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[email protected] October 1st 06 08:11 PM

Convinced Again


Jimmie the M.
probably picked it up on the old (defunct) AOL discussion board
and saw it was useful for him as a misdirection.


Who is "Jimmie the M."?

It can't be me, because I've never been involved in "AOLl discussion
boards" (whatever those are).

Dave Heil October 1st 06 08:34 PM

Convinced Again
From: Dave Heil on Sun, Oct 1 2006 8:57 am


The robeswine picked it up thinking it was SOP.


"If you don't know that information, all of your
latest diatribe is rather pointless."

There's no one called "Robeswine" posting here.

As always, may you bask forever in the warm glow
of ByteBrohters famous phrase...

"ByteBrohters", is it?

I'm not familiar with the phrase. Maybe it isn't as famous as you think
it is.

See IEEE Code of Ethics

Dave K8MN

[email protected] October 1st 06 10:00 PM

Convinced Again

On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 18:34:05 GMT, Dave Heil

From: Dave Heil on Sun, Oct 1 2006 8:57 am


The robeswine picked it up thinking it was SOP.

"If you don't know that information, all of your
latest diatribe is rather pointless."

There's no one called "Robeswine" posting here.

an obviosus lie Dave

Mark, he's already been told who it is...a USMC veteran IMPOSTER
but one who is an amateur extra morseman...ergo, that's okay.

Heil just doesn't get it when his own sentence is quoted back to
him in response. :-)

Miccolis has to get into the act claiming he was "never on any
'AOLI' [sic] discussion boards." As a matter of fact he WAS
and we even exchanged some posts there when AOL (I did
not write 'AOLI') had many discussion boards, one of which
was about amateur radio.

Since AOL took down all those boards, Miccolis can claim
there were never any such things and he never posted on them.
Cute! I can't prove a thing NOW. Even if I had saved some of
those postings (sounding for all the world like parroting of the
ARRL's pet phrases), he can still DENY it! :-)

AOL also took down the software browser capability to
directly exchange messages with Usenet at the same time.
No doubt some of them must have looked like this newsgripe
does now. :-)

It's something like what the robeswine has done for YEARS in
here, insulting anyone who disagrees with him (even in the
slightest way), charging that they are homosexual, pedophiles,
aren't patriotic, wanting to talk to wives, even to insulting
educational institutions. The robeswine goes so far as to
pull off a "1984" Orwellian RE-DEFINITION of truth and lies
wherein he always tells the "truth" but those disagreeing with
him always "lie." Perverse.

That seems to be okay by Paul Schleck. We can't use the
claim that "he did it first." He did but we can't claim it under
some rough draft of moderated newsgroup "regulations" to-be.
Where has Paul been hiding, I wonder? He never saw those
posts that went on for years?

an old friend October 1st 06 10:09 PM

Convinced Again

On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 18:34:05 GMT, Dave Heil

From: Dave Heil on Sun, Oct 1 2006 8:57 am


The robeswine picked it up thinking it was SOP.

"If you don't know that information, all of your
latest diatribe is rather pointless."

There's no one called "Robeswine" posting here.

an obviosus lie Dave

Mark, he's already been told who it is...a USMC veteran IMPOSTER
but one who is an amateur extra morseman...ergo, that's okay.

indeed Steve still lies and and lies but he is an extra

I am shocked that this does not apply to Wismen a code tested extra
too but only he may chastise him

Heil just doesn't get it when his own sentence is quoted back to
him in response. :-)

oh he gets it but he insists that he doesn't see it

Miccolis has to get into the act claiming he was "never on any
'AOLI' [sic] discussion boards." As a matter of fact he WAS
and we even exchanged some posts there when AOL (I did
not write 'AOLI') had many discussion boards, one of which
was about amateur radio.

it is a comon SoP

Since AOL took down all those boards, Miccolis can claim
there were never any such things and he never posted on them.
Cute! I can't prove a thing NOW. Even if I had saved some of
those postings (sounding for all the world like parroting of the
ARRL's pet phrases), he can still DENY it! :-)

AOL also took down the software browser capability to
directly exchange messages with Usenet at the same time.
No doubt some of them must have looked like this newsgripe
does now. :-)

It's something like what the robeswine has done for YEARS in
here, insulting anyone who disagrees with him (even in the
slightest way), charging that they are homosexual, pedophiles,
aren't patriotic, wanting to talk to wives, even to insulting
educational institutions. The robeswine goes so far as to
pull off a "1984" Orwellian RE-DEFINITION of truth and lies
wherein he always tells the "truth" but those disagreeing with
him always "lie." Perverse.

indeed he is still claiming to conta ct with cop aleegd to be
investagatingm my aleged child molesting the ccop ihas been guest of
the Governovr for the last 2 years (roughly) and finaly accepted a plea
deal for child rape himself (the deal has him serves his time with club
fed to avoid him being shived again by former vitums of police

That seems to be okay by Paul Schleck. We can't use the
claim that "he did it first." He did but we can't claim it under
some rough draft of moderated newsgroup "regulations" to-be.
Where has Paul been hiding, I wonder? He never saw those
posts that went on for years?

it is called willfull blindness rather like many german in say the 30's
and 40's

[email protected] October 1st 06 10:25 PM

Convinced Again

an old friend wrote:
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 18:34:05 GMT, Dave Heil

From: Dave Heil on Sun, Oct 1 2006 8:57 am


it is called willfull blindness rather like many german in say the 30's
and 40's

Stay tuned, Mark, "krystallnacht" is right around the corner.

There are SA brownshirts among us now.

an old friend October 1st 06 10:32 PM

Convinced Again

an old friend wrote:
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 18:34:05 GMT, Dave Heil

From: Dave Heil on Sun, Oct 1 2006 8:57 am


it is called willfull blindness rather like many german in say the 30's
and 40's

Stay tuned, Mark, "krystallnacht" is right around the corner.

nothing would please me more than to call you a liar on that one not
even the long awaited R&O

There are SA brownshirts among us now.

and the NAZI's are the best of them it was been a self apoointed job to
learn just sickos are out there

the nbest one line analysis I can give of that reasearch is to point
out I live in NW nowhere and have aquired in the last few years

[email protected] October 1st 06 10:54 PM

Convinced Again
On Sun, 01 Oct 2006 18:34:05 GMT, Dave Heil

From: Dave Heil on Sun, Oct 1 2006 8:57 am


The robeswine picked it up thinking it was SOP.

"If you don't know that information, all of your
latest diatribe is rather pointless."

There's no one called "Robeswine" posting here.

an obviosus lie Dave

Mark, he's already been told who it is...a USMC veteran IMPOSTER
but one who is an amateur extra morseman...ergo, that's okay.

Do you mean "Robeson"?

Why do you say "imposter"?

You claim to know who served and who didn't. Isn't he in the database?

Heil just doesn't get it when his own sentence is quoted back to
him in response. :-)

Perhaps you'd have the same problem, Len....

has to get into the act claiming he was "never on any
'AOLI' [sic] discussion boards."

I was not on any AOL "discussion boards". Not one.

As a matter of fact he WAS
and we even exchanged some posts there when AOL (I did
not write 'AOLI') had many discussion boards, one of which
was about amateur radio.


You're mistaken, Len. If you meant me, that is. Maybe you meant
somebody else.

It's hard to tell who you mean, because you use names that do not match
those who actually post here.

I think, Len, that you have a whole bunch of invisible, imaginary
"friends". The person you refer to as "the robeswine" is just one of

There was a time when there were several people with my first name
posting to rrap. You may have me confused with one of them.

Since AOL took down all those boards,

can claim
there were never any such things and he never posted on them.

I don't claim they didn't exist.

I just never had anything to do with them.

Cute! I can't prove a thing NOW.

You keep making claims that you can't back up, Len.

Even if I had saved some of
those postings (sounding for all the world like parroting of the
ARRL's pet phrases), he can still DENY it! :-)

It's not a question of denying anything.

I was never involved with AOL discussion boards. That's all there is to

AOL also took down the software browser capability to
directly exchange messages with Usenet at the same time.

Perhaps you have the two confused. I've been on Usenet since 1997.
Posting to Usenet via AOL's browser was very convenient. But AOL
eliminated that capability a few years ago - 2004 IIRC. At the time,
AOL said their reason was lack of use.

I was never involved in AOL "discussion boards". Not one.

You are either mistaken - or deliberately telling an untruth.

Either way, I'm convinced.

an old friend October 1st 06 10:57 PM

Convinced Again


Mark, he's already been told who it is...a USMC veteran IMPOSTER
but one who is an amateur extra morseman...ergo, that's okay.

Do you mean "Robeson"?

yes jim

Why do you say "imposter"?

well what else do you call someone that fakes their background

You claim to know who served and who didn't. Isn't he in the database?

he is no data base that I can find

[email protected] October 2nd 06 12:32 AM



As always, may you bask forever in the warm glow
of ByteBrohters famous phrase...

Gee, Len - don't you have the "guts" to say what the phrase is?

[email protected] October 2nd 06 01:21 AM

Convinced Again
From: an old friend on Sun, Oct 1 2006 1:57 pm


Mark, he's already been told who it is...a USMC veteran IMPOSTER
but one who is an amateur extra morseman...ergo, that's okay.

Do you mean "Robeson"?

yes jim

Who is "Robeson?"

Who is "Jim?"

Why do you say "imposter"?

well what else do you call someone that fakes their background

Maybe this "Jim" (whoever that is) meant "imp poster?" :-)

The Imposter has NEVER made available a single document for
anyone to view, hasn't even shown a snapshot of himself
from that claimed "18-year USMC career." In EIGHTEEN years
he has NO evidence? Bull****. He is a FAKE...or the
circumstances of his not making a "full 20" are so damn
embarrassing to him that he can't post them in public.

You claim to know who served and who didn't. Isn't he in the database?

he is no data base that I can find

This "Jim" (whoever that is) laid a small word trap there.
He carefully did NOT specify WHICH database. The Imposter
IS in the FCC database, thus will appear in the QRZ data-
base. This "Jim" (whoever that is) will then begin a big
argument over databases, possibly spinning off a whole new
thread...ignoring the original military Imposter subject.

This "Jim" has NEVER served in any military branch. He
may think the "database" (of those in the military) is
some freely accessible database somewhere on the Internet.
It is NOT. For those actively serving NOW it is available
via the DSN (through the Internet) but ONLY to those with
clearance to access that information.

For military veteran information, one goes to NARA
(National Archives and Records Administration) St. Louis
Missouri, NMPRC (National Military Personnel Records
Center) there. One MUST supply the veteran's
personal identity (besides the name) such as a Social
Security Number and/or military branch serial number
if that was used during the term of service. But that
can gain access ONLY if the requestor is identifiable
family/kin or a previously-identified Human Resources
department or investigative organization (police
departments, FBI, etc.). The VA (Veterans
Administration) has to go that route also. There is
NO WAY that any government agency is going to realease
information on anyone 'casually' from a simple phone
call to the VA. This FAKE takes advantage of that in
his bluffing in here ("call the VA" repeated often).

Let's take another example of the FAKE's bluffing.
The CAP (Civil Air Patrol) flies CIVILIAN-registry
aircraft. In ALL air traffic communications around
the world (that includes airport towers) ALL inbound
and outbound aircraft communicate in English to air
traffic controllers and identify themselves by the
aircraft registry number. In the USA that is an "N"
prefix followed by numerals with a one- or two-letter
suffix. In the USA it is common to use the last two
numerals and suffix in IDs with local towers. The
"CAP radio callsign" is NOT used for that. The FAKE
has glossed over any mention of the aircraft that he
supposedly flies (as "pilot in command") or its ATC
ID. Civil Aviation radio band is used (118 to
137 MHz, always voice). Use that two-number plus
suffix a few times in tower-controlled takeoffs and
landings and it is hard to forget. [I still remember
"two-one-whiskey" (21W) for the Cessna 150 I used in
some flight lessons 43 years ago at VNY] Ergo, this
supposed "major" isn't involved in actual flying per
se, just using some common phrases tossed out AS IF
he were a real pilot. He may not have any "major"
rank at all. His QRZ bio shows a picture of him in
a flight suit with captain's bars, clothing that can
be bought surplus at an "Army-Navy Store" by anyone
with money to buy it. Insignia and medals, ribbons
are available for sale at many more venues.

In a series of postings in here, Frank Silliland asked
some pointed, detailed USMC questions of our fake. Fake
could NOT answer them correctly. In a shorter series
of messages with Hans Brakob, the fake screwed up his
responses on military cryptographic equipment and
procedures, including familiar names of equipment and
methods. Hans was a Master Chief PO in charge of
crypto during his active duty time. In an earlier tell-
tale sign of bluffing fakery, the Fake could not name
a single item of military radio equipment used over his
supposed 18-year career term, radios that would be
common to non-radio-specialist military personnel use.
Already a licensed radio amateur and he could NOT
remember either the nomenclature or familiar name of a
piece of radio equipment?!? Inconceivable! The Fake
countered with the usual fake's rationalization: it
was 'classified' and he 'couldn't reveal it!" Bull****.
The nomenclatures of military radio equipment is KNOWN
and the familiar names are familiar, not some 'secret.'
Nomenclatures, even for cryptographic equipment, are in
public display for RFBs of contracts by civilian firms
at the Government Accounting Office and all government
agencies offering contracts. The Fake doesn't know a
"Plugger" from a "Prick-twenty-five" yet both were
operational during his supposed 18-year active duty

So, this "Jim" (whoever that is) wants a "database" with
this amateur extra morseman's name on it? Now he knows
were to look: St. Louis, MO. [] Good luck
to his little "subsidizing soul" as a taxpayer, taxes
withheld from his paycheck by an unknown employer. On
the non-database information this "Jim" doesn't know
squat and should keep his nose out of conversations of
REAL veterans about REAL radio. Ptui.


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