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Dwight Stewart September 28th 03 11:29 PM

"WA8ULX" wrote:

As far as In concerned I dont care, I think its a just reward
for all the New NO-CODE HF users.

We already know that, Bruce. More likely, you probably posted this
subject in an attempt to start another code/no-code debate.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

WA8ULX September 28th 03 11:30 PM

I'm not saying do nothing. Instead, I'm saying what we're doing is
probably not going to be enough.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

No Question about it, this is a DONE DEAL Thats why I loaded up on some BPL
stock this thing is going to ROCK.

WA8ULX September 28th 03 11:37 PM

We already know that, Bruce. More likely, you probably posted this
subject in an attempt to start another code/no-code debate.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

If the truth was known I could care less about the CW thing. The NO- CW thing
is coming, no QUESTION about it. The No Written Test will follow. As I
predicted when the 1st No-Code thing passed, there would 3 Steps to converting
Ham Radio into CB. The 2nd step is almost here. The third step will follow
Good Luck CBplusser, I sure hope you enjoy your BPL HF privilages.

Clint September 29th 03 01:38 AM

"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message

"WA8ULX" wrote:

As far as In concerned I dont care, I think its a just reward
for all the New NO-CODE HF users.

We already know that, Bruce. More likely, you probably posted this
subject in an attempt to start another code/no-code debate.

I don't believe that... I honestly think that the feelings of many people
on his side of the debate run so deep and in such a sour vein that
he was honestly just speaking his mind.

And that's sadder.



Get in touch with your soul:
OR, if you're a liberal, maybe you can FIND one


Dan/W4NTI September 29th 03 02:36 AM

"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"Bert Craig" wrote:

I hope the FCC shows more respect for the
*opinions* of this particular "constituency."

As I explained in my first paragraph, we simply don't have the numbers.
Therefore, we're not going to be able to go around screaming we're a
constituency with the hopes that alone will convince the FCC to support

We're going to have to provide cold hard facts and I've seen little of

in the opinions I've read.

ARES, and they're usually coordinated with
local OEM.

Sorry, I haven't found a thing ARES is doing related to homeland

If you're aware of anything, please let me know so I cite that when

to others.

Do nothing and nothing will certainly result.

I'm not saying do nothing. Instead, I'm saying what we're doing is
probably not going to be enough.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

I agree, I don't know of any actual ARES/Homeland security happenings at

But I do know of MARS and Homeland security and the SHARES organization.
And last time I checked to be in MARS you had to have a ham license.


Brian Kelly September 29th 03 08:23 PM

"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this wrote:

You know very well, or you should, that the ARRL send
it a very comprehensive report on that subject. Both the
initial comments and the latest round.

And I applaud them for that effort (that's why I'm a member). However, it
is one report in a pile of reports submitted by various companies, all
showing exactly the opposite conclusion.

And they're all demonstrably lying thru their teeth. Ya can drive a
Kenworth thru the holes in their explanations of how BPL "won't hurt

The ARRL didn't give the FCC a
thing to hang their hat on (a single "ah-ha" that proves those other reports
wrong). Instead, it simply contradicts them.

The ARRL submission is the *only* by-the-numbers engineering study on
record so far and it has the BPL proponents in a royal snit. They're
*not* brushing it off by any means, they're vigorously attacking it,
they know they have a battle on their hands so don't underestimate the
ARRL's ability to be a spoiler far out of proportion to it's political
and/or financial clout. David did take out Goliath, etc. Technical
submissions are not over either, the NTIA is gonna weigh in eventually
which could very well be the slam dunk BPL killer.

If you want to change the thinking at the FCC. Then writting
your congressman is the ONLY way to do it. Since the
congress controls their purse strings.

Oh, I just wish it was that simple.

The only other alternative would be to take it to court. Make
use of the green peace bunch to sue for the destruction of a
natural resource, the HF spectrum. etc.. Any port in a storm.

A resource controlled by the federal government, which means very few
courts would likely to step in.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)


Carl R. Stevenson September 29th 03 11:16 PM

"Dick Carroll" wrote in message
Jim Hampton wrote:
Dick Carroll mentioned that some AM broadcast stations were virtually
obliterated in Allentown, Pa. In that case, everyone noticing

on broadcast band (AM) stations should complain to the stations

Believe me, commercial broadcasting (especially since the FCC allowed a

powerful groups to buy up most of the broadcast stations) has much

pockets than amateurs and would likely not hesitate even a moment to

lawyers and Congress into the mess. Don't complain as a ham operator,
however; complain that you can't hear some particular programs from the
station due to all of this "interference". Let 'em figure it out :)

Here's an article on the BPL issue that appeared in the Allentown PA


Interesting to note that Dick just couldn't bring himself to mention
that I was the one who took the reporter out and demonstrated
the interference to him ... but I'm not surprised.

Carl - wk3c

WA8ULX September 30th 03 12:04 AM

Interesting to note that Dick just couldn't bring himself to mention
that I was the one who took the reporter out and demonstrated
the interference to him ... but I'm not surprised.

Carl - wk3c

Yea for Karl the savior of HAM RADIO. I hope you told him you are a CBplusser,
and not a REAL HAM.

Dwight Stewart September 30th 03 01:21 AM

"Brian Kelly" wrote:

The ARRL submission is the *only* by-the-numbers
engineering study on record so far and it has the BPL
proponents in a royal snit. They're *not* brushing it
off by any means, they're vigorously attacking it, they
know they have a battle on their hands so don't
underestimate the ARRL's ability to be a spoiler far
out of proportion to it's political and/or financial clout.
David did take out Goliath, etc. (snip)

I truly hope you're right, Brian. I really do.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

Clint September 30th 03 02:12 AM

Your EXACTLY right, those are my true feelings. I think its just perfect

all the No-Coders. Not only will they be able to get there No-Code Extra,

all of HF, but the beauty of it is, they will have so much noise to deal

they will not have any one to talk to. What a just reward for all there
WHINNING. I cant wait.

And the PCTA crowd wonders why they aren't being met with a warmer
reception from the newbies wanting to enter the hobby.



Get in touch with your soul:
OR, if you're a liberal, maybe you can FIND one


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