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V.E.C. July 30th 06 09:40 PM

New No-code HF Pro-Technology Exam


(Simplified test approved by all book and magazine publi$her$ and
VE whorehou$e$ who $ay “We need more ham$”)

Please PRINT (that means no squiggly lines)

YOUR NAME (what they call you)

ADDRESS (where you live) _______________________________________________

BIRTHDATE (when you were born) ________________________________


Instructions: Make a circle (one of these round things O ) around the
letter of the best answer! This is so we know what your answer to the
question is!

1. You TALK into a microphone with your _______.

A. Hands
B. Feet
C. Toes
D. Mouth
E. Armpits

2. When you talk into a microphone, you talk into _______.

A. the front
B. the back
C. the top
D. the bottom
E. the wire

3. “HEADPHONES” are worn over the ___________.

A. Knees
B. Eyes
C. Toes
D. Ears
E. Lips

4. What do you do with the AC line cord coming out of a power supply?

A. Hold it in the air to pick up signals
B. Pull on it to start the motor
C. Talk into the plug to get real "skip DX"
D. Hook it to your antenna
E. Insert the plug into a source of power

5. A “two meter” radio is:

A. twice as strong as a one-meter radio
B. two one-meter radios in series
C. a CB with two meters on the front panel
D. a good doorstop
E. yo mama

6. A "ten-foot mast" is how long?

A. Ten feet
B. Ten pounds
C. Two meters
D. Tree-top tall
E. yo mama

7. A “Triband antenna” is made to work on how many bands?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 10

8. The “Marconi” antenna is named after:

A. Marconi
B. Mantovani
C. macaroni
D. Dean Martin
E. yo mama

9. What colors of DIODES can you buy at a Radio Shack store?

A. Red, blue and black
B. Red, yellow and green
C. Orange and brown
D. I am colorblind so this is a discriminatory question and I should
automatically get my license because you have been mean to me.
E. I have no intention of ever using DIODES, so I should get my
license for free.

10. What color of SLURPEE can you buy at 7-11?

A. Red, blue and black
B. Red, yellow and green
C. Orange and brown
D. I am colorblind so this is a discriminatory question and I should
automatically get my license and free slurpees forever because you
have been mean to me.


YOUR SIGNATURE (slap yo tag here)


Get THREE correct and you get an EXTRA!!!!
Get TWO right and you get an ADVANCED!!!!
Get ONE right and you get a GENERAL!!!
Blow them all? Just blow the VE and get any license you want!!!

an_old_friend July 30th 06 10:00 PM

trolling right along

V.E.C. wrote:

(Simplified test approved by all book and magazine publi$her$ and
VE whorehou$e$ who $ay "We need more ham$")

troling right along I see

Brian Denley July 31st 06 03:09 AM

New No-code HF Pro-Technology Exam
That's ridiculous! Many exisiting hams couldn't pass it!

Brian Denley
"V.E.C." wrote in message


(Simplified test approved by all book and magazine publi$her$ and
VE whorehou$e$ who $ay "We need more ham$")

Please PRINT (that means no squiggly lines)

Steve Stone July 31st 06 04:21 AM

CW to be used in Beruit as only means of communication by Coast Guard
The Coast Guard reported today that they will only use CW in Beruit.
All other emissions will be ignored.

an_old_friend July 31st 06 04:26 AM


Steve Stone wrote:
The Coast Guard reported today that they will only use CW in Beruit.
All other emissions will be ignored.


Bill Turner July 31st 06 05:27 AM

New No-code HF Pro-Technology Exam

On Sun, 30 Jul 2006 19:40:22 GMT, (V.E.C.) wrote:

3. “HEADPHONES” are worn over the ___________.

A. Knees
B. Eyes
C. Toes
D. Ears
E. Lips

------------ REPLY SEPARATOR ------------

Damn! Failed number 3. My headphones are always in a drawer but that
wasn't one of the choices.

My toephones, on the other hand are right where they are supposed to

Bill, W6WRT
whose spell checker choked on that one for some reason

jawod July 31st 06 05:28 AM

CW to be used in Beruit as only means of communication by CoastGuard
Steve Stone wrote:
The Coast Guard reported today that they will only use CW in Beruit.
All other emissions will be ignored.

Can you provide a source for this report?

[email protected] July 31st 06 05:55 AM

CW to be used in Beruit as only means of communication by Coast Guard
In Steve Stone wrote:
The Coast Guard reported today that they will only use CW in Beruit.
All other emissions will be ignored.

Who's Coast Guard would that be?

Jim Pennino

Remove .spam.sux to reply.

Ed July 31st 06 06:21 AM

CW to be used in Beruit as only means of communication by Coast Guard
wrote in :

In Steve Stone wrote:
The Coast Guard reported today that they will only use CW in Beruit.
All other emissions will be ignored.

Who's Coast Guard would that be?

US Coast Guard is involved in the evacuation of US citizens in Lebanon
at the Port in Beirut. However, I'd like to see the source of the above
claim about CW.


an_old_friend July 31st 06 07:03 AM

CW to be used in Beruit as only means of communication by Coast Guard

Ed wrote:
wrote in :

In Steve Stone wrote:
The Coast Guard reported today that they will only use CW in Beruit.
All other emissions will be ignored.

Who's Coast Guard would that be?

US Coast Guard is involved in the evacuation of US citizens in Lebanon
at the Port in Beirut. However, I'd like to see the source of the above
claim about CW.

given the poster is all but an annnymouse the source is likely out
thier ass


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