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WA8ULX September 21st 03 11:54 PM

There are only 2 real reasons
the Code cant be learned. All the rest are excuses.

1. Mentally challenged
2. To Lazy

No other real reason exist, so which one do you CBplussers claim?

WA8ULX September 22nd 03 04:53 AM

It's just not necessary to FORCE people to learn it against thier
will; it's not at all necessary to modern day use of ham radio.

Well then lets just do away with the written. Why should we force someone to
Memorize some Q&As that have no meaning.

Mike Coslo September 22nd 03 05:56 AM

Clint wrote:

"Just shut up and march your way up into that cattlecar!"

pathetic, just pathetic

WA8ULX September 22nd 03 02:29 PM

Which is exactly how you did it.

Wrong, I knew the info, which really bugs you. Its a shame you cant memorize
enough correct answers to pass the EXTRA.

Clint September 22nd 03 04:37 PM

Well then lets just do away with the written. Why should we force someone

Memorize some Q&As that have no meaning.

Oh, it's TOO easy, but i'm going to do it anyway.

The written IS necessary so that people learn what IS necessary for
ham radio, particularly the rules. Streamline the written? yes... in fact,
really doesn't need to be anymore to testing knowledge than saftey and
regulations.... after that point, you're doing nothing than spinning off
some certain angle of specialization. The world of information is basically
without limits, therefore, it's not anymore logical to test for the
of morse code than it is to test whether you know the exact lenght of what
a dipole is; the slippery slope then takes you to the unlimited number of
antennas that are possible in every possible exceptional situation where
changes would have to be made from operating that antenna from the norm...
and, to say the least, the test book would be 3 inches thick. THEN you
on elsewhere.

However, the written test as it is is VERY applicable to MODERN day
radio needs; the testing of a mode of communication that has been found,
in a free and open market that is influenced only by market forces, to be
getting phased out on nearly all levels of operation and possibilities of


Clint September 22nd 03 04:39 PM

pathetic, just pathetic

yes. Any bovine mentality applied to ham radio regulations,
or any other, for that matter, IS just pathetic.

but you guys just jab away with your cattleprods anyway,
don't you.


Mike Coslo September 22nd 03 07:43 PM

Clint wrote:
pathetic, just pathetic

yes. Any bovine mentality applied to ham radio regulations,
or any other, for that matter, IS just pathetic.

but you guys just jab away with your cattleprods anyway,
don't you.

You posted "Just shut up and march your way up into that cattlecar!"

Could be I was wrong. Perhaps after your references to a particular
group of people who used to get rid of undesirables by marching them
into cattle cars and then getting rid of them, you might understand why
I thought you were making a continuing reference.

After all, people can make mistakes, Clint. Just like your "codeless
callsigns, eh?

- Mike KB3EIA -

WA8ULX September 22nd 03 09:55 PM

The written IS necessary so that people learn what IS necessary for
ham radio, particularly the rules.

That might be true if the present written did that, but it doesnt

Brian September 23rd 03 12:12 AM

(WA8ULX) wrote in message ...
Which is exactly how you did it.

Wrong, I knew the info, which really bugs you. Its a shame you cant memorize
enough correct answers to pass the EXTRA.

No you didn't.

Brian September 23rd 03 12:15 AM

"Clint" rattlehead at computron dot net wrote in message ...

Which is exactly how you did it.

I don't understand the reference, I do not know that
fellow well enough... did he get an auto-upgrade do
to testing changes or something?


Clint, Bruce said: "Well then lets just do away with the written. Why
should we force someone to Memorize some Q&As that have no meaning."

Yet he claims that he was able to take the Extra exam on a lark, w/o
ever studying for it, scoring 100%, in under 8 minutes.

But everyone else is forced to memorize the Q/A.

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