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Dee Flint October 29th 06 12:44 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

wrote in message

From: "Dee Flint" on Fri, Oct 27 2006 8:16pm
wrote in message
Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message
Dee Flint wrote:
"Chris" wrote in message

How refreshing to find that not one attribute has been forged.

In addition, I have repeatedly stated that each and every mode has
advantages and disadvantages.

If you were to compare and contrast all existing modes, it think it is
likely that you would claim that CW is the best mode.

Depends on the conditions. One can construct scenarios where whatever
they favor is the "best".

"CW always gets through..." :-)

"CW always gets through" in only one scenario, and that is a fictitious
K3LT scenario.

Any one striving to be a knowledgeable ham should
be converstant with those scenarios.

...especially in the Newington, CT, area. :-)

Is somebody running for an ARRL office?

If you need an image, SST or fax are
far better modes than CW. The "best" mode depends on the purpose of the
communication and the conditions under which that communication must be

There is NO separate pass-fail TEST for "image, SST [sic]
or fax" nor for data or voice required by the FCC for an
amateur license. ["SSTV"]

The ONLY separate pass-fail TEST is for manual telegraphy.

Wow! I guess CW is more valued than ALL OF THE OTHER MODES COMBINED!

Not so. However, all the digital and image modes are merely a matter of
connecting the radio to the computer and running the appropriate software.
Once I decided to try the digital thing, I made the interface and was up and
running in an hour. After a couple of months, it became rather boring. On
the other hand, code needs to be learned before it can be tried. Many
people will give up learning before they've had a chance to try it if there
is not a test for it.

PSK will allow 100 WPM data to get through when all the
morsepersons have to use their imaginations to fill in
the garbled morse characters.

Yet PSK fails utterly and completely when there is an aurora. And the
ionospheric problems associated with an aurora cause problems far south of
the actual aurora zone so it is not just a northern issue. The computer may
be sending PSK at 100wpm per minute but the data won't be copyable on the
other end. Even a beginner sending and receiving at 5wpm will have better
throughput. When the aurora is relatively mild, even voice will be more
successful than PSK.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Dee Flint October 29th 06 12:56 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message

Slow Code wrote:

Larry, Dee and Me are the only pro 'Keep the code test' people in the
group anymore.


Then the presentation of sound reasoning has been successful.

No most of them have left due to the spam created by Mark Morgan, the
interminable pontification of Len Anderson, the compulsive responses that
some seem to feel that they must post to the spam, the vulgarity of
like Opus, the slamming that people like Slow Code do to those who
or will license under the current system and so on.

Actually, Mark Morgan is merely the necessary balance to Robesin's
postings. I read Marks posting that are responding to what I've posted
and very little else that he posts.

I think they're both a little off plumb but Morgan is the worst. He's been
known to post hundreds of messages in a day. Robeson can't seem to resist
jabbing him.

I do smaple some of Lens posting because they sometimes carry a lot of
satire. What do you thik of Len characterizing you as "Miss Manners?"

Doesn't bother me in the least. I hold myself to a high standard and
believe that the world would be more pleasant if others did the same.
However it's their problem if they don't. Occasionally I get a little
annoyed and so get a little sharp but I work hard at not doing so. You get
a lot better response from people (in general) if you treat them right.

Opus? He/She must be posting under another name these days. Ditto
K3LT, K4YZ, and N2EY.

i.e. They left because it was impossible to have a good, spirited debate
without things getting out of hand.


Robesin is OUT OF MIND! Good thing you don't shoot your mouth off or
you might find bricks through windows, slashed tires, or terrorized ham

Perhaps but that and worse has been said to him. He seems to have a
compulstion to attempt to refute every comment directed at him. I've posted
in here suggesting "shunning" those who slam him but he doesn't seem to want
to. He'd rather perpetuate the threads.

I only drop in occasionally to see what's happening. Mostly I don't
to respond as it has proven to be pointless with all the bad eggs on

Dee, N8UZE

I like you're "steady as she goes" format even when I disagree with
you, which I do.

Thank you, I appreciate that. I enjoy good debates but find that a debate
that has deteriorated to personal insults is boring. It's unfortunate that
happens so much in here.

So who do you think "Slow Code" is? Coslo? Miccolis? Roll? Deignan?
Dan, Dan the CB Radio Man?

Haven't a clue on Slow Code. The style doesn't sound like Coslo or
Miccolis. Don't really know the style of the other fellows writing.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Dee Flint October 29th 06 01:18 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?

wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message

Slow Code wrote:

Larry, Dee and Me are the only pro 'Keep the code test' people in the
group anymore.


Then the presentation of sound reasoning has been successful.

No most of them have left due to the spam created by Mark Morgan,

I see Mark Morgan as the necessary balance in the vicious postings by

He doesn't need to create dozens of posts to refute each one. Many of
Mark's posts are and were quite vicious. I killfiled Morgan the day he made
unacceptable comments about Steve's deceased daughter.

We actually have very little in common. We both claim to be
amateur radio operator and military veterans. I got chopped to the US
Army twice, so I know a little bit about the Army. I also got chopped
to the US Navy once, and there and at service schools, and in Somalia,
was fairly close to the USMC.

As far as amateur radio goes, the only one of these bozos I've ever
QSO'd was Heil when I was DX on Guam.

interminable pontification of Len Anderson,

Yeh, well, we have Jim who served in other ways. I'm sure he has
something to be proud of, too, but so far he hasn't mentioned it in
other ways.

I happen to remember the post. He said that one can serve in other ways.
He did not say whether he himself served in the military or in other ways.
Yet based on that comment, Len Anderson and others have made ASSumptions.

the compulsive responses that
some seem to feel that they must post to the spam, the vulgarity of
like Opus,

I guess you conveniently forgot Dan and Bruce's postings to Kim....

Long time ago, but I think I mentioned it was stupid of them. However,
she's an adult and is capable of dealing with these people on her own.

Talk about not just sexist, but bonifide sexual harassment (and Jim
never once chimed in to say boo)....

She chose the call sign. It's not up to him or me or any one else to defend
her other than to say it was her right. I believe that I commented that I
thought it was a poor choice but it was up to her.

the slamming that people like Slow Code do to those who licensed
or will license under the current system and so on.

He's only saying what the PCTA Extras would like to say without their
callsigns attached to it.

I'm a pro code test advocate and an Extra. I would never hide behind
anonymity. And I do not hold the candidates responsible for the quality or
extent of the tests. They have no choice in the matter. What the new ham
does have a choice in is to either stagnate or progress. He can gain the
experience to then join in discussions and contribute or he can put his foot
in his mouth with such inexperienced statements as "you need an amplifier to
work DX" or "you can't work Texas from Michigan on VHF". However even then,
I try to avoid anything that could be taken as a put down because I want
them to stay in ham radio and grow and develop. I'll invite them over to
work a contest with my measly 100 watts or I'll introduce them to one of the
QRP enthusiasts. I'll invite them to work the VHF station at Field Day and
pair them up with one of our VHF experts. It's called being a good ham and
an Elmer.

i.e. They left because it was impossible to have a good, spirited debate
without things getting out of hand.

I like spirited, and I like the dignity that you lend when things get

I only drop in occasionally to see what's happening. Mostly I don't
to respond as it has proven to be pointless with all the bad eggs on

Dee, N8UZE

Is an egg that's come to room temp and incubating a little bit of
salmonella really all that bad?

Not if you enjoy being sick.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

[email protected] October 29th 06 01:05 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
From: on Sat, Oct 28 2006 1:28pm

on Sat, Oct 21 2006 4:01pm
Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:

Beyond that, he could be anybody with a computer and an internet
connection. "Slow Code" could be Len Anderson, who has used at least
seven different screen names here - that we know of.

How many screen names have you used here - that you know of?

Jimmie will NEVER admit to using any pseudonyms. :-)

Jim doesn't want to tell a lie, so he avoids the question... pretend it
wasn't asked.

...and then tries to misdirect the whole thread! :-)

OK, that's 'Quitefine' with me...:-)

Jimmie is a proud amateur "serving his country in other ways"
such as playing with his radio hobby, spreading "international
good will" by working DX on HF with CW. :-)

A-1 Operator!

Is he into the sauce? :-)

"Slow Code" could be Brian Burke, N0IMD,

Slow Code could be Jim/N2EY, despite protests that it isn't him.

Not in Miccolis' petty prissy manner of "always being correct."
[i.e., thinking as Miccolis thinks...all else is "wrong"]

Miccolis already tried at least one pseudonym. That pesudo
STOPPED when confronted. [that's in the Google archives]
But, but, but...Miccolis (who never swears) swears "it wasn't
him!" AS IF. :-)

Squeaky Clean.

Squeak...mouse..."the mouse that roared."

Robesin, Coslo, Bruce, Dan, Larry Roll, or anyone else who "appears" to
be absent from RRAP.

Maybe it is Val Germann, frustrated that he can't get his
(code speed) up? :-)

Probably never tried. For if he had really, really tried, he could
have been a 20WPM, Code-Tape Extra.

One of Missouri's Finest!

Could even be KH2D after starting the Alzheimer's route...who

That Jim's not that old...

Mental deterioration could be happening since he left Guam?

Maybe it is Lamont Cranston? "Who knows what evil lurks in
the hearts of No-Coders?" :-)

Little Billy Beeper's mentor?

Nah. Wouldn't be close to Hans Brakob. Hans has a sense
of humor. Humor is very rare among morsemen; Hans is a
morseman but is NOT for the US amateur radio code test. :-)

Blowcode is just an Attention-WANTER, making trouble so he
can feel "famous." All he can think about is memorized
lines from the ARRL hymnbook of a half century past. He
can't think for himself. His bigotry is in the way.

who has used a wide variety of screen names
here, ("billy beeper", "hot ham and cheese", to name just a few)
usually without including his name or callsign.

I understand that Brian Burke has received a whole lot less spam email
on his regular user account than when he posted here under his name and
call. I also understand that he let go of "Billy Beeper" at Han's
Brakob's request, as "Billy Beeper" was an invention of Hans, a
fictitious boy who feared evil No-Coders.

There's lots of fictitious BOYS in here fearing evil No-Coders.

Most of them use pseudonyms. No guts. No courage. No brains.

They hide behind their BFO-enabled beeping, afraid to stray
beyond the anonymity of their monotonic dots and dashes...and
dreams of glory and honor via morsemanship..."serving their
country in 'other' ways." :-)

They wished.

They wish so hard they think it is real. Poor babies.

Slow Code October 29th 06 01:07 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
wrote in

Slow Code wrote:
wrote in

Slow Code wrote:

Improving your skills doesn't make you a better operator? Sheeesh.

Mike, skill. Singular. There is no skill test for any other mode.

You can still have your microphone, but you should have to pass a
code test before you're allowed to use it. I like 5 WPM for Tech,
13 for General, and 20wpm for Extra, but then, I'm not lazy.


You may not be lazy, but you're fully prepared to kill off amateur
radio with archaic requirements. I guess if you can't have the
amateur radio the way you want it, to hell with it all.

We have to dumb it down to keep it from dying?


We have to remove unnecessary and superfluous licensing requirements.

I expect you'll say the same thing about the written exam in ten years too.


Slow Code October 29th 06 01:07 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
wrote in

Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message

Slow Code wrote:

Larry, Dee and Me are the only pro 'Keep the code test' people in
the group anymore.


Then the presentation of sound reasoning has been successful.

No most of them have left due to the spam created by Mark Morgan, the
interminable pontification of Len Anderson, the compulsive responses
that some seem to feel that they must post to the spam, the vulgarity
of people like Opus, the slamming that people like Slow Code do to
those who licensed or will license under the current system and so on.

Actually, Mark Morgan is merely the necessary balance to Robesin's
postings. I read Marks posting that are responding to what I've posted
and very little else that he posts.

I do smaple some of Lens posting because they sometimes carry a lot of
satire. What do you thik of Len characterizing you as "Miss Manners?"

Opus? He/She must be posting under another name these days. Ditto
K3LT, K4YZ, and N2EY.

i.e. They left because it was impossible to have a good, spirited
debate without things getting out of hand.


Robesin is OUT OF MIND! Good thing you don't shoot your mouth off or
you might find bricks through windows, slashed tires, or terrorized ham

I only drop in occasionally to see what's happening. Mostly I don't
bother to respond as it has proven to be pointless with all the bad
eggs on line.

Dee, N8UZE

I like you're "steady as she goes" format even when I disagree with
you, which I do.

So who do you think "Slow Code" is? Coslo? Miccolis? Roll? Deignan?
Dan, Dan the CB Radio Man?

There you go again. Don't wonder who I am, go enjoy ham radio. :)

and tell people they need to learn code.


Slow Code October 29th 06 01:07 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
wrote in

Slow Code wrote:
wrote in

Dave Heil wrote:
Dave Heil wrote:
according to him anyone not devoted to cw is a lowlfie
That's really sad.
...and pathetic. No one should have to go through life as a

(extraneous groups deleted)

So who do you think Slow Code is? Kelly? Coslo? Deignan?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Well, I know "Slow Code" is not me.

Beyond that, he could be anybody with a computer and an internet
connection. "Slow Code" could be Len Anderson, who has used at least
seven different screen names here - that we know of. "Slow Code"
could be Brian Burke, N0IMD, who has used a wide variety of screen
names here, ("billy beeper", "hot ham and cheese", to name just a
few) usually without including his name or callsign.

73 de Jim, N2EY

I've never been so insulted in all my life. Calling me Len. May you be
cursed with six weeks of HF QRN and your antenna tip over.

Slow Code

Ha! Jim insulting Jim.

Now you've just insulted Jim, calling him he. LOL


Slow Code October 29th 06 01:07 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
"A. G. Bell" anon@anon wrote in :

Dee killfiled you, Mark. She doesn't see your insipid comments.

QRZ KF'd him too.



[email protected] October 29th 06 01:14 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
From: on Sat, Oct 28 2006 2:56pm

From: "Dee Flint" on Fri, Oct 27 2006 8:16pm
wrote in message
Dee Flint wrote:
wrote in message
Dee Flint wrote:
"Chris" wrote in message

How refreshing to find that not one attribute has been forged.

Wonders never cease! :-)

In addition, I have repeatedly stated that each and every mode has its
advantages and disadvantages.

If you were to compare and contrast all existing modes, it think it is
likely that you would claim that CW is the best mode.

Depends on the conditions. One can construct scenarios where whatever mode
they favor is the "best".

"CW always gets through..." :-)

"CW always gets through" in only one scenario, and that is a fictitious
K3LT scenario.

Tsk, Larry Troll BORROWED an old, old saying in ["CW"]
ham radio. It was around in the 1930s. Troll tried to
make a scenario of a desert island where a "floating"
Ten-Tec washed ashore to use for 'rescue.' :-)

Any one striving to be a knowledgeable ham should
be converstant with those scenarios.

...especially in the Newington, CT, area. :-)

Is somebody running for an ARRL office?

Who knows? :-)

If you need an image, SST or fax are
far better modes than CW. The "best" mode depends on the purpose of the
communication and the conditions under which that communication must be

There is NO separate pass-fail TEST for "image, SST [sic]
or fax" nor for data or voice required by the FCC for an
amateur license. ["SSTV"]

The ONLY separate pass-fail TEST is for manual telegraphy.

Wow! I guess CW is more valued than ALL OF THE OTHER MODES COMBINED!

Absolutely! Gots to get Morris Goad 'technology!'

Because of the efforts made to dismiss countless Morse Myths over the
years, you were just now able to state that not all CW signals are good
without 1x2 PCTAs pooh poohing such talk.

You are exaggerating.

Hardly. ALL of the pro-code 1x2s in here, plus some 1x3s,
have stated the hoary old Maxim "CW always gets through."

Except N2EY who never admits to doing anything wrong...:-)

Yet he avoids my question about the aliases he's posted under on RRAP.

Jimmie never did anything wrong! :-)

None have stated all CW signals are good. What they
have contended is that it is possible to copy a poor CW signal under
conditions where you could not copy other types of signals.

"CW always gets through..." :-)


Well, that's what I've been pro-coders... :-)

If morse code radiotelegraphy were so "good," why hasn't
NASA picked up on it for the Deep Space Net? For the
quarter-million-mile 'DX' path to our moon? Why have
the maritime folks GIVEN UP on morse code for Safety Of
Life At Sea? [GMDSS uses a form of data, automated]


Not to worry. Some hams are 'experimenting' with a small
slice right next to 500 KHz, using it for 'radio research'
or something. Like that region of the EM spectrum has
"never been examined" before. :-)

PSK will allow 100 WPM data to get through when all the
morsepersons have to use their imaginations to fill in
the garbled morse characters.

Oh SHUT UP! That doesn't help the Morse argument one little bit!

Oh, dear, now Jimmie will get on MY case because YOU
told me to "shut up!" :-)

Ackshully, that's 'okay' since an NCTA said that to
another NCTA. We can't EVER tell a PCTA to shut up!

Still, the argument over the separate pass-fail "CW"
TEST is there with all the morsepersons wanting it be
kept forever and ever in FCC regulations...WHY?

Because Morse is used in ham radio contests.

Rhetorical question.

Darnit! I should have read ahead!!!

The separate pass-fail "CW" TEST
is there because: (1) The ARRL wants it (they "know
what is best for ham radio"); (2) The already-licensed
had to take a morse test and everyone else had better
take one, too!


I could have added "tradition" as a third 'reason' but hams
can't use Spark, the very first way hams used radio. That's
been outlawed. So much for "tradition."

[email protected] October 29th 06 01:20 AM

What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
From: "Dee Flint" on Sat, Oct 28 2006 5:47pm

wrote in message
Slow Code wrote:

Larry, Dee and Me are the only pro 'Keep the code test' people in the
group anymore.

Then the presentation of sound reasoning has been successful.

No most of them have left due to the spam created by Mark Morgan, the
interminable pontification of Len Anderson, the compulsive responses that
some seem to feel that they must post to the spam, the vulgarity of people
like Opus, the slamming that people like Slow Code do to those who licensed
or will license under the current system and so on.

Mark Morgan is an NCTA.

Len Anderson is an NCTA.

Opus is an NCTA.

We are all "vulgar" BECAUSE we are NCTA? Must be... :-)

Carl Stevenson is an NCTA. He quit posting. Is the
present head of NCI.

Hans Brakob is a sort-of NCTA even though he IS a morseperson
of long experience. Hans doesn't post much now.

Cecil Moore, a long-timer, one who DOES "CW" but
doesn't think the code test should be there. [anyone
who owns and rides a spiffy Harley is hardly bad...]
Cecil hangs out in now.

Now we get to the PCTAs, the self-styled Rulers of RRAP:

K4YZ, the USMC Imposter who has NEVER made available ANY
documentation of his supposed "18-year career with USMC."
Ten kinds of filthy outpouring from that sick puppy here.

N2EY, K4YZ's stand-in, who tells everyone that disagrees
with him they are "wrong." Won't say what he does for a
living or for who. Prissy Mother Superior who dotes on
ancient times before he was born.

K8MN, probably a graduate of Karlsrhue, busy trying to
smack down ANY NCTA that DARES to talk back to him!
He is a "Superior" with a capital S.

Chris Davies, a relative newcomer, trying to assert
hisself as some kind of "superior" but disses all
NCTAs just like the older, unwiser PCTAs do.

Ed Hare of the ARRL Lab used to be here. He was
about the only rational PCTA in the group but tried
to overrate his employer to the point of nausea.

Dozens of Little BOYS using anony-mousies, no brains,
no courage to give their calls, busy regressing to
the middle-school machismo they use in postings.

Larry Troll left here. He was a claimed summa cum
laude in Human Reseources, claimed he could get ANY
personnel job he wanted. He wound up driving a BUS.
Bragged a lot but couldn't hack it.

Lots and lots of assorted other NCTAs have been in here
all blabbering about the gloriousness and majesty of
morse (several ex-USN chiefs in that group). They've
all LEFT. [couldn't take the heat, got out of the
kitchen...they couldn't be served in the dining room
by NCTAs, poor dears]

i.e. They left because it was impossible to have a good, spirited debate
without things getting out of hand.

Riiiiight..."ein Reich, ein Volk" for "debate." All
repeat the ARRL party line of everyone do code or you
are all bad people. Lemming mentality. Hive mind.
All think alike (Big Brother is watching you!).

I only drop in occasionally to see what's happening.

Riiiiight... :-)

Mostly I don't bother
to respond as it has proven to be pointless with all the bad eggs on line.

Ostrich syndrome. Anyone NOT following the ARRL party
line is a "bad egg?" Okay, then the entirety of the
OTHER radio services are "bad eggs." ALL of those
either quit using telegraphy or never considered it in
the first place. Ergo, all those OTHER radio services
are "bad eggs."

Yeah, let's hear it for "debate." "Ein Reich, ein volk!"

Let's open up Auschvitz, Lublin, Bergen-Belsen, etc. for
the heinous NCTAs! Do away with all those "bad eggs."
They don't "debate" using the ARRL party line!

It's "putsch comes to shove" time! :-)

Remember: "Arbeit macht frei!"

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