Abort! Abort! That was the end of Voltage Test 1. Happily,
there did not appear to be any damage to the rig or the power supply. Magic
smoke intact, it was time to find a replacement cable.

Back to eBay, where there are perennial offers of a pair of 11-pin sockets
and a six-foot length of 8-wire cable (this turns out to be a WireMan
product BTW) which includes a helpful scan of the wiring instructions from
the PS-23 manual. Assembling the cable was straightforward, and in short
order I had a correctly wired, non-sizzling power cable for the HX-1681.
New cable and plugs

The initial voltage tests passed. This was the exciting moment, the first
time I would try to load up the transmitter. Following the tune up
instructions, I placed all the controls in the correct settings, and took
the first step. Placing the meter in Ip position, and switching the mode
switch to Tune, I should see the meter point to an indicator mark showing
the correct idling plate current..

Nothing. Nada. No meter deflection. Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggh!

Okay. I powered everything down, and gave this development a little
thought. The easiest thing to check would be the tubes in the final. One
12BY7A and two 6146s. I pulled the tubes and tested them on my Hickok 6000a
tester they were perfectly fine, happy little tubes. That wasnt it.

In thinking over what I had already checked, I realized there was one
resistance measurement I had not bothered to make. There was a footnote in
the resistance check instructions that that stated with the meter in the Ip
position, and the mode switch in the Spot position, one of the outputs from
the VFO should be at ground. I had not checked this, sinceÂ*most of the
resistance checks were to insure that there was not a short to ground at
the test point. I made the neglected test, and instead of a short to
ground, I had an open infinite resistance. There was something wrong with
the switch!

Pulling out my trusty can of Radio Shack Control/Contact Cleaner and
Lubricant, I went after all the switches and pots in the rig. My technique
is the nest each control in a wad of paper towelling on all sides, and then
literally blast the crap out of it while moving the control through its
entire range repeatedly. This cleaner foams up a la Scrubbing Bubbles for
electronics, and I have had good success with it before. The key is to be
sure to mop up any excess; let the control sit for while and then wipe it
down again. Its a good idea to check the next day for any residue which may
have seeped out.

After the control cleaning exercise, everything worked fine. The plate idle
current looked a tad low, so I adjusted it according to the manual, and
after that the meter indication was spot on. I did not re-neutralize the
tubes or realign the output, and these steps did not appear to be necessary.
Its alive!

After figuring that out, there was one more small issue to deal with. The
HX-1681 manual describes a simple mod to the HR-1680 receiver to better
match audio levels for the sidetone produced by the transmitter. This
involved changing a 33k ohm resistor on the audio board of the receiver for
a 100k Ohm value, and adding a 10k ohmÂ*resistor in series with one on the
audio lines to the volume control. I found both these resistor values in
our local RadioShack in Oneonta NY, and made the change in the field so to
speak, as the receiver was already at my upstate QTH.

I was ready to install and test the transmitter with its companion 1680. I
needed three shielded male-male RCA phono plug cables to connect receiver
mute, sidetone, and receive antenna. Although the manual calls for coax
with phono plugs to connect the receive antenna, the shielded audio cable
(also from RadioShack) seems to work fine; Ill replace it with coax if I
notice any problems. The initial tune-up into a dummy load went well, but I
was a little disappointed to hear hum in the audio out when the transmitter
was keyed. On a hunch, I grounded the transmitter and receiver chassis
together, and the hum disappeared.

My habit is to use an end fed half wave antenna cut for 40 meters, with a
4:1 balun and a manual antenna tuner at the upstate QTH. This works fine
with my modern solid state rigs, but the setup is a bit cumbersome for use
with output tank of the a tube transmitter. There is a concern that there
might be harmonics in the output that are stronger than the current FCC
regulations allow; these are more stringent now than when these tube
transmitters roamed the earth. Using a resonant antenna is best, but a
tuner also helps clean up the signal.

The problem is the chicken-and-egg relationship between the transmitter
output tank and the tuner. When you tune the transmitter for maximum RF
out, you are adjusting the tank to load to whatever it sees. If that
happens to beÂ*an antennaÂ*tuner that you then adjust for lowest SWR, you are
de-tuning the transmitter tank

Heres my solution to this conundrum (since I really cant set up a resonant
antenna given the configuration of my upstate shack): I load up the
transmitter into a resonant dummy load, back off the plate current a lot,
then switch to an auto-tuner connected to whatever antenna configuration I
have set up. When all the chatter subsides, the auto-tuner has got my
random wire looking as resonant as its going to get. I can then bring up
the transmitter power and tweak the tank. The perfect fusion of retro and
space age technology.

WithÂ*everything installed and working,Â*Â*it turned out that propagation was
not great that weekend with minor magnetic storms going on. I did see my
signal in RBN, so I know Im getting out. There just wasnt enough time that
weekend to make a QSO though.
RBN can hear me!

There will be some further embellishments on this station in the coming
months, but Im pretty excited. There are lots of retro radio events coming
up: Straight Key Night, Novice Rig Roundup, the Classic Exchange and
others. I am really looking forward to putting my twins through their paces.


de N2HTT

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