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In article , Leo
writes: On 10 Jan 2004 13:38:45 GMT, (N2EY) wrote: In article , "Kim" writes: Jim is disrespectful to me to make it look like I am not an amateur when he chooses not to associate me as an amateur when I've made a conscious decision to participate in something he's providing for fun. There was no disrespect intended, Kim. If you feel disrespected that's your perception, not my intent. But Jim, it is disrespectful to intentionally and repeatedly refuse to acknowledge the rights of another person - especially in a public forum. I agree! What rights were not acknowledged by me? That is not just her perception - it's pretty clear to me as well! I ask again: What rights were not acknowledged by me? Do you believe that you have the right to impose your own personal morals and prejudices upon others? Not to any extent beyond that which others have the right to do the same to me. Do others have the "right" to demand that I use certain words in my posts? Did anyone here ask you to go ahead and censor anything which you found to be personally offensive? Certainly not. I can't "censor" anyone on Usenet except myself. Kim, you or anyone else can post whatever their ISPs will allow. That does not mean I have to repeat it. What I did is called editing. It's my right to edit replies, isn't it? Note this: I started this thread. The poll is my idea, and I wrote the original list and its updates. So if someone says I *must* or even *should* not do the list a certain way, it's *they* who are trying to censor *me*. If someone wants to post a revised list with callsigns included, that's their right - as long as they don't make it look like I wrote something I did not. I deliberately, with no malice, and consciously deleted the attributes of the original message simply to include my callsign in the list. Without malice, perhaps, but not without prejudice. A prejudice, by the way, which I would rather not have thrust upon me! So is what Kim did to my posts OK with you, Leo? At first, you simply changed the quoted text *without* changing the symbols, so it looked like I wrote something I did not write. I chalked that one up to a simple typo and said nothing. Then, you peeled off *all* the symbols, including the one by my signature line, so it looked like I had signed a post you made. Leo - if someone did that to a post of yours, would you say it was their right to do it? I don't give a hoot if you, the Usenet police, Jim, or any other person has a problem with that. If you do not respect Usenet conventions, why should anyone respect your desire to have your callsign included? You want respect that you do not give others. Jim, since when do two wrongs make a right? Which two wrongs? Kim has incorrectly attributed at least three of my posts. I do not see where my nonuse of her callsign is "wrong". Some might say that characterizing my nonuse of that callsign as "wrong" is really a way of someone imposing their own personal morals and prejudices upon me. That doesn't sound like you! Or are you saying that you deleted her call because she does not follow Usenet conventions? That's not true, either. I did not use her call when making up the list because I think it is inappropriate for the ARS. She chose that call - FCC will not issue such calls sequentially. It was discussed to death in a thread called "one step closer to extinction" that exceeded 3000 posts. I've requested that Jim just plain remove my name and prediction from the list. Done. No problem. If he cannot accept me as an amateur radio operator, equal in every way but license class to any other amateur, then I deliberately, with no malice, and respectfully abstain from regarding *him* at all. I have *always* accepted you as an amateur radio operator, Kim. But I do not post your callsign because I think you made an inappropriate choice. That is not up to you to decide, Jim. Why not? Isn't it my right to have the opinion that certain callsigns are not appropriate? Is there a law which says I *must* use callsigns in a Usenet post? ITU recently made it legal for countries to issue callsigns with four-letter suffixes, like W3PENN. Imagine the possibilities. The FCC could have refused to issue the call if they felt that it was inappropriate (just like the motor vehicle vanity plate folks do!). Other countries (VE for one) freely issue this suffix as well! FCC *does* refuse to issue the suffix sequentially. Look in the database, or better yet an old callbook, and you'll see that the suffixes immediately before and after are much more common. If you met Dick Van Dyke in person one day, would you refuse to address him as anything other than 'Richard', because you felt that his parents made an inappropriate choice? Of course not! That's silly. Invalid analogy. "Dick" is a common male nickname. But we hams are not "equal in every way but license class". Each of us is better at some things than others. I'm sure there are things involving amateur radio that you're better at than me, and there are probably things involving amateur radio that I'm better at than you. So we are not equal in every way but license class. Jim, you know that's not the level of equality that Kim was referring to. No, I do not. I took it the way she expressed it. As an licensed amateur, she is entitled to use her FCC-issued vanity callsign, just like you! Of course! And she does use it here. But is there some rule that says I *have to* use it here? Do I not have the right to refrain from doing so? (and, up here, (several calls with suffixes identical to Kim's) all licensed amateurs, two of whom are male). Were those calls sequentially issued? I did not include your callsign in the list because I think that your choice of callsign (even though it's legal) is inappropriate to the amateur radio service. You *chose* that callsign, and the FCC would not have issued it sequentially. Why not? Because of its obvious meaning. There are several such callsigns. FCC will, however, issue them if requested through the vanity program. It is a legal suffix, and if it was not on some banned list it may have gone out in sequence. Please refer me to an FCC statement to the contrary. I refer you to the Callbook and databases. In Canada, if you don't select a call when you pass your test, you get one issued randomly. If it's on the list, it's fair game! And this suffix is on the list in all of the VE areas. In my opinion, it's inappropriate. Do I not have the right to such an opinion? The fact that something is legal does not make it appropriate to do, or in the best interests of all concerned. Jim, please do not put yourself in the position of deciding what is in the best interests of anyone other than yourself - I for one would prefer to make my own determination of what I find acceptable and unacceptable. that role does not belong to you, me or anyone else here! Any time a person expresses an opinion of what should or should not be done by othr people, or what is acceptable or unacceptable, they are deciding what is "right" and "wrong" for more than themselves. It's an unavoidable consequence of having an opinion. The only other option is to never express any opinions at all. For example, some people say the Morse code test for an amateur license should be eliminated. They're saying that their judgement on the issue should take precedence over what others think and want. They're saying that the FCC's current rules are incorrect and need to change. And many of them say that what is *best* for amateur radio is for the code test to go away. Do they have the right to say those things, and to try to get their will imposed on others, or not? I say they have that right - and those who disagree have rights, too. I would suggest that you are way out of line when you impose your own value system to overrule something which is permitted by law. See above about the tests. What you are saying is that I *must* use Kim's callsign here, and I *must not* oppose the choice of similar ones, because they are permitted by law. Am I allowed to object to *anything* that is permitted by law? If Kim's callsign is that offensive to you, then you should ignore her posts entirely. Why? Kim is not a bad person. She is not my enemy. I simply disagree with her about callsign choice. What you seem to be saying is that you want to censor *me*, by determining how I can post here. On the air, you would probably ignore or refuse to reply to someone whom you found to be offensive - here in Usenet, we have the killfile for this purpose. Not censorship! Where have I censored anyone? Where Have I tried to prevent someone from posting anyhting? Intentional deletion of her call is disrespectful, (it is!) and not within your mandate as a reader of this group or a fellow ham to do. I disagree. Her choice of callsign is disrespectful ot other hams and the ARS. IMHO YMMV Jim, doesn't our society have enough 'politcally correct' folks running around already (jeez, even 'manhole covers' are called 'access covers' now, because someone got offended by the 'male bias'). I agree 100%. I see the attempt to force me to use Kim's callsign on Usenet as a form of political correctness. I'm being told that I *must* post in a certain way. Why? I would think that inappropriate use of her call would be anything related to sexual innuendo, referenced to the slang word [slang word deleted] Why do you think Kim chose that particular call, Leo? She's not a birdwatcher. Those posts I ignore. Not censor, ignore. I ignore many posts here. I don't censor anyone. Appropriate use, however, would be anything related to amateur radio - as it is a valid callsign. Like this newsgroup, for example. This newsgroup does not require callsigns. Other posters have refused to use my callsign, and instead have called me all kinds of insulting names - and their was no protest from folks who now tell me I am being disrespectful. Why on Earth a man of your intelligence would have a problem just typing it, I'm sure I don't know. I don't have a problem typing it, Leo. I simply choose not to. Whatever it it, I hope you are able to navigate past it, Jim. Kim earned the right to use her call, and you have no right to deny her that right to do so. Period. I agree 100%! She has the right to use it. But no one has the right to force *me* to use it here on Usenet. Or do they? Suppose - just suppose - someone included a word or phrase you found inappropriate or offensive in a post. Would you say that everyone *must* include that word or phrase in any replies? 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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N2EY wrote:
In article , Alun writes: (N2EY) wrote in : In article k.net, "KØHB" writes: "Dave Heil" wrote Why do you persist in changing Jim's posts and re-posting with no indication that you're changing them? Because she feels like it. I don't think she needs a reason beyond that. Do you think it's her right to misattribute? Do you think it's her right to change quoted posts with no indication of having done so? Do you think it's her right to end a post with someone else's typical signature? Jim is apparently trying to make a point about Kim's call sign, which he and many of us think borders on 'tacky'. That's his right. To be exact, I think the callsign she chose for herself is inappropriate for the amateur radio service. I agree with Riley's evaluation of it. But I have tried not to make a big deal about the issue. I cannot control what others put in their postings here, but I *can* control what I post, and so certain inappropriate words and phrases are edited out by me. The editing is done in accordance with Usenet and email standards. I try to always be clear what words were written by the original author and what words were not. I found it amusing that other posters who "had a problem" with Kim's choice of callsign wrote many, many postings containing that callsign, therefore giving it far more visibility than it would otherwise get. Kim is apparently trying to make a point about Jim. That's her right. Do you think it's her right to misattribute? Do you think it's her right to change quoted posts with no indication of having done so? Do you think it's her right to end a post with someone else's typical signature? Never mind that they both remind me of the 'church lady', and I think that they and you are acting like sanctimonious twits. That's my right. "Well, isn't that special?" ;-) YMMV. That's your right. It's surreal to note that Kim's alteration of quotes raises far, far less comment and condemnation than my omission of her callsign. In fact, I've been omitting it for many months and no one has noticed until now. You're kidding, right? About what? Do you think it's anyone's right to misattribute? Do you think it's anyone's right to change quoted posts with no indication of having done so? Do you think it's anyone's right to end a post with someone else's typical signature? What would be your response if someone did the same thing to your posts, Alun? Just because we didn't say anything doesn't mean we didn't notice. But there was no comment from you except about what *I* should do. Personally, I think you should use her call if you are going to use everyone else's. Why should I do that if I think the call is inappropriate? But I'm not an Internet cop. Nor I. But there are certain accepted rules of Usenet. My reaction to Kim's post was initially "why did she post without adding anything". If I see something in quotes I don't even read it. In fact I can skip over it by clicking on a particular symbol, and usually do, unless I need to go back and get the context. And the name of the actual sender is very prominently displayed to me. Of course. So why not indicate the changes, as is customary and proper? So, if this was misattribution it wasn't very successful, as I saw it was from Kim immediately and just thought she hit 'send' by mistake. Granted different people don't see the same screen, as they are using different newsreaders, but that's how it appears to me using XNews. To the AOL and Google readers it appears as I wrote something I didn't. I just went back through google too look at the post, Jim. The post is probably about the same to misinterpret as the newsgroup mail style post. But something interesting is in there. In the post on 2004-01-06 at 20:15 PST is the particular post that got all this started. There is another post that is essentially the same that was posted at 02:49:03 PST, ealier in the day. That particular message *has* the proper attributes. Since all Kim's other posts have the proper attributes, I'd have to guess that Kim knew pretty well that the second post would ensure some controversy. Probably her way of making her point. Just a guess. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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![]() Len Over 21 wrote: In article , Mike Coslo writes: Here's an update on various estimates of when Morse code testing will be eliminated in the US. Note that four predicted dates are in the past. Egbert: September 13, 2003 Jeff: September 29, 2003 Leroy: December 31, 2003 Bill: January 1, 2004 Phil: March 15, 2004 Jim H: April 1, 2004 Jim M: April 15, 2004 Alun: May 1, 2004 Ryan: July 1, 2004 Robert: August 1, 2004 Larry: September 15, 2004 Charles: December 30, 2004 Dee: July 1, 2005 Mike: July 5, 2007 ("minimum 4 years from date of requirement drop") Kim: June 1, 2008 Hans: January 1, 3000 (first date not in "this millenium") Closest date (before or after) wins. Anyone else? Howzat? That's NOT in "UNIX format," Mike...you are NOT giving the right attribute line prefixes!!! That was half the point in this case! 8^) - Mike KB3EIA - |
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In article , Mike Coslo
writes: That's NOT in "UNIX format," Mike...you are NOT giving the right attribute line prefixes!!! That was half the point in this case! 8^) Not at all. You are just busy swinging your stick, sweetums, because you have a need to Do Battle. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You make it seem like US ham radio is a bunch of white guys trying to make out like they are little boy scouts with church ladies as den mothers. Prissy pinkness. [Expletive Deleted] WMD |
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"N2EY" wrote in message
... Here's an update on various estimates of when Morse code testing will be eliminated in the US. Note that four predicted dates are in the past. WA2SI: September 13, 2003 KF6TPT: September 29, 2003 KC8EPO: December 31, 2003 K2UNK: January 1, 2004 K2ASP: March 15, 2004 AA2QA: April 1, 2004 N2EY: April 15, 2004 N3KIP: May 1, 2004 KC8PMX: July 1, 2004 WA2ISE: August 1, 2004 K3LT: September 15, 2004 WK3C: December 30, 2004 N8UZE: July 1, 2005 KB3EIA: July 5, 2007 ("minimum 4 years from date of requirement drop") K0HB: January 1, 3000 Closest date (before or after) wins. Anyone else? 73 de Jim, N2EY W5TIT: January 1, 2008. However, I will add this sentence as I desire; I *DO NOT* wish to be placed into a list under name only. Kim may not be a ham radio operator. W5TIT is. Kim W5TIT |
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"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
et... I just went back through google too look at the post, Jim. The post is probably about the same to misinterpret as the newsgroup mail style post. But something interesting is in there. In the post on 2004-01-06 at 20:15 PST is the particular post that got all this started. There is another post that is essentially the same that was posted at 02:49:03 PST, ealier in the day. That particular message *has* the proper attributes. Since all Kim's other posts have the proper attributes, I'd have to guess that Kim knew pretty well that the second post would ensure some controversy. Probably her way of making her point. Just a guess. - Mike KB3EIA - 'S 'bout time. Now, to all who have been participating in this debate, WHICH style of post was it that got more noticed I had added my CALLSIGN to the list? It took you all (and actually it took only Mike because no one else noticed) almost exactly 3 days to notice that the two posts were made on the same day. One with (and first) and one without attributes. And, I honestly ask: who really noticed one (attributes) or the other (no attributes)? I'd almost bet a buck that even Jim wondered what in the world was in that post that was different, whether the attributes were there or not. By the way, note that the post that was made somewhere around a couple of days ago...where I again submitted the list without attributes, note that in *that* post, my information appears at the top of the post (the "Kim Walker said" stuff). Is anyone watching this stuff? Really?! The entire point had been having my callsign *in the list* as a ham radio operator. Jim complains that to Google or whatever, it looked like he had posted something he had not said. A) the only thing he had not said was my callsign so who cares? B) What about someone who is casually looking at those posts and completely disregards my submission because it *looks* like I don't have a callsign? At any rate, I don't think attributes are as paid attention to as everyone thinks...UNTIL they come up like this... Kim W5TIT |
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Kim W5TIT wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message et... I just went back through google too look at the post, Jim. The post is probably about the same to misinterpret as the newsgroup mail style post. But something interesting is in there. In the post on 2004-01-06 at 20:15 PST is the particular post that got all this started. There is another post that is essentially the same that was posted at 02:49:03 PST, ealier in the day. That particular message *has* the proper attributes. Since all Kim's other posts have the proper attributes, I'd have to guess that Kim knew pretty well that the second post would ensure some controversy. Probably her way of making her point. Just a guess. - Mike KB3EIA - 'S 'bout time. Now, to all who have been participating in this debate, WHICH style of post was it that got more noticed I had added my CALLSIGN to the list? It took you all (and actually it took only Mike because no one else noticed) almost exactly 3 days to notice that the two posts were made on the same day. One with (and first) and one without attributes. And, I honestly ask: who really noticed one (attributes) or the other (no attributes)? I'd almost bet a buck that even Jim wondered what in the world was in that post that was different, whether the attributes were there or not. By the way, note that the post that was made somewhere around a couple of days ago...where I again submitted the list without attributes, note that in *that* post, my information appears at the top of the post (the "Kim Walker said" stuff). Is anyone watching this stuff? Really?! The entire point had been having my callsign *in the list* as a ham radio operator. Jim complains that to Google or whatever, it looked like he had posted something he had not said. A) the only thing he had not said was my callsign so who cares? B) What about someone who is casually looking at those posts and completely disregards my submission because it *looks* like I don't have a callsign? At any rate, I don't think attributes are as paid attention to as everyone thinks...UNTIL they come up like this... "And that", as Paul Harvey says, "is the rest of the story." Point made well. - Mike KB3EIA - |
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"N2EY" wrote:
"Dwight Stewart" writes: (snip) But you have no negative comments for the person who does it. Negative comments had already been posted by others. I don't kick people when they're already laying on the ground from the blows of others. Yes, if the callsign is inappropriate to the ARS. Do you think all possible callsigns are appropriate, Dwight? Beyond the law, I don't think it is my mission in life to decide what is appropriate for others. If I have a problem with the laws (the callsigns allowed by the FCC), then my fight is with the lawmakers (the FCC). Whatever the case, I don't take it upon myself to engage in an ongoing campaign against those who make choices different then my own. Kim is aware of my opinion about her callsign (I wouldn't have chosen it myself). Beyond that, the discussion is over as far as I'm concerned. If I felt this is a real problem, I'd take up the issue of callsigns with the FCC. You have had no problem when others have used insulting names rather than callsigns to refer to me, (snip) I've never seen anyone use insulting names to refer to you. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ |
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In article , Leo
writes: Jim, Reply follows: On 10 Jan 2004 20:56:07 GMT, (N2EY) wrote: In article , Leo writes: On 10 Jan 2004 13:38:45 GMT, (N2EY) wrote: In article , "Kim" writes: Jim is disrespectful to me to make it look like I am not an amateur when he chooses not to associate me as an amateur when I've made a conscious decision to participate in something he's providing for fun. There was no disrespect intended, Kim. If you feel disrespected that's your perception, not my intent. But Jim, it is disrespectful to intentionally and repeatedly refuse to acknowledge the rights of another person - especially in a public forum. I agree! What rights were not acknowledged by me? Obvious - her right to be recognized by her legally-issued callsign. Who says that anyone has that right? I've been called all kinds of names here, rather than my callsign, and no one has said my rights were violated. That is not just her perception - it's pretty clear to me as well! I ask again: What rights were not acknowledged by me? See above. Do you believe that you have the right to impose your own personal morals and prejudices upon others? Not to any extent beyond that which others have the right to do the same to me. Do others have the "right" to demand that I use certain words in my posts? Of course not - But that's exactly what is being demanded of me. You're saying that if I write a post and refer to Kim, I *must* use her callsign. You're saying I do *not* have the right to simply refer to her as "Kim". oh wait - I just did.... but that does not confer upon you the right to remove or alter her personal data without her permission! "personal data"? Everyone here knows she's a ham, and knows her callsign. In all of the 7+ years I've been reading rrap, there's been only one Kim. There have been at least 4 Jims, though. .. For the benefit of the amateur hobby, no less.... For the exercise of my right of free speech that includes *not* having to write certain things. Did anyone here ask you to go ahead and censor anything which you found to be personally offensive? Certainly not. I can't "censor" anyone on Usenet except myself. Kim, you or anyone else can post whatever their ISPs will allow. That does not mean I have to repeat it. What I did is called editing. It's my right to edit replies, isn't it? Depends upon the intent, I suppose. You intentionally edited out her callsign, because you found it "inappropriate". That's right. I did not change the meaning of anyhting anyone wrote. No one who reads this thread will think that Kim is not a ham. If you aren't comfortable with her callsign, why would you not pass the pool on to someone who would be willing to handle it without prejudice? Because I have no prejudice in the matter. The word "prejudice" derives from "pre-judge", meaning to judge before all the facts are in. That's not the case here - the facts are in. Wouldn't that be the right thing to do? There is nothing illegal or immoral with that callsign, except perhaps in the mind of the reader! There's nothing illegal about it. Note this: I started this thread. The poll is my idea, and I wrote the original list and its updates. So if someone says I *must* or even *should* not do the list a certain way, it's *they* who are trying to censor *me*. If someone wants to post a revised list with callsigns included, that's their right - as long as they don't make it look like I wrote something I did not. See above. Where? I deliberately, with no malice, and consciously deleted the attributes of the original message simply to include my callsign in the list. Without malice, perhaps, but not without prejudice. A prejudice, by the way, which I would rather not have thrust upon me! So is what Kim did to my posts OK with you, Leo? Didn't say that, Jim - I said that two wrongs do not make a right. Hers, and yours. I do not see that I have done anything wrong. At first, you simply changed the quoted text *without* changing the symbols, so it looked like I wrote something I did not write. I chalked that one up to a simple typo and said nothing. Then, you peeled off *all* the symbols, including the one by my signature line, so it looked like I had signed a post you made. Leo - if someone did that to a post of yours, would you say it was their right to do it? No - but that isn't the issue here. Yes, it is. You are avoiding any criticism of Kim's actions. You're telling me what I *must* or *should* do in my posts, based on *your* personal morals and judgements - and then criticizing me for doing what I think best in my own postings, based on *my* personal morals and judgements. Your obvious discomfort with her call sign, and your intentional removal of it from your posts, is. You know that it angers Kim, but to do it anyway - because *you* consider it improper. Sure. Don't I have the right to do that? Just as she got that callsign, and continues to keep it, even though she knows others consider it inappropriate and that it angers others. She has her right to that callsign, and I have my right not to publicize it here. But you deny my right. I don't give a hoot if you, the Usenet police, Jim, or any other person has a problem with that. If you do not respect Usenet conventions, why should anyone respect your desire to have your callsign included? You want respect that you do not give others. Jim, since when do two wrongs make a right? Which two wrongs? Kim has incorrectly attributed at least three of my posts. I do not see where my nonuse of her callsign is "wrong". Why not? You are deliberately censoring her call from your posts, aren't you? Nope. I'm editing it out. "Censoring" would be if I tried to prevent her from posting it at all. I have not done that, and would not if I could. Do you believe that denying her right to be recognized by her fellow amateurs by this call is appropriate behaviour? I think that not giving her callsign more exposure through my own posts is appropriate behavior. Because you have some bugaboo about the suffix? Because I think it's inappropriate and because I take responsibility for what I post. Some might say that characterizing my nonuse of that callsign as "wrong" is really a way of someone imposing their own personal morals and prejudices upon me. Ahem... That doesn't sound like you! Or are you saying that you deleted her call because she does not follow Usenet conventions? That's not true, either. I did not use her call when making up the list because I think it is inappropriate for the ARS. That isn't up to you to decide, Jim. That is the role of the FCC. Says who? FCC is allowing BPL systems to be implemented even though they generate enormous amounts of RF interference. FCC still requires code tests of those who want US HF ham licenses, despite the loss of the treaty requirement 6 months ago. FCC recently declined to penalize anyone when a pop star used the "F-word" on network TV. Does the fact that the FCC does the above mean I have no right to say the FCC is wrong? Is it wrong for me to tell people not to sign up for BPL and cite the problems it has? Is it wrong for those who disagree with code tests to try to get the rules changed? Is it OK for hams to use the F-word on the air because FCC allowed it once on TV? She chose that call - FCC will not issue such calls sequentially. It was discussed to death in a thread called "one step closer to extinction" that exceeded 3000 posts. But it is her call - issued to her for her use. And she hasn't used it for over a year on the air. Just here. And if Kim wants to use it here, that's her right. But *I* don't have to use it here. I've requested that Jim just plain remove my name and prediction from the list. Done. No problem. If he cannot accept me as an amateur radio operator, equal in every way but license class to any other amateur, then I deliberately, with no malice, and respectfully abstain from regarding *him* at all. I have *always* accepted you as an amateur radio operator, Kim. But I do not post your callsign because I think you made an inappropriate choice. That is not up to you to decide, Jim. Why not? Isn't it my right to have the opinion that certain callsigns are not appropriate? Of course it is. Is there a law which says I *must* use callsigns in a Usenet post? Nope - but the gentlemanly thing to do would be to omit all of the callsigns, not just hers. Why? Do you not think that singling her out the way that you did was disrespectful to her? No. Are you that sanctimonious? No. I'm that honest. ITU recently made it legal for countries to issue callsigns with four-letter suffixes, like W3PENN. Imagine the possibilities. Do you believe that the various administrations would issue just any old four letter combination? Yes. I'd be surprised! I was surprised that they would issue Kim's call. But they did. Why would you be surprised if they issued four-letter combinations? They allowed that pop star to say a certain word. All kinds of words are permitted here on the 'net - (wire comms are regulated by the FCC too). Even the vehicle license plate guys have a handle on that one..... Those are issued by the states, not the FCC. The FCC could have refused to issue the call if they felt that it was inappropriate (just like the motor vehicle vanity plate folks do!). Other countries (VE for one) freely issue this suffix as well! FCC *does* refuse to issue the suffix sequentially. Look in the database, or better yet an old callbook, and you'll see that the suffixes immediately before and after are much more common. Does not prove the point. It proves the FCC considers Kim's call to be somewhat different from W5TIS or W5TIU But we hams are not "equal in every way but license class". Each of us is better at some things than others. I'm sure there are things involving amateur radio that you're better at than me, and there are probably things involving amateur radio that I'm better at than you. So we are not equal in every way but license class. Jim, you know that's not the level of equality that Kim was referring to. No, I do not. I took it the way she expressed it. I suspect not - you are obviously much more savvy than that! Is Kim equal to me in technical knowldge of ham radio? In historic knowledge? In HF operating experience? In ability to homebrew equipment? At the risk of blowing my own horn, I'd say no. As an licensed amateur, she is entitled to use her FCC-issued vanity callsign, just like you! Of course! And she does use it here. But is there some rule that says I *have to* use it here? Do I not have the right to refrain from doing so? You may, of course, refrain from using it. Gee, thanks. ;-) But why do you feel that you have the right to share your own personal views on why you have an issue with it with the rest of the group? Because they asked. And, do you belive that censorship is appropriate? No - that's why I don't censor anyone. (and, up here, (several calls with suffixes identical to Kim's) ...'censored', as it were, for some inane reason - those are valid VE call signs! Doesn't mean they are appropropriate. Not the breast - er, best way to treat these hams..... all licensed amateurs, two of whom are male). Were those calls sequentially issued? You may want to take that up with Rene, Neil and Shanta - whether they requested them or not I'm sure I don't know. Or care. It makes a difference. I did not include your callsign in the list because I think that your choice of callsign (even though it's legal) is inappropriate to the amateur radio service. You *chose* that callsign, and the FCC would not have issued it sequentially. Why not? Because of its obvious meaning. There are several such callsigns. FCC will, however, issue them if requested through the vanity program. Why, if they are indeed "inappropriate to the ARS", would they do that? -Because they don't care -Because it's handled by computer and nobody really looks at the system -Because they don't want the complaints from those who want such calls -Because FCC is too busy with other matters and has too few resources. They have total authority over those calls - surely they ccontrol them better than that? Nope. In case you didn't know, Kim emailed Riley Hollingsworth about it. He replied that while such callsigns were legal, the request and use of such callsigns moves the ARS "one step closer to extinction". It is a legal suffix, and if it was not on some banned list it may have gone out in sequence. Please refer me to an FCC statement to the contrary. I refer you to the Callbook and databases. Not proof - is there a specific FCC document that lists certain calls exempt from sequential issue? Their actions are enough to prove the point. In Canada, if you don't select a call when you pass your test, you get one issued randomly. If it's on the list, it's fair game! And this suffix is on the list in all of the VE areas. In my opinion, it's inappropriate. Do I not have the right to such an opinion? Of course you do. The issue is, do you have the right to impose your views and mores upon others. I do not believe that you do. You're saying I don't have the right to protest. Just keep quiet, huh? The fact that something is legal does not make it appropriate to do, or in the best interests of all concerned. Jim, please do not put yourself in the position of deciding what is in the best interests of anyone other than yourself - I for one would prefer to make my own determination of what I find acceptable and unacceptable. that role does not belong to you, me or anyone else here! Any time a person expresses an opinion of what should or should not be done by othr people, or what is acceptable or unacceptable, they are deciding what is "right" and "wrong" for more than themselves. It's an unavoidable consequence of having an opinion. The only other option is to never express any opinions at all. For example, some people say the Morse code test for an amateur license should be eliminated. They're saying that their judgement on the issue should take precedence over what others think and want. They're saying that the FCC's current rules are incorrect and need to change. And many of them say that what is *best* for amateur radio is for the code test to go away. Do they have the right to say those things, and to try to get their will imposed on others, or not? I say they have that right - and those who disagree have rights, too. And that's the way it should be. YMMV I would suggest that you are way out of line when you impose your own value system to overrule something which is permitted by law. See above about the tests. ?? Sorry, Jim, I fail to see the connection between snubbing Kim publically and whether Morse testing should be continued. I'll read this over again a couple of Jack Daniels' from now, and see if it's clearer then! ![]() What you are saying is that I *must* use Kim's callsign here, and I *must not* oppose the choice of similar ones, because they are permitted by law. Am I allowed to object to *anything* that is permitted by law? Of course you are. But, as stated above, do you have the right to impose your own personal standards upon others? Is it OK to single out Kim in your list as the only one represented by name only in your pool, because you are embarassed by her call? No. Of course not. There are two gentlemanly things that you could do in this situation: 1. List all of the participants in the pool by name only, creating an equal playing field and singling out no one. 2. End your participation in the pool on moral grounds, and let someone else pick it up should they so choose. By stating those two as the onlt two options, *you* are trying to impose *your* personal standards on *me* I say there's a third option: 3. Do exactly what I've done, and state the reasons for doing so. It is never right to ostracize another person because you don't like, or cannot deal, with something about them. I have not ostracized Kim. What effect to you think that doing this would have on Kim? Perhaps it will make her reconsider her choice of callsign. Do you not see that your choice of actions would hurt her feelings? What about *my* feelings? Say, you weren't striking out at her because she offended you, were you? Of course not! That's right. If Kim's callsign is that offensive to you, then you should ignore her posts entirely. Why? Kim is not a bad person. She is not my enemy. I simply disagree with her about callsign choice. Well, your actions certainly tell a different story, Jim. I treat my friends a heck of a lot better than that! I did not say she was my friend. Kim reserves the term "friend" to a very select few. "Acquaintance" would be more accurate. What you seem to be saying is that you want to censor *me*, by determining how I can post here. Not at all, Jim - just pointing out that you don't have the right to impose your beliefs and value systems upon others. Not what I'm doing. On the air, you would probably ignore or refuse to reply to someone whom you found to be offensive - here in Usenet, we have the killfile for this purpose. Not censorship! Where have I censored anyone? Where Have I tried to prevent someone from posting anyhting? Come on, Jim, you know very well at this point in the discussion what you did! I edited. Not the same thing. Words have exact meanings. Intentional deletion of her call is disrespectful, (it is!) and not within your mandate as a reader of this group or a fellow ham to do. I disagree. Sorry to hear that! Her choice of callsign is disrespectful ot other hams and the ARS. IMHO YMMV And that is your opinion. I can make up my own mind, thanks, and really don't need your help by filtering out things you have a problem with. So go ahead and use Kim's call all you want. Just please don't tell me that I have to. Jim, doesn't our society have enough 'politcally correct' folks running around already (jeez, even 'manhole covers' are called 'access covers' now, because someone got offended by the 'male bias'). I agree 100%. I see the attempt to force me to use Kim's callsign on Usenet as a form of political correctness. I'm being told that I *must* post in a certain way. Why? Please see the above comments. I would think that inappropriate use of her call would be anything related to sexual innuendo, referenced to the slang word [slang word deleted] ...because you personally have an issue with it! See? Why do you think Kim chose that particular call, Leo? She's not a birdwatcher. I don't know that for sure, Jim - it wasn't on her QRZ profile, but she just might be! Kim chose that callsign for at least two obvious, prominent reasons: 1) She thought it was fun, and/or funny 2) She knew it would get lots of attention and create all sorts of reactions She's told us all that here. Her picture used to be on qrz, too. Those posts I ignore. Not censor, ignore. I ignore many posts here. I don't censor anyone. Yes you did! No, I did not. Kim, I believe.... I notice that you use her name and not her callsign too.... Appropriate use, however, would be anything related to amateur radio - as it is a valid callsign. Like this newsgroup, for example. This newsgroup does not require callsigns. Other posters have refused to use my callsign, and instead have called me all kinds of insulting names - and their was no protest from folks who now tell me I am being disrespectful. And this makes your behaviour correct and justifiable how? There was no problem when others did it. Only when I did. Double standard. Why on Earth a man of your intelligence would have a problem just typing it, I'm sure I don't know. I don't have a problem typing it, Leo. I simply choose not to. Rather childish, isn't it? It's a callsign! Then why not choose another one? Whatever it it, I hope you are able to navigate past it, Jim. Kim earned the right to use her call, and you have no right to deny her that right to do so. Period. I agree 100%! She has the right to use it. But no one has the right to force *me* to use it here on Usenet. Or do they? Nope - but it's not OK to force your values on others! But you want to force your values on me. Suppose - just suppose - someone included a word or phrase you found inappropriate or offensive in a post. Would you say that everyone *must* include that word or phrase in any replies? Me - I'd ignore it! Not worth getting bent out of shape over.... I do ignore it! That's exactly what I've been doing! Thanks for the validation, Leo! Gotta go - we're having baked chicken frontal sections for dinner, and they're my favourite! ![]() Yum..But I'm a leg man, myself. 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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