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![]() an old freind continues to try and deceive himself in public.: K4YZ wrote: an old friend wrote: " Mark blatantly lies again, nope you just like to say that" No...You just make it easy to do. no you just like to say I lie I don't LIKE to say it, Mork. But you just keep on doing it then cry foul when you get called for it. but you are the one that lies you blatant lies about Moonbounce being impossible from here I didn't say moonbounce was impossible from there, Mork. I said the moon has not been in the right place for the contacts you're alleging. Not Lloyd wrote: Harken back a few months, Mark. It was Roger who made the post threatening to send your posts to your father-in-law. You even asked him why he'd want to do that to an elderly man. Robeson did so as well...(SNIP) Nope...Get it right, Morkie. . I did you are trying to alter the past I said WHAT WOULD YOUR "IN-LAWS" think of you. you posted this fter you posted the names and addresses of various memeber of the Hojnacki Clan aas well those of people unreleated to these hojnackis as far as we knew you did shortly after I anounced my wifes license as I recall Blatant lies that you can't provide a single copy of a post of, Morkie. Mark C. Morgan is lying. Period and end. It was a question. what it was was failed blackmail Nope. YOU accuse everyone else of "paranoia", yet you're steeped deep in it! no YOU lie and don't even keep them straight Nope. YOU are. YOU were the one bragging about your in-laws in Wisconsin. It's YOUR stupidity that gave them to Wiseman. then Wismen picked it up as he was intended by Robeson Nope. ye sexactly you itnded it to be picked nd used by wisemen or someone else, anyone as long as it was going to be used to attack me YOU put the information out there, fatboy. YOU are responsible. YOU provided your in-laws name and general geographical area, Morkie, and have been trying to blame everyone else EXCEPT yourself for the invasion of THIER privacy. you posted the addresses of several of them I pointed outthe corret for reason of my own Nope. Not a one of them. And YOU can't provide a single post that I allegedly made that proves it...because it doesn't exist. I was concerned you might call My wife uncle whoose address you also listed and frankly I would not him getting into trouble should he react Obviously not concerned enought to have not given the information in the first place. ...Badly to such a lie being told about hs niece What's bad is your constant subjecting of your "beloved" spouse to the onslaught of humiliation that being your spouse brings with it, fatboy. I also don't recall refering to Mr Hojnacki as elderly but perhaps you are right Well...Lessee...You're 40-something, so I assume your "wife" is in the same age bracket plus/minus 5 years. That would put your alleged father-in-law in his 60's... but you are wrong about my wife's age Oh well...I can't be THAT far off. Ed is about 66 but I don't esp consdier that elderly in most cases But YOU have refered to him as "elderly":, Mork...So what's your story THIS time? There were no "confederates", merely Wiseman getting under your thin skin. Again, as you often do, you have either forgotten the facts or, more likely, are lying to suit your own purposes. no you and Robeson are hopping that time has concealed YOUR distortions of the fact No...YOU are trying desperately to cover up the fact that YOUR fat fingers disclsoed your alleged in-laws location. no I am stating facts you and you ally did so by slowing teasing data out of me with lies implied threat and interent searches that you and your ally published No one "teased data" out of you, Mork. You were stupid all on your own. I simply choose to take advantage of the state of affairs A man who loved his family wouldn't "take advantage" of them in this forum for "newsgroup points". My fatherinlaw also wishes his donly daughter not be called Male when he knows full well she is female I am sure the surgery went well. does not alter the fact you can verify my wife gender anytime you can Ed at home Picture. Sign. USA Today. Accept no alternatives. In short, Mark, you are a liar. A bold-faced, underhanded liar. How about telling the truth once in a while? Not that you can.... Wisemen and Robeson have been working together for months almost a year now Nope. sure you have that another lie you just told Nope. But YOU keep trying to make a story out of it. We just share the same opinion of your assinine, failed efforts to cover up your own culpability in disclosing your alleged in-laws domicile. and I never saw wismen even accuse me doing anything wrong in revaeling thing about my fatherinlaw you are now lying about the opinion of your confederate (unless you are making stuff up again) No one except YOU is "making stuff up again", Mork. and you are both enaged in the same CRIMINAL end that makes you conspirators under the law Neither of us are "criminals" nor are we "conspirators", Morkie. Robeson make the intail lie and Wismen the manaic pick it up and Wismen is being used by Robeson wether Wismen knows or not No...MORGAN made the initial mistake of declaring where his alleged spouse hailed from and that there was still family residing there. why should I not? Because a caring and prudent man wouldn't give out such personal family information in THIS flamefest. Which of course you AREN'T, so that answers that. you ut out the addess I was concerned you might follow them up in ways I did not want YOURs was the agressive action I was just trying to make the best of it Which is to say you were selfish and uncaring. But we knew that. Of Course since Wismen seems to enjoy trashing Newsgruops he likely does not mind He doesn't seem to enjoy it any more than YOU do, Morkie. BULL#### he loves and I don't trash the ngs you and he do Nope. Add up the posts, Morkie. It's all about you, fatboy...It's all about you! the fact remains Robeson can verify the Claim my wife is female ANYTIME he wants he KNOWS it and refuses Knows WHAT...?!?! use english you know you can verfiy it ithat was the subject of the sentce abve that USE your aleged knowledge of ENGLISH I do use and understand English, Morkie. You're the putz with the comprehension issues. No one, least of all me, is falling for your ruse. That I can call a screened, call-forwarded number to your sockpuppet? more libel No libel at all. the plan is for you to call and he snags YOUR number of his call waiting but in the barrgain he answer a few questions about my wife and get the pleasure of telling YOU what he thinks of you I doubt it, Morkie. Not after I send him some of YOUR posts...Including the ones where you obviously endanger HIS "daughter's" health and welfare with your deviant behaviour and use HIS personal information to YOUR gain in a flamefest newsgroup. I'm not that gullible, fatboy! no you just refuse to face the facts I face them very well. You're a liar. That's established. You got caught in yet another one. That's a fact too. He and his confederates publish my father in law's person info weeks ago...(SNIP) No...YOU provided the information, fatboy. I merely confirmed one of the addresses YOU posted Why do you keep demonstrating that you're a liar AND an idiot, Mork? Google archives refer. (UNSNIP)...so no further intrution realy occours by my republishing it...(SNIP) So since YOU have now comprimised your alleged extended family's privacy it's OK for YOU to CONTINUE to abuse it...?!?! you compromised it firt and besides THEY are MY relitives not yours They are obviously "relitives" that you don't care about, otherwise you wouldn't take advantage of them like that. If you were in MY extended family, you'd never see the inside of MY home. if I found you were in my extended family I would comitt suicide at once Don't tease me, fatboy. but you lack the right to speak for the Hojnackis So do you. But you do it anyway. and yet that refference gives Robeson the ability to verify my story after all he truned up the addres his confederate turned up the number to go with so why should thye not trust it. Caller ID. well you saw that one finaly Nope. I saw it from the git-go. Call Forwarding. why bother Good question, but then you've never had any sound answers to anything anyway. Sock Puppet. your ally and yourself did the research Nope. YOU did. Idiot. No deal. coward you are Nope. Steve, K4YZ |
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