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  #271   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 12:11 AM
Posts: n/a

"Bill Sohl" wrote in message
"Hans K0HB" wrote in message
Part 97 does not assign me any responsibility to ensure that a
frenchman is operating inside his frequency allocations, only that I
am operating inside mine.

If a frenchman calls me on 6-meters I will certainly answer him since
F is a new band-country for me on 6.

With all kind wishes,

de Hans, K0HB

So would I. There's no way I can be responsible for knowing, much
less keeping track of, operating privileges for other countries.

Bill K2UNK

Hans, Bill, would you do so even after you knew their 6M authorizations?
  #273   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 04:13 AM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

In article , "Kim W5TIT"

The difference between people like "us" and people like "you" is that we
don't expect anyone to live up to anyone else's expectations or standards.


That's right, because living up to other people's expectations or standards
is what normal, intelligent, polite, and socially acceptable people do. You
have given more than adequate evidence to the fact that you are none of
the above.

I have no problem at all with your opinion, the opinion of Larry Roll, the
opinion of your wife.

Which is where you fall down, Kim. Anyone with a conscience would
care very much what people like JJ, Mrs. JJ, and I think of them.

I do, however, take great exception to crossing the
line and deciding that it's quite OK for sneering, resorting to desperate
other measures trying to make someone feel embarrassed, etc. Whether you or
anyone else realizes it, there are people--such as myself--who have risen
way above letting the opinions of others get in the way of living life

I would hardly refer to what Riley Hollingsworth so elequently stated as
bringing the ARS " step closer to extinction" as "living life
That is the perverted construct of an equally perverted mind.

But, it takes a lot of work and self-reflection to get there.

I don't think the request of a sexually-suggestive and clearly offensive
amateur radio callsign requires much work or self-reflection. All it requires
is a bad attitude and a willingness to cheapen one's self and all other
amateur radio operators -- particularly YL's. Obviously you are up to that
particular challenge, but it doesn't reflect anything positive about your
personality or character.

And, there are more people who won't ever get there than who are there--and
it is for those people that each and every time someone acts like an asshole
toward another, I will have no problem mimicking the behavior right back at

On the contrary, Kim, I'd say that you have behaving like an asshole down
to an art.

So, tell your wife that I totally respect her opinion--but that is as far as
it goes.

JJ's XYL doesn't require your respect, and I'm sure she doesn't expect it.
Moreover, the fact that you offer it may even offend her.

I don't "need" the attention of anyone.

In spite of all of the evidence to the contrary.

I am well liked, love
people, work every day to help people succeed and make the best of
themselves, and pick up in a second for the underdog in any situation.

And I'm sure all of this exists primarily in your own mind. It would be
very interesting to have a private conversation with your close acquaintences
and co-workers. I'm sure that they would be quite ready to paint an entirely
different picture of one Kim Walker, W5TIT.

I don't know what she thinks I might be suggesting, since it is singly my
husband that I love and he needs no suggestion. Do you?

All I can say is, your husband is either a saint, or a wretchedly desperate
person who can not do any better than to be involved with a totally self-
absorbed, selfish, and inconsiderate person such as you appear to be.
After all, even after having your choice of a call sign condemned by one
of the FCC's top officials, you still refuse to "take the hint" and change it
to something more acceptable. Therefore, one can only draw the
conclusion that you think that you are a law onto yourself, and that you
have every right to do as you please, when you please -- even if it means
giving an unfavorable image to 750,000-plus U.S. radio amateurs. And
the fact that you have done so willingly and by your own request only
makes you look all the worse.

73 de Larry, K3LT

  #274   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 04:42 AM
Posts: n/a

Kim W5TIT wrote:

Your wife, JJ, probably also has the opinion that people who dance for a

I assume you mean those who dance is sleeazy bars, where you can often
be found. Not dancers who have class.

who are in magazines like Hustler, Playboy and Playgirl; who lead a
risque life, etc., are all "totally lacking in taste."

You mean women who pose naked with legs spread wide? Yes she does and I
do as well.

I don't

Why does that not supprise me?

The difference between people like "us" and people like "you" is that we
don't expect anyone to live up to anyone else's expectations or standards.

People like "us" have standards, whereas you obviously don't have any
standards to live up to.

I have no problem at all with your opinion, the opinion of Larry Roll, the
opinion of your wife. I do, however, take great exception to crossing the
line and deciding that it's quite OK for sneering, resorting to desperate
other measures trying to make someone feel embarrassed, etc.

People who do such things would be embarrased if they had any taste,
class or standards.

Whether you or
anyone else realizes it, there are people--such as myself--who have risen
way above letting the opinions of others get in the way of living life
beautifully. But, it takes a lot of work and self-reflection to get there.
And, there are more people who won't ever get there than who are there--and
it is for those people that each and every time someone acts like an asshole
toward another, I will have no problem mimicking the behavior right back at

It is easy to stay in the gutter and just make excuses.

So, tell your wife that I totally respect her opinion--but that is as far as
it goes. I don't "need" the attention of anyone. I am well liked, love
people, work every day to help people succeed and make the best of
themselves, and pick up in a second for the underdog in any situation. And,
I don't know what she thinks I might be suggesting, since it is singly my
husband that I love and he needs no suggestion. Do you?

I guess he likes short and dumpy.

  #275   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 05:02 AM
Posts: n/a

Larry Roll K3LT wrote:

The Texas TWIT wrote:
I have no problem at all with your opinion, the opinion of Larry Roll, the
opinion of your wife.

Which is where you fall down, Kim. Anyone with a conscience would
care very much what people like JJ, Mrs. JJ, and I think of them.

Larry, this a major problem with our society today, people like kim who
don't care what anyone else thinks. Just as long as they can do whatever
they want and get what they want.

JJ's XYL doesn't require your respect, and I'm sure she doesn't expect it.
Moreover, the fact that you offer it may even offend her.

You got that right!

All I can say is, your husband is either a saint, or a wretchedly desperate
person who can not do any better than to be involved with a totally self-
absorbed, selfish, and inconsiderate person such as you appear to be.
After all, even after having your choice of a call sign condemned by one
of the FCC's top officials, you still refuse to "take the hint" and change it
to something more acceptable.

People of kim's status, never seem to "take the hint", it completely
escapes them.

  #276   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 05:04 AM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"JJ" wrote:

LOL!! My wife, who seldom makes
any comment on anything pretaining to
amature radio, just walked into the
room, looked over my shoulder and
upon seeing kim's call sign displayed
in the newsgroup header said, "who
would be issued a call sign like that?"
After explaining it was a vanity call
sign and the person requested it, her
comment was, "what kind of idiot
would ever choose such a call sign?"
I ask her if she thought it was vulgar.
"Not really vulgar, just suggestive
and totally lacking in taste, I suppose
some people have to get attention
anyway they can".

My wife's consistent response to the ongoing debate about Kim's callsign
is, "who cares?" In short, with all the things going on in the world today,
she thinks it is absolutely amazing that so many would waste time discussing
a trivial issue like this.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

  #277   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 06:12 AM
Posts: n/a

"William" wrote

Hans, Bill, would you do so even after you knew their 6M

They're responsible for observing their band limits. I'm responsible
for observing mine.


With all kind wishes,

de Hans, K0HB

PS: For more info on your namesake, Little Billy Beeper, go here.

(You're welcome!)

  #279   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 01:26 PM
Posts: n/a

Keep deluding yourself in your grandeur, Larry! ROFLMAO!


"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
In article , "Kim W5TIT"


The difference between people like "us" and people like "you" is that we
don't expect anyone to live up to anyone else's expectations or



That's right, because living up to other people's expectations or

is what normal, intelligent, polite, and socially acceptable people do.

have given more than adequate evidence to the fact that you are none of
the above.

I have no problem at all with your opinion, the opinion of Larry Roll,

opinion of your wife.

Which is where you fall down, Kim. Anyone with a conscience would
care very much what people like JJ, Mrs. JJ, and I think of them.

I do, however, take great exception to crossing the
line and deciding that it's quite OK for sneering, resorting to desperate
other measures trying to make someone feel embarrassed, etc. Whether you

anyone else realizes it, there are people--such as myself--who have risen
way above letting the opinions of others get in the way of living life

I would hardly refer to what Riley Hollingsworth so elequently stated as
bringing the ARS " step closer to extinction" as "living life
That is the perverted construct of an equally perverted mind.

But, it takes a lot of work and self-reflection to get there.

I don't think the request of a sexually-suggestive and clearly offensive
amateur radio callsign requires much work or self-reflection. All it

is a bad attitude and a willingness to cheapen one's self and all other
amateur radio operators -- particularly YL's. Obviously you are up to

particular challenge, but it doesn't reflect anything positive about your
personality or character.

And, there are more people who won't ever get there than who are

it is for those people that each and every time someone acts like an

toward another, I will have no problem mimicking the behavior right back


On the contrary, Kim, I'd say that you have behaving like an asshole down
to an art.

So, tell your wife that I totally respect her opinion--but that is as far

it goes.

JJ's XYL doesn't require your respect, and I'm sure she doesn't expect it.
Moreover, the fact that you offer it may even offend her.

I don't "need" the attention of anyone.

In spite of all of the evidence to the contrary.

I am well liked, love
people, work every day to help people succeed and make the best of
themselves, and pick up in a second for the underdog in any situation.

And I'm sure all of this exists primarily in your own mind. It would be
very interesting to have a private conversation with your close

and co-workers. I'm sure that they would be quite ready to paint an

different picture of one Kim Walker, W5TIT.

I don't know what she thinks I might be suggesting, since it is singly my
husband that I love and he needs no suggestion. Do you?

All I can say is, your husband is either a saint, or a wretchedly

person who can not do any better than to be involved with a totally self-
absorbed, selfish, and inconsiderate person such as you appear to be.
After all, even after having your choice of a call sign condemned by one
of the FCC's top officials, you still refuse to "take the hint" and change

to something more acceptable. Therefore, one can only draw the
conclusion that you think that you are a law onto yourself, and that you
have every right to do as you please, when you please -- even if it means
giving an unfavorable image to 750,000-plus U.S. radio amateurs. And
the fact that you have done so willingly and by your own request only
makes you look all the worse.

73 de Larry, K3LT

  #280   Report Post  
Old January 19th 04, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a

"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"JJ" wrote:

LOL!! My wife, who seldom makes
any comment on anything pretaining to
amature radio, just walked into the
room, looked over my shoulder and
upon seeing kim's call sign displayed
in the newsgroup header said, "who
would be issued a call sign like that?"
After explaining it was a vanity call
sign and the person requested it, her
comment was, "what kind of idiot
would ever choose such a call sign?"
I ask her if she thought it was vulgar.
"Not really vulgar, just suggestive
and totally lacking in taste, I suppose
some people have to get attention
anyway they can".

My wife's consistent response to the ongoing debate about Kim's callsign
is, "who cares?" In short, with all the things going on in the world

she thinks it is absolutely amazing that so many would waste time

a trivial issue like this.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Actually, Dwight, the only "place" that my callsign gets so much discussion
is right here in this newsgroup. I have been involved in a lot of stuff
since I've had this callsign--on the air, off the air, women and men, served
agencies, hundreds of other amateurs. No where, once, did my callsign ever
get discussed, and there was plenty of opportunity.

I am a in-your-face kind of person. It's obvious there's folks in this
newsgroup who can't handle that. My callsign is but one aspect of my
character and personality--both of which are unquestionable in matters that
count. I have that opinion of myself because I believe in myself due to the
encouragement, respect, appreciation, thoughtfulness and even admiration of
people in my life and all around my life.

Oh, wait, there was *one* time when I got an email from a club president who
made a comment to the negative about my callsign--*after* I'd withdrawn as a
member for pointing out that he was not abiding by club bylaws and would not
even discuss the matter. He'd had no problem with me, my rabble rousing, or
my money and time donations for two years previous...


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