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Dave Heil September 10th 06 08:41 PM

The Sickness that is K4YZ, was A Concession to Morkie
Dave Heil wrote:


Dave Heil wrote:


I find it incredible that you're conversing with the group Myna bird
while ignoring his flooding in an effort to disrupt this and other

I find it incredible that you remain silent on the Robesin outrages,
then criticize me for pointing out how sick they are.

At least we now know where you stand on the issue.

Actually, you don't.

Actually, I do.

You believe that you do, but you don't. I've not told you where I stand.

I've not told you where I stand.

You don't have to. Your actions and complaints speak very loudly.

I haven't taken any actions, so if you hear something loud, it hasn't
come from me. My complaint was that you continue coversing with Mark as
if he has done nothing. Where in the newsgroup do you see my chatting
with Steve?

Mark is flooding this newsgroup with hundreds and hundreds of posts,
fill with mindless drivel.

Dave K8MN

[email protected] September 10th 06 10:54 PM

The Sickness that is K4YZ, was A Concession to Morkie
Dave Heil wrote:

There are considerably more (all archived in Google) and
seem to also apply to other morsemen extras if they so
much as imply the Great One (Robesin) is in error. What
is remarkable is the near-total-absence of critique by
his fellow morsemen, the condoning of his filthy
statements, such morsemen attempting to blame nocoders
for Robesin's own depravity. His fellow morsemen are
afraid of Robesin? It must be so since at least one
said she "could not control" Robesin. [her spanking
ruler fell from her hand in fright]

By your logic, Brian Burke is afraid of you and of Mark Morgan.

No, you are very very wrong there.

He is unable or unwilling to control either of you.

Brian has no need to do what you try to command, Herr Robust.

Bad, bad Davie. Go sit in the corner.

He converses
with Mark as if Mark's behavior in the newsgroup was absolutely normal
and he acts as red-hatted monkey for your old organ grinder routine.

Poor Davie. No one respects or admires your championship
name-calling over distance. Here's a suggestion: Bus over
some of Mother Superior's "friends and neighbors" so that they
can "admire your work." Demonstrate high-rate morse all over
the world, explain to them it is absolutely essential to work DX
on HF with CW, fight terrorists and invading space aliens, and
reduces underarm odor.

Not a pretty picture of US amateur radio PARTICIPANTS
presented to the public. [their PANTS were dropped] :-)

You have some interesting fantasies, Len. Weren't you the one who
posted a jpeg of someone with his trousers dropped posing in the nose of
an aircraft? You seemed to think that was funny.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. I did NOT post a digitized photograph of a converted
B-26 water-dropping aircraft over a forest area in public. That was
Robesin on his very short-lived libelous AOL home page. :-) AOL
deleted Robesin's "Never trust lennie" page once they were notified.

That photo was very funny to thousands of folks, perhaps tens of
thousands. What did YOU see in it that horrified you, Herr Robust?
Were your sensibilities upset? Do you even HAVE sensitibilities?
"The world wonders."

You should work on your morse goad some more. People skills
you ain't got. Tsk, and all those Department of State years and
you never learning any diplomacy skills paid for by the US

Beep, beep,

[email protected] September 10th 06 11:06 PM

The Sickness that is K4YZ, was A Concession to Morkie

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:


Dave Heil wrote:


I find it incredible that you're conversing with the group Myna bird
while ignoring his flooding in an effort to disrupt this and other

I find it incredible that you remain silent on the Robesin outrages,
then criticize me for pointing out how sick they are.

At least we now know where you stand on the issue.

Actually, you don't.

Actually, I do.

You believe that you do, but you don't. I've not told you where I stand.

I've not told you where I stand.

You don't have to. Your actions and complaints speak very loudly.

I haven't taken any actions, so if you hear something loud, it hasn't
come from me. My complaint was that you continue coversing with Mark as
if he has done nothing. Where in the newsgroup do you see my chatting
with Steve?

We don't see that. :-) That's the point you cannot comprehend.

Mark is flooding this newsgroup with hundreds and hundreds of posts,
fill with mindless drivel.

Tsk, tsk. Robesin has flooded this newsgroup with thousands and
thousands of postings of drivel, lies, accusations, and personal
insults before Mark entered this Din of Inequity the first time and
after Mark's absence. Mindless, incorrect drivel, fraudulent claims
of alleged military service, and lies, insults, libel levelled
ANYONE who disagreed with him. See Google archives.

Ah, but Robesin is a fellow morse bigot extra. Such are ALLOWED
to do as you do. All morse bigot extras stick together like the
crazy glue they have inside. Tsk. NOT a pretty picture of amateur
radio "participation" you seem to think is so noble.

Your improvement in morse goad isn't working out.

You are NOT a PARTICIPANT in any diplomacy.

Dave Heil September 11th 06 12:40 AM

The Sickness that is K4YZ, was A Concession to Morkie
Dave Heil wrote:


Dave Heil wrote:


Dave Heil wrote:


I find it incredible that you're conversing with the group Myna bird
while ignoring his flooding in an effort to disrupt this and other

I find it incredible that you remain silent on the Robesin outrages,
then criticize me for pointing out how sick they are.

At least we now know where you stand on the issue.

Actually, you don't.

Actually, I do.

You believe that you do, but you don't. I've not told you where I stand.

I've not told you where I stand.

You don't have to. Your actions and complaints speak very loudly.

I haven't taken any actions, so if you hear something loud, it hasn't
come from me. My complaint was that you continue coversing with Mark as
if he has done nothing. Where in the newsgroup do you see my chatting
with Steve?

We don't see that. :-)


That's the point you cannot comprehend.

I can't comprehend it? Hell, I *wrote it*. Meanwhile, we can observe
both Brian and you chatting away with Mark as if he were doing nothing
at all to foul this newsgroup. At least Roger Wiseman has an excuse;
he's mentally ill.

Mark is flooding this newsgroup with hundreds and hundreds of posts,
fill with mindless drivel.

Tsk, tsk. Robesin has flooded this newsgroup with thousands and
thousands of postings of drivel, lies, accusations, and personal
insults before Mark entered this Din of Inequity the first time and
after Mark's absence.

Mark's mindless posts run into the thousands. He does hundreds in a
*month*. You yourself have posted errors, outright lies, accusations
and personal insults for better than a decade.

Mindless, incorrect drivel, fraudulent claims
of alleged military service, and lies, insults, libel levelled
ANYONE who disagreed with him. See Google archives.

I'd certainly like to read that sphincter post of yours again--the one
where you describe what it is like to go through and artillery barrage.
Did that actually happen to you or did you make it up? Your errors in
the matter of amateur radio history--were those deliberate or just
incorrect drivel? Your false statements about my State Department
employment and my military service--do those fall under "lies",
"fraudulent claims", "incorrect drivel" or were they "libel leveled
(not levelled) against someone who disagreed with you? See Google
archives. By the way, your statement doesn't express a complete
thought. It isn't a sentence. Didn't you claim to be a PROFESSIONAL
writer of some sort?

Ah, but Robesin is a fellow morse bigot extra.

There's no Robesin and there is no such thing as a "morse code bigot

Such are ALLOWED
to do as you do.

You *typically* do what you've accused me of doing.

All morse bigot extras stick together like the
crazy glue they have inside.

That you don't recognize your multiple shortcomings, shows me that
you've been into the Anderson glue supply.

Tsk. NOT a pretty picture of amateur
radio "participation" you seem to think is so noble.

Noble? I've never expressed the idea that amateur radio participation is
supposed to be noble. It is what it is. You simply aren't a part of
it. You have no stake in it. You are irrelevant to it.

Your improvement in morse goad isn't working out.

I don't worship any Norse Gods.

You are NOT a PARTICIPANT in any diplomacy.

....and haven't been for nearly six years. Deal with it. Remember:
"Carrot and stick", "carrot", "stick".


Dave Heil September 11th 06 12:49 AM

The Sickness that is K4YZ, was A Concession to Morkie
Dave Heil wrote:


There are considerably more (all archived in Google) and
seem to also apply to other morsemen extras if they so
much as imply the Great One (Robesin) is in error. What
is remarkable is the near-total-absence of critique by
his fellow morsemen, the condoning of his filthy
statements, such morsemen attempting to blame nocoders
for Robesin's own depravity. His fellow morsemen are
afraid of Robesin? It must be so since at least one
said she "could not control" Robesin. [her spanking
ruler fell from her hand in fright]

By your logic, Brian Burke is afraid of you and of Mark Morgan.

No, you are very very wrong there.

All one has to do is to read your statement and observe your conduct.
Brian continues to converse with both of you and to stand idly by,
remaining silent on that conduct. By your own logic, he must be afraid
of you.

He is unable or unwilling to control either of you.

Brian has no need to do what you try to command, Herr Robust.

Then neither Jim nor I have need to do what you try to command, Herr
Foghorn Lenhorn.

Bad, bad Davie. Go sit in the corner.

I have no need to do what you try to command, Major Hoople.

He converses
with Mark as if Mark's behavior in the newsgroup was absolutely normal
and he acts as red-hatted monkey for your old organ grinder routine.

Poor Davie. No one respects or admires your championship
name-calling over distance.

Poor Lennie. No one respects or admires your self-advocacy in amateur

Here's a suggestion: Bus over
some of Mother Superior's "friends and neighbors" so that they
can "admire your work." Demonstrate high-rate morse all over
the world, explain to them it is absolutely essential to work DX
on HF with CW, fight terrorists and invading space aliens, and
reduces underarm odor.

I have no need to do what you try to command, Herr Lennie.

Not a pretty picture of US amateur radio PARTICIPANTS
presented to the public. [their PANTS were dropped] :-)

You have some interesting fantasies, Len. Weren't you the one who
posted a jpeg of someone with his trousers dropped posing in the nose of
an aircraft? You seemed to think that was funny.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. I did NOT post a digitized photograph of a converted
B-26 water-dropping aircraft over a forest area in public. That was
Robesin on his very short-lived libelous AOL home page. :-) AOL
deleted Robesin's "Never trust lennie" page once they were notified.

Ohhhhhhh. I see. It just sort of fell into his possession, huh? You
had nothing to do with him obtaining it.

That photo was very funny to thousands of folks, perhaps tens of

Was it? How did you come to find this out. Was there a poll taken?

What did YOU see in it that horrified you, Herr Robust?

I don't recall writing that it horrified me, Foghorn Lenhorn.

Were your sensibilities upset? Do you even HAVE sensitibilities?
"The world wonders."

You can keep wondering.

You should work on your morse goad some more.

I don't worship Norse gods.

People skills
you ain't got.

How would you know?

Tsk, and all those Department of State years and
you never learning any diplomacy skills paid for by the US

I was paid by the U.S. taxpayer to learn diplomacy skills? Actually I
wasn't Len, but I've already told you all you need to become a master of
diplomacy: "carrot and stick", "just carrot" or "just stick".

Beep, beep,

Tsk, tsk


an old freind September 11th 06 02:09 PM

The Sickness that is K4YZ, was A Concession to Morkie


woger try**mipsor

[email protected] December 6th 06 12:05 PM

More Morkie Misquoting Mayhem

On 1 Dec 2006 01:43:28 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:
Morkie, I will conceed that you know two things that I will never
know...What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man's
genitals, and the going welfare rates in Michigan. steve goes claiming
othermen eat his ####

meanign I quoted you conrectly


Meaning that you once again proved my assertion that you're
misquoting me and quoting out-of-context.

PROVING that KB9RQZ is a liar and incompetent in English

Steve, K4YZ

K4YZ December 8th 06 02:19 PM

More Morkie Misquoting Mayhem


Morkie, I will conceed that you know two things that I will never
know...What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man's
genitals, and the going welfare rates in Michigan. steve goes claiming
othermen eat his ####
your word you eat them

My words.

Your lack of comprehension.


Squarely in your lap, fatboy.

PROVING that KB9RQZ is a liar and incompetent in English

no steve you are the incompetant you wrote those words and can't live
with your mistake

Sorry, Morkie.

You continue to try and "quote" from the middle of a sentence and
pass it off as something else.

You CONTINUE to prove that you're incompetent in English
comprehension and are a blatant liar.


Steve, K4YZ

[email protected] December 13th 06 02:28 PM

More Morkie Mularkie

On 8 Dec 2006 05:19:05 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

Morkie, I will conceed that you know two things that I will never
know...What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man's
genitals, and the going welfare rates in Michigan. steve goes claiming
othermen eat his ####
your word you eat them

My words.

so take repsoniblity for them

I do.

The IRRESPONSIBILITY is YOURS in trying to claim that I said
something other than what I said.

I never said "othermen eat my ####"

I said YOU eat your own.

Read what I wrote. It's right there in SIMPLE English.

Steve, K4YZ

[email protected] December 14th 06 01:20 PM

You Quoted It Morkie...Now Face Up to YOUR Error

On 8 Dec 2006 05:19:05 -0800, "K4YZ" wrote:

Morkie, I will conceed that you know two things that I will never
know...What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man's
genitals, and the going welfare rates in Michigan. steve goes claiming
othermen eat his ####
your word you eat them

My words.

so take repsoniblity for them

I do.

The IRRESPONSIBILITY is YOURS in trying to claim that I said
something other than what I said.

I never said "othermen eat my ####"

I said YOU eat your own.

Read what I wrote. It's right there in SIMPLE English.

Steve, K4YZ

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