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N9OGL November 3rd 06 08:13 PM

Omega One Radio is back on the air
Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 13.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 100 watts.

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 MHz LSB

[email protected] November 4th 06 12:32 AM

Omega One Radio is back on the air

On Fri, 3 Nov 2006 21:43:40 +0100 (CET),

) wrote:

On 3 Nov 2006 11:13:46 -0800, N9OGL wrote:
Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 14.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 1000 watts.

Todd N9OGL
14.556.0 MHz LSB

it is to late. I alredy mailed you a turd.
id theft reamins a crime creep

Posted via a free Usenet account from

marqueer......stfu and get over here and work my pecker

Slow Code November 4th 06 01:17 AM

Omega One Radio is back on the air
"N9OGL" wrote in

Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 13.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 100 watts.

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 MHz LSB

I thought that might be your ****ty music.

Welcome back.


Slow Code November 4th 06 01:17 AM

Omega One Radio is back on the air
) wrote in

On 3 Nov 2006 11:13:46 -0800, N9OGL wrote:
Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 14.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 1000 watts.

Todd N9OGL
14.556.0 MHz LSB

it is to late. I alredy mailed you a turd.


K4YZ November 6th 06 10:18 AM

Omega One Radio is back on the air

N9OGL wrote:
Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 13.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 100 watts.

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 MHz LSB

Hey Toiddie...I forwarded this to Monitoring Times for you so they
could get the story about you straight!

You can thank me later.

Steve, K4YZ

olekinghole9007 November 6th 06 04:27 PM

Omega One Radio is back on the air

N9OGL wrote:
Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 13.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 100 watts.

Been listening on and off since the original posting
above and NEVER heard it once. Just heard some
commercial USB around 13.551 that sounded like
marine traffic from Europe. Apart from that, it's been
dead air static on 13.556 LSB.

Conclusion: Omega One Radio exists in your head.
(The phone calls are comming from INSIDE the house

Get help Todd. Or go back to the Legion Hall and drown yer sorrows
in those cheap suds at 10:00 AM like the rest of the barstools do....

N9OGL November 6th 06 10:57 PM

Omega One Radio is back on the air

olekinghole9007 wrote:
N9OGL wrote:
Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 13.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 100 watts.

Been listening on and off since the original posting
above and NEVER heard it once. Just heard some
commercial USB around 13.551 that sounded like
marine traffic from Europe. Apart from that, it's been
dead air static on 13.556 LSB.

Conclusion: Omega One Radio exists in your head.
(The phone calls are comming from INSIDE the house

Get help Todd. Or go back to the Legion Hall and drown yer sorrows
in those cheap suds at 10:00 AM like the rest of the barstools do....

I don't drink you stupid ****....and it's there, maybe your mommy can
show you how to work your reciever.

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 LSB

N9OGL November 7th 06 01:31 AM

Omega One Radio is back on the air

K4YZ wrote:
N9OGL wrote:
Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 13.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 100 watts.

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 MHz LSB

Hey Toiddie...I forwarded this to Monitoring Times for you so they
could get the story about you straight!

You can thank me later.

Steve, K4YZ

Steve, I suggest you read Part 15, Part 15 has nothing to do with power
(in Wattage) it has to do with the field strength (maininly the
electrical field of the electromaganetic wave) you can put out 100
watts and still have the field strength as prescribed under part 15 (on
13.556 MHz it 15,848 microvolts per meter at a distance of 30 meters
(90 Feet) CB radio's which run 4 - 5 watts is 10,000 microvolts per
meter at 30 meters.....but you wouldn't know anything about that now
would you??

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 MHz. LSB

N9OGL November 7th 06 02:19 AM

Omega One Radio is back on the air

On 6 Nov 2006 16:31:39 -0800, "N9OGL" wrote:

K4YZ wrote:
N9OGL wrote:
Omega One Radio is back on the air, on 13.556.00 MHz LSB, with a power
output of 100 watts.

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 MHz LSB

Hey Toiddie...I forwarded this to Monitoring Times for you so they
could get the story about you straight!

You can thank me later.

Steve, K4YZ

Steve, I suggest you read Part 15, Part 15 has nothing to do with power
(in Wattage) it has to do with the field strength (maininly the
electrical field of the electromaganetic wave) you can put out 100
watts and still have the field strength as prescribed under part 15 (on
13.556 MHz it 15,848 microvolts per meter at a distance of 30 meters
(90 Feet) CB radio's which run 4 - 5 watts is 10,000 microvolts per
meter at 30 meters.....but you wouldn't know anything about that now
would you??

steve can't read unless it is morse code and even then not if it
disturbs his preconceived notions

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 MHz. LSB

Posted via a free Usenet account from

That's the problem with ham operators, they are use to working with
wattage, under part 15 it's a little different. I know I guy who builts
part 15 device and has done for 15 to 20 years now and he tell you the
same thing I told steve, but again hey stebie is a ham and only mess
with wattage.

Todd N9OGL
13.556.00 MHz. LSB

Stagger Lee November 8th 06 12:47 AM

Omega One Radio is back on the air
On 6 Nov 2006 16:31:39 -0800, N9OGL wrote:
: Steve, I suggest you read Part 15, Part 15 has nothing to do with power
: (in Wattage) it has to do with the field strength (maininly the
: electrical field of the electromaganetic wave) you can put out 100
: watts and still have the field strength as prescribed under part 15 (on
: 13.556 MHz it 15,848 microvolts per meter at a distance of 30 meters
: (90 Feet) CB radio's which run 4 - 5 watts is 10,000 microvolts per
: meter at 30 meters.....but you wouldn't know anything about that now

Odd. If you take the formula for an isotropic radiator emitting P
watts and solve it for the electric field, e, you come up with
e = sqr(30*P)/r at a distance of "r" meters (see my earlier posts).

For a power of 5 watts at a distance of 30 meters, that becomes

e = sqr(30*5)/30 = 0.408 volts/meter = 408,000 microvolts/meter.

That number is 400 times larger than the value you quoted. Where in the
heck are you obtaining figures like 10,000 microvolts/meter? Have you
been consulting Woger again?

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