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[email protected] October 29th 06 04:07 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

On 28 Oct 2006 14:01:31 -0700,
On 27 Oct 2006 16:43:42 -0700,
an_old_friend wrote:
Dees coming around in her own way, but the brainwashing that she's
undergone is strong. Perhaps in another decade... if there's still an
amateur radio. If only she had been able to think spontaneously and
resist, the brainwashing wouldn't have been so well received.

thinking ability is not prised by our educational system by and large

The Catholics have done a commendable job in the educational department.


No, not really.


Yep, and for far less money than the public schools operate on.

That's because they can pick and choose their students, and the areas
they serve.

Nope. The Catholic School can only accept students that apply. No one
is forced to apply or attend. And there are no geographical
restrictions to the area that a Catholic School services, only the
ability of a parent to get their child to school on time.

Public schools cannot.

They can as much as any school can.

i honestly have no real dat on the subject NOT being catholic
and being from a religious background that frowns on Rome we have
tended to avoid thier school

That isn't to say that Catholics don't have a whole host of other

Some of which have made the headlines in recent years.

Protestant Churches have made EXACTLY the same headlines.

But serving in other ways hasn't made any headlines.

I do hope some schools are doing a better

In public schools? Rare!

Not in my experience. Of course, community support for the public
schools varies all over the place.

Just like community support for the military varies all over the place.

I mean Dee equates being able to do Morse Code (which she flasely
claims based on the lies she was taught is somehow related to basis of
Radio Maxwells equations to data that wtries to keep someone from
hurting themselves, shows poor thinking process

One does not need to know Maxwell's Equations to do radio safely.

Yet you speak of Maxwell's Equations often.

Dee says she has no use for the Smith Charts. What were you saying
about the smith charts?

Dee's doing the best she can with her self-imposed handicaps.



[email protected] October 29th 06 04:13 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?


Who is "Jimmie"? There's a "Jimmie D" who has posted to rrap recently.
I'm not him

Jimmie is the guy who diverts the subject when he is asked under what
other names he's posted to RRAP under. Jimmis is nobody at all.

Dee Flint October 29th 06 04:22 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message

Slow Code wrote:

Larry, Dee and Me are the only pro 'Keep the code test' people in
group anymore.


Then the presentation of sound reasoning has been successful.

No most of them have left due to the spam created by Mark Morgan,

I see Mark Morgan as the necessary balance in the vicious postings by

He doesn't need to create dozens of posts to refute each one.

You don't get to decide that. Has Robesin accused you of lesbian
encounters or pedophilia?

When he does, I'll be sure to keep track of the ratio of Robesin
postings to Dee postings.

Well if such an odd thing should ever happen, I'll killfile him. I refuse
to get sucked into such stupidity.

Many of
Mark's posts are and were quite vicious.

Um, yeh. It's really awful, isn't it? Almost as bad as accusing
people of rape.

I killfiled Morgan the day he made
unacceptable comments about Steve's deceased daughter.

Did you know that his daughter was severly retarded, and he makes jokes
about "the short bus" on RRAP? I doubt that his daughter was well off
enough to ride the short bus that Robesin pokes fun at..

I don't particularly care for either one's tactics and stay out of that

We actually have very little in common. We both claim to be
amateur radio operator and military veterans. I got chopped to the US
Army twice, so I know a little bit about the Army. I also got chopped
to the US Navy once, and there and at service schools, and in Somalia,
was fairly close to the USMC.

As far as amateur radio goes, the only one of these bozos I've ever
QSO'd was Heil when I was DX on Guam.

interminable pontification of Len Anderson,

Yeh, well, we have Jim who served in other ways. I'm sure he has
something to be proud of, too, but so far he hasn't mentioned it in
other ways.

I happen to remember the post. He said that one can serve in other ways.
He did not say whether he himself served in the military or in other

Even worse.

Yet based on that comment, Len Anderson and others have made ASSumptions.

Jim's had YEARS to clarify, and he's been questioned SPECIFICALLY about
that comment.

the compulsive responses that
some seem to feel that they must post to the spam, the vulgarity of
like Opus,

I guess you conveniently forgot Dan and Bruce's postings to Kim....

Long time ago, but I think I mentioned it was stupid of them.

Stupid? It was sexual harassment. That's illegal isn't it?

Hard to say. One would have to weigh it against the specific wording of the
law and adjudicated cases to determine if it was or was not illegal.

she's an adult and is capable of dealing with these people on her own.

Yeh, right. You didn't like her politics, so she's on her own.

How do you come to that conclusion? I know very little about her politics
and it wouldn't matter if I did. As I recall, she defended her choice far
better than I or anyone else could have done it for her. I supported her
right to choose a legally available call sign even though I thought her
choice a little strange. It's not within my power to make others accept it.

Talk about not just sexist, but bonifide sexual harassment (and Jim
never once chimed in to say boo)....

As tasteless and tacky as it was, it may not have actually meet the legal
definition of sexual harassment. She was not threatened with a job loss or
with an overall loss in her quality of life. Discussion groups are not for
the faint of heart, especially ones like these newsgroups. Participation in
these news groups does not contribute to quality of life in any significant
way. It is an idle and insignificant form of recreation.

She chose the call sign.

I believe she did.

Yup. A simple check of the call sign database shows that it is a vanity
call. So it was hers by choice. I don't recall for sure but didn't she say
she did it on a dare?

It's not up to him or me or any one else to defend
her other than to say it was her right. I believe that I commented that
thought it was a poor choice but it was up to her.

I believe you did just that.

So when a YL wearing a slit skirt and a push-up bra gets raped...?

Not the same thing at all and you very well know it. Her overall quality of
life is seriously affected and her life could even be in danger. Besides
rapists don't care what the victim is wearing. They are looking for some
one they can successfully dominate and terrorize. The shy school girl in
the dowdy clothes hurrying home with her books clutched to her chest is just
as likely or even more likely to be raped than the brazen hookers down on
Eight Mile (that's a Detroit reference).

Was she asking for it and is she on her own?

See my comment above. If I saw some one being threatened with violence and
it were within my power to do something about it, I would. It wouldn't
matter if it were that shy school girl or that brazen hooker. Today, I'd
have to limit myself to calling for help but in my younger, more fit days,
I'd also have taken an active (i.e. physical) part in her defense.

the slamming that people like Slow Code do to those who licensed
or will license under the current system and so on.

He's only saying what the PCTA Extras would like to say without their
callsigns attached to it.

I'm a pro code test advocate and an Extra.

I would never have guessed.

I would never hide behind

Jim does.

And I do not hold the candidates responsible for the quality or
extent of the tests. They have no choice in the matter. What the new
does have a choice in is to either stagnate or progress. He can gain the
experience to then join in discussions and contribute or he can put his
in his mouth with such inexperienced statements as "you need an amplifier
work DX" or "you can't work Texas from Michigan on VHF". However even
I try to avoid anything that could be taken as a put down because I want
them to stay in ham radio and grow and develop. I'll invite them over to
work a contest with my measly 100 watts or I'll introduce them to one of
QRP enthusiasts. I'll invite them to work the VHF station at Field Day
pair them up with one of our VHF experts. It's called being a good ham
an Elmer.

No "shack on a belt" quips?

Nope. Why should I? It accomplishes nothing. I want people to enjoy ham
radio. I want their motivation to develop to be based on the joy they get
out of it and the joy they see others get out of it. Sarcasm does not serve
that objective.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Dee Flint October 29th 06 04:41 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message

So who do you think "Slow Code" is? Coslo? Miccolis? Roll? Deignan?
Dan, Dan the CB Radio Man?

Haven't a clue on Slow Code. The style doesn't sound like Coslo or

Obviously it's someone who's been here awhile.

Don't really know the style of the other fellows writing.

Troll was the racist poster ("My favorite black on the bus...," and
"Welfare mothers of Color with their hands out...").

I delete such without reading them and generally delete all the resulting

Deignan was the vanity callsign collector and the original "RF
Commando." He called me a liar when I said he had collected 12
callsigns, but I was wrong - one of the callsigns actually belonged to
his wife at the same address. So I guess I was a liar after all. I
should have known that he had a Ham Wife that collected vanity
callsigns, too.

There are way too many people that confuse honest mistakes with lying.
Don't be one of them. The FCC has been getting on people for doing that and
making them justify the calls or give them up.

Deignan's buddy in Hawaii loaned him his PO Box number so he could scam
some Hawaiin calls, meanwhile, the Hawaiin PO Box owner was scamming a
Guam callsign. Never been to Guam and could have operated /KH2 like I
did for two years. I guess a Hawaiin Call Stroke Guam Call is a pretty
cool thing...

Don't see why. But again the FCC is getting wise to such antics.

Anyway, these are the guys who pass judgement on me because I am too
fat, lazy, and stupid to buy into the whole Morse Exam stuff at 5, and
then 13, and then 20 WPM.

Depends on how bad you want the privileges. Just don't ask for something
for nothing. Originally I had no interest in ham radio but my husband at
the time dragged me to a class as something we could do together. As I got
involved, I found it interesting. I deduced very early on that what I
wanted to get out of ham radio would best be served by going all the way to
Extra. Since I wanted the privileges, I met the requirements including the
20 wpm.

Not everyone wants those privileges. Kim is a case in point. She is a Tech
Plus and could have gotten her General with just a written test and no
further code testing as of April 2000. She chose not to because she did not
really like HF operations. The typical background static of HF bothers her.
Her interests lie in VHF and up. Since she has full privileges there, the
General does not serve her goals.

That's the beauty of anon postings, they don't have to follow their own

Very true. But it takes a lot of discipline to consistently write in a
different style and not make tell tale slips. When Len Anderson was posting
as Avery Fineman, it was quite obvious they were the same person.

I began posting as hot-ham when I gave up Billy Beeper at Hans request.
I'd prefer to not post with my name and/or call as I used to, as I
seem to get lots and lots of spam when I do.

Meanwhile, Robesin has posted my name, call and address much more than
I have.

That's so swell of him.

I guess when Mark posts Robesin's address and phone number, it's just
tit for tat. No?

Doesn't really matter as with the internet this information is findable one
way or another if one cares to go after it. Posting it here only shows that
you have the internet search skills of any average user and get some kind of
juvenile thrill out of posting it.

Dee, N8UZE

A. G. Bell October 29th 06 05:09 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message

So who do you think "Slow Code" is? Coslo? Miccolis? Roll? Deignan?
Dan, Dan the CB Radio Man?

Haven't a clue on Slow Code. The style doesn't sound like Coslo or

Obviously it's someone who's been here awhile.

Don't really know the style of the other fellows writing.

Troll was the racist poster ("My favorite black on the bus...," and
"Welfare mothers of Color with their hands out...").

Deignan was the vanity callsign collector and the original "RF
Commando." He called me a liar when I said he had collected 12
callsigns, but I was wrong - one of the callsigns actually belonged to
his wife at the same address. So I guess I was a liar after all. I
should have known that he had a Ham Wife that collected vanity
callsigns, too.

Deignan's buddy in Hawaii loaned him his PO Box number so he could scam
some Hawaiin calls, meanwhile, the Hawaiin PO Box owner was scamming a
Guam callsign. Never been to Guam and could have operated /KH2 like I
did for two years. I guess a Hawaiin Call Stroke Guam Call is a pretty
cool thing...

Anyway, these are the guys who pass judgement on me because I am too
fat, lazy, and stupid to buy into the whole Morse Exam stuff at 5, and
then 13, and then 20 WPM.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

That's the beauty of anon postings, they don't have to follow their own

I began posting as hot-ham when I gave up Billy Beeper at Hans request.
I'd prefer to not post with my name and/or call as I used to, as I
seem to get lots and lots of spam when I do.

Meanwhile, Robesin has posted my name, call and address much more than
I have.

That's so swell of him.

I guess when Mark posts Robesin's address and phone number, it's just
tit for tat. No?

And when Roger Wiseman posts Mark's home address, phone number, etc., is

that just more "tit for tat"? Sorry, Billy, but I prefer to think of that as

A. G. Bell October 29th 06 06:06 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

I don't particularly care for either one's tactics and stay out of that

no you supported him and hiss efort for the past few years by your

Mark, you really DO crap on posts as SC says. Now this innocent woman
is"guilty" of supporting Steve through her silence? You truly are an idiot,
Mark. The fact that she has killfiled your and Steve's posts never entered
your convoluted mind, did it? In your twisted mind she is guilty if she
does, guilty if she doesn't.
No wonder you are so disliked by all in this group....

See my comment above. If I saw some one being threatened with violence and
it were within my power to do something about it, I would.

I was and am threatened with VIOLENCE on a regular basis and people
not in your killfile you say nothing you lift not the finger smallest
finger of your hand

How about if I raise a finger, Mark? Will my middle one do? Digital Salute!
The fact that you post ad-nauseum and call others "liers" never entered into
YOUR equation, did it?

then why do you employ it?

Why do you persist in continually butting in where you are clearly not

U-Know-Who October 29th 06 06:08 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

wrote in message
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 02:11:43 GMT, "U-Know-Who"

wrote in message
. ..
On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 18:28:15 -0400, "Dee Flint"

wrote in message

On 28 Oct 2006 14:01:31 -0700,

I mean Dee equates being able to do Morse Code (which she flasely
claims based on the lies she was taught is somehow related to basis
Radio Maxwells equations to data that wtries to keep someone from
hurting themselves, shows poor thinking process

Dee's doing the best she can with her self-imposed handicaps.

Well if you understood that garbled mess of a sentence, then my hat is
to you. Perhaps you should get a job as his interpreter.
obviously moirse fails to improve your abilitesi as an all round

Mork, you should make that, sentence your sig.

why Tom?

Because it demonstrates just how pathetic your communication skills are.

A. G. Bell October 29th 06 06:34 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

How about if I raise a finger, Mark? Will my middle one do? Digital Salute!

Why do you persist in continually butting in where you are clearly not

this a publice NG you certainly have no computction about "butting in
where you are not wanted"
You didn't answer the question, Markie.


A. G. Bell October 29th 06 06:48 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
You didn't answer the question, Markie.
when you learn to quote properly I consider your questions and you
need to pove you are a real person with a name

I do not answer question to Persons unknown

You already did. And I do not "need to pove" anything to the likes of YOU,
Mark. You are, for the most part, an inconsequential flea, one that I toy
with at will.
Tell you what, Mark. When you learn to use a spell check program I'll use my
real name. Better yet. When you learn 5wpm and upgrade, I'll meet you on 17M
some afternoon and you can then learn my name AND callsign.

A. G. Bell October 29th 06 06:57 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

wrote in message
On Sun, 29 Oct 2006 00:48:53 -0500, "A. G. Bell" anon@anon wrote:

You already did.

learn to quote

Learn to spell.

"obviously moirse fails to improve your abilitesi as an all round comicator"

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