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[email protected] February 28th 07 12:18 AM

Say, Len.....
On Feb 26, 6:40�pm, "


? ...

Yet here it is several days later and you have are
still posting to RRAP. You wrote that you were
going to leave, but you're still here.


* *Well, John, it's like this: *I CHANGED MY MIND ABOUT

Perhaps. Your use of a smiley says you
don't mean it.

* *In fact, I mentioned that in another thread earlier.

I missed that. I don't read everything posted to
rrap. Could you post a link to where you
wrote about changing your mind, please?

* *Self-styled guru cum "moderator"

seems to be
* *of the belief system that, once some statement is
* *posted, the stater MUST HOLD TO THAT "PROMISE!"

You wrote that you were here for one reason,
and would leave. But you didn't, Len.

It seems that you are reliably unreliable, Len.
When you write about what you will do, the opposite is pretty much

Or maybe you're just lying.

John Smith I February 28th 07 12:25 AM

Say, Len.....

Perhaps. Your use of a smiley says you
don't mean it.

Not very likely. Len usually says what he means and means what he says.

I missed that. I don't read everything posted to
rrap. Could you post a link to where you
wrote about changing your mind, please?

Would you like one of his first baby pictures too?

You wrote that you were here for one reason,
and would leave. But you didn't, Len.

It seems that you are reliably unreliable, Len.
When you write about what you will do, the opposite is pretty much

Or maybe you're just lying.

Or, maybe he found a reason to stay which you are just unaware of?


Stefan Wolfe February 28th 07 01:01 AM

Say, Len.....

"John Smith I" wrote in message

Perhaps. Your use of a smiley says you
don't mean it.

Not very likely. Len usually says what he means and means what he says.

I missed that. I don't read everything posted to
rrap. Could you post a link to where you
wrote about changing your mind, please?

Would you like one of his first baby pictures too?

You wrote that you were here for one reason,
and would leave. But you didn't, Len.

It seems that you are reliably unreliable, Len.
When you write about what you will do, the opposite is pretty much

Or maybe you're just lying.

Or, maybe he found a reason to stay which you are just unaware of?

Naw, it's a lie. He used a certain proclamation at one time to make his
point more profound. Now we know it was BS. Once a BS'er, always a BS'er, a
BS'er can't hide forever.

His post admitting to lieing his done irreparable damage to his credibility.
People who read these articles size up a man for his word and Len now sizes
up as a miniature poodle in RRAP.

John Smith I February 28th 07 01:16 AM

Say, Len.....
Stefan Wolfe wrote:

His post admitting to lieing his done irreparable damage to his credibility.
People who read these articles size up a man for his word and Len now sizes
up as a miniature poodle in RRAP.

If telling one lie committed one to a life of perpetual lack of
credibility, I could trust no one here--and that would be including myself!

Get real ...


[email protected] February 28th 07 02:19 AM

Say, Len.....
On Feb 27, 3:25�pm, John Smith I wrote:

Perhaps. Your use of a smiley says you
don't mean it.

Not very likely. *Len usually says what he means and means what he says.

True enough. Problem is, one just CANNOT have any
opinion contrary to Miccolis' absolute words. :-)

I missed that. I don't read everything posted to
rrap. Could you post a link to where you
wrote about changing your mind, please?

Would you like one of his first baby pictures too?

I have a couple cute ones. :-)

I'd rather send a digitized photo of my '53 Austin-Healey.

You wrote that you were here for one reason,
and would leave. But you didn't, Len.

It seems that you are reliably unreliable, Len.
When you write about what you will do, the opposite is pretty much

Or maybe you're just lying.

Or, maybe he found a reason to stay which you are just unaware of?

That's pretty much it, JS. wink, wink, nudge, nudge :-)

But, we can't spoil Miccolis' "fun" in here, can we? :-)

No SIR, we have to "mind our manners" and be respectful
to them olde-tyme extry brass-pounders, uncover, and
never look 'em in the eye about anything...

But, Miccolis just hasn't posted in here HOW he gets all
those "statistics" on ham numbers. He be busy, busy
over in Moderated giving everyone the lowdown on them
numbers. None can say nay to those, lest they be called
"liars." :-)

73s, LA

[email protected] February 28th 07 02:30 AM

Say, Len.....
On Feb 27, 4:16�pm, John Smith I wrote:
Stefan Wolfe wrote:

* ...

His post admitting to lieing his done irreparable damage to his credibility.
People who read these articles size up a man for his word and Len now sizes
up as a miniature poodle in RRAP.

If telling one lie committed one to a life of perpetual lack of
credibility, I could trust no one here--and that would be including myself!

Get real ...

JS, Steppinwolfe done made several Class-A (with oak leaf
clusters) boo-boos in here and HE is "reliable?" :-)

Let's see...oh, yeah, SEVEN YEARS AGO I was supposed
to have made some kind of "Solemn Promise" about some-
thing in one newsgroup! Egad! The way Miccolo and this
Steppin character have it, I lay face down in the nave, my
body in the shape of an ARRL logo diamond and took a
LIFE OATH?!? :-) I don't think so. :-)

Wow, this group of olde-tyme brass-pounding weirdos is
sure solemn about things, ain't they? Yup, they be the
"Elders" of the Church of St. Hiram all right...complete
with some transgendered Sisterhood Auxilliary busy
doing the knuckle-spanky thing with rulers.

It's sorta like that old folk-saying: "Give a ham an inch
and he thinks he's a ruler!"

73, LA

Stefan Wolfe February 28th 07 02:49 AM

Say, Len.....

"John Smith I" wrote in message
Stefan Wolfe wrote:

His post admitting to lieing his done irreparable damage to his
credibility. People who read these articles size up a man for his word
and Len now sizes up as a miniature poodle in RRAP.

If telling one lie committed one to a life of perpetual lack of
credibility, I could trust no one here--and that would be including

However, THIS lie was particularly iniquitous because it was used as the
basis of
providing a rationale that was highly significant to his very reason for
participating here.

So innocuous was the morse code requirement that he would champion a
righteous cause to bring down the highly inequitable morse code requirement
and bring truth, justice and synchronicity of the amateur radio service with
contemporary technology. So committed was he that he would cease all future
activity on this group one his dream was realized.

Now we know that the commitment was bogus. He has unfurled the flag of his
true colors.

Get real ...

If a man's word is not real, better he not clutter the bandwidth with the
pablum of lies.

John Smith I February 28th 07 02:59 AM

Say, Len.....
Stefan Wolfe wrote:

If a man's word is not real, better he not clutter the bandwidth with

pablum of lies.

Not quite what I would expect from a budding Hemingway ...

Len? I don't know, when I look around at the character, stature, record
and caliber of those "avg" news group citizens, I think I'd trust old
Len ... remember, nobody's perfect ... look at how long the myth of CW
was hoisted on an ignorant public.


[email protected] February 28th 07 08:16 AM

Say, Len.....
From: John Smith I on Tues, Feb 27 2007 5:59 pm

Stefan Wolfe wrote:

If a man's word is not real, better he not clutter the bandwidth with the
pablum of lies.

Not quite what I would expect from a budding Hemingway ...

Now, now, he was TRYING, ya know. [very trying, tsk]

Len? I don't know, when I look around at the character, stature, record
and caliber of those "avg" news group citizens, I think I'd trust old
Len ... remember, nobody's perfect ... look at how long the myth of CW
was hoisted on an ignorant public.

Heh heh heh heh. Tsk, that Myth hung on forever and ever
from 50 years ago until just a couple months ago.

What is interesting is that - MAYBE - US amateur radio
MIGHT have actually LED radio operations a half century
ago by going to voice. Note: 50 years ago was BEFORE
11m CB was created. :-) had to continue and continue and continue
with SEE-DUBBLE-YOU as the Epitome, the ne plus ultra of
methods of communication by radio.

Mebbe Seppinwolfe got suckered by OOK CW? We don't know.
He no exist in the FCC ULS. Big Zero.

Threes, JS,

K4YZ February 28th 07 09:12 PM

It all comes down to this ...
On Feb 25, 2:20?pm, John Smith I wrote:
Would you buy a used car from these men?

Paul W. Schleck, K3FU
Bob Diepenbrock, KC4UAI
Jack Cook, VK2CJC
Jim Hampton, AA2QA
Ace Ratliff, WH2T
Jeff Angus, WA6FWI
Hans Brakob, K0HB
Bill Horne, W1AC
Mike Coslo, KB3EIA

Personally, I'd decline.


The question is, why WOULDN'T one of those folks SELL you a car,
used or otherwise?

Steve, K4YZ

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