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an_old_friend May 29th 07 01:18 AM

An alternative Primer --- challenging
On May 27, 11:20 pm, John Smith I wrote:
N9OGL wrote:

That's the truth, here's what this dishonorable ISP (CTITECH) has in
their TOS

1. You may not post or transmit any message anonymously or under a
false name


There you go right there, that IS a dishonorable ISP. There are no
rules, regulations or laws which prevent someone from using a fictitious
name--they are making there own up!

There ARE laws from from keeping someone from use a fictitious name to
defraud, commit a crime, evade police, etc., etc. ...

sadly LE will not acton these violations of laws at least not blood is

I do believe that the long term result of the sort anymouse libel will
be at some either then END of free speech on line or the end of all
ability to be anymouse online I prefer the later although I would
regret even that result

BUT, when most politicians are corrupt--what can you expect? :-(


Dloyd Lavies[_2_] May 29th 07 01:42 AM

more on cabal of RRAP abusers
On May 28, 7:22�pm, wrote:

what gives the right to hijack discussion

Mark, you sniviling hypocrite.

how so?

Because you hijack discussions time and time again, and yet you are
questioning others of what give them the right to do the same.

You should ask yourself the exact same


So you won't be a hypocrite.

*You've hi-jacked and crapped on so many threads there are
too many to count.

so what?

Glad to see that you admit to your misdeeds, INDEED!.

unlike you and your friends I don't hijack legit threads ever

I smell more of Mark's Bull****.

Stop whining and defending your little perverted
buddy "old gay lover",.......

I don't even KNOW Todd, indeed I don't think I like him

I have met him (according friends that were there) we know some of the
same people

why is Todd's sexual oritation at issue"

It wasn't until he opened the door.

....... and his animated pedo fest. Your whining
clearly shows that you are just as abnormal as Toad.

no it shows that unlike you I know something of history

when you don't speak out when some other guy's freedom is being deined
yours is next

Paranoid (snip)

being silent about the attacks on Todd would IMO taking an passive
role in the next Holocost

Holocost, don't you mean Holocaust.

Now your really going off the deep end.

I don't think you should worry about the "next holocost", you seem to
have bigger issues facing you at the present.


Dloyd Lavies[_2_] May 29th 07 02:17 AM

An alternative Primer --- challenging
On May 28, 7:51�pm, wrote:
On Mon, 28 May 2007 02:05:13 GMT, "YesMan"

* *An alternative Primer on Net Abuse, Free Speech, and Usenet
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Dave Hayes
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

amazing how this discussion a legit one concerning the problem of RRAP
was hijack by Dloyd et al into a rant aginst me and Todd

No, what everyone should really notice is how the discussion evolved
into a discussion about ISP's, Todd's use of such to distribute his
"art", and how MARK MORGAN had to repeatedly interject himself into
the thread until it became all about him so he could cry "Eternal
Victum", and then complain about thread hi-jacking.

Mark Morgan = Thread Hi-Jacker and Usenet KooK.


N9OGL May 29th 07 02:38 AM

Child Porn is STILL Child Porn, Cartoons or Not
On May 28, 12:49 am, "Not Roger" anon@anon wrote:
Toddie. Morally speaking, there are many of us who feel that your sick
cartoons of naked children are still just that. Child porn.
Cartoons or not, legal or not, Child Porn in any form is considered to be
the effort of a sick mind for some sort of sick sexual gratification. There
certainly is no "art" involved.
Depictions of grown men invading the vagina of a small, female child are
sick, sick, sick, though such depictions obviously turn you on.
Obviously you are sick, sick, sick, too.

Do you look at these cartoons and wish you were there, Todd? Since you
obviously cannot attract an adult female, do you wish you could violate a
child? Do you stare at these things while "thumping" yourself beneath your
Daddy's desk?

You are what? In your early thirties and still living at home? Under your
Daddy's roof?

You ain't "all there" in the head, Toad.

Morality is like an opinion, everyone has their own definitions of
what is morally right or wrong, Secondly it it LAW that governs this
country, not morality, if you want to live in a moral-based country
ran by morals (including those of a religious nature) go live in Iran.
As for ART, go to school (and I mean a University) and learn something
about art like I have, because frankly you don't know **** about art.
Most people who are are into children, are not going to look at
cartoons, they are going to look at real pictures. As the Supreme
Court stated if Child molestors or those who where interest in child
Porn where using cartoons and virtual child porn, the the real child
porn market would be dried up, the fact according to the FBI it
hasn't, it's accually grown bigger. In fact there is more real child
porn out there then there is Virtual child porn including cartoons. So
perhaps you and your BUTT BUDDY BRAIN "THE RAT FINK" CROW should know
what the **** your talking about when it comes to me before you open
your BIG ****ING MOUTH!!!

Ex Cop May 29th 07 05:11 AM

Child porn is still child porn, cartoons or not.

wrote in message
On Mon, 28 May 2007 00:49:56 -0500, "Not Roger" anon@anon wrote:

Toddie. Morally speaking, there are many of us who feel that your sick
cartoons of naked children are still just that. Child porn.

this is not the newsgruop for this discusion

It is not your place to make such decisions. You are a non entity.

I happen to think your homophobia is sick I try not to go on about and
I don't try to stop you from posting something on topic

I couldn't care a whit less what you "happen to think". As I said, you are a
non entity.

if you want RRAP to work you need to post something vaugely on radio a

If YOU want rrap to work, begin by ceasing to thread jack and post a little
less. Better yet, go away altogether.

Ex Cop May 29th 07 05:12 AM

stop hijacking thread net abuse discussion

wrote in message
On Mon, 28 May 2007 12:04:59 +0000 (UTC), "Chris"

On 28 May 2007 03:31:09 GMT, Michael Black

"YesMan" ) writes:

[big snip]

Get a grip. This was originally posted to,

so what?

what gives the right to hijack discussion

The same right as you, dimwit.

Anon[_2_] May 29th 07 07:12 AM

Thread abuse by Mark? Say it ain't so!
Ex Cop wrote:
wrote in message
On Mon, 28 May 2007 12:04:59 +0000 (UTC), "Chris"

On 28 May 2007 03:31:09 GMT, Michael Black

"YesMan" ) writes:
[big snip]

Get a grip. This was originally posted to,

so what?

what gives the right to hijack discussion

The same right as you, dimwit.

The Dancing Monkey doesn't see it that way. Can't see it that way.

The Monkey has a right...nay, compulsion, to switch the topics as per
his whim. But, by God, don't you dare do that to one of his threads!

Dancing Monkeys are entertaining to watch as they prance disjointedly
around the Master as the Master controls the tempo of the music box.
In the case of Usenet, Mark has many "masters", but he dances especially
nicely to the tunes of Dloyd and Steve and, on occasion, Roger.

It's that OCD malady again....he simply can't help himself.

(now watch as he "jacks" this thread when he responds. OCD )

Anon[_2_] May 29th 07 07:17 AM

more on cabal of RRAP abusers
Dloyd Lavies wrote:
On May 28, 7:22�pm, wrote:
what gives the right to hijack discussion
Mark, you sniviling hypocrite.

how so?

Because you snivel, whine and cry.
And you are a blatant Hypocrite.

(left out the liar part...that comes later)

Dloyd Lavies[_2_] May 29th 07 03:16 PM

Dance Ma Ma Markie.
On May 29, 2:09?am, wrote:

prewhy arer you an EX cop


Like I have said in the past you need to learn how to spell so you can
articulate yourself...LOL

More butchery by the Monkey.


Iitoi May 29th 07 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Chris (Post 572194)
Get a grip. This was originally posted to,

I don't know where it was originally posted, but it wasn't

From the authors notes, it appears to date from sometime late in the last century.

Old news.

The Man in the Maze
QRV on Baboquivari Peak, AZ

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