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Cease and desist breathing, child raping pervert Mark Morgan - Mark, Just ignore them.
"Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote in
ups.com: and old frieindless cocksucker wrote: STFU, whiner. Mark, Just ignore them. They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up. Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look more stupid. Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your moon bounce some more. SC |
Cease and desist your breathing, Marqueer! - Mark, Just ignore them.
Cease and desist breathing, child raping pervert Mark Morgan
Hail Eris! On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 05:33:19 -0700, Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
and old frieindless cocksucker wrote: STFU, whiner. Lame troll. 0/10. -- __________________________________________________ ______________________ All Hail Discordia! Flonk Leader #2 & #11 1/9; mhm 29 x 21 The Discordian People's Most Powerful and Revered Being (without portfolio) Economic Left/Right: -7.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.38 Real email should go to gmail.com, otherwise the same as above. Quotable quotes: "Three OS's from corporate-kings in their towers of glass, Seven from valley-lords where orchards used to grow, Nine from dotcoms doomed to die, One from the Dark Lord Gates on his dark throne In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie. One OS to rule them all, One OS to find them, One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie."' "Covert ace nudists in the Vatican!" "Real men eat me." "Any priest or shaman must be presumed guilty until proved innocent." -- Lazarus Long "Laws count, the US Constitution count more, and we need to have judges on the bench who are going to Carry Out those laws, not Make Law or Interpret Law." -- John "Easily" Shocked contradicts his own words on the overriding importance of society's reluctance to accept homosexuality, in Message-ID: brIDe.67062$Qo.12613@fed1read01 "Heterosexuality is not *normal*, it's just more /common/." "For the most part, morality is universal." -- John "Easily" Shocked "Gay, straight, they all want blow jobs." "Bad stories are bad stories. We just call them as they are." -- DBurns demonstrates his sheer cluelessness on Mar 9, 2002, at 6:25 pm, in rec.arts.drwho "Oh, and Snarky, if you're listening: **** you, Asshole! Enjoy the few remaining days of your internet access." Kooky troll John Long gets delusional, in Message-ID: A sad little top-poster with the nym of "Choirboy" once lamed: Well, gee, coming from an asshole like *you* ... ESAD, ya 'ho bitch. Please to be posting proof, you facile fridgemagnet. -- replied the Aussie rapier, aka fnord/Affinity, in a now-lost message "I have a dream...that one day the whole world will know the joy of my nipples!" -- Stimpy "The meek shall inherit the earth -- 2' x ~6' x 6' of it." "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for these U-nited States!" -- an unknown politician, in a senate floor debate over bilingual education.) "The policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder" -- Mayor Richard Daley of Czechago, September 23, 1968 "Moral: it's not a plot hole if two eyes and two brain cells can solve it." -- Keith Goodnight, in atbvs, on NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 16:46:02 EDT "Kung fu's useful!" "Bernadette, you ignorant oaf. Bernadette, you brainless dullard. Bernadette, you feeble-minded wag. Bernadette, you blathering baboon. Bernadette, you babbling boor. Bernadette, you depraved dolt. Bernadette, you stinking slimeball. Bernadette, you yammering yak. Bernadette, you lily-livered lush. Bernadette, you hard-hearted hulk." -- Mother Be Strange gets very hard on herself, in MID: "[Lurlean] would never dream of sleeping with a dog. The Bible's against it. You don't seem to care what the Bible says, so she thought maybe you gave that a try too -- in addition to sucking on Steve, letting him play with your butt, and having seven different lesbian lovers in our bed." -- Sistah Moonshine shocks a.p.h. with the revelation that she got it off with "Romaine Brooks", in a now-vanished message "I should have known my boss was evil when he called my jumping onto my chair to praise the Lord out loud 'inappropriate behavior.'" -- Sistah Moonshine: Oppressed Christian, in another vanished message "I made a pact with the devil." -- Sistah Moonshine, from her dream diary "'drink that hooch,' they would say, 'and then smoke that joint. Bury your head in that strange woman's crotch and bring her to a thunderous climax with your tongue, then tell her no man could ever give her that much pleasure in a thousand years. Tell her to leave her husband and become a lesbian. Drip hot wax on that pervert's nutty buddies and then charge him extra for the privilege.'" -- Sistah Moonshine is now working on an erotic epic to outmatch Anne Rice. "Roe V Wade has zero bearing on my existence other than it affects it adversely." -- Johnny Wentzky never had much truck with "logic". "You are the GOD-DAMNED, IGNORANT LIAR here. Now, that is not me taking the Lord's name in vain." -- John Wentzky: Living proof of the Death of Irony, in Message-ID: "Stupidity excuses nothing. It's only a reason...." -- Phxbrd "The whining has just begun." -- John Wentzky "It's not nice to misrepresent Mother Nature." "Gay men deserve to die." -- John Wentzky Joseph Bartlo wrote: A big mean meanie and heavyweight kookologist responding to my text and making me look like a colossal idiot. No more whinges to this mean person who keeps pounding my ass into the ground - you go on the lits of people who have trounced me. The state I left that group was embarassing to me. There were too many posts to follow them all, and I know a lot of people were saying mean things about me - but a few sucked up. So it was best at that point rather than to browse all the crap to simply make a standard post telling people a lot of bull**** I'd just made up. I did that on many other groups, but the war is only fought here. If anyone thinks I am the least bit kidding, consider how long this has been going, how little I have accomplished (i.e., how much the mean, mean kookologists have changed everything), and that I have a lot of goats to blow. -- in MID: "America is supposed to be the world's melting pot, so melt!!" -- from some BBS "There are no governors anywhere." "The personal _is_ political." "If humans decline to exercise faith, then an omnipotent God is impotent." -- Teresita, x-posted to APH "Gabrielle?! Monkey-man, you bring her back! You know, you two are beginning to irritate me with these obsessions of yours! Fish don't just catch themselves!" -- Xena, "Fins, Femmes, & Gems" (64/318) "I don't think so because, I'm a whole lot smarter and far less bigoted than the average Jew, although smart Jews as having collaborated with your Skull and Bones Third Reich certainly have more of those in-your-face balls than I'd ever have to work with." -- Guthball drools all over my irony meter, in MID: lgate.org "This bandwidth has been rescued from AOL." -- mimus No-one expects the Fannish Inquisition! |
Cease and desist breathi9ng, Morkie! - Mark, Just ignore them.
Hail Eris! On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 23:20:34 +0000, Slow Code wrote:
"Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote: an old fraud wrote: Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote: an old fraud wrote: cease and desist Tell us how you talked to unlicensed stations again, Markie. when did I do that ever? It's in your post archives, stupid. I am sure the staion was licensed just not with the calls you used I didn't contact you, stupid. You claimed you made all these contacts and you lied. Just like with everything else you claim. Mark, Just ignore them. They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up. Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look more stupid. Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your moon bounce some more. Spammer. -- __________________________________________________ ______________________ All Hail Discordia! Flonk Leader #2 & #11 1/9; mhm 29 x 21 The Discordian People's Most Powerful and Revered Being (without portfolio) Economic Left/Right: -7.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.38 Real email should go to gmail.com, otherwise the same as above. Quotable quotes: "Three OS's from corporate-kings in their towers of glass, Seven from valley-lords where orchards used to grow, Nine from dotcoms doomed to die, One from the Dark Lord Gates on his dark throne In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie. One OS to rule them all, One OS to find them, One OS to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, In the Land of Redmond where the Shadows lie."' "Covert ace nudists in the Vatican!" "Real men eat me." "Any priest or shaman must be presumed guilty until proved innocent." -- Lazarus Long "Laws count, the US Constitution count more, and we need to have judges on the bench who are going to Carry Out those laws, not Make Law or Interpret Law." -- John "Easily" Shocked contradicts his own words on the overriding importance of society's reluctance to accept homosexuality, in Message-ID: brIDe.67062$Qo.12613@fed1read01 "Heterosexuality is not *normal*, it's just more /common/." "For the most part, morality is universal." -- John "Easily" Shocked "Gay, straight, they all want blow jobs." "Bad stories are bad stories. We just call them as they are." -- DBurns demonstrates his sheer cluelessness on Mar 9, 2002, at 6:25 pm, in rec.arts.drwho "Oh, and Snarky, if you're listening: **** you, Asshole! Enjoy the few remaining days of your internet access." Kooky troll John Long gets delusional, in Message-ID: A sad little top-poster with the nym of "Choirboy" once lamed: Well, gee, coming from an asshole like *you* ... ESAD, ya 'ho bitch. Please to be posting proof, you facile fridgemagnet. -- replied the Aussie rapier, aka fnord/Affinity, in a now-lost message "I have a dream...that one day the whole world will know the joy of my nipples!" -- Stimpy "The meek shall inherit the earth -- 2' x ~6' x 6' of it." "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for these U-nited States!" -- an unknown politician, in a senate floor debate over bilingual education.) "The policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder" -- Mayor Richard Daley of Czechago, September 23, 1968 "Moral: it's not a plot hole if two eyes and two brain cells can solve it." -- Keith Goodnight, in atbvs, on NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2002 16:46:02 EDT "Kung fu's useful!" "Bernadette, you ignorant oaf. Bernadette, you brainless dullard. Bernadette, you feeble-minded wag. Bernadette, you blathering baboon. Bernadette, you babbling boor. Bernadette, you depraved dolt. Bernadette, you stinking slimeball. Bernadette, you yammering yak. Bernadette, you lily-livered lush. Bernadette, you hard-hearted hulk." -- Mother Be Strange gets very hard on herself, in MID: "[Lurlean] would never dream of sleeping with a dog. The Bible's against it. You don't seem to care what the Bible says, so she thought maybe you gave that a try too -- in addition to sucking on Steve, letting him play with your butt, and having seven different lesbian lovers in our bed." -- Sistah Moonshine shocks a.p.h. with the revelation that she got it off with "Romaine Brooks", in a now-vanished message "I should have known my boss was evil when he called my jumping onto my chair to praise the Lord out loud 'inappropriate behavior.'" -- Sistah Moonshine: Oppressed Christian, in another vanished message "I made a pact with the devil." -- Sistah Moonshine, from her dream diary "'drink that hooch,' they would say, 'and then smoke that joint. Bury your head in that strange woman's crotch and bring her to a thunderous climax with your tongue, then tell her no man could ever give her that much pleasure in a thousand years. Tell her to leave her husband and become a lesbian. Drip hot wax on that pervert's nutty buddies and then charge him extra for the privilege.'" -- Sistah Moonshine is now working on an erotic epic to outmatch Anne Rice. "Roe V Wade has zero bearing on my existence other than it affects it adversely." -- Johnny Wentzky never had much truck with "logic". "You are the GOD-DAMNED, IGNORANT LIAR here. Now, that is not me taking the Lord's name in vain." -- John Wentzky: Living proof of the Death of Irony, in Message-ID: "Stupidity excuses nothing. It's only a reason...." -- Phxbrd "The whining has just begun." -- John Wentzky "It's not nice to misrepresent Mother Nature." "Gay men deserve to die." -- John Wentzky Joseph Bartlo wrote: A big mean meanie and heavyweight kookologist responding to my text and making me look like a colossal idiot. No more whinges to this mean person who keeps pounding my ass into the ground - you go on the lits of people who have trounced me. The state I left that group was embarassing to me. There were too many posts to follow them all, and I know a lot of people were saying mean things about me - but a few sucked up. So it was best at that point rather than to browse all the crap to simply make a standard post telling people a lot of bull**** I'd just made up. I did that on many other groups, but the war is only fought here. If anyone thinks I am the least bit kidding, consider how long this has been going, how little I have accomplished (i.e., how much the mean, mean kookologists have changed everything), and that I have a lot of goats to blow. -- in MID: "America is supposed to be the world's melting pot, so melt!!" -- from some BBS "There are no governors anywhere." "The personal _is_ political." "If humans decline to exercise faith, then an omnipotent God is impotent." -- Teresita, x-posted to APH "Gabrielle?! Monkey-man, you bring her back! You know, you two are beginning to irritate me with these obsessions of yours! Fish don't just catch themselves!" -- Xena, "Fins, Femmes, & Gems" (64/318) "I don't think so because, I'm a whole lot smarter and far less bigoted than the average Jew, although smart Jews as having collaborated with your Skull and Bones Third Reich certainly have more of those in-your-face balls than I'd ever have to work with." -- Guthball drools all over my irony meter, in MID: lgate.org "This bandwidth has been rescued from AOL." -- mimus No-one expects the Fannish Inquisition! |
Cease and desist breathi9ng, Morkie! - Mark, Just ignore them.
Lola Stonewall Riot wrote: Hail Eris! On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 23:20:34 +0000, Slow Code wrote: "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote: an old fraud wrote: Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote: an old fraud wrote: cease and desist Tell us how you talked to unlicensed stations again, Markie. when did I do that ever? It's in your post archives, stupid. I am sure the staion was licensed just not with the calls you used I didn't contact you, stupid. You claimed you made all these contacts and you lied. Just like with everything else you claim. Mark, Just ignore them. They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up. Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look more stupid. Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your moon bounce some more. Spammer. indeed that may be Robeson it is certainly one of his friends the way they defend each other from even the slighest attack |
Cease and desist your whining!
an old fraud wrote: FreeSpeechStore wrote: On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:20:13 -0400, Mark wrote: On 15 Aug 2006 05:54:58 -0700, "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote: cease and desist your harrassment http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com/ Cease and desist your whining. no fool I will enage in behavoir that merely feeds the fire nor will take the course of surrender I seek another path Yeah, you want to spam the internet! No go make more fake EME contacts and lie about it. |
Cease and desist breathing, Morkie! - Mark, Just put a loaded shotgun to your mouth and pull the trigger
an old freindless cocksucker wrote: Lola Stonewall Riot wrote: Hail Eris! On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 23:20:34 +0000, Slow Code wrote: "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote: an old fraud wrote: Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote: an old fraud wrote: cease and desist Tell us how you talked to unlicensed stations again, Markie. when did I do that ever? It's in your post archives, stupid. I am sure the staion was licensed just not with the calls you used I didn't contact you, stupid. You claimed you made all these contacts and you lied. Just like with everything else you claim. Mark, Just ignore them. They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up. Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look more stupid. Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your moon bounce some more. Markie just makes fake EME contacts and lies about it. The only real moonbounce he does is to sodomize his bedridden daddy. Spammer. indeed that may be Robeson it is certainly one of his friends the way they defend each other from even the slighest attack Poor Markie, he has no friends, now go clean up that filthy trash filled yard. |
cease and desist your harrassment
Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote: ..cease and desist your harrassment |
Cease and desist your whining!
Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:
an old fraud wrote: FreeSpeechStore wrote: On Tue, 15 Aug 2006 10:20:13 -0400, Mark wrote: On 15 Aug 2006 05:54:58 -0700, "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote: cease and desist your harrassment http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com/ Cease and desist your whining. no fool I will enage in behavoir that merely feeds the fire nor will take the course of surrender I seek another path Yeah, you want to spam the internet! Wants to? He'd doing a pretty good job of spamming. You are not only a troll and a spammer, you're an expert in the posting of filth! No go make more fake EME contacts and lie about it. You alluded to some experience with moonbounce, Rog. I'm waiting for some details. Tell us what you know about it. Dave K8MN |
Cease and desist breathing, Morkie! - Mark, Just put a loadedshotgun to your mouth and pull the trigger
Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, posing as "Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote:
Markie just makes fake EME contacts and lies about it. The only real moonbounce he does is to sodomize his bedridden daddy. What's your primary defect, Rog? Were you abused as a child or was it the rejection by your birth mother? Poor Markie, he has no friends, now go clean up that filthy trash filled yard. Can you provide us the name of your only friend, Rog? Are you helping him clean up his yard? Stick with it. The old fellow up the road may be able to help you in breaking the cycle of sociopathy. While I understand that anything you post is deserving of posting to alt.usenet.kooks, I've taken the liberty of removing it and the other superfluous groups as addressees. Dave K8MN |
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