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Slow Code September 8th 06 01:50 AM

Ping: KB9RQZ: Can You Get It Through YOUR Head That YOU Are A "xero"...?!?!?
"K4YZ" wrote in

nobodys old friend wrote:
canyou get it through your head I have xero interest in Morse Code

Who cares?

if you could give me the abilty to read it I would not use it since I
am not interested in what it offers

Of course you're not. Why would you want to be able to
communicate effectively in real time with others who don't share your

Of course you already have the problem of not being able to
effectively communicate with those who DO share your language....

I have psent a good part of youth on the mode and I will waste no more
time on it

You spent squat. You never tried...or at least never tried more
than once...Once it was apparent that this was something that you'd
really have to apply yourself to get, you QUIT.

I don't feel that Ham is CW, the FCC and the ARRL agree it isn't

Who cares what you feel? You're an idiot.

for the type of contacts I could make with CW I can make much the same
contact using JT 65 modes which I have made afew moon bounce


(UNSNIP)...and in creasing number of terreail contact using MS based
proagation and all without having to listen to static. If I listen to
static I want to hear a person not a machine be it computer or code key

What's a "terreail" contact?

I will can and will listen for the off chance of hearing either SOS or
OSO if I hear either I boot up my CW reading program and try to help
out if it apreas I can read the signal and no one is responding. a very
unlikely event I suspect.


aside from that nothing could get to to use that mode. ona personal
level I DO despise it and hope to hear its demise (by the volontary
disuse of the ARS the last bastition of CW use) I may not live that
long, but I have hopes

Then we have something in common...The ARS is hoping to hear of
YOUR demise too!

BTW calling some one lazy is just not a good way to get to them to do
something you want them to to do

OK...You're not lazy...You're an idiot.

Steve, K4YZ

That sums up KB9RQZ all right.


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