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![]() "Kim W5TIT" wrote in message ... "Dee D. Flint" wrote in message gy.com... Answering a direct question is not making an issue of it. That is addressing other people's issues. Same for alluding to them, she is addressing other people's issues. She is not the one starting it. Dee D. Flint, N8UZE 'SCUSE ME????? And, how exactly do you think *I* started this? Oh...wait, I got the callsign. Well, we've had that debate in here before and my equivalent to that is that it's like saying someone who wears skimpy clothes, or looks sexy, etc., is just asking to get raped. No not quite the same thing at all. Dee D. Flint, N8UZE |
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In article .net, "Dwight
Stewart" writes: "N2EY" wrote: "Dwight Stewart" writes: (snip) haven't seen one person of the child rearing age group voice a single complaint about this in this newsgroup. Yes, you have. Okay, how about in the "typical" child rearing age group. How old are you now? 49? How many young, impressionable, children do you have running around your house? Larry is not exactly a young spring chicken either. How do you know how old somebody's grandchildren or children are, Dwight? Speculation based on typical child birth trends in this country. How old are these "old men"? Lets see. You're about 49. Larry has to be pushing about 50. I'm 50. Who else? Dwight: I was born Oct. 31, 1952, which makes me 51 years young. I don't feel a day over 30, however! I simply say it's inappropriate for ham radio, that's all. Do you think it's appropriate? Kim's callsign or the word alone? The suffix of Kim's call sign spells out a word which is commonly regarded as a vulgar reference to a woman's breasts. Therefore, her call sign is very inappropriate for a family-oriented activity such as the amateur radio service. Kim's callsign is only as vulgar as you, the person hearing it, makes it. Have I *ever* said it was vulgar? And I didn't say you said it was vulgar. So your values have to be everyone else's? Don't be silly. I never said that either. The "vulgarity" of Kim's call sign would be open to the perceptions of other hams. Riley Hollingsworth said it best when he said that a parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt of a young person who was also a prospective ham would likely be put off by her call, and choose a more appropriate activity for that young person to pursue. Thus, it has the potential to bring the ARS "…one step closer to extinction." I won't presume to speak for Kim, but I, for one, wouldn't want that hanging over my head! 73 de Larry, K3LT |
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In article , Mike Coslo
writes: You know, Dwight, I'm not so sure. I don't recall Jim ever making an issue of the issue, except for ommitting the callsign. He's not doing anything except omitting what he finds inappropriate. He isn't calling Kim names, and he Is engaging her in posts here in the group. And as pointed out, the callsign was indeed chosen so that some people WOULD find it inappropriate. What would *you* have him do? I'm a little confused about what some people want out of this thread. Jim HAS to use Kim's callsign? Jim has to apologize to Kim for finding her callsign inappropriate? Jim has to have his posts approved for content before posting? What do you think of her reasoning behind getting that callsign? I don't care one way or the other, aside from an acceptance of it, and for discussion of the callsign to go away, even though that would probably be dissapointing to the owner, who has stated that the callsign was designed to get attention, and which people are giving attention to the callsign in what must be an immensely gratifying amount to her. Mike KB3EIA - Mike: Very well said. I have no doubt that Kim chose her callsign with the specific intent of inciting controversy. However, in so doing, she has left herself open to others forming the opinion that she is simply a no-class slag with absolutely no taste, self-respect, or sense of propriety whatsoever. Unfortunately, there is no way that she can possibly dispel that perception unless she does the right thing and changes her call sign to something more appropriate for a family- oriented activity like amateur radio. Only time will tell whether or not she takes this advice to heart, and acts accordingly. However, if she intends to keep her present call sign, then she will always be in the position of having to defend the indefensible. And as long as there are still good, decent people involved in the ARS, her arguments will fall on deaf ears. 73 de Larry, K3LT |
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"N2EY" wrote:
The days when the nests were all empty by the time Mom and Dad hit 50 are long gone, Dwight. And that's in "typical" America. That may be typical in your world. However, I haven't met a single 40 or 50 year old recently with a young child. In fact, I only remember meeting one in my entire life - a couple with an adopted child. Whatever the case, I haven't seen it to be commonplace. Why does that matter? You may have noticed that I don't talk about my domestic situation here. It matters only in the context of the discussion - how many in our age group have young children. Suppose, just suppose, that I have 5 children ranging in age from toddlers to teenagers. (I don't, but that's not the point). Would you then say I was right and Kim's call was inappropriate? Have those supposed children also talked to Kim on the radio, hearing her callsign and making something out of it? Lets not discuss hypothetical situations, Jim. Anything can be justified or condemned using that. And your source is? Fifty years of life, meeting thousands in that period. Do you consider that to be "old"? I don't. I consider it to be "middle aged". Forty or fifty is certainly not young. Both. I say neither is appropriate. Appropriate for what? As I said earlier, it's not my job to decide what is appropriate for others in this world, or demand they conform to my ideas of what is appropriate. You and Kim keep using the term "vukgar" rather than addressing whether it's "appropriate". I've addressed the issue of appropriateness several times. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ |
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"Mike Coslo" wrote:
You know, Dwight, I'm not so sure. I don't recall Jim ever making an issue of the issue, except for ommitting the callsign. (snip) By omitting the callsign, he made it an issue to be discussed. Were we all supposed to notice it and say nothing? What would *you* have him do? I'm a little confused about what some people want out of this thread. (snip) I wouldn't "have him do" anything. There has been no demands made of him from me. He's free to do what he wants, just as we're free to comment on what he does. What do you think of her reasoning behind getting that callsign? (snip) As I've stated several times, I don't really care what her reasonings were. It's simply not my job to judge Kim. I've told Kim what I think, and that is enough. I don't see any reason to keep repeating myself. And I certainly don't see any reason to repeat myself over and over through a several year period as some in this newsgroup have done. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ |
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"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:
The suffix of Kim's call sign spells out a word which is commonly regarded as a vulgar reference to a woman's breasts. Therefore, her call sign is very inappropriate for a family-oriented activity such as the amateur radio service. By whose standards of inappropriateness, Larry? And who made that person the judge of what is appropriate in this radio service? The FCC issued the callsign. As far as I'm concerned, that is the only "judge" that matters in this regard. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ |
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"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
... The "vulgarity" of Kim's call sign would be open to the perceptions of other hams. Riley Hollingsworth said it best when he said that a parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt of a young person who was also a prospective ham would likely be put off by her call, and choose a more appropriate activity for that young person to pursue. Thus, it has the potential to bring the ARS ".one step closer to extinction." I won't presume to speak for Kim, but I, for one, wouldn't want that hanging over my head! 73 de Larry, K3LT Larry, you are one of the most vulgar persons I've ever been witness to. Kim W5TIT |
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"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
... Mike: Very well said. I have no doubt that Kim chose her callsign with the specific intent of inciting controversy. However, in so doing, she has left herself open to others forming the opinion that she is simply a no-class slag with absolutely no taste, self-respect, or sense of propriety whatsoever. From people such as yourself?! That's a joke! Unfortunately, there is no way that she can possibly dispel that perception unless she does the right thing and changes her call sign to something more appropriate for a family- oriented activity like amateur radio. My callsign is as appropriate as anyone else's. Oh, I know you feel differently but, like I have implied, people such as yourself just don't get it. What of your rude, crude, obnoxious behavior, Larry? Oh, wait, you think that's OK! ROFLMAO. Only time will tell whether or not she takes this advice to heart, and acts accordingly. Time's told. It won't be changed, unless I ever decide to get K5TIT, but I doubt I will. However, if she intends to keep her present call sign, then she will always be in the position of having to defend the indefensible. Y'know...you almost make that sound like you think having this callsign is some kind of punishment or something. I don't defend my callsign at all...why would the need arise? On the other hand, it's rather comical people such as yourself are so compelled to react to a callsign, when your very actions against other people are quite despicable and rather embarrassing to the ARS. My callsign *may* be offensive to some people. However, there's nothing equal to some of the personalities I see displayed in this newsgroup and one can only hope they don't act like that on the air! And as long as there are still good, decent people involved in the ARS, her arguments will fall on deaf ears. 73 de Larry, K3LT Isn't that something?! The people I consider good, decent folks in the ARS, don't have an issue with my callsign at all. Oh, by the way, isn't it around that time of year that this thread get dropped again, Larry? ROFLMAO!!!!! Kim W5TIT |
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"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
nk.net... "N2EY" wrote: The days when the nests were all empty by the time Mom and Dad hit 50 are long gone, Dwight. And that's in "typical" America. That may be typical in your world. However, I haven't met a single 40 or 50 year old recently with a young child. In fact, I only remember meeting one in my entire life - a couple with an adopted child. Whatever the case, I haven't seen it to be commonplace. I know one guy from work that has his granddaughter living with him. Whew! Man, that would be hell on earth in my opinion! I have raised kids and it ain't happenin' again--at least not unless there are extremely unusual circumstances. And, if the parents think they're moving back in...pah!!!! There's one gal I know, who might even be a couple of years older than me, who has around a nine year old daughter. And, it was deliberate! But, even of people who are just acquaintences, that's all I know. Why does that matter? You may have noticed that I don't talk about my domestic situation here. It matters only in the context of the discussion - how many in our age group have young children. Suppose, just suppose, that I have 5 children ranging in age from toddlers to teenagers. (I don't, but that's not the point). Would you then say I was right and Kim's call was inappropriate? Have those supposed children also talked to Kim on the radio, hearing her callsign and making something out of it? Lets not discuss hypothetical situations, Jim. Anything can be justified or condemned using that. I'd only answer that my callsign is not inappropriate under any circumstance. The word tit is (for the air on the ARS); however, the word tit is never used by me...and I've never heard it used by anyone else. And your source is? Fifty years of life, meeting thousands in that period. I've a feeling if it ain't issued from some form of almanac, governmental statistic, or otherwise recorable device, it ain't acceptable as fact. Do you consider that to be "old"? I don't. I consider it to be "middle aged". Forty or fifty is certainly not young. I don't think it's old, either, Dwight...and good heavens I certainly don't act it! ![]() Both. I say neither is appropriate. Appropriate for what? As I said earlier, it's not my job to decide what is appropriate for others in this world, or demand they conform to my ideas of what is appropriate. You and Kim keep using the term "vukgar" rather than addressing whether it's "appropriate". I've addressed the issue of appropriateness several times. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ Yeah, I'd lay odds that this thread was "awakened" again this (late last) year by Larry, mid-Winter boredom or whatever, and it's about the usual time for it to be dying down. Kim W5TIT |
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"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
link.net... "Mike Coslo" wrote: You know, Dwight, I'm not so sure. I don't recall Jim ever making an issue of the issue, except for ommitting the callsign. (snip) By omitting the callsign, he made it an issue to be discussed. Were we all supposed to notice it and say nothing? Ya wouldn't believe who pointed it out to me! LOL What would *you* have him do? I'm a little confused about what some people want out of this thread. (snip) I wouldn't "have him do" anything. There has been no demands made of him from me. He's free to do what he wants, just as we're free to comment on what he does. The only thing I'd suggest, but it's far too liberal for Jim, I'm sure, is that if he has a problem with my callsign and has a "list" with peoples' amateur radio callsigns in it, then it would have been far more appropriate (at least in my opinion) to either just leave my submission out of the list (could have even sent me a private email or posted why--this debate could have been had for the umpteenth million time under another thread altogether); or he could have put everyone in the list with just their name. But, "have" him do? While Jim has found it handy to feel that things are being *demanded* of him, no one has demanded a thing. What do you think of her reasoning behind getting that callsign? (snip) As I've stated several times, I don't really care what her reasonings were. It's simply not my job to judge Kim. I've told Kim what I think, and that is enough. I don't see any reason to keep repeating myself. And I certainly don't see any reason to repeat myself over and over through a several year period as some in this newsgroup have done. Dwight Stewart (W5NET) http://www.qsl.net/w5net/ Yeah, and it was probably me (shudder to think), but the issue with the omission of my callsign from the list isn't the issue; the issue is the editing of the post that was made by Jim, even though he edits things from my posts--NOT only my callsign, but words. I see no difference at all. He does. Some others see no difference at all. Some others do. So, what's different about this thread than any other thread in the newsgroup? ![]() Kim W5TIT |
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