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Jerry Oxendine December 2nd 03 07:34 PM

This is not exactly Amateur Radio, but I thought I would run it by and see
what you thought.

I know there are "odd" ducks on the internet, and every once in a while, one
accidentally runs across a website that is perplexing to say the least.
Yesterday, I ran across a website run by a Mr. "Sir Stuck Alot", and it is
devoted to becoming mired in the mud with both new and old pictures.
Surely, some of these pictures showed people hopeless bogged down and some
of them in real predicaments. Some would make one wonder how they got into
such a fix, or why they were in that particular locale in the first place. I
mean, *most* reasonable people wouldn't drive into creeks, rivers, bogs,
pastures snowbanks, etc.

When I was a child, we kids thought it was VERY funny
when our parents got stuck and we helped to push them with excited glee.
The muddier, the better, the more stuck
we were, the funnier it was, and we were fascinated by spinning wheels. We
would even contrive ways for people to stick up----such as jacking up a
parent's car and putting a block under the wheel (good way to tear up
a transmission, but we were 11 years and didn't know), or by putting a
scooped-out watermelon rind under the
rear wheel. All so we could see Fred's '49 Ford spin a
bit until it wore out the rind and caught traction. Not to
mention the puzzled reaction of poor Fred who was wondering why his car
wouldn't move on DRY ground.
Back in the '50s, side roads often were not paved and turned into seas of
mud into which our school busses slid
and got stuck up; indeed, we grammar school kids would
rock back and forth trying to cause the thing to slide in the ditch. We
LOVED to be late for school on such mornings! In the morning, to the smell
of coal and hiss of
steam radiators, the principal would also announce over the PA, "The
following busses are late on account of being stuck up (in a mudhole)". All
this was great fun--
when you are a kid. We imitated cars with paper plates
(for steering wheels), and ran around the yard pretending we were stuck,
gunning our "engines" and rocking our 'cars' back and forth (like Daddy did
when he got mired). We'd "push" each other, one of us resisting while the
other leaned against the other with all his might, and making loud motor
noises (Ung, Ung, Ung, UUUUUUNNH! and clashing his gears)--sort of a
tug-of-war in reverse.
Sometimes, failing to unstick (move the stronger kid) the "car", another
buddy would join in and push with all HIS might--all while making all this
racket (ungh, ungh,
UNGH, UNNNNNNNNNGH!) as if we were a 50 Chevy six-cyl! LOL!

Now. Most of us grew up, got licenses, drove cars, got
married, had kids, etc,go ham licenses, and forgot about childish play. We
drove prudently (well, not always) except for the occasional burn-out or
donut in the high school parking lot, and eventually forgot about being
"stuck". Indeed, we avoided becoming stuck, going around mudholes, staying
out of snowdrifts, and, well,
just not going where we figured we might not make it.

Perhaps the person that put up that website is grown, perhaps not (maybe
still a kid) or, perhaps, an adult that is immature? As we get older, we (I
hope) retain a sense of humor, but things such as being stuck up in the mud
fails to invoke humor to me. I haven't gotten in such a fix
in YEARS because I'd like to think I exercise caution and
maturity enough not to go into a place that might not be

So, while it could be mildly funny to see a friend bog down in the mud or
get stuck up in a snowdrift, is this website really telling me that there
are people that never grow up? The site strikes me as silly and very
immature. Or am I missing something here?



KØHB December 2nd 03 08:05 PM

"Jerry Oxendine" wrote

So, while it could be mildly funny to see a friend bog down in the mud or
get stuck up in a snowdrift, is this website really telling me that there
are people that never grow up? The site strikes me as silly and very
immature. Or am I missing something here?

Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional. You're jeremiad
suggests that you have grown up. A pity!

If "silly" is mildly offensive to you as it seems in this case, then by all
means avoid silliness. In my world, silliness is the lubrication which
eases the daily grind, and I'm disappointed that you didn't provide a URL so
I could see the antics of Sir Stuck Alot.

73, de Hans, K0HB

"the most wasted of all days is one without laughter." --e.e. cummings

"A person's maturity consists in having found again the seriousness one
had as a child, at play." --Friedrich Nietzsche

JJ December 3rd 03 12:07 AM

Fred wrote:

No more immature than a grown man who chases trucks up and
down interstate highways, trying to figure out what CB channel
they are transmitting on. Then constantly pestering a busy federal
official with childish "reports" of such activity. Errrr, sound like
an immature person you know Ox?

Fred's Barn

Well, freddieboy, you are wrong, Jerry doesn't try to figure out what CB
channel they are transmitting on, he couldn't care less what CB channel
they are on. He reports those who operate illegally in the 10 meter
band(those are *not* CB channels in case you didn't know). I do the same
thing, want to make something of it? Maybe you been sleeping in the barn
with the cows to long.

JJ December 3rd 03 08:13 PM

Fred wrote:

Wow! How many "ARRL Member" stickers do you have on
your car?

None freddieboy, don't belong to the ARRL.

How many hammie call sign badges do you wear?

None freddieboy, don't need any call sign badges. Don't even have call
license plates.

Do you display a "junior FCC G-man" badge?

Don't need any badge to report illegal operators to the FCC.

Most of all
though, do you have a life?

More of a life that you have.

How many antennas are
swangin' all over your junker?

Since I am not a cber I don't 'swang' anything.

Do your kids know you?

Very well...sorry to dissappoint you on all accounts.

Fred's CB Barn

When are you going to get an indoor toilet in that barn you live in?

JJ December 3rd 03 11:12 PM

Fred wrote:

How sad! Worst case of TCA* I've seen in recent years.
If you don't get help at Charter, get help somewhere. You
owe it to your loved ones.

*Truck Chasing Addiction

Fred's CB Barn
Special on mobile 1KW linear this month

You can go back to your chicken band now with the other little children
who like to splatter the rf spectrum with crappy equipment, vulguarities
and noise toys. The hams are quite a bit above your standards.
How many times a day do you holler
"aaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuudddddddddiiiiiiooooo" with one of them thar lenears?

Jerry Oxendine December 4th 03 05:59 AM

"JJ" wrote in message

Fred's CB Barn
Special on mobile 1KW linear this month

You can go back to your chicken band now with the other little children
who like to splatter the rf spectrum with crappy equipment, vulguarities
and noise toys. The hams are quite a bit above your standards.
How many times a day do you holler
"aaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuudddddddddiiiiiiooooo" with one of them thar lenears?


Let him stew in it; it isn't worth the argument. Sounds to me he's sort of
afeered that the new FCC offensive might
mess up his playhouse. He spends so much time trying
to insult people (doesn't work), it sounds like he is actually worried they
might get some of them thar dri'vahs
thar SQUEAK!!

Amazing how small people can try so hard to belittle others without knowing
a damn thing about them. I've got more hobbies than he's got hemorhoids (he
must have
a "pile" {pun intended}of 'em based on his feeble attempts to garner
attention. I'll have to tell you my ride in a North American T-6 Texan
sometime. Now There's a
hobby! LOL!


JJ December 4th 03 07:07 PM

Jerry Oxendine wrote:


Let him stew in it; it isn't worth the argument. Sounds to me he's sort of
afeered that the new FCC offensive might
mess up his playhouse. He spends so much time trying
to insult people (doesn't work), it sounds like he is actually worried they
might get some of them thar dri'vahs
thar SQUEAK!!

Amazing how small people can try so hard to belittle others without knowing
a damn thing about them. I've got more hobbies than he's got hemorhoids (he
must have
a "pile" {pun intended}of 'em based on his feeble attempts to garner

Yea, he is the typical chicken bander. Probably needs to air out that
barn of his.

I'll have to tell you my ride in a North American T-6 Texan
sometime. Now There's a
hobby! LOL!

Would love to hear about it. There is a group that comes hear a couple
of times a year to offer rides in one, the wife has been trying to talk
me into it for a birthday present. Would love to get ahold of the stick
of one of those.

Jerry Oxendine December 4th 03 11:27 PM

"JJ" wrote in message
Jerry Oxendine wrote:


Let him stew in it; it isn't worth the argument. Sounds to me he's sort

afeered that the new FCC offensive might
mess up his playhouse. He spends so much time trying
to insult people (doesn't work), it sounds like he is actually worried

might get some of them thar dri'vahs
thar SQUEAK!!

Amazing how small people can try so hard to belittle others without

a damn thing about them. I've got more hobbies than he's got hemorhoids

must have
a "pile" {pun intended}of 'em based on his feeble attempts to garner

Yea, he is the typical chicken bander. Probably needs to air out that
barn of his.

I'll have to tell you my ride in a North American T-6 Texan
sometime. Now There's a
hobby! LOL!

Would love to hear about it. There is a group that comes hear a couple
of times a year to offer rides in one, the wife has been trying to talk
me into it for a birthday present. Would love to get ahold of the stick
of one of those.

That was a few years ago but it was a neat ride. Probably one of the things
that led me to fly in later
years (soloed at 21 in 1970). The Civil Air Patrol Wing had one, and one
day, they were giving rides to the cadets. Competition for riding in a T-6
was pretty high
because of time restraints of the pilot (s), but I stood hopefully in line
not figuring I would get the chance. Two
buddies in front of me were scared and began to talk themselves out of
flying. To my surprise, they stepped OUT of line and I was next!

Now my first airplane ride was in a Piper Cherokee 180
followed by a few sorties in a J-3/L-4. This didn't prepare me for what
happened next! When the pilot shoved the throttle in, I could feel the
tremendous torque
push me back in the seat! I wasn't used to such power--
and this was only an advanced trainer. Climbing out
amid the roar and clatter of that huge engine, we were at
3,000 feet in NO time--this was definitely not your Father's Oldsmobile, er
uh, Cessna!

The pilot asked me if I was OK and I said, "Sure". Next
thing I am looking up at the sky, I can't lift my hand off the armrest and
my jaws feel like they are being pulled down to my shoulders! I CAN'T move!
Up, up, up, clatter, clatter, clatter, we went thru an inside loop, and
SNAP! A snap roll to the left. I banged my head against
the canopy! Ouch! Then I am looking directly at the ground, then up, up up,
UP again as the airplane slowed,
slowed and WHAM! A stall! (no that's NOT when the
engine quits; it's when the airframe stops flying and begins
to free fall) Looking at the ground again. Three turns of
a spin as I am held upwards as if weightless. Then a hard, 60 degree turn
with my butt pushed ever harder down into the seat and my jaws are distended
with the
increasing G forces. Level flight as I get my breath utterly
fascinated, but panting and beginning to sweat. Then
the pilot tells me to get on the controls as he tells me, a
total greenhorn what the controls do, how to turn left, how to turn right,
what the rudder does, points out the
wing surfaces, the flaps, tells me about the ailerons, etc.
And this kid was in HEAVEN! If we had augered into
the ground, I wouldn't have cared because flying became
a MUST for me. It didn't make me sick, either. Rather, it
kindled a passion within that remains to this day. I let my
medical lapse some years ago when it became MORE than I could afford. When
fuel went beyond $1.50 gal (and that has been some years ago, I just
couldn't justify
the expense to remain current. But during the years I DID fly, I had a
ball. Cessnas, Bonanzas, Pipers, DC-3
(that was fun, too!) There was a friend that ran a radio shop in the
field--certified avionics. Sometimes, he would
come to me and ask me to go up and fly while he made
critical adjustments to the radios/navcomms. I never actually got my
multi-engine ticket, but I would fly with
Jimmy while he did his thing. Lots of "free" flying back then!

Take that flight, you won't regret it! And incidently, there
is a big celebration at Kitty Hawk, NC to mark the 100th
anniversary of the Wright Bros flight in 1903. I wouldn't
miss that for anything.


JJ December 5th 03 03:37 AM

Jerry Oxendine wrote:

In addition, Mr. Woods submitted financial documentation concerning
his inability to pay the proposed monetary forfeiture and also stated that
he had taken medication before the agents arrived at his house.

Just like a welfare cber. Has plenty of welfare money to buy lots of
crappy cb radios and those big lenyars to splatter all over the rf
spectrum and cause havoc, but dosen't have enough money to pay up when
caught. They should make him sell all that crappy equipment and the
trailer house he lives in to apply to the original fine.

JJ December 5th 03 03:50 AM

Jerry Oxendine wrote:

Mr. Kluz told the agents
that he had obtained the linear amplifier from a friend two days earlier and
was checking it out for his friend.

Yea right, what a laugh!!! ROTFLM!!!!!!!!

On July 23, 2002, the Detroit Office issued a NAL for a $5,000 forfeiture to
Mr. Kluz for using a linear amplifier as part of his CB radio station in
willful violation of Section 95.411 of the Rules. Mr. Kluz did not respond
to the NAL. However, on October 3, 2002, the Commission received a letter
from Dr. James LeSar, M.D., responding to the NAL on behalf of Mr. Kluz. In
this letter, Dr. LeSar asserts that due to the nature of his medical
problems, Mr. Kluz is unable to understand and unable to willfully violate
Section 95.411 by having a linear amplifier attached to his CB station.

The clown was "unable to willfully violate Section 95.411 by having a
linear amplifier attached to his CB station". But he was cabable of
hooking it up and "check it out for a friend. LOLOLOLO!!!

According to Dr. LeSar, Mr. Kluz suffers from several medical conditions,
including dementia and a possible brain tumor, and has poor reading
comprehension. Dr. LeSar's letter indicates that he did not personally
examine Mr. Kluz. Dr. LeSar wrote that he was including documentation to
demonstrate to the Enforcement Bureau that Mr. Kluz was unable to willfully
violate Section 95.411; however, no documentation was included.

Ever notice how all these cb clowns who get caught have some kind of
medical problem? Must be something in them cb radio waves that effects
these morons. His medical problem evidently did not keep him from
assembling an illegal station and operating in violation of the FCC
rules. What a crock!!!

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