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"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
... In article , "Kim W5TIT" writes: Isn't that something?! The people I consider good, decent folks in the ARS, don't have an issue with my callsign at all. Oh, by the way, isn't it around that time of year that this thread get dropped again, Larry? ROFLMAO!!!!! Kim W5TIT Kim: There you go again, begging for this thread to be dropped! Whassamatta? Getting tired of defending the indefensible? Running out of arguments? Feeling like you're at the end of your rope? I thought so. Well, as it happens, you know how to make this thread go away. Start acting like an intelligent, mature, and decent human being, and get rid of that obnoxious call sign! 73 de Larry, K3LT OMYGAWD!!! "Begging for this thread to be dropped!"?????????? Larry, puhleeze. You're not that stupid. A) I do not defend my callsign: I like my callsign B) No "arguments" needed for my callsign. It's mine. Period. C) End of my rope?? Over a phucking callsign? Now, I *DARE* you to keep this callsign going beyond your usual "time-of-year" spin with it. But, just to let you know up front, the I have *no* intention of changing my callsign and I don't think I could get any more decent a human than I am. As to learning, I do that every day--thank goodness. As to being intelligent, I think I speak too lofty for you now as it is! Gads, you're getting hilarious. Only thing is: we're packing to move so this is the last I'll be on for a while!. I'll be back on sometime around the first of March. Gonna have this thread still going, there, big fella? If not, tell ya what, I'll drag it up again! ROFLMAO!!! Kim W5TIT |
"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
... In article , "Kim W5TIT" writes: Yeah, I'd lay odds that this thread was "awakened" again this (late last) year by Larry, mid-Winter boredom or whatever, and it's about the usual time for it to be dying down. Kim W5TIT Kim: That sounds like wishful thinking. However, you asked for it, and as long as you've got it, you're gonna get it! This thread has a life of it's own, and as long as I am a participant in this newsgroup, it will always pop up whenever you least expect it. 73 de Larry, K3LT I think you're beyond "popping up," Larry... Kim W5TIT |
"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
... In article , "Kim W5TIT" writes: Ummmmm, I did not choose T-I-T, I chose *W* *5* T-I-T. Wishing me to drop my callsign would be about like telling Dolly Parton to cover up before she gets on stage. Her boobs are one of her trademarks--at least to the public. Oh, wait, you may find her vulgar also... Kim W5TIT Kim: Ms. Parton has a lot more going for her than an exceptionally well-rounded figure. She has a very attractive face (once you get over the big, bleached blonde hair and the stage makeup), an exceptionally engaging personality, and she is an exceptionally talented and entertaining singer, songwriter, and actress. And while her exceptionally large breasts may be, as she herself once said, "bought and paid for," they are nevertheless all hers, and she does make humorous, but always tastefully self-depricating, references to them as part of her act. However, I tend to doubt that if she were an amateur radio operator, that she would consider requesting a Vanity Call sign such as "W4TIT." Dolly Parton is the real thing -- beautiful, talented, and successful. Stop comparing yourself to her until you write a song like "Jolene" and several dozen others that are just as good. 73 de Larry, K3LT Dolly is a great entertainer, to be sure. Not so sure about the singing, though...she's "ok" to me. I'm also great at what I do, and am beautiful and successful. So, you're correct...there's no comparing needed! Kim W5TIT |
"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
... In article , "Kim W5TIT" writes: Yeah, I'd lay odds that this thread was "awakened" again this (late last) year by Larry, mid-Winter boredom or whatever, and it's about the usual time for it to be dying down. Kim W5TIT Kim: That sounds like wishful thinking. However, you asked for it, and as long as you've got it, you're gonna get it! This thread has a life of it's own, and as long as I am a participant in this newsgroup, it will always pop up whenever you least expect it. 73 de Larry, K3LT By the way, Larry, *this* is the original thread, so be sure it's this one you keep going! Kim W5TIT |
"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:
"Dwight Stewart" writes: You're absolutely right, Dee. I do live in an environment where tits, breasts, and other words to describe the human body are not outright, and immediately, derogatory or vulgar - only a certain context makes them so. Let's try a little experiment that would serve to prove what you just said. Sometime within the course of going about your daily duties, locate and approach an attractive woman with a particularly voluptious bustline. Say something like, "Hey, lady, I think you have a really nice set of tits there!" (snip) I don't think so. I don't know about you, but I don't go around approaching strangers so I can comment about their breasts. However, during the course of many conversations with female friends and associates over the years, some of them have used the word "tits" and so have I in response. Clearly, since the women led off with the use of that word, they obviously were not offended by my use of it in response. Clearly, at lot of this depends on the situation. With a stranger, if the subject even came up, only the most polite words would be used. With a friend, more casual conversation is acceptable. In my opinion, the woman always decides when that point is reached. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ |
Kim W5TIT wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message ... I think it's just that, Mike. A power thing. I mean, after all, why the chagrin over a callsign; and all the angst; and all the broohaha were it not for wanting to be miserable about something. Call it stupid of me but... Okay. I really don't see the huge issue with it and never have. Precisely. I enjoy the deliberate ignorance of the reason I got the call...which at its root was purely on a dare from some local hams. A dare based upon what, Kim? You've already provided us your motivation. Dave K8MN |
Larry Roll K3LT wrote:
In article , "Kim W5TIT" writes: Huh? Well, I don't make an issue of my breasts, either. And, in addition, I've heard many interviews and giggles wherein Dolly was either alluding to or answering direct questions pertaining to her breasts. Kim W5TIT Kim: You don't make an issue of your breasts? Then what is your call sign all about? I clearly recall that you stated that since you consider yourself to be particularly "well endowed," you took up some sort of challenge to request that particular Vanity Call Sign for the purpose of creating interest directed toward your breasts. Of course, I can understand your need to create confusion over this issue, but an out-and-out lie like you made above only serves to weaken your already thin credibility. Don't forget that Kim wants it both ways. She describes her more-than-ample superstucture and requests a callsign because of it but she notes with disdain the looks she gets from women on the street (as if she has a way of knowing what other women are thinking). She want to draw attention to herself but claims that she didn't ask to be born with.... Well, you know the drill. Kim empathizes with strippers, lets us in on what she'd like to tell other women at cocktail parties, tells us which foul words she'd yell at a football game and clue us in to what prompted her to choose her tacky call based upon a dare. Dave K8MN |
Len Over 21 wrote:
Yes, we all KNOW how you bragged about those wonderful grades and class standings while becoming a Human Resources (personnel) professional, could get your pick of jobs, etc., etc., etc., ...and then became a bus driver. :-) All that while telling us of your distinguished, vital, important USAF career where you always knew more than your officers, were more smarts, noble, self-sacrificing to learn how to do 20 WPM morse...just like hams did in the 1930s before you were born. Sunnavagun! A perfect time for the profile of your likely actions, Leonard. N2EY: "Besides, here's a simple, plain fact: No matter what job, educational level, employer, or government/military service that a radio amateur has, if said radio amateur opposes Mr. Anderson's views, he/she will be the target of Mr. Anderson's insults, ridicule, name-calling, factual errors, ethnic slurs, excessive emoticons and general infantile behavior." Please continue your civil debate on the elimination of morse testing in the Amateur Radio Service in which you are not involved. Dave K8MN |
Kim W5TIT wrote:
Dolly is a great entertainer, to be sure. Not so sure about the singing, though...she's "ok" to me. I'm also great at what I do, and am beautiful and successful. I just love your Al Franken "Saturday Night Live" routine. You're pleasant, fun to be around and, by golly, people LIKE you. Don't let your "beauty" or "success" go to your head. So, you're correct...there's no comparing needed! ....or even possible. Dave K8MN |
In article , JJ
writes: If Kim had any class at all, that is precisely what she would do with her present call. If kim had any class at all she would never have chosen such a call. Amen! 73 de Larry, K3LT |
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