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Jim Hampton July 20th 03 02:40 AM

Time to call a truce?

I've read with some interest (and commented at times) concerning the CW
tests. I'd like us all to consider that even a newbie would likely know
more about radio and communications than some guy born in 1768 (and, yes,
I'm cheating - I'm reading some interesting info out of the Handbook). AM,
FM, CW ... all very modern compared to this gentleman. Heck, spark wasn't
around then. This guy formulated the relationship between the application
of heat to a solid body and its propagation. What does this have to do with
radio? The gentleman's name was Joseph Fourier. The laws he wrote (and I
now quote from the Radio Amateur's handbook) define the connection between
time and frequency domain descriptions of signals. He might not understand
radio right away, but as soon as he saw what was being done with DSP, he'd
likely be ahead of us all. It is time to get over the CW business. Really.
The amateur license is an introduction to electronics and communications.
It isn't a professional license, but allows us to learn (and serve in
emergencies). I honestly believe it is time to drop the 'holier than thou'
attitude and try and attract new blood to this fine hobby of ours. I don't
care what class of ticket one holds, we are all licensed amateur operators
and all should be respected as such.

73 from Rochester, NY

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Larry Roll K3LT July 20th 03 06:39 AM

In article , Mike Coslo

Seriously, if they are right, the holier than thou pro-coders will
vanish into the noise level - figuratively speaking.


Actually, when BPL raises the noise level, it will be us pro-coders who
will be the ones NOT "vanishing" -- holier-than-thou status notwithstanding.

73 de Larry, K3LT

Jim Hampton July 20th 03 07:47 AM


If the BPL raises the noise level enough, it will be the folks running
PSK-31 who will get through with signals below the noise level. No offense,
CW does do a remarkable job, but some of the digital modes will transmit
faster through higher noise levels than CW will (and I did turn in a perfect
paper in 1967 at 40 words per minute).

73 from Rochester, NY

"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
In article , Mike Coslo


Seriously, if they are right, the holier than thou pro-coders will
vanish into the noise level - figuratively speaking.


Actually, when BPL raises the noise level, it will be us pro-coders who
will be the ones NOT "vanishing" -- holier-than-thou status


73 de Larry, K3LT

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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.502 / Virus Database: 300 - Release Date: 7/18/03

Dwight Stewart July 20th 03 08:34 AM

"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:

(total nonsense snipped)

I see you're still trolling this newsgroup with the same nonsense you've
posted for years, Larry.

(snip) They will exist as hams only at the sufferance
of their Pre-Restructuring/WRC-03 superiors, and will
have to prove to US that they are "full-fledged" hams,
either by... (snip)

LOL. And I also see you're still suffering from delusions of grandeur.

(snip) I, for one, am not going to condone the dumbing-down
of our society in any way, especially in the ARS. (snip)

Condone it? Your statements are a perfect example of it - and you started
posting those statements long before restructuring.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Dee D. Flint July 20th 03 02:56 PM

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message

If the BPL raises the noise level enough, it will be the folks running
PSK-31 who will get through with signals below the noise level. No

CW does do a remarkable job, but some of the digital modes will transmit
faster through higher noise levels than CW will (and I did turn in a

paper in 1967 at 40 words per minute).

73 from Rochester, NY

Actually if the computer digital modes end up being the only thing that gets
through, I won't be on the air nearly as much as I am now the computer modes
just don't interest me.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Kim W5TIT July 20th 03 03:26 PM

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message

If the BPL raises the noise level enough, it will be the folks running
PSK-31 who will get through with signals below the noise level. No

CW does do a remarkable job, but some of the digital modes will transmit
faster through higher noise levels than CW will (and I did turn in a

paper in 1967 at 40 words per minute).

73 from Rochester, NY

You're in real trouble now, Jim! ;)


"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
In article , Mike Coslo


Seriously, if they are right, the holier than thou pro-coders will
vanish into the noise level - figuratively speaking.


Actually, when BPL raises the noise level, it will be us pro-coders who
will be the ones NOT "vanishing" -- holier-than-thou status


73 de Larry, K3LT

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Dan/W4NTI July 20th 03 06:14 PM

"Mike Coslo" wrote in message

Seriously, if they are right, the holier than thou pro-coders will
vanish into the noise level - figuratively speaking.

- Mike KB3EIA -

Dang Mike. And I thought you had some sense. So much for that.


Dan/W4NTI July 20th 03 06:15 PM

"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
In article , Mike Coslo


Seriously, if they are right, the holier than thou pro-coders will
vanish into the noise level - figuratively speaking.


Actually, when BPL raises the noise level, it will be us pro-coders who
will be the ones NOT "vanishing" -- holier-than-thou status


73 de Larry, K3LT

Yep Yep. CW forever.


Dan/W4NTI July 20th 03 06:19 PM

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message

If the BPL raises the noise level enough, it will be the folks running
PSK-31 who will get through with signals below the noise level. No

CW does do a remarkable job, but some of the digital modes will transmit
faster through higher noise levels than CW will (and I did turn in a

paper in 1967 at 40 words per minute).

73 from Rochester, NY

"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
In article , Mike Coslo


Seriously, if they are right, the holier than thou pro-coders will
vanish into the noise level - figuratively speaking.


Actually, when BPL raises the noise level, it will be us pro-coders who
will be the ones NOT "vanishing" -- holier-than-thou status


73 de Larry, K3LT

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.502 / Virus Database: 300 - Release Date: 7/18/03

Im not so sure about that. Ive been on PSK31 since late 98 and whenever a
actual carrier, i.e. digital or cw, or whatever gets close on
frequency.....well to put it mildly things go to crap in a handbasket.

With BPL as I understand it you will have multiple TONES being sent down the
lines and thus into your receivers. These tones will be received by the
PSK31 program and attempted to be decoded.

NO COMPUTER can decode as well as a human ear/brain combination. In CW
communications it takes two things to communicate, an operator on both


Kim W5TIT July 21st 03 02:24 AM

"Dan/W4NTI" wrote in message

When I got into this Amateur Radio was so respected that it actually

doors for you. Not anymore. Thanks for helping dumb it down.

Hey, you're the one thinking that it's OK to promote CW as a way to cipher
information over the ham bands...

Your not going to belittle those that went before you. We don't have a

thing to prove to you or those of your ilk.

With that kind of attitude, you have proven quite a bit to me, Dan. And,
it's not positive, by the way.

We know, we have been there and got the tee shirt. Now pick up your jaw
and commence to run off at the mouth little girl.


Yep, you're an asshole, alright.


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