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I tell them to call me
by the affectionate name one of my girlfriends calls me, "Boo." I heard she calls you BOY. |
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In article , "Kim W5TIT"
writes: "N2EY" wrote in message ... In article , "Kim" writes: "Bill Sohl" wrote in message hlink.net... The issue isn't about USE it is about the lack of any rational reason to retain code testing as a license requirement now that the ITU mandatory code knowledge requirment has ended. Therein lies the problem with the whole CW test (TEST, *test*) debate. The minute one takes on the "no" CW test argument, it is generally met with an attitude that an end CW use (USE, *use*) is being favored or called for. Not that I have observed, Kim. But can you accurately say that *no one* wants to end Morse use? Of course not. But I can accurately say that there is no need to roll everyone who wants to see an end to the test element, into the "no CW use" minority (note I said minority), either. Agreed! Point is, however, that the "no one" statement is simply not correct. Until, (UNTIL, *until*) it is clearly understood that seeking the end of the CW test is not the equivalent of seeking the end of CW as a mode, this debate will never fall within the realm of "friendly" debate at all. I think it's even hazardous to use the PCTA/NCTA labels. One of the problems is that some folks aren't clear that it is only the *test* they are against. 73 de Jim, N2EY Anyone, *anyone* who allows theirself (bad English) to get all in a huff about CW use going away or being legislated out of ham radio is being foolish. Not necessarily. Not after seeing the mode (not just the test) attacked the way I have. There are a few who have been proponents of seeing the end of CW; and when I see those posts, I yawn and go on. That's *you* - not everyone. There will never be an end to CW use, and it would never be banned from use in the ham bands...it just wouldn't. I think it would be unrealistic to think it would. I hope you are right about that. Some of us are not about to "trust to the kindness of strangers" however And, if it was based off a majority of users of the bands, I rest assured knowing that most would not support an end to CW use. Not now, anyway. I think those who are in the minority are there mostly for the shock value of it. Perhaps. But not too long ago, the mere suggestion of *any* class of ham license with no code test would have gathered almost no support. And the idea of the total abolition of code testing would have been discarded with the claim that *no-one* wanted all code testing to end. They way to outlaw something is little by little. Remember your concerns about the restrictions on privacy brought about by 'homeland security' responses? Little by little.... There was a time when AM was king of the 'phone modes. Then SSB came a long and took center stage, while AM was relegated to niche status. Most folks said "No-one is against the *use* of AM".... But that was not good enough for some, and proposals have arisen every so often to effectively outlaw AM from the ham bands. HF ham bands, anyway. So far, none of them have been successful. Up until 20 years ago, the amateur power limit was 1 kW DC input to the stages delivering power to the antenna. Then the rules changed to 1.5 kW PEP output. For the AM folks, this was effectively a lowering of the power limit to about half of what it had been before the change. For SSB folks, it was effectively about a 50% raise of the power limit. LIttle by little... 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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"N2EY" wrote in message
... In article , "Kim W5TIT" writes: Of course not. But I can accurately say that there is no need to roll everyone who wants to see an end to the test element, into the "no CW use" minority (note I said minority), either. Agreed! Point is, however, that the "no one" statement is simply not correct. Let's recall that you are far more into definition than I am, Jim. When I say "no one" it may not mean *everyone* but it means enough to be counted as no one. I believe that the number of folks who wish to see an end to CW in the bands of the ARS are so miniscule that the projection of that ever being a reality is moot. Anyone, *anyone* who allows theirself (bad English) to get all in a huff about CW use going away or being legislated out of ham radio is being foolish. Not necessarily. Not after seeing the mode (not just the test) attacked the way I have. I've seen it attacked also. But I've never for a moment given it any kind of merit--the mode simply would never be banned from the ARS. Has any mode ever been banned? Sure, rules have changed; rules pertaining to power limits, rules pertaining to test requirements, rules pertaining even (I believe) to *where* in the bands that different modes are allowed or not. But I doubt a mode would ever be banned, once implemented and in place. There are a few who have been proponents of seeing the end of CW; and when I see those posts, I yawn and go on. That's *you* - not everyone. I can't imagine anyone giving merit to the thought that a mode would be banned. Maybe I am being unrealistic. Using history as a perspective of measurement; I don't see it ever happening. There will never be an end to CW use, and it would never be banned from use in the ham bands...it just wouldn't. I think it would be unrealistic to think it would. I hope you are right about that. Some of us are not about to "trust to the kindness of strangers" however I think I believe it enough that I'll eat my sock (the right foot sock) if it ever happens. And, if it was based off a majority of users of the bands, I rest assured knowing that most would not support an end to CW use. Not now, anyway. My term "most" includes those people who now and in the future have any kind of romantic thought about the ARS. And, I think most do. There are the few who would see an end to something they don't like. But, given the desire and will of most ARS folks, CW--nor any mode for that matter--will disappear. Now, if I am wrong about history just let me know and I *may* change my belief. I think those who are in the minority are there mostly for the shock value of it. Perhaps. But not too long ago, the mere suggestion of *any* class of ham license with no code test would have gathered almost no support. And the idea of the total abolition of code testing would have been discarded with the claim that *no-one* wanted all code testing to end. I can see requirements changing, etc. But, I cannot see the FCC ever saying, "OK, no more ______ as a legal mode in the ARS." They way to outlaw something is little by little. Remember your concerns about the restrictions on privacy brought about by 'homeland security' responses? Little by little.... I have never doubted that the government would do as they have done. I daresay they were doing under different guises for many years now. Nothing different there. It's all about expectation. The expectation that the FCC would ever ban a mode is minimal for me. There was a time when AM was king of the 'phone modes. Then SSB came a long and took center stage, while AM was relegated to niche status. Most folks said "No-one is against the *use* of AM".... But, did the FCC ever get anywhere close to seeing its use banned? I am not, remember, saying that a mode would become so unpopular or disliked on a scale such that it would be rare to find it openly being used. I am saying, however, that I believe the FCC would never regulate its ban. But that was not good enough for some, and proposals have arisen every so often to effectively outlaw AM from the ham bands. HF ham bands, anyway. So far, none of them have been successful. And, I don't think they ever would be. Up until 20 years ago, the amateur power limit was 1 kW DC input to the stages delivering power to the antenna. Then the rules changed to 1.5 kW PEP output. For the AM folks, this was effectively a lowering of the power limit to about half of what it had been before the change. For SSB folks, it was effectively about a 50% raise of the power limit. LIttle by little... 73 de Jim, N2EY I do see things changing in the ARS, but not related to the outlawing of a mode. Kim W5TIT |
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![]() "WA8ULX" wrote in message ... I tell them to call me by the affectionate name one of my girlfriends calls me, "Boo." I heard she calls you BOY. Ain't it amazing Bruce? This Texas Twit keeps sticking that foot deeper in her mouth everytime. Hug and Chalk is going strong. Dan/W4NTI |
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![]() "Carl R. Stevenson" wrote in message ... "Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message ... In article , "Kim W5TIT" writes: Therein lies the problem with the whole CW test (TEST, *test*) debate. The minute one takes on the "no" CW test argument, it is generally met with an attitude that an end CW use (USE, *use*) is being favored or called for. Kim: Code testing has always been the thing which generated code use. I would assert that being forced to learn code to gain access to HF "soured" more people on code use than it encouraged ... of course, some percentage of folks decided they liked code and continued to use it, but MANY simply endured something they had no interest in to get past the test, then "threw away the key." Remember the old adage "honey is better than vinegar." In the absence of a code testing requirement, there will be progressively fewer hams who have never been exposed to learning the code as a result of the requirement. Since the requirement was the principle motivation to learn the code, code use *will* decline once code testing is abolished. Therefore, testing and use are two closely interrelated concepts. Translation: Larry and his "kindred spirits" are either unwilling to expend the effort to (or incapable of *politely*) encourage people to "give the code a try and see if you like it." And, they are apparently unwilling to take "No thanks, not interested" for an answer. Thus, they continue to seek to have the FCC mandate an arguably counter-productive "recruiting program" for them ... 73, Carl - wk3c Poor no code goofballs. They still haven't figured it out. We don't want a bunch of unqualified, ten four screaming, under educated, individuals poluting up the spectrum. We were doing just fine when we had 250K licensed. In fact the QRM is just as bad on HF as it was then. The only difference is the folks on the air actually KNEW SOMETHING. Dan/W4NTI |
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![]() "Carl R. Stevenson" wrote in message ... "Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message ... In article , "Carl R. Stevenson" writes: Carl: I consider the use of the term "Morse myths" to be derogatory and inflammatory. Thus, you have also failed to meet Mike's challenge. 73 de Larry, K3LT Larry, I don't recall Mike appointing your the judge and arbiter ... Carl: In that case, consider my services to have been donated out of my own generosity. I guess I got what I paid for :-) "Morse Myths" is, as you well know by now, simply a term that refers to all of the patently false, old wives' tales, such as "Morse gets through when nothing else will.", This one is true. Bluntly - baloney ... there ARE modes that will get through at s/n ratios where Morse would be totally undetectable, let alone decodable ... ignore the facts if it preserves your fantasy world where Morse is all-important (the "legend in your own mind"), but the rest of the world will pass you by without your even understanding why ... "Morse is essential for emergency communications.", Who said that? Provide correctly attributed quote. Read any number of absurd pro-code-testing comments filed with the FCC ... "Morse acts as a 'lid filter' to keep us from being overrun by the "mongul hordes' of CBers who are lurking in the wings waiting to take over the ham bands." etc. I've never said that whatsoever -- in fact, on many occasions, I've gone out of my way to note that a lot of the problems on HF phone are being caused by 20-WPM code tested Extras. I didn't say that YOU necessarily said that ... though you HAVE refered to the "knuckle-draggers" and other terms that fall into a similar category. I reject your claim that the term "Morse Myths" is derogatory and inflamatory. Reject all you want, Carl, but the fact remains that it is. You have taken the low road, while claiming the opposite. It is simply a term that refers in "shorthand" form to a panoply of falacies that are often cited as "reasons why we MUST keep Morse testing" ... none of which hold water and all of which have been rejected by the FCC. I have always presented well-reasoned, factual, and unemotional arguments in support of code testing. RTFLMAO!!! Please don't hold me up to the same light as those who may have transgressed in the manner which you refer to above. Above all, please remember that by far, the largest portion of the QRM in the code/no-code debate has been from the NCTA side. ROTFLMAO some more ... Also remember that as one who has never used the Morse/CW mode to an extent which would have allowed you to gain useful proficiency in the mode, you are not qualified to judge the value of this mode at all. You are totally wrong on this assertion ... I know the code, had "useful proficiency" (nearly 20 wpm at my peak), but haven't used it in a long time ... I am certainly qualified to judge the value of the mode (at least for my purposes, and also in more general terms). I'm not sitting here trying to argue technical topics with you, so don't you try to tell me that the Morse/CW mode and testing aren't of value to the ARS. We are not on each other's respective levels of expertise. Since I'm more than willing to respect your technical expertise, don't presume to challenge my qualifications to make judgments about CW and code testing, because you don't know what your talking about. Larry, I don't demean your "real ham-ness" because you are not my equal on the technical plane, but you demean the "real ham-ness" of anyone who is up to your "standards" of Morse prowess ... I think you're arrogance and narrow-mindedness are showing again. Carl - wk3c One major problem that is being ignored is that these alleged 20 wpm Extras are the multiple guess guys. Probably doing good to make it to ten WPM. Just hunt, peck and hope. One other 'minor' detail, is that they ALL were taught on 11 meters. How many real hams. Say those that were not infected by the CB crap do these things? Dang few I would venture. Unless they were like Polly and Billy Jack....Conditionals that were Grandfathered in back in the early 60s. Lets see some real figures. Not conjecture. Dan/W4NTI |
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![]() "Kim W5TIT" wrote in message ... "N2EY" wrote in message ... In article , "Kim W5TIT" writes: Of course not. But I can accurately say that there is no need to roll everyone who wants to see an end to the test element, into the "no CW use" minority (note I said minority), either. Agreed! Point is, however, that the "no one" statement is simply not correct. Let's recall that you are far more into definition than I am, Jim. When I say "no one" it may not mean *everyone* but it means enough to be counted as no one. I believe that the number of folks who wish to see an end to CW in the bands of the ARS are so miniscule that the projection of that ever being a reality is moot. Anyone, *anyone* who allows theirself (bad English) to get all in a huff about CW use going away or being legislated out of ham radio is being foolish. Not necessarily. Not after seeing the mode (not just the test) attacked the way I have. I've seen it attacked also. But I've never for a moment given it any kind of merit--the mode simply would never be banned from the ARS. Has any mode ever been banned? Sure, rules have changed; rules pertaining to power limits, rules pertaining to test requirements, rules pertaining even (I believe) to *where* in the bands that different modes are allowed or not. But I doubt a mode would ever be banned, once implemented and in place. There are a few who have been proponents of seeing the end of CW; and when I see those posts, I yawn and go on. That's *you* - not everyone. I can't imagine anyone giving merit to the thought that a mode would be banned. Maybe I am being unrealistic. Using history as a perspective of measurement; I don't see it ever happening. There will never be an end to CW use, and it would never be banned from use in the ham bands...it just wouldn't. I think it would be unrealistic to think it would. I hope you are right about that. Some of us are not about to "trust to the kindness of strangers" however I think I believe it enough that I'll eat my sock (the right foot sock) if it ever happens. And, if it was based off a majority of users of the bands, I rest assured knowing that most would not support an end to CW use. Not now, anyway. My term "most" includes those people who now and in the future have any kind of romantic thought about the ARS. And, I think most do. There are the few who would see an end to something they don't like. But, given the desire and will of most ARS folks, CW--nor any mode for that matter--will disappear. Now, if I am wrong about history just let me know and I *may* change my belief. I think those who are in the minority are there mostly for the shock value of it. Perhaps. But not too long ago, the mere suggestion of *any* class of ham license with no code test would have gathered almost no support. And the idea of the total abolition of code testing would have been discarded with the claim that *no-one* wanted all code testing to end. I can see requirements changing, etc. But, I cannot see the FCC ever saying, "OK, no more ______ as a legal mode in the ARS." They way to outlaw something is little by little. Remember your concerns about the restrictions on privacy brought about by 'homeland security' responses? Little by little.... I have never doubted that the government would do as they have done. I daresay they were doing under different guises for many years now. Nothing different there. It's all about expectation. The expectation that the FCC would ever ban a mode is minimal for me. There was a time when AM was king of the 'phone modes. Then SSB came a long and took center stage, while AM was relegated to niche status. Most folks said "No-one is against the *use* of AM".... But, did the FCC ever get anywhere close to seeing its use banned? I am not, remember, saying that a mode would become so unpopular or disliked on a scale such that it would be rare to find it openly being used. I am saying, however, that I believe the FCC would never regulate its ban. But that was not good enough for some, and proposals have arisen every so often to effectively outlaw AM from the ham bands. HF ham bands, anyway. So far, none of them have been successful. And, I don't think they ever would be. Up until 20 years ago, the amateur power limit was 1 kW DC input to the stages delivering power to the antenna. Then the rules changed to 1.5 kW PEP output. For the AM folks, this was effectively a lowering of the power limit to about half of what it had been before the change. For SSB folks, it was effectively about a 50% raise of the power limit. LIttle by little... 73 de Jim, N2EY I do see things changing in the ARS, but not related to the outlawing of a mode. Kim W5TIT Spark was banned. Wide band FM was banned from HF. For decades all we could do was talk and do CW. It was years fighting to get SSTV allowed. Then digital, other than RTTY was another long road. Most of the time the FCC simply didn't bother to authorize a new mode. Thats how it works Hug and Chalk. Dan/W4NTI |
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