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![]() an old freind wrote: K4YZ wrote: 666 wrote: I see. When it is correctly pointed out to you that your intellectual superiors consider your blatherings to be a waste of oxygen, you attack he messenger rather than the facts presented. when you falsely claim I have intelectual superoirs in posting in the NG you cease to be a messenger and become a libeler, let alone go on about wasting O2 What false claim, Morkie? You DO have "intelectual superoirs" in this newsgroup. no evidencde of that Maj Robeson Who's "Maj" Robeson, and yes, Morkie...there's "evidence" in just about every post that responds to one of yours. Mostly they are the one's who spell it "intellectual superiors", which is the correct spelling. which hardly makes them my intelectual superiors Maj Who's "Maj"...?!?!...And yes, Morkie...Using the English language CORRECTLY makes them intellectually superior to you. Had you attended even ONE of the college programs you allege (or even graduated a decent high school program), you'd know that. more libel robeson Nope. More truth, Morkie. Prove that there are those of us who are NOT your intellectual superior. By which yardstick are you going to measure or determine this? By the very simple fact that we post correctly, use good grammar and don't splatter our posts with misspelled words is example enough. ... thee are those that consider my efforts a waste. I would conceed that they ight have point if the facts were clearly to the contary you presented no facts you just repeat more libel ... I repeated nothing. I made a statement based upon my observations. There is no libel involved. Morkie couldn't observe a nuclear explosion if he lived on Bikini Atoll. you got one right by accident if I were there I'd have been blinded most likely YOU would be blinded because you'd bee too stupid to be using the proper eye protection, Mork. That's why you're known as Mork. here are some facts Fact: I set out to stop what has been K4YZ multi year effort to libel everyone he is seriously oposed to. I have achived that goal. ... Fact: You "saw" Steve in post after post that were not his. You falsely accused Steve of making anon posts when he, in fact, did no such thing when you yourself were accused of the same. How many email addresses and sock puppets do you need? Steve has one...his REAL name and callsign. To be completely fair, I have three addy's in this forum, but you are absolutely correct that they are my real name and call sign. you have more than that under your own name your lack of ownership of others is one of your unproven assertion There's no assertion of mine to prove, Mork. And each of the addys I use specifically and accurately identify ME...Not some false entity. No derivisions of dead childrens memories or make believe "Upper Penninsula Army" ideations. all of my ids easily to trace to MY name or call if you look the Upperpenarmyguy address at yaho you get MY name "Upperpenarmyguy" does NOT say "Mark Morgan" or "KB9RQZ". It suggests that you belong to some rump militia. Fact: I decided to resist the effort of many folks to use an accusation of Homosexaulity as weapon in these NG's. I have not been entirely succesfull to date OTOH most posters have come to the point of noting "so what?" (or words to that effect) in response to such efforts, thus I am satfied with the results ... The accusations you refer to were mostly posts made by Wiseman in his attempt to anger you after your forty to fifty posts per day. Wiseman is no intellectual giant but you went way past the typical boundaries and even went so far as to follow Wiseman to the Nim Busters boards where you further antagonized him. Last I heard, Mark, the Admin banned you from the Nim Boards and to be banned from that group of misfits takes some bit of doing. Well, Morkie is nothing if not ignorable...As he should be. first to 666 not banned from Nimbusters unless it happened after you posted your note yesterday npe not even just logged to check Not under THAT name he's not. As for his gender-bending rants, he's been told over and over that if he'd stop making an issue of it and stop responding to it, it WOULD eventually stop. you also said if I apoligized for lying my rank you would apologize to me as I felt I deserved (or words to that effect) I did you did not You've never retracted your behaviour for that, Mork. You continue to lie about it. You continue to lie about being a Veteran. However he keeps throwing more-and-more fuel on that fire, and the results are predictable. funny the fire has almost died and likely would if you would stop throwing wood on the fire In respondning but not responding I am not entertaining enough for Wisemn to do your dirty work No, YOU are the one throwing stuff on fires, Mork. I only put in a handful of posts over three weeks, yet there YOU are with 40-50 a DAY if not MORE! Fact:in resisting the effort of various folks to label tech and NoCoders as incapple Ham I believe the way such trolls as "slow code" and Al klein quiting the feild have shown that my point is made. ... This is a moot point. If you were so easily offended by comments aimed toward No-Coders, the problem is yours. Had you any intellect you would have ignored the posts, but you couldn't leave well-enough alone. You just HAD to stick your nose in. There's not one ounce of ink spent in any of the "legitimate" media that even remotely supports Morkie's contentions, and none of it here. HUH? An answer I'd expect you to say, Morkie. English comprehension is not one of your greater skills. However he takes any reference to himself, by virtue of the fact that he does only hold the Technician-class license, as part of this imaginary, rediculous crusade that he refers to. you just haven't reading the NG or are lying or both Just more proof of his delusionla character as far as I am concerned. "delsionla" Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Morkie caught one of my 1/10,000 typos. Of course Morkie is still running about 1 in 10! Fact: in persuing justice for all (even Wismen as I try to restrain those tat feel the need to enhance his records of sin further) I have prefromed a Mitvah ... Fact: You are not "persuing" justice for all. You are taking every opportunity to spam, irritate, and inject inane comments where none are due. You have performed nothing other than flooding the newsgroups with one-liners that make little to no sense. Lately Morkie has taken to "granting forgiveness"...A god-complex if I ever saw one. to 666 I am persuing justice indeed MY ENTIRE carrer in RRAP is one long persuit of JUSTICE. I referr you that Peom t"they came for the JEWs and I was not a jew .. something like that More incomprehendable gibberish, Mork. Slow down...Use English...Use a spell checker! And get rid of that "superhero" complex of yours! You are NOT "persuing" justice for anyone...You're mending your own bruised ego, nothing else! coment to do are due in opposition to hate and paranoia and bigtry where ever I find them Yep...Typos running right at 1 in 10. the only type I am not trying to is the sick anti Islamic stuff (simply too much of it for me it saddens me to have have let that go but it is a wind no tree can stand in) I think that meant something...But not in English. the effectiveness of the prusuit is another matter Robeson I am big enough secure enough in MY ego to forgive even you although It would be nice if you did not pussh that quaility of mine so much No...You're falling prey to a "god complex" that's complicated by your "superhero" psyche. It is in the power of Every MAN (or woman) to grant forgiveness that you seem to think it is reservsed solely for God shows several things one that you are an Unforigiving bully Neither unforgiving nor a bully, Mork. I just don't let yo get away with your deceit and dishonesty. Sorry. 2 delsuional "delsuional"..... Yes, Morkie...You ARE "DELUSIONAL". Between that and his suggestions that he's "persuing justice for all", I'd say he's got a real bad Super-Hero-Wannabe complex that needs to be dealt with. ah yes Maj small minded Robsen I do persue justice for all as should you if you were Christian as you imply Who's "Maj"...?!?! I preform my Duty as Human being to do what I can in that effort You are not "preform(ing)" any "duty" here, Mork. Those efforts are of course limited by my status as a Mortal They are also limited by your functioanl illiteracy and poor moral fiber, Mork. You can't brag about teaching lying to children then claim you're "persuing justice". The price I have paid for this is what? Making it more obvious (not that it was ever a secert) that I suffer from dyslexia and aphasia which make my words esp with typed with passion (or boredom as is often the case in hauling out Wisemen trash) an adventureto say the least to read. For you I supose this would be mortifing to me it is indeed something I had to get used too by the 3rd or 4th grade Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....More "I Am A Victim" whining. "Getting used to" being an idiot was what your parents and teachers did to you, Mork. For you it's just a learned characteristic. more libel Nope. Absolute fact. Dyslexia is treatable. according to Tom Cruise yes it is According to the American Medical Association it is. The same organization you try to hide your perversions behind, Morkie. Using a spellchecker is the first step in this media. Robeson you don't get someone to use a spelchecker by thretaening to kill them or calling them child molestor or.... I've never threatened to kill you, and the allegations of your improprieties with underaged persons was not mine...it was anothers. You know this but refuse to do it. That makes you an idiot. I refuse to submit to terrism steve your this 666 guy wisemen anybody What's "terrism", Mork? That, Mark, is an excuse. There are many of your peers who have overcome what you claim to be an affliction. You could do likewise, were you not so lazy. I have no pity for you or your excuses. Hear, hear. Tom Cruise has openly spoke of his own dyslexia and the chalenges it imposed, but HE took the steps to overcome it. again with Tom ruise the DR He doesn't need a doctorate to witness to the fact that he overcame dyslexia. Morkie can't step over a pile of dog doo. more libel Nope. Truth. you may make of my typos all you like it hardly bothers me (msotly it bothers me when the mispeeling at point near the heart of the peice of writing is seized upon to avoid the point itself but even that makes my oint in many cases ... If my "corrections" regarding your poor spelling didn't bother you, you would have not made the above comment. If you want to make a point, and make it intelligently, then take the time to do it correctly. Your compositions are akin to those that a second-grader would create. You can hardly expect your "points" to be taken seriously when you cannot present them in a format that the majority of us can understand. You are at fault here, Mark. Not the rest of us who speak English. Forget common sense, "666"...That's as foreign to Morkie as English is. more libel Where? you are a cowwrd and clearly without honor This from the guy who spent more than a year insisting that he was a Colonel in the United States Army, who uses the memory of dead children to fight his newsgroup battles, and continues to use deceit and dishonor as tools of those "fights". I never use Dishonnor but even you have conceeded the proper use of Tactical deceit "Tactical deceit" in the execution of warfare under orders of the Commander-in-Chief is one thing, Morkie...Your brand of boldfaced lying is another. Was that supposed to cut to the core of my being? Upset me? Send me crying? To the contrary, Mark, your words, misspelled as they are, are meaningless. As I've said in the past, I look at you as a bouncy-ball toy to be slapped around much as a cat would do with a mouse. You are entertainment, Mark. A diversion. A nonentity. I respond to you for two reasons. First, I am bored. Secondly, you are so easy to bounce around that I find you mildly amusing and a soft target to boot. He does provide so much material to work with. Now let me see how you will twist this. Did I "libbel" you by referring to you as a soft target? Did I comport myself as being the Antichrist by using "666"? It will be interesting to see how you will surely misinterpret my commentary. I am sure he does, considering his recent propensity for granting "forgiveness". Lecture me not about honor, Mark. You, of all people, know not the meaning of the word. from a "amn hiding behind the name of the "antichrist" What? Hear, Hear! the man cheers on the "antichrist" Nope. I cheer on the guy who made some very sound, very accurate assessments of your stupidity and cowardice. Steve, K4YZ |
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