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N2EY July 2nd 03 12:53 AM

The Pool
In article , Alun Palmer

Actually, Alun, I'd say it was the other way around. The shouting is
all overand the test continues until the paperwork is completed.

Good one!

I thought you'd like it.

The unanimously agreed
language, now passed through all the commitee levels, makes it

Maybe that's a solution for the FCC. Have code tests at 5, 13 and 20
wpm. Just make them optional.

I think that would be fine, but I don't think the FCC would go for it.

WA2ISE's idea has merit. Might be a way to get widespread support.

It just has to be nodded through at the plenary session. This allows
those countries mentioned, plus Germany to retain CW testing without
it seeming that it no longer relates to ITU rules, whilst also
allowing every other country to dump CW teasting.

We oughta have a pool on how long it takes The Congress and FCC to get
through the various levels of rubberstamping. My wild guess is no more
than a year from today.

I would think about the same, but surely we should each guess a particular
date, and the winner should be whoever is closest.

K2ASP has MArch 15, 2004. I have April 15, 2004. Pick a date!

73 de Jim, N2EY

Jim Hampton July 2nd 03 02:07 AM


Can I pick April 1, 2004? April fool! :)

73 from Rochester, NY

"N2EY" wrote in message

K2ASP has MArch 15, 2004. I have April 15, 2004. Pick a date!

73 de Jim, N2EY

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Alun Palmer July 2nd 03 04:03 AM

"Jim Hampton" wrote in


Can I pick April 1, 2004? April fool! :)

73 from Rochester, NY

"N2EY" wrote in message

K2ASP has MArch 15, 2004. I have April 15, 2004. Pick a date!

73 de Jim, N2EY

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I'm going for May 1, 2004

N2EY July 2nd 03 10:23 AM

In article , "Jim Hampton"


Can I pick April 1, 2004? April fool! :)

Nobody has it yet, so it's yours!

So far:

K2ASP: March 15, 2004
AA2QA: April 1, 2004
N2EY: April 15, 2004

73 de Jim, N2EY

N2EY July 2nd 03 02:46 PM

"Dick Carroll;" wrote in message ...
Jim Hampton wrote:


Can I pick April 1, 2004? April fool! :)

Dang, you beat me out, Jim! Seems FCC likes April Fools Day when it
comes to the ARS. Tha last slam was on April 1, 2000 IFIRC.

If you mean the recent restructuring - that was April 15, 2000.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Dave Heil July 2nd 03 04:28 PM

N2EY wrote:

So far:

K2ASP: March 15, 2004
AA2QA: April 1, 2004
N2EY: April 15, 2004
N3KIP: May 1, 2004

I think you guys are being too optimistic. Odds are that Anderson won't
attempt obtaining an amateur license before sometime in 2011.

Dave K8MN

Dave Heil July 2nd 03 10:20 PM

Dave Heil wrote:

N2EY wrote:

So far:

K2ASP: March 15, 2004
AA2QA: April 1, 2004
N2EY: April 15, 2004
N3KIP: May 1, 2004

I think you guys are being too optimistic. Odds are that Anderson won't
attempt obtaining an amateur license before sometime in 2011.

Never mind. I thought this was the "When will Len Anderson deign
amateur radio with his presence" pool.

Dave K8MN

Kim W5TIT July 4th 03 04:40 AM

"N2EY" wrote in message
In article , Alun Palmer

It just has to be nodded through at the plenary session. This allows
those countries mentioned, plus Germany to retain CW testing without
it seeming that it no longer relates to ITU rules, whilst also
allowing every other country to dump CW teasting.

We oughta have a pool on how long it takes The Congress and FCC to get
through the various levels of rubberstamping. My wild guess is no more
than a year from today.

I would think about the same, but surely we should each guess a

date, and the winner should be whoever is closest.

K2ASP has MArch 15, 2004. I have April 15, 2004. Pick a date!

73 de Jim, N2EY

OK. So we're picking dates for when the CW requirement (as it exists now)
will be dropped? Gosh. I think it's going to take a lot longer than a
year. Let's say five years; so, by June of 2008.

Heh heh, the real test here is whether many of us will be around RRAP to
roundabout on it when it happens, unless it does happen in the short term.


N2EY July 4th 03 03:00 PM

In article , Alun Palmer

Well Kim, the ITU have actually abolished it effective July 5th, 2003. Do
you really think it will take the FCC five years to implement? I don't
think that even they are that slow!

Kim has a point, Alun, but I think 5 years is a bit much. Look how long it took
'em to do the Restructuring. And we're still waiting on some NPRMs.

But I'm sticking with the date I posted. Less than a year.

73 de Jim, N2EY

lk July 4th 03 05:24 PM

"N2EY" wrote in message
So far:

K2ASP: March 15, 2004
AA2QA: April 1, 2004
N2EY: April 15, 2004
N3KIP: May 1, 2004

KC8EPO: Dec 20, 2003


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