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Bill Sohl January 26th 04 01:35 PM

"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"N2EY" wrote:

The days when the nests were all
empty by the time Mom and Dad
hit 50 are long gone, Dwight. And
that's in "typical" America.

That may be typical in your world. However, I haven't met a single 40 or
50 year old recently with a young child. In fact, I only remember meeting
one in my entire life - a couple with an adopted child. Whatever the case,

haven't seen it to be commonplace.

Depends on how you define "young." When I was 50 my yongest
daughter was only 8. More and more couples today are getting
married later and having kids later. When I was going to "back-to-school"
night for my youngest, some of the other parents could have been
my kids if my wife and I had married and had kids when we were
20. By the same tokenn, I was not the only "senior" parent there.


Do you consider that to be "old"?
I don't. I consider it to be "middle

Forty or fifty is certainly not young.

Speak for yourself. These days 60 isn't
consider old in the same way it was years ago.


Mike Coslo January 26th 04 02:44 PM

Dwight Stewart wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote:

You know, Dwight, I'm not so sure.
I don't recall Jim ever making an
issue of the issue, except for ommitting
the callsign. (snip)

By omitting the callsign, he made it an issue to be discussed. Were we all
supposed to notice it and say nothing?

Victim mentality, Dwight! You and Jim get into a wizzing contest, and
Kim gets her amusement by reading the posts.

It's really too bad that you cannot avoid it, but I think Kim is right.
That callsign seems to have some irresistable effect on some people. And
you just can't help it. You don't have the power to resist.

What would *you* have him do? I'm
a little confused about what some
people want out of this thread. (snip)

I wouldn't "have him do" anything. There has been no demands made of him
from me. He's free to do what he wants, just as we're free to comment on
what he does.

What do you think of her reasoning
behind getting that callsign? (snip)

As I've stated several times, I don't really care what her reasonings
were. It's simply not my job to judge Kim. I've told Kim what I think, and
that is enough. I don't see any reason to keep repeating myself. And I
certainly don't see any reason to repeat myself over and over through a
several year period as some in this newsgroup have done.

Then it should be a null argument. You should not care why Jim omits
her callsign, and it isn't your job to judge Jim.

Some people might just care what the reasonings are though.

And as for repeating ones self, you shouldn't "have to", but you are.
The power of of that callsign is simply too much to resist.

- Mike KB3EIA -

Mike Coslo January 26th 04 02:54 PM

Dwight Stewart wrote:

"N2EY" wrote:

The days when the nests were all
empty by the time Mom and Dad
hit 50 are long gone, Dwight. And
that's in "typical" America.

That may be typical in your world. However, I haven't met a single 40 or
50 year old recently with a young child. In fact, I only remember meeting
one in my entire life - a couple with an adopted child. Whatever the case, I
haven't seen it to be commonplace.

Depends on where you are at, I guess. Most people I know have postponed
having children until thier mid 30's. That puts them into their 50's
when the kids leave the nest. A few even wait until their 40's, although
they have found out that that doesn't work very well.

Hopefully people don't age too fast where you come from, Dwight, but
I'm 49 and don't feel the least bit old.

Why does that matter? You may have
noticed that I don't talk about my
domestic situation here.

It matters only in the context of the discussion - how many in our age
group have young children.

Suppose, just suppose, that I have 5
children ranging in age from toddlers to
teenagers. (I don't, but that's not the
point). Would you then say I was right
and Kim's call was inappropriate?

Have those supposed children also talked to Kim on the radio, hearing her
callsign and making something out of it? Lets not discuss hypothetical
situations, Jim. Anything can be justified or condemned using that.

Dwight, Take your average year old boy. He hears ANYTHING that can be
taken out of context, and he'll be all giggly for quite a while. That's
what they do. Anything gross or something that can be twisted in
meaning, they will do it.

And your source is?

Fifty years of life, meeting thousands in that period.

Do you consider that to be "old"?
I don't. I consider it to be "middle

Forty or fifty is certainly not young.

Middle aged is 60's. Congrat's Dwight, you've been moved down the scale
and are officially younger! 8^)

- Mike KB3EIA -

KØHB January 26th 04 04:55 PM

"Dwight Stewart" wrote

| That may be typical in your world. However, I haven't met a single
40 or
| 50 year old recently with a young child.

JJ January 26th 04 06:39 PM

Dwight Stewart wrote:

That may be typical in your world. However, I haven't met a single 40 or
50 year old recently with a young child. In fact, I only remember meeting
one in my entire life - a couple with an adopted child. Whatever the case, I
haven't seen it to be commonplace.

You must live in a different world then or don't get out much, my son is
39 and has two daughtgers age 11 and a son age 9, my daughter is 41 and
has a daughter age 6 and a son age 4 and one on the way. I suggest you
go to your local kindergarten school and see how many parents are there
in their late 30's early 40's with small children.

Dee D. Flint January 26th 04 08:09 PM

"JJ" wrote in message
Dwight Stewart wrote:

That may be typical in your world. However, I haven't met a single 40

50 year old recently with a young child. In fact, I only remember

one in my entire life - a couple with an adopted child. Whatever the

case, I
haven't seen it to be commonplace.

You must live in a different world then or don't get out much, my son is
39 and has two daughtgers age 11 and a son age 9, my daughter is 41 and
has a daughter age 6 and a son age 4 and one on the way. I suggest you
go to your local kindergarten school and see how many parents are there
in their late 30's early 40's with small children.

And don't forget the children being raised by their grandparents rather than
their parents.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Dwight Stewart January 27th 04 12:53 AM

"Kim W5TIT" wrote:
"Dwight Stewart" wrote:

Forty or fifty is certainly not young.

I don't think it's old, either, Dwight...and
good heavens I certainly don't act it! ;)

Amazing how our concepts of "old" changes as we age. Decades ago, all of
us thought 30 was old. Now "old" is something we're not. :-)

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Dwight Stewart January 27th 04 12:58 AM

"Mike Coslo" wrote:
Dwight Stewart wrote:

Forty or fifty is certainly not young.

Middle aged is 60's. Congrat's Dwight,
you've been moved down the scale
and are officially younger! 8^)

Sixty is "middle" aged? How many people have you met in this country that
are 120 years old?

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Dwight Stewart January 27th 04 01:09 AM

"Mike Coslo" wrote:

It's really too bad that you cannot avoid
it, but I think Kim is right. That callsign
seems to have some irresistable effect
on some people. And you just can't help
it. You don't have the power to resist.

Nobody said anything about not being able to resist, Mike. It was an issue
(no more than any other issue discussed in this newsgroup), and I simply
responded to it.

Then it should be a null argument. You
should not care why Jim omits her
callsign, and it isn't your job to judge
Jim. (snip)

And I've been careful not to judge Jim. If Jim feels otherwise, he's sadly

(snip) The power of of that callsign is
simply too much to resist.

You're posting to this thread. Do you find the callsign too much to

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Mike Coslo January 27th 04 01:23 AM

Dwight Stewart wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote:

Dwight Stewart wrote:

Forty or fifty is certainly not young.

Middle aged is 60's. Congrat's Dwight,
you've been moved down the scale
and are officially younger! 8^)

Sixty is "middle" aged? How many people have you met in this country that
are 120 years old?

It's a big bell curve, IMO

- Mike KB3EIA -

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