![]() |
Poor pathetic Mark, he thinks it about him LOL
Mark is once again continuing with his tirade of stalking and actually
believes that I would waste my time suing him. I've said multiple times that he is not worth suing because he doesn't have anything of value. He is a pauper at best. I would be better off litigating against a homeless person, at least they can pan handle and obtain some kind of income. Nevertheless, we see how Mark is a man of his words, he tells me to take down my blog (which I did, but not because he said) and to not post about him, which I didn't, yet here he is, as usual he proves.....well you know. And since he started this for today, I had to laugh when I saw one of his posts begging everyone to come over on his boring blog and post some comments, he sounds like Lloyd. He is so needy isn't he. He was so needy for attention he even sent me an email to my gmail account. What a joke. Dloyd. |
Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 8:18?pm, wrote:
On 27 Mar 2007 17:07:00 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: Mark is once again continuing with his tirade of stalking and actually believes that I would waste my time suing him. "In consideration of the recent situation on RRAM and RRAP, and threats of death and blackmail received by me. I was advised to archive my two blogs pending possible further litigation and approval of protectionary "John Doe" status before proceeding in this matter. So at this time I have suspended my blogs until further notice" I supose you do have apoint I was indeed silly to believe you might ever tell the truth about anything http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com Mark's pathetic plea for attention is not granted Being married to an alleged woman while lusting after men is unacceptable, Mark Morgan Bi-Sexual Cyber Stalker http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com |
Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 8:55?pm, "
wrote: On Mar 27, 8:33 pm, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 27, 8:18?pm, wrote: Being married to an alleged woman while lusting after men is unacceptable, Mark Morgan Bi-Sexualhttp://kb9rqz.blogspot.com unacceptable to whom? you you are not even a real person just a card board cut out one Id like to use for target practice, sadly the law would never allow that. It would and oes allow me to simply kill under a number of circumstances, circumstances that I do hope come to pass, as I would indeed enjoy it well at least you are coming out the closet as a gay bashing bigot as opposed to denying that obvious fact about yourself Well at least you finally admited that your are in fact gay. Nevertheless, I like gay's just fine, its those screwed up bi-sexuals like you who are an enigma. "but if you don't like this treatment you know what you can do" I tell you what, do you want to really want to have person to person conflict. Find a place where it is legal, and we can have it out. I have no problems handling firearms, been shooting almost weekly for the past 25+ years. So if your really want to prove your valor, reseach the possibilities, and I will give it serious consideration. |
Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 9:09?pm, "
wrote: On Mar 27, 9:05 pm, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 27, 8:55?pm, " wrote: On Mar 27, 8:33 pm, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 27, 8:18?pm, wrote: Being married to an alleged woman while lusting after men is unacceptable, Mark Morgan Bi-Sexualhttp://kb9rqz.blogspot.com unacceptable to whom? you you are not even a real person just a card board cut out one Id like to use for target practice, sadly the law would never allow that. It would and oes allow me to simply kill under a number of circumstances, circumstances that I do hope come to pass, as I would indeed enjoy it well at least you are coming out the closet as a gay bashing bigot as opposed to denying that obvious fact about yourself Well at least you finally admited that your are in fact gay. No Dloyd stalker and teroist I admit you claim I am gay Nevertheless, I like gay's just fine, an obvious lie you post just up the page on google (in other Newsreader YMMV) that find it it unacactable for me to be involed with someone you claim is a man if you truly had no problem with gay youd have no problem with the alleged she male I married- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - I never said I ever had a problem with who you marrried. I even commited at one time that I thought that she seemed to be a well adjusted individual, but odd that she ended up with a wacko like you. She must of been hard up, though her biological clock was ticking away. BTW its others that call her a she-male, not I, I just said alleged because you have never clarified with so many posters bringing it into question. |
Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 9:24�pm, "
wrote: On Mar 27, 9:18 pm, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 27, 9:09?pm, " wrote: I never said I ever had a problem with who you marrried. "Being married to an alleged woman while lusting after men is unacceptable, Mark Morgan Bi-Sexual " liar Dloyd Lavies cyber terorist theif and biphobe extraorfidnary *it is amazing how much you do sound like Robeson if it wee not for the fact I know BiPhobes are *comon and general more screwed than mere Gay bashers *you might indeed convince to go after Robeson for *your entertainment OTOH ifyou had truly obtained the advice of conseul *as you alege on you revived blog he would have told *you to stay away from me, lest you **** up your chances in court I know you are a theif. a coward, and truely a mad man, and liar I have no reason to stay away from you, albeit YOU started up with today's session. Nevertheless, the possible litigation has very little to do with you. You are yet just one vehicle of many that may provide the basis of possible litigation, and yet you may even reap some benefits from a possible action. However, at this time it is very premature and these types of actions can multiple years to complete. |
Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 9:38?pm, wrote:
would you consider doing a favor and point out what this is at some point? I am mild curious from an acedemic PoV Not at this time, the firm I have employed meets at the end of next month to discuss this issue and at that time will determine the validity of filing an action. However, I have one of the junior partners on board thus far. |
Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 10:03�pm, wrote:
On 27 Mar 2007 19:01:38 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 27, 9:38?pm, wrote: would you consider doing a favor and point out what this is at some point? I am mild curious from an acedemic PoV Not at this time, I see *with go for it BTW did anyone disabuse you of the ntion that merely mentioning your chosen nickname on USENET is not a criminal act I know that Mark, but I believe that the terms that you used in indicating your intent to carry out my death were excessive. and You realy expect any milage out of posting a fake death threat on your blog? I did not know it was fake. Someone emailed that to me through blogger at my gmail account and it appeared to have came from one of your valid email addresses. I am not an IT forensics analyst, I leave that up to the professionals. As you know there are many forgers on here, you even have one post on your blog that did not come from me (the one that said you will never catch me), but there always will be people who want to inflame a situation if they can. |
Poor pathetic Mark, he thinks it about him LOL
"Dloyd Lavies" wrote:
I've said multiple times that he is not worth suing because he doesn't have anything of value. Doesn't he have a cool cookbook, and Steven Segal videos? |
Dloyd the staker back for more
On Mar 27, 10:38�pm, wrote:
On 27 Mar 2007 19:22:28 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 27, 10:03?pm, wrote: On 27 Mar 2007 19:01:38 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 27, 9:38?pm, wrote: would you consider doing a favor and point out what this is at some point? I am mild curious from an acedemic PoV Not at this time, I see 7ith go for it BTW did anyone disabuse you of the ntion that merely mentioning your chosen nickname on USENET is not a criminal act I know that Mark............ then you were lying when you claimed that my mentioning your name was stalking you in violation of Michigan stalking laws That is not what I claimed, what I claimed was your continued posting to my blog implying that you were going to cause me harm, after I had told you to stop posting is a violation of Michigan law. One of the parameters of Michigan anti-stalking laws is you have to make it clear that you have demanded the party to STOP the harrassing behavior. I have clearly asked you to stop the behavior yet you persisted, in violation of your own states law. ............., but I believe that the terms that you used in indicating your intent to carry out my death were excessive. possiblly but I don't. nor does my friend the sheriff here but analysing the rresult of various senarios is not an expression of intent you reading are really poor Dloyd No, I think your writing skills are also not the best. and You realy expect any milage out of posting a fake death threat on your blog? I did not know it was fake. did not know? does this mean you NOW know it is fake. I am willing to take your word. frankly I am shocked you have not receieved dozens of such emailI have received at least 40 of them claiming to be from from YOU promising my death at your hands I have never e-mailed you. You may find this hard to believe but I do have standards. As far as your wifes account is concerned I never hacked into anything, all of the information came up on a routine search on google, if anything I would be mad at Amazon for not securing the information if you deemed it so personal. such things are part and parcel of the stalker that seek to provoke combat on RRAP for their entertainment I agree. a faction that you are either part of or a tool of I am nethier a part of or a tool, everything I have posted has been on my own accord in response from what I percieve is attacks/harrassment by you. *Someone emailed that to me through blogger at my gmail account and it appeared to have came from one of your valid email addresses. again the question stands do you now accept it as a fraud? I will have to take your word if you deny sending the email, it is still in my gmail account. *As you know there are many forgers on here, you even have one post on your blog that did not come from me (the one that said you will never catch me), but there always will be people who want to inflame a situation if they can. not sure which you are referring to I do recall clearing a post perporting to you that I added a further sugesting I belived it likely a forgery I also submit you have alose admitted you know there are many forgers trying to inflame RRAP Indeed that is one reason I can never acced to your stated demand that refrain from replying to your posts since if I agreed to such I rather suspect every one of the RRAP forgers would suddenly be "Dloyd Lavies" and I could not post any replies at all I agree, but attacking me at will is something that I will not sustain for your entertaiment purposes. another being I often don't look at who is posting but resrict my comentary to meat of the post But can you conceed that renaming every thread is not really accomplishing anything, it only makes the NG hard to read for people like me who read directly through google, I would never subscribe too much spam. thrid of course being Principle as I see it any demand I refrain excerising my free speech right esp by means of a threat as you is extrotionate attack on my civil rights But also under the same principle, I should also have the right to post without being deluged with boilerplate posts that state "stalking thread" or woger this or dloyd that. If you accept the email as fraud I demen that either remove at once, I will remove the email, if in fact it is fraud but of course I am maintaining a copy in my email for possible future reference. No more posting tonight CU |
dloyd lavies cyber terroists
more proof of the crimial nature of your actions against Dloyd that you provided futher blood in the water This sentence doesn't make any sense whatsoever. this BTW Dloyd the reason it ****es me off so I am tried of the stlaker like Mike I am replying to continuing to harras e with such inane postings I wasn't talking to you. |
dloyd lavies cyber terroists
On Mar 27, 11:02?pm, wrote:
On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 22:57:28 -0400, "KH6HZ" wrote: "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: Doesn't he have a cool cookbook, and Steven Segal videos? more proof of the crimial nature of your actions against Dloyd that you provided futher blood in the water this BTW Dloyd the reason it ****es me off so I am tried of the stlaker like Mike I am replying to continuing to harras e with such inane postings http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com I am also tired, but I have no solution to the issue that you would agree upon. I can only control myself and my actions and once again for a third time attempt to post in this NG with engaging with you into this type of behavior. |
dloyd lavies cyber terroists
On Mar 28, 12:21?am, wrote:
On 27 Mar 2007 20:13:34 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 27, 11:02?pm, wrote: On Tue, 27 Mar 2007 22:57:28 -0400, "KH6HZ" wrote: "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: Doesn't he have a cool cookbook, and Steven Segal videos? I could use that as a fire starter I guess more proof of the crimial nature of your actions against Dloyd that you provided futher blood in the water this BTW Dloyd the reason it ****es me off so I am tried of the stlaker like Mike I am replying to continuing to harras e with such inane postings Then stop responding to every single post, that is your option, but you contine to feed the frenzy (pouring blood into the water). I am also tired, but I have no solution to the issue that you would agree upon. your point I am responding that your said you were tired of the BS, I agree but I have no solution, that is your sole responsibilty to find a way to deal with it without including everyone on the group I can only control myself and my actions...... never said otherwise Dloyd I never said you did but when you take action that have reasonably forseeable consequences you share inthe respoiniblity for the actions of those 3rd parties First I have seen no proof of consequenses that you said occured, I therefore share in nothing but my own actions. You set out to obtain the attention of everyone on the group with your reign of harrassment. You made a point that you have so many friends, and I legally obtained information that appears to discredit you. when you posted about my wife and certain book you knew or should have known that the filth mongers would run with it What is the problem, this information was available on a public accessible profile. If you or a member of your family are "in the closet" certainly they should have had better sense than to make that information widely available to the public. There wasn't any breaking in or "hacking" into anything. Your mad at me because your family member didn't have enough sense to keep her private information private and I discovered this information. You implied we were at war quoting from the "Art of War", and call me your foe, did you expect me to restrain my posting. You don't restrain your posting. You attacked Steve and tried to use the death of his daughter as nail to drive through his heart to get at Steve, I used your wife to get at you "tit for tat". You made light of the death of a child, and said she should have been aborted and somehow he was responsible for her death, how anymore dispicable can you get, to attack the fact that someone has lost a child. You wife's sexuality pales in comparison. I have always said I would keep it on the net which I did, I never called you or sent you emails, prove otherwise, all information was obtained on the internet. I would be more upset at the people who call my wife a shemale without any proof. Nevertheless, I haven't seen a great number of posts harping on this one subject, but now that you have let it know that it bothers you, I am sure there will be an increase. Again your giving out too much information you should have known posting that list would result all kinds of off topic and disruptive to this NG post by the filth mongers you undertook those action with I believe to be mailce toward a poin t I believe you effected admited to when you you admited you "lashed out" you sought to harm in fit a pique at best or deliberate and preditated calualtion at worst No, it was only posted to refute your claims, how damaging can a wedding registry list be to someone, its not like you asked for a bunch of weird stuff. Nevertheless, this group has been disrupted for many years. the damge you have done me is beyond your power to retreive you are therefore at best a losse cannon proune to do me harm without any cause therefore I will attack you and contiue to seek to obscure you threads and post til i can assured you will not be in apostion to do me further harm if you decide (or fail to control yourself) and "lash out at me and my wife and good knows what ever memebr of y family or friends you vent your lashing on Again you are harping on one term as if it has great meaning, besides the word lash I could have used the word response, to me there are interchangable. I believe that no damage has been done, and without proof, I cannot believe you because of your pattern of lying. If you pout blood in shark infested water with swimers in the water some folks would called that Homocide of anyone that then dies in the next few minutes from sharck attack Well if the news groups postings kill your, I would really be interested of how words jumped of of the monitor and did you damage. What was your wife up all night crying that it got out? She should have protected herself, that was her responsibility. I think more than likely she probably chewed your ass for even engaging in this behavior and that is why you are so ****ed. Maybe you need a new outlet. ...... and once again for a third time attempt to post in this NG with engaging with you into this type of behavior. which is not ilegal or imoral It is in my opinion, a legitamate effort at self defense it is a techneque I have more effective than any other at my disposal I have told what will happen in various senarios and left the choice of how to proceed I sumerize them agin You can abandon the Dloyd Nick and thus go beyond my abilty to track your posting for a cintiuation of this treatment, which you claim to object to(that I point of fact believe you are geting exactly the response you want is yet matter) or you can continue to post as "Dloyd" and be subject to what you claim to see as harrassment and I see as proactive self defense aginst a person I preceive to my foe you have no legal rght under the guise of claiming to demand I cease to protect myself aginst attack by yourself and others My legal counsel says otherwise, but again he said if you have very little assest, its like beating a dead horse, why bother. But then again it is done, once again I tried to reason with you, be cordial, but your are an unreasonable/unstable person, I will continue to post under this nick because the first admendment gives me that right. That arguement has already been weighed by the US Supreme Court. You want to continue the behavior and your reign of harrassment, that is your option. As I have said before, I will not succumb to your demands of blackmail by threats, "do as I say or I will continue my attack", I have attempted to be reasonable but your behavior is blackmail, and so be it. Again you have lied I took you at your word which was disengage and for me to remove the blogs, and you would disengage, both of which I have complied, although not altogether just because you said . But like a blackmailer, you keep changing the terms asking for more and more, until you are satisfied, which appear to be never, next you will be asking for a cash payment, but I don't think you would be that stupid. So I will continue to post under my name that I have used for many years and you will continue to be like the little boy who cried wolf, and eventially what you post about me will be totally ignored and irrelvent, but useful for my purpose. So flame away! |
dloyd lavies cyber terroists
On Mar 28, 12:28�pm, wrote:
On 28 Mar 2007 06:17:51 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 28, 12:21?am, wrote: On 27 Mar 2007 20:13:34 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: your point I am responding that your said you were tired of the BS, I agree but I have no solution, that is your sole responsibilty to find a way to deal with it without including everyone on the group I have no such responiblity Dloyd Oh, so it is somebody eles's responsibilty to find a solution to your problem? you OTOH do have a responiblity to refairn from comiting criminal acts No criminal acts a have been commited by I, if one had certainly you could press your point, but as usual you are.. to use your words "a lying sack of ****" such as the posting harrasing or anoyying post from an false or deceptive status What Status? it is that crime you have been reported for and that crime a very low priority crime so I am not sanguine about the likelyhood of result but one does what one can One better get real and realize how stupid one is. http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable demdning I do what you conceed I can not or suffer *further attack is unacepteable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com |
Double standard Mark
On Mar 28, 12:28�pm, wrote:
On 28 Mar 2007 06:17:51 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 28, 12:21?am, wrote: On 27 Mar 2007 20:13:34 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: your point I am responding that your said you were tired of the BS, I agree but I have no solution, that is your sole responsibilty to find a way to deal with it without including everyone on the group I have no such responiblity Dloyd you OTOH do have a responiblity to refairn from comiting criminal acts such as the posting harrasing or anoyying post from an false or deceptive status it is that crime you have been reported for and that crime a very low priority crime so I am not sanguine about the likelyhood of result but one does what one can http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable demdning I do what you conceed I can not or suffer *further attack is unacepteable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com "You implied we were at war quoting from the "Art of War", and call me your foe, did you expect me to restrain my posting. You don't restrain your posting. You attacked Steve and tried to use the death of his daughter as nail to drive through his heart to get at Steve, You made light of the death of a child, and said she should have been aborted and somehow he was responsible for her death, how anymore dispicable can you get, to attack the fact that someone has lost a child. You wife's sexuality pales in comparison." Notice how Mark ignored this part of my post. He claims he is the "victum" and he keeps it on the net. Yet it is ok for him to go to another web site (Steve's), obtain information, and use the death of an innocent child to further his harrassment of Steve. Mr. Morgan is a peice of human dung. Yet with his double standard, when someone does the same, he calls foul. Dloyd |
dloyd lavies cyber terroists
On Mar 28, 3:42�pm, wrote:
On 28 Mar 2007 11:07:12 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 28, 12:28?pm, wrote: On 28 Mar 2007 06:17:51 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 28, 12:21?am, wrote: On 27 Mar 2007 20:13:34 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: your point I am responding that your said you were tired of the BS, I agree but I have no solution, that is your sole responsibilty to find a way to deal with it without including everyone on the group I have no such responiblity Dloyd Oh, so it is somebody eles's responsibilty to find a solution to your problem? never said thatr either but in fact since you bring it up I do feel it the responiblity of anyother to find a solution that being Law enforcemnt but they are doing a **** poor job and for that Matter I am not saying that a requirement of any solution is that it not affect the rest of the NG you land the rest use the rest of the ng as Human shields another example of your cyber terroist tactics http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable demdning I do what you conceed I can not or suffer *further attack is unacepteable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - I don't use anybody for anything. The simple solution is to follow your previous word and disengage this diatribe of me and I will also disengage , but as you seemed determine to clearly be the agressor in this situation, I will contine to press you to provide proof when you continue to make your slanderous unsupported accusations. Dloyd |
Double standard Mark
On Mar 28, 2:48�pm, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote:
On Mar 28, 12:28?pm, wrote: On 28 Mar 2007 06:17:51 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 28, 12:21?am, wrote: On 27 Mar 2007 20:13:34 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: your point I am responding that your said you were tired of the BS, I agree but I have no solution, that is your sole responsibilty to find a way to deal with it without including everyone on the group I have no such responiblity Dloyd you OTOH do have a responiblity to refairn from comiting criminal acts such as the posting harrasing or anoyying post from an false or deceptive status it is that crime you have been reported for and that crime a very low priority crime so I am not sanguine about the likelyhood of result but one does what one can http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable demdning I do what you conceed I can not or suffer ?further attack is unacepteable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com "You implied we were at war quoting from the "Art of War", and call me your foe, did you expect me to restrain my posting. You don't restrain your posting. You attacked Steve and tried to use the death of his daughter as nail to drive through his heart to get at Steve, *You made light of the death of a child, and said she should have been aborted and somehow he was responsible for her death, how anymore dispicable can you get, to attack the fact that someone has lost a child. You wife's sexuality pales in comparison." Notice how Mark ignored this part of my post. *He claims he is the "victum" and he keeps it on the net. Yet it is ok for him to go to another web site (Steve's), obtain information, and use the death of an innocent child to further his harrassment of Steve. *Mr. Morgan is a peice of human dung. *Yet with his double standard, when someone does the same, he calls foul. Dloyd- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Why don't you address your double standard Mark? |
Double standard Mark admits that its ok to use the death of a child as a weapon
On Mar 28, 4:26�pm, wrote:
On 28 Mar 2007 11:48:24 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 28, 12:28?pm, wrote: On 28 Mar 2007 06:17:51 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: On Mar 28, 12:21?am, wrote: On 27 Mar 2007 20:13:34 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: your point I am responding that your said you were tired of the BS, I agree but I have no solution, that is your sole responsibilty to find a way to deal with it without including everyone on the group I have no such responiblity Dloyd you OTOH do have a responiblity to refairn from comiting criminal acts such as the posting harrasing or anoyying post from an false or deceptive status it is that crime you have been reported for and that crime a very low priority crime so I am not sanguine about the likelyhood of result but one does what one can http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable demdning I do what you conceed I can not or suffer &urther attack is unacepteable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com "You implied we were at war quoting from the "Art of War", and call me your foe,....... *I did not imply it Dloyd I stated it as the fact that is ...... did you expect me to restrain my posting. Honestly no I did not OTOH since you enage in nit pikcing my psots I must why you ended a question with a period? You don't restrain your posting. no I do not You attacked Steve and tried to use the death of his daughter as nail to drive through his heart to get at Steve, ......... Indeed I did after 8 years on contiued harrasment I got tired of taking it but unlike steve attacks on Me I used simple facts sprun a bit to look as bad as possible, while stave and woger have been using pruefantasy and peusdo science to attack me as you have you for that matter ......... You made light of the death of a child,.... No I made a very grim and serious matter of it ......... and said she should have been aborted which was and is a true statement of my belief in the matter Steve had been a passion out claiming I shoul;d be aborted retroactively if possible and somehow he was responsible for her death, *as he has claimed I am responible for various death *tit for tat how anymore dispicable can you get, to attack the fact that someone has lost a child. it needed doing, Steve would respond to nothing less You wife's sexuality pales in comparison." in english gramour NAZI if you please Notice how Mark ignored this part of my post. I ignored much your psot when they degenerate into ranting He claims he is the "victum" and he keeps it on the net. I make no claim I keep it to the net Yet it is ok for him to go to another web site (Steve's), which is online and steve himslef anouced that death here in RRAP obtain information, and use the death of an innocent child to further his harrassment of Steve. I did not harrass Steve when staeve refused to cease and desit his years of harrment of me I finaly resorted to lighting a cyber back fire against his flame war *Mr. Morgan is a peice of human dung. *Yet with his double standard, when someone does the same, he calls foul. I di not to you what steve did to me did I call your home and deliver a death to your ailling father? did I enage in calling you a theif then child molestor and rpist *over an 8 year period? did I make flase report that you molested *achild or anal raped your own father? did I thereby case your father to have *ahulmiating interview with a social that only ended when he got up and slugged her telling once agian to shut her foul mouth and leav him in peace while you were forced to stand out side able to hear my father being agitated this way with a State trooper on hand the perp in the action is known to be a LPN form TN as Steve is he has adknowledged making reports of elder and child abuse to michigan here on RRAP I am assuming that the incdents in question are related to one that steve adknowledes, I have stated that assumtion and Steve while confrim the contents of his "reports" does not dispute them either after that Yes I took the offensive, futher shouldmI see an opertunity to prusue matters even further with Steve i will take it up Dloyd http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable demdning I do what you conceed I can not or suffer *further attack is unacepteable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com- Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - What you put up with just shows your patience. I however, have very little and I find your attack on me equaling displeaseing as the alleged situation(s) described by. Therefore, I feel vindicated in my action that it is ok to use any means necessary within the law when you are in a situation such as this, proven by your example. |
Unreal vacation
On Mar 28, 6:03�pm, wrote:
On 28 Mar 2007 14:56:45 -0700, wrote: On Mar 28, 4:26?pm, wrote: On 28 Mar 2007 11:48:24 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies" wrote: -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com-Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - What you put up with just shows your patience. thank you I supose although I don't know if you are complainting me or making another snide remark Complement. I however, have very little and I find your attack on me equaling displeaseing as the alleged situation(s) described by. then you very thing skined indeed It's not a skin thing, It's just I will not put up with BS and not address the situation with an equal response. http://kb9rqz.blogspot.com stealing data from my wifes accounts is unaccaptable demdning I do what you conceed I can not or suffer *further attack is unacepteable Dloyd Lavies renagade cyber theif and terroist -- Posted via a free Usenet account fromhttp://www.teranews.com |
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