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-   -   Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages (

an old friend August 8th 06 05:19 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages
Dear Mr. Robeson,

Thank-you for your e-mail of 01 August 2006

In reference to your inquiry, no such unit "HMC 47 CSB
(PROVISIONAL)" has ever been located at Ft Sill. Furthermore I find no

reference to any "214 FA BRIGADE" at Ft Sill or any other US Army

I hope this answers your questions.

the above is quote from steve recent post

he said he was going to write and try to comfrim my service in HMC 47th
CSB (provisional) then part of 214th FA 3 copr art Ft Sill ok

I knew he would not confrim the current location of the 47 csb at sill
indeed the unit I believe has been reorgaized out of existance although
the paerent unit of the formation the 47 th Feild Hospital likely
remerges from this I have heard they may be a irag but I frankly don't
know or realy much care

I did not expect steve to dare say the 214th does not exist (it does )

but I welcome it as it serves as proof that Robeson has lied us and
therfore the claims I and other have made about his veracity ( or
rather the lack there of)

inthat post the Major Of Cap has choosen to fake a comincation from the
US Army it itself. inded after this how can anything he has claimed
about any DoD matter be trusted

It would seem that Robeson admits defeat for the monet by quiting the
feild here in USENET but he will most like be back after he thinks his
misdeeds are forgotten

Not Cocksucker Lloyd August 8th 06 09:46 PM

Markie backpedals now that his Army service lie is exposed like his EME "contacts"

an old fraud wrote:
Dear Mr. Robeson,

Thank-you for your e-mail of 01 August 2006

In reference to your inquiry, no such unit "HMC 47 CSB
(PROVISIONAL)" has ever been located at Ft Sill. Furthermore I find no

reference to any "214 FA BRIGADE" at Ft Sill or any other US Army

I hope this answers your questions.

the above is quote from steve recent post

he said he was going to write and try to comfrim my service in HMC 47th
CSB (provisional) then part of 214th FA 3 copr art Ft Sill ok

I knew he would not confrim the current location of the 47 csb at sill
indeed the unit I believe has been reorgaized out of existance although
the paerent unit of the formation the 47 th Feild Hospital likely
remerges from this I have heard they may be a irag but I frankly don't
know or realy much care

I did not expect steve to dare say the 214th does not exist (it does )

but I welcome it as it serves as proof that Robeson has lied us and
therfore the claims I and other have made about his veracity ( or
rather the lack there of)

inthat post the Major Of Cap has choosen to fake a comincation from the
US Army it itself. inded after this how can anything he has claimed
about any DoD matter be trusted

It would seem that Robeson admits defeat for the monet by quiting the
feild here in USENET but he will most like be back after he thinks his
misdeeds are forgotten

Poor Markie, his lies about his Army "service" are exposed like his
fake EME contacts.

How did that three way sex session go with your shemale wife and your
old dying daddy go last night?

[email protected] August 8th 06 10:49 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages
From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

Dear Mr. Robeson,

Thank-you for your e-mail of 01 August 2006

In reference to your inquiry, no such unit "HMC 47 CSB
(PROVISIONAL)" has ever been located at Ft Sill. Furthermore I find no
reference to any "214 FA BRIGADE" at Ft Sill or any other US Army

I hope this answers your questions.


the above is quote from steve recent post

he said he was going to write and try to comfrim my service in HMC 47th
CSB (provisional) then part of 214th FA 3 copr art Ft Sill ok

I knew he would not confrim the current location of the 47 csb at sill
indeed the unit I believe has been reorgaized out of existance although
the paerent unit of the formation the 47 th Feild Hospital likely
remerges from this I have heard they may be a irag but I frankly don't
know or realy much care

I did not expect steve to dare say the 214th does not exist (it does )

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an

2. The respondent ("William C Anders Jr") is not identified
by position or rank and it is NOT written all-capitals
in any signature. Note: Even civilian employees of the
United States military have a position title which is used
for all correspondence.

3. If a military unit is mentioned, it is protocol (format)
for a unit to be spelled out for the first mention, then
abbreviated. This is for clarity in responding to non-
military correspondents (identifiable by headers in e-mail
when correspondence does not come over the military's

4. It is extremely easy to forge a third-party "message,"
then include it as part of a message in here. That is
NOT "proof" of anything.

5. Contrary to Major Dud's claims, United States Army units
do NOT always keep careful records of their history. The
entire United States military undergoes periodic changes
in structure and new units may be created out of old ones
while older units may be dissolved. Any "history" of a
unit depends on the commanding officers' assignment of
historian duties within that unit, NOT considered an
important/prime task in that unit's mission. Neither are
unit historians typically "in contact" with other units'

6. Probably the best place for old unit information of the
United States Army is the Army Center for Military History.
They have a website with some limitation on available
information for non-military/non-government research. They
have permanent quarters with considerably detailed written
and photographic records for research by authorized
historians. The United States Navy has a similar
organization, also with a website. A careful web-search
will turn up their URLs.

but I welcome it as it serves as proof that Robeson has lied us and
therfore the claims I and other have made about his veracity ( or
rather the lack there of)

Major Dud BLUFFS his way through his claims on here. He makes
claims of his own and tries to pass off those claims as "truth"
(perhaps because he WANTS his imaginings to be true). Witness:

1. Years of claiming to be an active-duty USMC member yet NO
evidence presented in ANY FORM of claimed 18 years service.
Not one single digitized copy of any official papers, not
one photograph of himself or anything else taken while in
that 18-year service.

2. He has repeatedly challenged "call the VA" to "verify" his
service. However, the Veteran's Administration is NOT the
place to verify that nor will they give out full information
on a past or current service member to just anyone making
an inquiry. The archives of all service members are kept in
the St. Louis National Archives Center and do send out copies
of individuals' records but ONLY to IDENTIFIED individuals
(or their identifiable kin). Copies require a small fee.

3. His claims of anything on QRZ.COM and his AOL home page
are made only by him and are NOT "checked" or "investigated
(for truth)" by either QRZ or AOL. Note that his biography
now has him as "CHOP" (presumably an abbreviation for Chief
Operator) of a second MARS station, whereas he had claimed
earlier on the newsgroup as being "Assistant Chief Operator"
on only one MARS station.

4. We have NO way of verifying that Major Dud is actually a
"Major" in the Tennessee Civilian Air Patrol. He has a
photograph of himself in a (somewhat used) flight suit
with embroidered rank identification (of Captain) on it.
He has not posted any CAP URL that has personnel listings
on it nor has he presented any digitized copy of any
CAP official records concerning him.

5. He once had a photograph of himself as a "First Lieutenant"
in the Tennessee STATE National Guard (not affiliated with
the federal national guard organization) as "communications
officer" of one "brigade" (less than battalion in size
according to the Tennessee State Guard's own website
information. That "career" was short-lived and there are
no records available of either his joining or his leaving.

6. His AOL home page has a link to a National Hang-Gliding
Association and he once claimed to do that. However, he
has never mentioned his glider, its make and model, nor
where he glides, nor anyone he claims to know. We get a
lot of INFERENCE but never any direct reference nor
evidence. I am acquainted with a few hang-gliding
enthusiasts here and they fly at only one location, have
lots of pictures of themselves and others gliding.

inthat post the Major Of Cap has choosen to fake a comincation from the
US Army it itself. inded after this how can anything he has claimed
about any DoD matter be trusted

Mark, we can't trust Major Dud in much of anything on news-
groups. If you recall, Brian Burke and myself took him to
task on the Department of Defense DIRECTIVE on the mission
and organization of the Military Affiliate Radio System.
Major Dud was unaware of that directive, refused to acknowledge
it (yet was downloadable from the DoD by anyone), and kept
claiming for the longest time that "amateurs directed MARS."
They don't. DoD directs MARS. Always has.

After YEARS of claims of active-duty USMC service in here we
haven't been presented with one shred of evidence from either
official or unoffical sources that he ever did what he said
was nor held the rank he claimed.

It would seem that Robeson admits defeat for the monet by quiting the
feild here in USENET but he will most like be back after he thinks his
misdeeds are forgotten

"Nevah hoppen, GI." :-) [old Japlish exclamation of the 50s]

Major Dud will NEVER admit defeat nor will he EVER acknowledge a
correction other than a typographical error. He is a BLUFFER and
bluffers will simply try to misdirect any callings-out on errors
or mistakes...or he will go into an emotional tirade of personal
insults directed at his accusers. If that doesn't work, he
MANUFACTURES "reasons" why his accusers do what they do (or
don't do). False "reasons" supported only by his imagination.

Major Dud lives in a world where IMAGE IS EVERYTHING...rank,
position, "official accreditation," activities of a macho
nature, but, especially, his wishful thinking. He is King in
that world and no one DARE dethrone him!

Major Dud WANTS ATTENTION. So much of the message content in
here involves him and his disputes with others that, before the
onslaught of the middle-school-mind filth-sayers, this news-
group was rife with it. Hardly anything about amateur radio
policy, just Major Dud and his "enemies" endlessly sparring,
egged-on (also endlessly) by Major Dud hisself.

Yes, it would be good if he simply went away. He won't in my
estimation. The Internet and Newsgroups are an excellent
vehicle for his bluffing, inferences of "greatness", etc. He
is SAFE there, isolated by time and distance, and thinks he can
maneuver perceptions of himself by others by his claims and
inferences. Unfortunately, he gets very upset emotionally by
challenges and corrections and erupts in vitriolic behavior
when confronted. Politeness disappears and he becomes
abusive. [he accepts that for, after all, "kings" are
allowed to act that way in his world]


Mark, watch for the responses from the Mighty Major on this
post. :-) His actions will be as I've described. :-)

an old friend August 8th 06 11:14 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

Dear Mr. Robeson,

Thank-you for your e-mail of 01 August 2006

In reference to your inquiry, no such unit "HMC 47 CSB
(PROVISIONAL)" has ever been located at Ft Sill. Furthermore I find no
reference to any "214 FA BRIGADE" at Ft Sill or any other US Army

I hope this answers your questions.


the above is quote from steve recent post

he said he was going to write and try to comfrim my service in HMC 47th
CSB (provisional) then part of 214th FA 3 copr art Ft Sill ok

I knew he would not confrim the current location of the 47 csb at sill
indeed the unit I believe has been reorgaized out of existance although
the paerent unit of the formation the 47 th Feild Hospital likely
remerges from this I have heard they may be a irag but I frankly don't
know or realy much care

I did not expect steve to dare say the 214th does not exist (it does )

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

indeed I know it is

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an

2. The respondent ("William C Anders Jr") is not identified
by position or rank and it is NOT written all-capitals
in any signature. Note: Even civilian employees of the
United States military have a position title which is used
for all correspondence.

you are Right I missed that one but I having already prove it bogus
becuase 214th exista and is still staioned where I said it was you are
just piling on (and you do that so much better than I)

3. If a military unit is mentioned, it is protocol (format)
for a unit to be spelled out for the first mention, then
abbreviated. This is for clarity in responding to non-
military correspondents (identifiable by headers in e-mail
when correspondence does not come over the military's

4. It is extremely easy to forge a third-party "message,"
then include it as part of a message in here. That is
NOT "proof" of anything.

5. Contrary to Major Dud's claims, United States Army units
do NOT always keep careful records of their history. The
entire United States military undergoes periodic changes
in structure and new units may be created out of old ones
while older units may be dissolved. Any "history" of a
unit depends on the commanding officers' assignment of
historian duties within that unit, NOT considered an
important/prime task in that unit's mission. Neither are
unit historians typically "in contact" with other units'

6. Probably the best place for old unit information of the
United States Army is the Army Center for Military History.
They have a website with some limitation on available
information for non-military/non-government research. They
have permanent quarters with considerably detailed written
and photographic records for research by authorized
historians. The United States Navy has a similar
organization, also with a website. A careful web-search
will turn up their URLs.

but I welcome it as it serves as proof that Robeson has lied us and
therfore the claims I and other have made about his veracity ( or
rather the lack there of)

Major Dud BLUFFS his way through his claims on here. He makes
claims of his own and tries to pass off those claims as "truth"
(perhaps because he WANTS his imaginings to be true). Witness:

1. Years of claiming to be an active-duty USMC member yet NO
evidence presented in ANY FORM of claimed 18 years service.
Not one single digitized copy of any official papers, not
one photograph of himself or anything else taken while in
that 18-year service.

2. He has repeatedly challenged "call the VA" to "verify" his
service. However, the Veteran's Administration is NOT the
place to verify that nor will they give out full information
on a past or current service member to just anyone making
an inquiry. The archives of all service members are kept in
the St. Louis National Archives Center and do send out copies
of individuals' records but ONLY to IDENTIFIED individuals
(or their identifiable kin). Copies require a small fee.

3. His claims of anything on QRZ.COM and his AOL home page
are made only by him and are NOT "checked" or "investigated
(for truth)" by either QRZ or AOL. Note that his biography
now has him as "CHOP" (presumably an abbreviation for Chief
Operator) of a second MARS station, whereas he had claimed
earlier on the newsgroup as being "Assistant Chief Operator"
on only one MARS station.

4. We have NO way of verifying that Major Dud is actually a
"Major" in the Tennessee Civilian Air Patrol. He has a
photograph of himself in a (somewhat used) flight suit
with embroidered rank identification (of Captain) on it.
He has not posted any CAP URL that has personnel listings
on it nor has he presented any digitized copy of any
CAP official records concerning him.

Will you take My word for it? Steven J Robeson was at least a major in
CAP on or about 13 jan 2006 I base this on My own conversation with the
Office of CAP Military Liason
Dudly has complained loudly to this forum about my effort to seek
jusitce though channels

5. He once had a photograph of himself as a "First Lieutenant"
in the Tennessee STATE National Guard (not affiliated with
the federal national guard organization) as "communications
officer" of one "brigade" (less than battalion in size
according to the Tennessee State Guard's own website
information. That "career" was short-lived and there are
no records available of either his joining or his leaving.

6. His AOL home page has a link to a National Hang-Gliding
Association and he once claimed to do that. However, he
has never mentioned his glider, its make and model, nor
where he glides, nor anyone he claims to know. We get a
lot of INFERENCE but never any direct reference nor
evidence. I am acquainted with a few hang-gliding
enthusiasts here and they fly at only one location, have
lots of pictures of themselves and others gliding.

inthat post the Major Of Cap has choosen to fake a comincation from the
US Army it itself. inded after this how can anything he has claimed
about any DoD matter be trusted

Mark, we can't trust Major Dud in much of anything on news-
groups. If you recall, Brian Burke and myself took him to
task on the Department of Defense DIRECTIVE on the mission
and organization of the Military Affiliate Radio System.
Major Dud was unaware of that directive, refused to acknowledge
it (yet was downloadable from the DoD by anyone), and kept
claiming for the longest time that "amateurs directed MARS."
They don't. DoD directs MARS. Always has.

indeed dudly is leaving quite a trail of bread crumbs these days

After YEARS of claims of active-duty USMC service in here we
haven't been presented with one shred of evidence from either
official or unoffical sources that he ever did what he said
was nor held the rank he claimed.

It would seem that Robeson admits defeat for the monet by quiting the
feild here in USENET but he will most like be back after he thinks his
misdeeds are forgotten

"Nevah hoppen, GI." :-) [old Japlish exclamation of the 50s]

Major Dud will NEVER admit defeat nor will he EVER acknowledge a
correction other than a typographical error. He is a BLUFFER and
bluffers will simply try to misdirect any callings-out on errors
or mistakes...or he will go into an emotional tirade of personal
insults directed at his accusers. If that doesn't work, he
MANUFACTURES "reasons" why his accusers do what they do (or
don't do). False "reasons" supported only by his imagination.

Major Dud lives in a world where IMAGE IS EVERYTHING...rank,
position, "official accreditation," activities of a macho
nature, but, especially, his wishful thinking. He is King in
that world and no one DARE dethrone him!

Major Dud WANTS ATTENTION. So much of the message content in
here involves him and his disputes with others that, before the
onslaught of the middle-school-mind filth-sayers, this news-
group was rife with it. Hardly anything about amateur radio
policy, just Major Dud and his "enemies" endlessly sparring,
egged-on (also endlessly) by Major Dud hisself.

Yes, it would be good if he simply went away. He won't in my
estimation. The Internet and Newsgroups are an excellent
vehicle for his bluffing, inferences of "greatness", etc. He
is SAFE there, isolated by time and distance, and thinks he can
maneuver perceptions of himself by others by his claims and
inferences. Unfortunately, he gets very upset emotionally by
challenges and corrections and erupts in vitriolic behavior
when confronted. Politeness disappears and he becomes
abusive. [he accepts that for, after all, "kings" are
allowed to act that way in his world]


Mark, watch for the responses from the Mighty Major on this
post. :-) His actions will be as I've described. :-)

you may be right f it truns out that way I amitt to error

my own is he will without comment several weeks an then reutrn a in
blaze of libel when he think we have forgotten (or maybe when he just
can't stand it anymore)

K4YZ August 9th 06 12:54 AM

More Morkie Mularkie...Now Dipped In LennieLies for Flavor!

From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

Major who?

Dear Mr. Robeson,

Thank-you for your e-mail of 01 August 2006

In reference to your inquiry, no such unit "HMC 47 CSB
(PROVISIONAL)" has ever been located at Ft Sill. Furthermore I find no
reference to any "214 FA BRIGADE" at Ft Sill or any other US Army

I hope this answers your questions.


the above is quote from steve recent post

he said he was going to write and try to comfrim my service in HMC 47th
CSB (provisional) then part of 214th FA 3 copr art Ft Sill ok

I knew he would not confrim the current location of the 47 csb at sill
indeed the unit I believe has been reorgaized out of existance although
the paerent unit of the formation the 47 th Feild Hospital likely
remerges from this I have heard they may be a irag but I frankly don't
know or realy much care

I did not expect steve to dare say the 214th does not exist (it does )

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

Major who?

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an

There doesn't need to be, Lennie..

Morkie himlself confirmed that his "HMC 47th CSB" unit was bogus.

Remainder of Lennie Rant Snipped due to lack of relevent and
factual context.

In other words...More LennieLies

Steve, K4YZ

an old friend August 9th 06 01:01 AM

More Morkie Mularkie...Now Dipped In LennieLies for Flavor! deal with your lies Robeson

K4YZ wrote:
From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an

There doesn't need to be, Lennie..

Morkie himlself confirmed that his "HMC 47th CSB" unit was bogus.

I said no such thing I said correctly that the 47th is no longer at Ft
Sill you claimed the the 214th does not exist either
" Furthermore I find no reference to any "214 FA BRIGADE" at Ft Sill or
any other US Army
facility. "
while 2 minutes with finds

Remainder of Lennie Rant Snipped due to lack of relevent and
factual context.

you are the one with no factual content

In other words...More LennieLies

nope more efforts by Robeson to lie

to lenn you were right I was worng stve is dumb enough to brazen this
out his lies some more

Steve, K4YZ

K4YZ August 9th 06 01:10 AM

More Morkie Mularkie

an old friend wrote:
From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

Dear Mr. Robeson,

Thank-you for your e-mail of 01 August 2006

In reference to your inquiry, no such unit "HMC 47 CSB
(PROVISIONAL)" has ever been located at Ft Sill. Furthermore I find no
reference to any "214 FA BRIGADE" at Ft Sill or any other US Army

I hope this answers your questions.

the above is quote from steve recent post

he said he was going to write and try to comfrim my service in HMC 47th
CSB (provisional) then part of 214th FA 3 copr art Ft Sill ok

I knew he would not confrim the current location of the 47 csb at sill
indeed the unit I believe has been reorgaized out of existance although
the paerent unit of the formation the 47 th Feild Hospital likely
remerges from this I have heard they may be a irag but I frankly don't
know or realy much care

I did not expect steve to dare say the 214th does not exist (it does )

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

indeed I know it is

Oh...So now you've retracted your admission that your "HMC 47th
CSB" is non-existant?


4. We have NO way of verifying that Major Dud is actually a
"Major" in the Tennessee Civilian Air Patrol...(SNIP)

Geeze, Lennie...after getting your nose rubbed in your
anti-civilian defense rants of over a year ago, can you not even get
the names of the organizations right?

And yes, there's SEVERAL ways to verify that someone is a member of
Civil Air Patrol.

And BTW...Who is "Major Dud"...?!?!

He has a
photograph of himself in a (somewhat used) flight suit
with embroidered rank identification (of Captain) on it.
He has not posted any CAP URL that has personnel listings
on it nor has he presented any digitized copy of any
CAP official records concerning him.

The flight suit is "somewhat used" from actually being worn by me
in the types of emergency services you only give lip service to.

Will you take My word for it? Steven J Robeson was at least a major in
CAP on or about 13 jan 2006 I base this on My own conversation with the
Office of CAP Military Liason

There's no such office, Morkie. Nice try.

Dudly has complained loudly to this forum about my effort to seek
jusitce though channels

There's nothing to complain about, Morkie.

You have no "recourse" for any of the exchanges in this forum via
Civil Air Patrol.

As is clearly evident by CAP's snubbing of your "complaint".

5. He once had a photograph of himself as a "First Lieutenant"
in the Tennessee STATE National Guard (not affiliated with
the federal national guard organization) as "communications
officer" of one "brigade" (less than battalion in size
according to the Tennessee State Guard's own website
information. That "career" was short-lived and there are
no records available of either his joining or his leaving.

Uh...No, Lennie...I never has a picture of me in a Tennessee State
Guard uniform on any webpage. And there's no such organization as the
"Tennessee State National Guard."

Again, you try to "diss" people for thier volunteer efforts, yet
can't even get the name of those organizations right!

inthat post the Major Of Cap has choosen to fake a comincation from the
US Army it itself. inded after this how can anything he has claimed
about any DoD matter be trusted

Mark, we can't trust Major Dud in much of anything on news-
groups. If you recall, Brian Burke and myself took him to
task on the Department of Defense DIRECTIVE on the mission
and organization of the Military Affiliate Radio System....(SNIP)

Uh huh.

And both of you ahd your noses rubbed in YOUR multiple errors,

Then and now, Leonard H. Anderson remains a liar.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Major Dud was unaware of that directive, refused to acknowledge
it (yet was downloadable from the DoD by anyone), and kept
claiming for the longest time that "amateurs directed MARS."
They don't. DoD directs MARS. Always has.

Continues to lie....

indeed dudly is leaving quite a trail of bread crumbs these days

And More Morkie Mularkie.

After YEARS of claims of active-duty USMC service in here we
haven't been presented with one shred of evidence from either
official or unoffical sources that he ever did what he said
was nor held the rank he claimed.

Still MORE lies coming from the keyboard of someone who professes
to be an educated electrical engineer (THAT never proven).

What a waste of 14 years of education, eh, Lennie...?!?!


Mark, watch for the responses from the Mighty Major on this
post. His actions will be as I've described.

you may be right f it truns out that way I amitt to error

Mork, your entire lfe has been an error and strong argument for
post-puberty abortions.

my own is he will without comment several weeks an then reutrn a in
blaze of libel when he think we have forgotten (or maybe when he just
can't stand it anymore)

What libel, Morkie?

Steve, K4YZ

an old freind August 9th 06 01:32 AM

more lies from the Major

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

Dear Mr. Robeson,

Thank-you for your e-mail of 01 August 2006

In reference to your inquiry, no such unit "HMC 47 CSB
(PROVISIONAL)" has ever been located at Ft Sill. Furthermore I find no
reference to any "214 FA BRIGADE" at Ft Sill or any other US Army

I hope this answers your questions.

the above is quote from steve recent post

I did not expect steve to dare say the 214th does not exist (it does )

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

indeed I know it is

Oh...So now you've retracted your admission that your "HMC 47th
CSB" is non-existant?

I made no such admission
what about you lie that the 214th FA does not exist )

my own is he will without comment several weeks an then reutrn a in
blaze of libel when he think we have forgotten (or maybe when he just
can't stand it anymore)

What libel, Morkie?

do you realy have such a short memeory

Steve, K4YZ

an old friend August 9th 06 02:57 PM

get some therapy

no steve got caught the NG is now full of proof both units that he
claim never existsed did

get some therapy both of you

an old freind August 9th 06 05:57 PM

, get some therapy

an old fraud wrote:
no steve got caught

the NG is now full of proof

The NG is full of your spams and lies, too.

no spam or lies

you ca n follow the links yourself

no spam ever from me or at least nothing Hughes net considers spam

both units that he
claim never existsed did

Nope, you claimed to be a part of it when you weren't.

I was abut still stve claimed the units do not exist they do

so steve lied

get some therapy both of you

You need it for your chronic lying.

that is tranference you lie all the time so assume everybody else does
get some therapy

[email protected] August 10th 06 04:22 AM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages
From: on Tues, Aug 8 2006 7:11 pm
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

[fake quote omitted for decency]

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an


Hello Brian...long time no write... :-)

We've all seen the usual bluffing, lying, etc., by Major Dud, this
time on a slightly different subject. He expects us all to "take
his word on it (that it is true).


[ is to laugh...out loud and for a long time...]

2. The respondent ("William C Anders Jr") is not identified
by position or rank and it is NOT written all-capitals
in any signature. Note: Even civilian employees of the
United States military have a position title which is used
for all correspondence.


Poor "Major" Dud may have once seen an ancient mineographed
order-of-the-day or perhaps has a yellowing 5-bit-code TTY
message where everything is in caps. He may think that is
still in use, poor guy.

3. If a military unit is mentioned, it is protocol (format)
for a unit to be spelled out for the first mention, then
abbreviated. This is for clarity in responding to non-
military correspondents (identifiable by headers in e-mail
when correspondence does not come over the military's


Poor feller Dud just doesn't understand, perhaps no know about,
the DSN and its header information, terminal software able to
identify civilians from military personnel on Internet tie-ins.

4. It is extremely easy to forge a third-party "message,"
then include it as part of a message in here. That is
NOT "proof" of anything.


Well, it's proof that fraud was committed. :-)

5. Contrary to Major Dud's claims, United States Army units
do NOT always keep careful records of their history. The
entire United States military undergoes periodic changes
in structure and new units may be created out of old ones
while older units may be dissolved. Any "history" of a
unit depends on the commanding officers' assignment of
historian duties within that unit, NOT considered an
important/prime task in that unit's mission. Neither are
unit historians typically "in contact" with other units'

Correct. The priority usually falls somewhere below that of the unit A

Heh heh heh.

MARS functions in existing units is still largely concerned with
morale services for unit personnel. It is hardly there to "back
up" any regular unit communications, much less be some key
ingredient in some pipe-dream "Homeland Defense Against Terrorists"
or other wild imaginings.

On putting together a photo essay of my own service days at a major
Army communications station
and /AlphabetSoup.pdf

I ran into the usual shoulder-shrugging "don't know" from a number
of official agencies at first, everyone from the Army's Center for
Military History to Fort Gordon's Signal Museum Historian's Office.

It took a LOT more digging and communicating with other agencies
and units to get the final evolutionary path (including the USAF,
I might add) of the 71st Signal Service Battalion of 1945 to the
78th Signal Battalion of today (based at Camp Zama, Japan, near
Yokohama). It helped to have acquired a paper copy of my old
battalion's own printing in 1962 describing the (then) updated
station ADA and its mission, equipment, and history (to that date).

Even the Pacific Stars and Stripes military newspaper (HQ in
Tokyo) helped with data. Ask nicely and it is surprising how
helpful some can be. A not-quite-related sorce of information on
Army communications turned up the fact that the old callsign
"ADA" of Tokyo times in the '50s still exists and is now the HQ
callsign of USARPAC, the United States Army, Pacific.

An even more detailed and comprehensive history of Army history
(on Signal units) in Europe since 1945 ("USAREUR") is on-line at:

6. Probably the best place for old unit information of the
United States Army is the Army Center for Military History.
They have a website with some limitation on available
information for non-military/non-government research. They
have permanent quarters with considerably detailed written
and photographic records for research by authorized
historians. The United States Navy has a similar
organization, also with a website. A careful web-search
will turn up their URLs.

And will probably turn up Steve's faked career.

Heh heh, no. Neither historical agency has lists of fakers.

The only place where Robeson's "military career" could be
verified or shown non-existant is NARA, the National Archives
and Records Administration, and their massive military records
archive in St. Louis. Getting such data requires a minimum
knowledge of Robeson's social security number and proof of being
a member of his family. NARA gives definitions of that and other
necessary information to obtain individuals' records.

Since Robeson has refused to display even one item of official
information, personal photograph while in-service, all on a
claimed "18 year active duty" with the USMC, we have to conclude
he NEVER HAD ANY SUCH ACTIVE DUTY TIME. The only photos he has
had for claims of anything have been as a TN STATE Guard "1st
Lieutenant" (scowling pose in cammies) or the infamous snot-on-
moustache pose in a (used) flight suit with embroidered Captain's
bars on the shoulders, as a member of the CAP. Not ONE single
bit of information from EIGHTEEN YEARS claimed on active duty
in the USMC.

The only conclusion possible is that Robeson is a fraud, an
imposter, a wanna-be who never-was.

If Robeson makes fraudulent claims about 18 years of his life,
what ELSE is he claiming fraudulently?

3. His claims of anything on QRZ.COM and his AOL home page
are made only by him and are NOT "checked" or "investigated
(for truth)" by either QRZ or AOL. Note that his biography
now has him as "CHOP" (presumably an abbreviation for Chief
Operator) of a second MARS station, whereas he had claimed
earlier on the newsgroup as being "Assistant Chief Operator"
on only one MARS station.


You betcha. Go to the K4YZ "detailed info" link and use the
link at the end to access his home page. In that he claims a
SECOND MARS station service, this time as THE NCOIC. Just
more embellishment by the imposter.

Robeson needs IMAGE of his mighty and heroic accomplishments.
Slathering on more embellishments (never before mentioned)
seem to be a part of that.

Mark, watch for the responses from the Mighty Major on this
post. :-) His actions will be as I've described.

Tsk, tsk on me...I forgot to include Robeson's usual response
and answer to things he can't prove as being "LIES" by the
challenger. :-)

To him, it IS a "LIE." His fantasy world is made up differently
than the reality we are all accustomed to...any departure from
that fantasyland will SEEM like a "LIE" to him. Naturally he
is disturbed about his fantasyworld being torn asunder.


We can all concentrate on the personal squabbles of a few,
the anonymous middle-school-mentality-macho-wanna-bes
happily talking dirty...OR...consider the FCC document
release of 7 August 2006 on Access BPL. That's available
at as FCC-06-113A1 in PDF or MS Word format.

That's a REAL Policy matter. But it's too difficult for
those anonymous middle-school-mentality-macho-wanna-bes
who would rather throw trash and dirty words on others.

Len, how've you been?

Just dandy, Brian, hope you've been the same. :-)

Been too busy with other things than to come into this
Din of Inequity more than once or twice a month. Not worth
it with some of these creatures. :-)


K4YZ August 10th 06 12:26 PM

The Feeble Five Reunion On RRAP

LenCan'tPassAn wrote:
on Tues, Aug 8 2006 7:11 pm
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

From: an old fiend to small children on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

[fake quote omitted for decency]

But I still see your post, Lennie.

Guess you're not as decent as you claim.

(As if THAT was news...)

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an


Hello Brian...long time no write...

Hard to write when you have nothing meaningful to say.

We've all seen the usual bluffing, lying, etc., by Major Dud, this
time on a slightly different subject. He expects us all to "take
his word on it (that it is true).


You've been given more than adequate references to follow-up on.

You've certainly spammed us with enough stories about ADA.

And not a single "new" thing since 1963 or 4...


[ is to laugh...out loud and for a long time...]

2. The respondent ("William C Anders Jr") is not identified
by position or rank and it is NOT written all-capitals
in any signature. Note: Even civilian employees of the
United States military have a position title which is used
for all correspondence.


Poor "Major" Dud may have once seen an ancient mineographed
order-of-the-day or perhaps has a yellowing 5-bit-code TTY
message where everything is in caps. He may think that is
still in use, poor guy.

Who's "Major Dud"...?

And nice try on the diversion, Lennie.

Weak, but hey, you're old and...well...feeble.


MARS functions in existing units is still largely concerned with
morale services for unit personnel. It is hardly there to "back
up" any regular unit communications, much less be some key
ingredient in some pipe-dream "Homeland Defense Against Terrorists"
or other wild imaginings.

Well, we see that Lennie's now ANTI-MARS.

I see you haven't been keeping up with current events vis-a-vis
MARS and it's expaning roles, Lennie.

But why should you?

On putting together a photo essay of my own service days at a major
Army communications station


More "...there I was back in 1953 at ADA, watching the finals glow
in the dark...."
and /AlphabetSoup.pdf

I ran into the usual shoulder-shrugging "don't know" from a number
of official agencies at first, everyone from the Army's Center for
Military History to Fort Gordon's Signal Museum Historian's Office.

More like shoulder shrugging "...don't care..." about what you did
in 1953, Lennie.


Been too busy with other things than to come into this
Din of Inequity more than once or twice a month. Not worth
it with some of these creatures.

And it's obvious that your rant hasn't changed and you've not been
able to find your way to a VE session.

Poor Lennie.


Steve, K4YZ

Not Cocksucker Lloyd August 10th 06 02:54 PM

Markie, get some therapy

an old fraud wrote:
an old fraud wrote:
no steve got caught

the NG is now full of proof

The NG is full of your spams and lies, too.

no spam or lies

Yep, Google has those spams and lies of yours archived.

you ca n follow the links yourself

More lies. You were caught lying about your "unit".

no spam ever from me or at least nothing Hughes net considers spam

Sure they do. It's spelled out in their policies.

both units that he
claim never existsed did

Nope, you claimed to be a part of it when you weren't.

I was abut still stve claimed the units do not exist they do


so steve lied

No, he caught you in a lie, though.

get some therapy both of you

You need it for your chronic lying.

that is tranference you lie all the time so assume everybody else does

Plagiarizing, Markie???? The term "transference" was in a previous post
about you.

get some therapy

Get some for your lying, fraud.

[email protected] August 11th 06 05:00 AM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

From: on Tues, Aug 8 2006 7:11 pm
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

[fake quote omitted for decency]

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an


Hello Brian...long time no write... :-)

We've all seen the usual bluffing, lying, etc., by Major Dud, this
time on a slightly different subject. He expects us all to "take
his word on it (that it is true).


[ is to laugh...out loud and for a long time...]

Robescum is "lough out loud" funny.

2. The respondent ("William C Anders Jr") is not identified
by position or rank and it is NOT written all-capitals
in any signature. Note: Even civilian employees of the
United States military have a position title which is used
for all correspondence.


Poor "Major" Dud may have once seen an ancient mineographed
order-of-the-day or perhaps has a yellowing 5-bit-code TTY
message where everything is in caps. He may think that is
still in use, poor guy.

Reminds me of the Japanese WWII soldiers still being pulled out of the
bush in th ePI in the 1970's. Robescum is out of touch with
communications theory and practice.

3. If a military unit is mentioned, it is protocol (format)
for a unit to be spelled out for the first mention, then
abbreviated. This is for clarity in responding to non-
military correspondents (identifiable by headers in e-mail
when correspondence does not come over the military's


Poor feller Dud just doesn't understand, perhaps no know about,
the DSN and its header information, terminal software able to
identify civilians from military personnel on Internet tie-ins.

Robescum requires his own "AIG" and comm center.

4. It is extremely easy to forge a third-party "message,"
then include it as part of a message in here. That is
NOT "proof" of anything.


Well, it's proof that fraud was committed. :-)

I'd be wrong if I said that everything that Robescum posts is
fraudulent. So I won't.

Let the reader beware that they need to inspect every Robescum posting
for fraud.

5. Contrary to Major Dud's claims, United States Army units
do NOT always keep careful records of their history. The
entire United States military undergoes periodic changes
in structure and new units may be created out of old ones
while older units may be dissolved. Any "history" of a
unit depends on the commanding officers' assignment of
historian duties within that unit, NOT considered an
important/prime task in that unit's mission. Neither are
unit historians typically "in contact" with other units'

Correct. The priority usually falls somewhere below that of the unit A

Heh heh heh.

MARS functions in existing units is still largely concerned with
morale services for unit personnel. It is hardly there to "back
up" any regular unit communications, much less be some key
ingredient in some pipe-dream "Homeland Defense Against Terrorists"
or other wild imaginings.

I think he just liked listening in on phone patches from real
servicemen to their wives. He probably got in a few minutes of
"comfort time " with the wives after the patch went "dead."

On putting together a photo essay of my own service days at a major
Army communications station
and /AlphabetSoup.pdf

Fascinating stuff. If only Robescum had served...

he might have such a scrapbook.

I ran into the usual shoulder-shrugging "don't know" from a number
of official agencies at first, everyone from the Army's Center for
Military History to Fort Gordon's Signal Museum Historian's Office.

It took a LOT more digging and communicating with other agencies
and units to get the final evolutionary path (including the USAF,
I might add) of the 71st Signal Service Battalion of 1945 to the
78th Signal Battalion of today (based at Camp Zama, Japan, near
Yokohama). It helped to have acquired a paper copy of my old
battalion's own printing in 1962 describing the (then) updated
station ADA and its mission, equipment, and history (to that date).

You probably did more to update their archives...

Even the Pacific Stars and Stripes military newspaper (HQ in
Tokyo) helped with data. Ask nicely and it is surprising how
helpful some can be. A not-quite-related sorce of information on
Army communications turned up the fact that the old callsign
"ADA" of Tokyo times in the '50s still exists and is now the HQ
callsign of USARPAC, the United States Army, Pacific.

Wondr how that sounds in Morse Code?

An even more detailed and comprehensive history of Army history
(on Signal units) in Europe since 1945 ("USAREUR") is on-line at:

I never served in Europe even though I was on the volunteer list
forever. Three tours in PACAF.

6. Probably the best place for old unit information of the
United States Army is the Army Center for Military History.
They have a website with some limitation on available
information for non-military/non-government research. They
have permanent quarters with considerably detailed written
and photographic records for research by authorized
historians. The United States Navy has a similar
organization, also with a website. A careful web-search
will turn up their URLs.

And will probably turn up Steve's faked career.

Heh heh, no. Neither historical agency has lists of fakers.

There is a group that goes after fakers. I think they're called
"Stolen Valor." They're probably aware of Robescum.

The only place where Robeson's "military career" could be
verified or shown non-existant is NARA, the National Archives
and Records Administration, and their massive military records
archive in St. Louis. Getting such data requires a minimum
knowledge of Robeson's social security number and proof of being
a member of his family. NARA gives definitions of that and other
necessary information to obtain individuals' records.

He said that we were welcome to his VA records. Maybe he'll shoot us
his SSN via the "backchannel," though I doubt he remembers it himself.

Since Robeson has refused to display even one item of official
information, personal photograph while in-service, all on a
claimed "18 year active duty" with the USMC, we have to conclude

If Robescum told me that the sun would rise tomorrow morning at 6:23
AM, I'd have to get up and verify it myself.

The only photos he has
had for claims of anything have been as a TN STATE Guard "1st
Lieutenant" (scowling pose in cammies) or the infamous snot-on-
moustache pose in a (used) flight suit with embroidered Captain's
bars on the shoulders, as a member of the CAP.

Hmmm? A 1LT with Captain's bars? Typical Robescum.

Wasn't he claiming to be enlisted in the USMC?

I'll bet he got a boner putting on that used flight suit. Oh, was that
his stomach sticking out?

Not ONE single
bit of information from EIGHTEEN YEARS claimed on active duty
in the USMC.

Some people are proud of their service, others have something to hide.

The only conclusion possible is that Robeson is a fraud, an
imposter, a wanna-be who never-was.

Mitty. Walter Mitty.

If Robeson makes fraudulent claims about 18 years of his life,
what ELSE is he claiming fraudulently?

His YL hasn't backed him in years.

3. His claims of anything on QRZ.COM and his AOL home page
are made only by him and are NOT "checked" or "investigated
(for truth)" by either QRZ or AOL. Note that his biography
now has him as "CHOP" (presumably an abbreviation for Chief
Operator) of a second MARS station, whereas he had claimed
earlier on the newsgroup as being "Assistant Chief Operator"
on only one MARS station.


You betcha. Go to the K4YZ "detailed info" link and use the
link at the end to access his home page. In that he claims a
SECOND MARS station service, this time as THE NCOIC. Just
more embellishment by the imposter.

Forever the "career" climber. Hi! If any of it were truth!

Robeson needs IMAGE of his mighty and heroic accomplishments.
Slathering on more embellishments (never before mentioned)
seem to be a part of that.

Robescum is pathetic.

Mark, watch for the responses from the Mighty Major on this
post. :-) His actions will be as I've described.

Tsk, tsk on me...I forgot to include Robeson's usual response
and answer to things he can't prove as being "LIES" by the
challenger. :-)

Robeson is the one, the only, the original truth-teller.

To him, it IS a "LIE." His fantasy world is made up differently
than the reality we are all accustomed to...any departure from
that fantasyland will SEEM like a "LIE" to him. Naturally he
is disturbed about his fantasyworld being torn asunder.

Mitty. Walter Mitty.


We can all concentrate on the personal squabbles of a few,
the anonymous middle-school-mentality-macho-wanna-bes
happily talking dirty...OR...consider the FCC document
release of 7 August 2006 on Access BPL. That's available
at as FCC-06-113A1 in PDF or MS Word format.

That's a REAL Policy matter. But it's too difficult for
those anonymous middle-school-mentality-macho-wanna-bes
who would rather throw trash and dirty words on others.

Len, how've you been?

Just dandy, Brian, hope you've been the same. :-)

Been too busy with other things than to come into this
Din of Inequity more than once or twice a month. Not worth
it with some of these creatures. :-)


By his absence, I thought that Robescum might have been incarcerated or
doiing some heavy duty counseling.

Summer is about over. Been working too much.

I took the kids to the barber and to the movies - Ant Bully.

Need to do something fun before school starts so the kids remember that
I'm still their dad.


K4YZ August 14th 06 11:16 AM

Mork Moron Pontificating About "Honnor"

wrote in multiple, unrelated NG's (snipped):
On 10 Aug 2006 20:00:31 -0700,
From: on Tues, Aug 8 2006 7:11 pm
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

Poor "Major" Dud may have once seen an ancient mineographed
order-of-the-day or perhaps has a yellowing 5-bit-code TTY
message where everything is in caps. He may think that is
still in use, poor guy.

Reminds me of the Japanese WWII soldiers still being pulled out of the
bush in th ePI in the 1970's. Robescum is out of touch with
communications theory and practice.

The "ePI"...?!?!

A new electronics formula, Lennie?

at least were still touch with honnor


Mork, YOU have GROSSLY DIShonored both yourself and members of the
United States Armed Forces with your pathetic lies...first about being
a field grade officer, then about being an Enlisted man. Don't you
DARE presume to talk about Honor in uniform, little boy! You're just
not up to the task!

And Lennie has dishonored himself with HIS pathetic attempts to
"glorify" his newsgroup postings with his lame references to having
served in a communications batallion that had KIA's in Korea in such a
way as to make it appear as though he was somehow part-and-parcel of
the sacrifices those brave men made.

And then we have Lennie's "Incomming Artillery" story...what a

The only difference between you and Lennie is that Lennie has
provided SOME proof that HIS service was legitimate...It's just too bad
he tarnished it with that disgusting end-run for the sake of pathetic
newsgroup messaging points...


Or more appropriately...putzii

Steve, K4YZ

an old friend August 14th 06 05:23 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

From: on Tues, Aug 8 2006 7:11 pm
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

[fake quote omitted for decency]

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an


Hello Brian...long time no write... :-)

We've all seen the usual bluffing, lying, etc., by Major Dud, this
time on a slightly different subject. He expects us all to "take
his word on it (that it is true).


[ is to laugh...out loud and for a long time...]

Robescum is "lough out loud" funny.

2. The respondent ("William C Anders Jr") is not identified
by position or rank and it is NOT written all-capitals
in any signature. Note: Even civilian employees of the
United States military have a position title which is used
for all correspondence.


Poor "Major" Dud may have once seen an ancient mineographed
order-of-the-day or perhaps has a yellowing 5-bit-code TTY
message where everything is in caps. He may think that is
still in use, poor guy.

Reminds me of the Japanese WWII soldiers still being pulled out of the
bush in th ePI in the 1970's. Robescum is out of touch with
communications theory and practice.

indeed when robeson is reduced to blowing gasket over misplacing a
space it is almost funny to watch he try and twist that in to extreme

with the punce gotcha he wonders why I simple don't bother to ty
impoving my spelling on her

Not Cocksucker Lloyd August 15th 06 02:56 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

an old fraud wrote:
From: on Tues, Aug 8 2006 7:11 pm
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

[fake quote omitted for decency]

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an


Hello Brian...long time no write... :-)

We've all seen the usual bluffing, lying, etc., by Major Dud, this
time on a slightly different subject. He expects us all to "take
his word on it (that it is true).


[ is to laugh...out loud and for a long time...]

Robescum is "lough out loud" funny.

2. The respondent ("William C Anders Jr") is not identified
by position or rank and it is NOT written all-capitals
in any signature. Note: Even civilian employees of the
United States military have a position title which is used
for all correspondence.


Poor "Major" Dud may have once seen an ancient mineographed
order-of-the-day or perhaps has a yellowing 5-bit-code TTY
message where everything is in caps. He may think that is
still in use, poor guy.

Reminds me of the Japanese WWII soldiers still being pulled out of the
bush in th ePI in the 1970's. Robescum is out of touch with
communications theory and practice.

indeed when robeson is reduced to blowing gasket over misplacing a
space it is almost funny to watch he try and twist that in to extreme

No, you lied about your military service.

with the punce gotcha he wonders why I simple don't bother to ty
impoving my spelling on her

You don't have any spelling skills to "improve," you illiterate *******.

K4YZ August 15th 06 10:37 PM

Mountains and Mountains of Morkie's Military Mularkie

NotLloyd wrote:
an old fraud wrote:

Reminds me of the Japanese WWII soldiers still being pulled out of the
bush in th ePI in the 1970's. Robescum is out of touch with
communications theory and practice.

What's the "ePI"...?!?!

indeed when robeson is reduced to blowing gasket over misplacing a
space it is almost funny to watch he try and twist that in to extreme

No, you lied about your military service.

Yep...over and over and over and over and...........

Steve, K4YZ

an old friend August 15th 06 11:22 PM

cease and desist

K4YZ wrote:
cease and desist

[email protected] August 16th 06 07:12 AM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

From: on Tues, Aug 8 2006 7:11 pm
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

From: an old friend on Tues, Aug 8 2006 8:19 am
Groups:,,, alt.military.cap

[Quote of alleged response to unit military history by Major Dud]

[fake quote omitted for decency]

Mark, this alleged "response" to an e-mail inquiry is undoubtedly
BOGUS. Let's review the verity of Major Dud's posting:

1. There is NO verification available that such an exchange
ever existed through any referencable third-party source,
nor any other proof that Major Dud ever made such an


Hello Brian...long time no write... :-)

We've all seen the usual bluffing, lying, etc., by Major Dud, this
time on a slightly different subject. He expects us all to "take
his word on it (that it is true).


[ is to laugh...out loud and for a long time...]

His "word???" They don't call him Robesin for nothing.

2. The respondent ("William C Anders Jr") is not identified
by position or rank and it is NOT written all-capitals
in any signature. Note: Even civilian employees of the
United States military have a position title which is used
for all correspondence.


Poor "Major" Dud may have once seen an ancient mineographed
order-of-the-day or perhaps has a yellowing 5-bit-code TTY
message where everything is in caps. He may think that is
still in use, poor guy.

It is important for Robesin to make fun of the dead. Shows that he has
no bounds, will do whatever it takes. But no one else can make fun of
the dead, especially his kin.

3. If a military unit is mentioned, it is protocol (format)
for a unit to be spelled out for the first mention, then
abbreviated. This is for clarity in responding to non-
military correspondents (identifiable by headers in e-mail
when correspondence does not come over the military's


Poor feller Dud just doesn't understand, perhaps no know about,
the DSN and its header information, terminal software able to
identify civilians from military personnel on Internet tie-ins.

Somebody has got Robesin's terminal software. He's gonna have a long
sitdown with that sumbich when they finally get together.

4. It is extremely easy to forge a third-party "message,"
then include it as part of a message in here. That is
NOT "proof" of anything.


Well, it's proof that fraud was committed. :-)

Fraus is Robesin's middly name.

5. Contrary to Major Dud's claims, United States Army units
do NOT always keep careful records of their history. The
entire United States military undergoes periodic changes
in structure and new units may be created out of old ones
while older units may be dissolved. Any "history" of a
unit depends on the commanding officers' assignment of
historian duties within that unit, NOT considered an
important/prime task in that unit's mission. Neither are
unit historians typically "in contact" with other units'

Correct. The priority usually falls somewhere below that of the unit A

Heh heh heh.

MARS functions in existing units is still largely concerned with
morale services for unit personnel. It is hardly there to "back
up" any regular unit communications, much less be some key
ingredient in some pipe-dream "Homeland Defense Against Terrorists"
or other wild imaginings.

On putting together a photo essay of my own service days at a major
Army communications station

Major Screwup is what they called Robesin, and he didn't have a whole
comm center to help make it happen. Did it all by hisself.
and /AlphabetSoup.pdf

I ran into the usual shoulder-shrugging "don't know" from a number
of official agencies at first, everyone from the Army's Center for
Military History to Fort Gordon's Signal Museum Historian's Office.

Everyone who's anybody has heard of Major Robesin and his legendary

It took a LOT more digging and communicating with other agencies
and units to get the final evolutionary path (including the USAF,
I might add) of the 71st Signal Service Battalion of 1945 to the
78th Signal Battalion of today (based at Camp Zama, Japan, near
Yokohama). It helped to have acquired a paper copy of my old
battalion's own printing in 1962 describing the (then) updated
station ADA and its mission, equipment, and history (to that date).

All those MWR/USNMC MARS phone patches home to lonely stateside wives
is what got Major Robesin innerested in phone patchin to begin with.
Forget that official message traffic stuff.

Even the Pacific Stars and Stripes military newspaper (HQ in
Tokyo) helped with data. Ask nicely and it is surprising how
helpful some can be. A not-quite-related sorce of information on
Army communications turned up the fact that the old callsign
"ADA" of Tokyo times in the '50s still exists and is now the HQ
callsign of USARPAC, the United States Army, Pacific.

An even more detailed and comprehensive history of Army history
(on Signal units) in Europe since 1945 ("USAREUR") is on-line at:

He asked for a mission. For his sins, they gave Major Robesin one.
Eavesdropping on USNMC MARS phone patches to stateside wives.

6. Probably the best place for old unit information of the
United States Army is the Army Center for Military History.
They have a website with some limitation on available
information for non-military/non-government research. They
have permanent quarters with considerably detailed written
and photographic records for research by authorized
historians. The United States Navy has a similar
organization, also with a website. A careful web-search
will turn up their URLs.

And will probably turn up Steve's faked career.

Heh heh, no. Neither historical agency has lists of fakers.

They should start one for his sake.

The only place where Robeson's "military career" could be
verified or shown non-existant is NARA, the National Archives
and Records Administration, and their massive military records
archive in St. Louis. Getting such data requires a minimum
knowledge of Robeson's social security number and proof of being
a member of his family. NARA gives definitions of that and other
necessary information to obtain individuals' records.

Since Robeson has refused to display even one item of official
information, personal photograph while in-service, all on a
claimed "18 year active duty" with the USMC, we have to conclude
he NEVER HAD ANY SUCH ACTIVE DUTY TIME. The only photos he has
had for claims of anything have been as a TN STATE Guard "1st
Lieutenant" (scowling pose in cammies) or the infamous snot-on-
moustache pose in a (used) flight suit with embroidered Captain's
bars on the shoulders, as a member of the CAP. Not ONE single
bit of information from EIGHTEEN YEARS claimed on active duty
in the USMC.

He's hiding something.

The only conclusion possible is that Robeson is a fraud, an
imposter, a wanna-be who never-was.

If Robeson makes fraudulent claims about 18 years of his life,
what ELSE is he claiming fraudulently?

3. His claims of anything on QRZ.COM and his AOL home page
are made only by him and are NOT "checked" or "investigated
(for truth)" by either QRZ or AOL. Note that his biography
now has him as "CHOP" (presumably an abbreviation for Chief
Operator) of a second MARS station, whereas he had claimed
earlier on the newsgroup as being "Assistant Chief Operator"
on only one MARS station.


You betcha. Go to the K4YZ "detailed info" link and use the
link at the end to access his home page. In that he claims a
SECOND MARS station service, this time as THE NCOIC. Just
more embellishment by the imposter.

Can't be true. He was VERY specific about the "A" in front of NCOIC.

So he's lying again. Always got a be just a little better than he
actually was.

Robeson needs IMAGE of his mighty and heroic accomplishments.
Slathering on more embellishments (never before mentioned)
seem to be a part of that.

Somebody come to Robesin's rescue.

Mark, watch for the responses from the Mighty Major on this
post. :-) His actions will be as I've described.

Tsk, tsk on me...I forgot to include Robeson's usual response
and answer to things he can't prove as being "LIES" by the
challenger. :-)

To him, it IS a "LIE." His fantasy world is made up differently
than the reality we are all accustomed to...any departure from
that fantasyland will SEEM like a "LIE" to him. Naturally he
is disturbed about his fantasyworld being torn asunder.

Everyone lies except for Robesin.


We can all concentrate on the personal squabbles of a few,
the anonymous middle-school-mentality-macho-wanna-bes
happily talking dirty...OR...consider the FCC document
release of 7 August 2006 on Access BPL. That's available
at as FCC-06-113A1 in PDF or MS Word format.

That's a REAL Policy matter. But it's too difficult for
those anonymous middle-school-mentality-macho-wanna-bes
who would rather throw trash and dirty words on others.

Len, how've you been?

Just dandy, Brian, hope you've been the same. :-)

Been too busy with other things than to come into this
Din of Inequity more than once or twice a month. Not worth
it with some of these creatures. :-)



K4YZ August 16th 06 02:27 PM

Mountains and Mountains Of Markie Mularkie


" Mountains and Mountains ofrobeson ####"

Lame, Morkie...REALLY lame...And getting lamer.

On 15 Aug 2006 13:37:53 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

cease and desist


You FINALLY mangaged to put THREE WORDS IN A ROW together and not
misspell one of them!

Steve, K4YZ

an old friend August 16th 06 02:33 PM

Mountains and Mountains of Robeson shit

K4YZ wrote:


" Mountains and Mountains ofrobeson ####"

just being accurate now
cease and desist your harrassment

Not Cocksucker Lloyd August 16th 06 02:34 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

On 15 Aug 2006 05:56:53 -0700, "Not Cocksucker Lloyd"

an old fraud wrote:
From: on Tues, Aug 8 2006 7:11 pm

indeed when robeson is reduced to blowing gasket over misplacing a
space it is almost funny to watch he try and twist that in to extreme

No, you lied about your military service.

with the punce gotcha he wonders why I simple don't bother to ty
impoving my spelling on her

You don't have any spelling skills to "improve," you illiterate *******.

cease and desist

STFU, whining illiterate *******.

K4YZ August 16th 06 02:36 PM

Mountains and Mountains of Markie Mularkie

an old friend tried to hide behind yet more profanity:
K4YZ wrote:


" Mountains and Mountains ofrobeson ####"

just being accurate now

You couldn't be accurate iof you had your last name changed to it.

cease and desist your harrassment

Your re-taggin go EVERY post in this forum with nothing more than
your lame "cease and desist" comments is harrassment, Morkie, so why
not follow your own advise, fatboy?

Steve, K4YZ

an old friend August 16th 06 02:39 PM

Mountains and Mountains of Steves shit go the bathroom not the ngs

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend tried to hide behind yet more profanity:

cease and desist your harrassment

[email protected] August 16th 06 09:36 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

On 16 Aug 2006 05:34:30 -0700, "Not Cocksucker Lloyd"

STFU, whining illiterate *******.


You are the one who lied about their EME contacts and Army service. So

an old freind August 16th 06 10:03 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages


You are the one who lied about their EME contacts and Army service. So

Cease desist and grow up

Slow Code August 18th 06 12:25 AM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages - Mark, Just ignore them.
wrote in news:1155819374.098262.243510@

an old fraud wrote:

You are the one who lied about their EME contacts and Army service. So


You are the one who lied about his Army service (as with everything
else you claim), so you STFU!

Mark, Just ignore them.

They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you
follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up.

Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look
more stupid.

Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your
moon bounce some more.


an old friend August 18th 06 04:29 AM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages


You are the one who lied about his Army service (as with everything
else you claim), so you STFU!

funny my references check out

none of your do
cease, desist and grow up

Not Cocksucker Lloyd August 18th 06 02:43 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

an old fraud wrote:

You are the one who lied about his Army service (as with everything
else you claim), so you STFU!

funny my references check out

No, they don't. You were caught in a lie.

Slow Code August 19th 06 01:28 AM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages - Mark, Just ignore them.
wrote in :

On 18 Aug 2006 05:43:15 -0700, "Not Cocksucker Lloyd"

an old fraud wrote:

You are the one who lied about his Army service (as with everything
else you claim), so you STFU!
funny my references check out

No, they don't. You were caught in a lie.

cease desists and grow up

Mark, Just ignore them.

They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you
follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up.

Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look
more stupid.

Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your
moon bounce some more.


Slow Code August 21st 06 12:51 AM

Mountains and Mountains of Steves shit go the bathroom not the ngs - Mark, Just ignore them.
"an old friend" wrote in news:1155731974.184012.303560

K4YZ wrote:
an old friend tried to hide behind yet more profanity:

cease and desist your harrassment

Mark, Just ignore them.

They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you
follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up.

Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look
more stupid.

Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your
moon bounce some more.


Slow Code August 21st 06 12:51 AM

Mountains and Mountains of Markie Mularkie - Mark, Just ignore them.
"K4YZ" wrote in

an old friend tried to hide behind yet more profanity:
K4YZ wrote:

om wrote:

" Mountains and Mountains ofrobeson ####"

just being accurate now

You couldn't be accurate iof you had your last name changed to it.

cease and desist your harrassment

Your re-taggin go EVERY post in this forum with nothing more than
your lame "cease and desist" comments is harrassment, Morkie, so why
not follow your own advise, fatboy?

Steve, K4YZ

Mark, Just ignore them.

They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you
follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up.

Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look
more stupid.

Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your
moon bounce some more.


Slow Code August 21st 06 12:51 AM

Mountains and Mountains of Robeson shit - Mark, Just ignore them.
"an old friend" wrote in news:1155731595.969647.270250

K4YZ wrote:


" Mountains and Mountains ofrobeson ####"

just being accurate now
cease and desist your harrassment

Mark, Just ignore them.

They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you
follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up.

Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look
more stupid.

Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your
moon bounce some more.


Slow Code August 21st 06 12:51 AM

Mountains and Mountains ofrobeson shit - Mark, Just ignore them.
wrote in :

On 15 Aug 2006 13:37:53 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

cease and desist

Mark, Just ignore them.

They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you
follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up.

Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look
more stupid.

Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your
moon bounce some more.


Not Cocksucker Lloyd August 21st 06 03:40 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

On 18 Aug 2006 05:43:15 -0700, "Not Cocksucker Lloyd"

an old fraud wrote:

You are the one who lied about his Army service (as with everything
else you claim), so you STFU!
funny my references check out

No, they don't. You were caught in a lie.

cease desists

Hey, Markie, when are you going to post that picure of your shemale
"wife" to prove he/she is a "female?"

an old friend August 21st 06 03:43 PM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages

Not Cocksucker Lloyd wrote:

cease and desist

K4YZ August 21st 06 10:51 PM

More Morkie Mularkie

On 21 Aug 2006 12:05:30 -0700,

cease and disest


Steve, K4YZ

Slow Code August 22nd 06 01:47 AM

Robeson was set up altough he bit off more than I expect from him, but his lies can now be documented by internet webpages - Markie, Just ignore them.
"Not Cocksucker Lloyd" wrote in

On 18 Aug 2006 05:43:15 -0700, "Not Cocksucker Lloyd"

an old fraud wrote:

You are the one who lied about his Army service (as with everything
else you claim), so you STFU!
funny my references check out

No, they don't. You were caught in a lie.

cease desists

Hey, Markie, when are you going to post that picure of your shemale
"wife" to prove he/she is a "female?"

Markie, Just ignore them.

They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you
follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up.

Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look
more stupid.

Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your
moon bounce some more or clean up your yard.


K4YZ August 22nd 06 09:48 AM

More Morkie Mularkie

On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 23:47:20 GMT, Slow Code wrote:

Markie, Just ignore them.



Because just like he said...Everytime you "respond" you only make
your own hole deeper...

indeed why do you like hiding Robeson lies for him

What lies?

Steve, K4YZ

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