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K4YZ September 23rd 06 11:22 AM

Liar Lennie On the Loose

From: Paul W. Schleck on Thurs, Sep 21 2006 12:21 pm

One can also (if they have a strong stomach) read the
filthy blitherings of the USMC Imposter Steven James
Robeson towards just about anyone in here over several

I'm not Steve Robeson. I'm happy to clarify that for you.

I am happy that you are happy.

I am NOT happy that some are acting as military veteran
imposters. Extremely few REAL veterans are happy about

So you're willing to come out and call Mark Morgan for what he is,

Because so far he's the only "imposter" here when it comes to
military service.

YOU have LIED and EMBELLISHED certain details about YOUR service,
but that's OK...At least you really did put on a uniform...

(Yes...feel free to dive into your "seven hostile actions" rant
here, Lennie...None of which serves to change the facts...)

Steve, K4YZ

[email protected] September 25th 06 03:46 AM

Liar Lennie On the Loose

MarkFrom: on Sun, Sep 24 2006 3:02 pm

On 23 Sep 2006 02:22:20 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
From: Paul W. Schleck on Thurs, Sep 21 2006 12:21 pm

One can also (if they have a strong stomach) read the
filthy blitherings of the USMC Imposter Steven James
Robeson towards just about anyone in here over several

I'm not Steve Robeson. I'm happy to clarify that for you.

I am happy that you are happy.

I am NOT happy that some are acting as military veteran
imposters. Extremely few REAL veterans are happy about

So you're willing to come out and call Mark Morgan for what he is,

Because so far he's the only "imposter" here when it comes to

military service.

hardly I have not lied about it you have allowed yourself to distort
what I said but that is YOUR doing steve

This USMC Imposter has had YEARS to produce SOME evidence
by document or even snapshot to prove his USMC service
and has FAILED to produce a single item, not even the
name of another servicemember for personal verification.

When pinned by challenges, the USMC Imposter bluffs and says
"Call the VA." An obvious BLUFF since the Veterans
Administration does NOT have old service records...those
are at the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) in St. Louis. NARA will not, repeat NOT, give out
information to just anyone. A requestor must be the one
on record or family of same (the family line is limited)
or a recognized investigative agency or known branch of

A simple digital scan of a DD-214 would suffice. Two others
have supplied that. I have mine ready to send but I've also
got a 20-page photo essay at that
shows what I did for three years in my Army service. I once
sent a scan of my first First 'Phone to two coders in
here but they REFUSED to look at it. One of them was the
USMC Imposter who, unable to control himself, made a libelous
and hateful home page on AOL about me (AOL removed it rather
quickly). The USMC Imposter was then clearly out of control
of himself but I was still optimistic he would snap out of
it. He did not.

YOU have LIED and EMBELLISHED certain details about YOUR service,
but that's OK...At least you really did put on a uniform...

Tsk, tsk, tsk...the USMC Imposter is STILL out of control.
I've "embellished" nothing about my military service, do
not have to. I've got enough documentary and personal
evidence to prove that in a REAL court of law. [a real
court of law can obtain full NARA records if they need it]
Not only that, Gene Rosenbaum, N2JTV, was IN my Signal
Company doing the same things as I was doing in the same
period; Gene is retired after a career with the FAA, lives
on Long Island.

(Yes...feel free to dive into your "seven hostile actions" rant
here, Lennie...None of which serves to change the facts...)

still no proof from you

Years and years of NOTHING from the USMC Imposter, only
bluffs and brags in messages, NO third-party proof.

Next week I'll be at the three-story Media City Mall in
Burbank, CA. There's an Army recruiting station there.
I may stop in and mention that there might be a USMC
Imposter floating around, give them this Imposter's FCC
mailing address (quite public, from QRZ) and let them do
with it as they see fit. Military members are NOT happy
with Imposters. That includes personnel from other
military branches; we've all worn the same "U.S."
collar insignia. Maybe the FBI would like to know, too?

This is NOT a "threat." It would be doing the USA a
real service. I don't have to do a thing beyond giving
the military personnel there some public information.


[email protected] September 25th 06 04:22 AM

Liar Lennie On the Loose


This is NOT a "threat." It would be doing the USA a
real service.

Jim asks if he can serve in other ways. Ask him to contact the "Stolen
Valor" people with Robesin's claims of seven hostile actions.

I don't have to do a thing beyond giving
the military personnel there some public information.


[email protected] September 25th 06 04:31 AM

Liar Lennie On the Loose


This is NOT a "threat." It would be doing the USA a
real service.

Jim asks if he can serve in other ways. Ask him to contact the "Stolen
Valor" people with Robesin's claims of seven hostile actions.

I don't have to do a thing beyond giving
the military personnel there some public information.


Stolen Valor Part Four: Phony veteran catching kit
By Eric

In honor of Memorial Day and in light of Jesse MacBeth's fraud, I'd
like to continue my Stolen Valor series with a special entry on how to
identify and pursue fraudulent veterans.

I'll begin with a list of 8 ways to spot a phony veteran - according to
Thomas A. Cottone, Jr., an FBI special agent that specializes in medal
fraud cases and fraudulent veterans, and as written by Marine Corps
Times writer Laura Bailey. Lastly, I'd like to talk about a couple of
Agent Cottone, Jr.'s tips and a few of my own:

1. Sketchy records. When asked to verify details of their military
record, phonies often say they didn't go through the normal military
channels, said Mike Sandborn, an FBI special agent and former Marine
captain who works medals fraud cases. Sandborn said phonies will often
say they were in high demand by the military and weren't required to go
through the normal training.

2. Appearance matters. Impostors put on pretty lousy impersonations.
They're often out of shape or have a "slovenly appearance in uniform,"
Sandborn said. If they look like "50 pounds of pork shoved into a
10-pound sack," Sandborn said, they're probably an impostor.

3. Top secret? Probably not. A phony often will say details of his
career exploits are classified. But even with awards for classified
actions, ceremonies are never top secret. Veterans claiming to have
received an award should be able to produce an order granting it no
matter how secretive the action.

And more...

[email protected] September 25th 06 04:36 AM

Liar Lennie On the Loose


This is NOT a "threat." It would be doing the USA a
real service.

Jim asks if he can serve in other ways. Ask him to contact the "Stolen
Valor" people with Robesin's claims of seven hostile actions.

I don't have to do a thing beyond giving
the military personnel there some public information.


How to Spot a Phony Veteran Or False POW
Editor's Note: If your organization or company is confronted by a
self-proclaimed veteran or former POW, there is a simple process by
which you can verify the information. In addition, several
organizations listed here can provide useful support for validating the
military service, decorations and wartime experiences of any
self-proclaimed veteran.

Verifying a Veteran's Records

(1) Require a full set of identification papers and military documents
before you agree to employ or deal work with the veteran.

Many would-be veterans simply fabricate their biographies from thin
air, but others have been known to forge documents or even to commit
"identity theft" of actual POWs or veterans. So it is necessary not
only to check out his claims but to compare his documentation against
that of the military archives.

You should begin by informing the veteran that because all too many
phony veterans have deceived the public in recent years about their
wartime experiences, it is a sad necessity that you cannot accept his
claim at face value, and have to confirm the veteran's identity and his
official records before you may proceed. The first step is to obtain a
transcript of his military service from the National Military Records
Center in St. Louis, Mo. - the branch of the National Archives that
handles all military personnel records.

You should insist on the following from the claimant himself: A copy of
birth certificate or passport, driver's license, Form DD-214 (summary
of military service at discharge), and a copy of the General Order for
each award or medal. You should obtain his Social Security number.

And more....

[email protected] September 25th 06 06:25 AM

Liar Lennie On the Loose


This is NOT a "threat." It would be doing the USA a
real service.

Jim asks if he can serve in other ways. Ask him to contact the "Stolen
Valor" people with Robesin's claims of seven hostile actions.

Not good...Mother Superior or the guy from the Waffen SS would
say I "threatened them" or "told them what to do!" :-)

old freind September 25th 06 06:28 AM

Liar Lennie On the Loose


This is NOT a "threat." It would be doing the USA a
real service.

Jim asks if he can serve in other ways. Ask him to contact the "Stolen
Valor" people with Robesin's claims of seven hostile actions.

Not good...Mother Superior or the guy from the Waffen SS would
say I "threatened them" or "told them what to do!" :-)

of course even slightly contradicting the MMM is a threat

[email protected] September 25th 06 12:49 PM

Liar Lennie On the Loose

old freind wrote:

This is NOT a "threat." It would be doing the USA a
real service.

Jim asks if he can serve in other ways. Ask him to contact the "Stolen
Valor" people with Robesin's claims of seven hostile actions.

Not good...Mother Superior or the guy from the Waffen SS would
say I "threatened them" or "told them what to do!" :-)

of course even slightly contradicting the MMM is a threat

"Slashed tires, rocks through windows, and terrorized wives" is not a

Dave Heil September 25th 06 04:54 PM

Liar Lennie On the Loose

Tsk, tsk, tsk...the USMC Imposter is STILL out of control.
I've "embellished" nothing about my military service, do
not have to.

Tell us about what it is like to go through an artillery barrage, Len?
Where was that artillery barrage that you lived through? When did it
take place? Was your friend Gene with you? Can he confirm it?
Did his sphincter tighten too?

Dave K8MN

Dave Heil September 25th 06 05:13 PM

Liar Lennie On the Loose

Stolen Valor Part Four: Phony veteran catching kit
By Eric

2. Appearance matters. Impostors put on pretty lousy impersonations.
They're often out of shape or have a "slovenly appearance in uniform,"
Sandborn said. If they look like "50 pounds of pork shoved into a
10-pound sack," Sandborn said, they're probably an impostor.

I don't know what it is like where you live, Brian. Disproving the
above would be easy hearabouts. All one needs do is observe the
American Legion Color Guard on a holiday, a high school football game or
at a funeral.

I cannot fit into any uniform that I wore over thirty-four years ago.
My dad couldn't fit into any of his WWII Navy uniforms. Apparently,
appearance doesn't matter much at all.

As an aside, I encourage you to contact the "Stolen Valor" guys and for
Len to drop by the recruiting office in regard to Steve's service. If
it turns out that you've falsely accused him, I'll expect to see
numerous mea culpas for weeks and weeks afterward, since you two would
look like prize boobs.

Dave K8MN

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