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[email protected] November 6th 06 07:33 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
From: on Sun, Nov 5 2006 6:15 pm

From: on Fri, Nov 3 2006 8:25 pm
From: on Tues, Oct 31 2006 6:07 pm
Dave Heil wrote:

...ah but not in those EXACT words! :-)

If you're paraphrasing either of these Einstein's, you've got to put a
squiggle in front and after the word, sentence, or other utterance then
might have made. Most of what they say isn't worth repeating, but if
you must....

~ squiggle or tilda. Upper left side of the QWERTY.

I go for the 'accent grave' key (no shift). Grave is where
most of their output belongs... :-)

... that Heil apparently doesn't like to use] The time frame
for this 'experience' of his was approximately in the 1980s.

That's about the time all Morse Code testing should have ended. Maybe
a decade too late.

That's the decade that got the push for the No-Code-Test
Technician class. Yurp already had the "T-hams" but,
once again, the USA lagged behind the rest of the world.

The "big issue" at the ARRL site now is the Zook and Green
petitions all about changing the periodicity of ham
transmission IDs! Wow, "state-of-the-art" Importance to
ham life! :-(

Jim and Dave purposely misunderstand. Like when they trip and stagger
around and eventually fall down and skin their knees over a mere type.
It's all an act; a very, very bad act. Maybe they make some side money
doing that at grocery stores where there might be spilled milk on aisle

Gosh and gee whilikers, Brian, I KNOW that... :-(

But, it is fascinating to watch them desperately resorting
to such things. :-) They sure as hell don't have any
good compelling reason to KEEP the code test other than
their very-precious personal desires. All they have left
for replies on the subject are the babblings over typos.

I could use a DXpedition to Coca Cabana.

Well, the Copa Cabana closed a number of years ago out here.

There's "Coca" site at Rocketdyne's Santa Susannah Field
Test Laboratories...where all the SSMEs for Shuttle get
tested. You have to join Rocketdyne Division of Boeing
to gain admittance there. :-)

Imogene Coca passed on a few years ago (Sid Ceasar's
female partner on "Your Show of Shows" on NBC many
moons ago).

About all that's left is Coca Cola. :-)

As do I...but the whole point of their "cleverness" seems to
be directed at ARGUING their precious points and attempting to
"win" some on-line back-and-forth by any means possible.

On-line points aren't worth having.

True, but the points-strivers are really striving for them.

Take Heil as an example:

Do I have to?

YES! If I have to, you have to... :-)

Dave learned to keep quiet about himself fairly early on. The
out-of-band Frenchmen fiasco is probably just the tip of the iceberg.
His "contributions" of late are not contributions at all.

Ya think he contributed to the "Spectrum Defense Fund?"

"Major Dud" Robeson tried snow-jobbing the RRAP with his
grandiose claims of "USMC" active duty service for years.
Same-O-Same-O kind of snow job. Robeson got shot down by
a REAL USMC veteran, one who DID supply document scans and
personal photographs. Robeson NEVER did that during the many
years he tried his bluffing snow jobbery in here.

Frank completely buried that clown.

True, but like "Carrie" in the movie of the same name, she
resurrects herself and reaches out from the grave. :-)

ARRL is still promoting "amateurs in uniform" during WW II,
a war that stopped 61 years ago.

Jim is still promoting it.

Being 61 years late is about his speed. It's the only
true "safe" war he can gabble about...all of it happened
before he was conceived.

Any ole ham can plop down in a war zone and run the comms....

Hi, hi.

Sure...provided it is the same as WW II surplus. :-)

I'd like to see Heil struggle with a hopset entry to a
PRC-119 SINCGARS R/T. :-) Major functions of that most-
produced military set (quarter million made, fielded since
1989) are handled through the touch-screen entry pad.

BTW, those Hammarlund receivers were used in USAF-manned
listening posts in northern Japan in the 1950s according to
a retired USAF MSgt named Bob Humble.

Hokaido. Probably listening to the Russians.

That he was!

Okay, thanks for the info. I might have heard that bandied-
about by others but never paid it any mind. :-)

Do the MOS have a character indicating skill level?

Not any more in the Army. A sort-of MOS numeric nomenclature
first came into the Army in 1955. That year I went from a
1419 (microwave radio relay) to 281.6 (same thing but the
point-six was a designator of supervisor which I was).
About a decade and a half ago, the Army adopted the two-
numeral plus alphabetic letter suffix designator. Nothing
exactly like a skill level except for slightly different
MOS designators describing supervisors again.

Since L.A. is a "saturated" TV broadcast area, there's lots of
"weathermen" on the tube. My wife and I take an average of the
weather predictions and hope for the best on the next day...they
are all off one way or another on their predictions. Can't get
the NOAA VHF weather broadcasts well in these hills.

There's not a lot of changeability to deal with, maybe predicting the
hight of the haze layer?

I've been told its the topography (a mountain range between
city basin and "high" desert), the proximity to the Pacific,
changeable wind patterns. In the summer months the city
basin gets Inversion; good for a radio path bent into San
Diego by the inversion layer.

FWIW, I think the state dept was merely a vehicle for dxpeditions, not
a significant grab for a fat pension.

Accumulated time in government service should count for
pensions whether in the military, a government secretariat,
or the IRS. [IRS folks have a different pension system, BTW]

So does Congress. sweat on them MAKING laws that give them more... :-)

I think all of Marks out-assholing Robesin has finally paid off.

You might be right. :-)

I tried doing it for a little while, but couldn't stand myself.
Robesin is more despicable than I could ever approach, let alone

Well, "Carrie" reached up out of her grave on Sunday night
into RRAP... :-)

I'm in a "country at war."

Well, that's what I'm told, too. By some. [it's General
Election time here...]

I'm having "election fatigue."

You and me both! Thank the Lord that Tuesday ain't far off.

The smugness is a bit hard to take.

True. He sounds off like being Big and Important. :-)

Sounds to me more like frustrated and little.

But...but...but...Heil is an Amateur EXTRA and passed a 20 WPM
code test!!! :-)

I'm sure he's all that and more.

Not to worry. He constantly reminds all that he is SO
much better than everyone else. :-)

It's a worthwhile endeavor, but all the chest thumping is just chest
thumping. Probably just people with nothing else on the ball.

Ah, but they are MorseMeisters...state-of-the-art in comms
circa 1844! Never mind they are 162 years behind the times!

Gotta love 'em, they're a bundle of laffs.

Titties n Beer November 6th 06 10:10 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

More flatus...

[email protected] November 8th 06 12:34 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

On 4 Nov 2006 04:47:50 -0800,

Dave Heil wrote:
From: on Tues, Oct 31 2006 6:07 pm

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message
Must you put on your stupid face? Can't you take a typo?
Brian, it's the usual PCTA "answer" in debate. :-)

Dipschitt trips all over a typo and can't punctuate his way out of a
wet paper bag.

Ah, but he "saved the day" at some small-time embassy when
he used morse to "synchronize his RTTYs!" :-)

He said.

Sorry, Brian, your statement is as false as Len's. I *didn't* write any
such thing. Len purports to quote me. I've not written that I "saved
the day" or did I write "syncronize his RTTY's".

Dave, you're free to set the record straight. Exactly what did you

he doesn't know what he said and like robeson objects to being quoted
at all

Welp, when you quote Robesin, it's usually something absurd or sick.

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