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  #91   Report Post  
Old May 9th 04, 12:09 AM
Posts: n/a

"Jack Twilley" wrote in message
Hash: SHA1

"Dan" == w4nti Dan writes:


Dan A real ham is the proper answer.

Dan You know one that paid his dues, passed his tests in front of the
Dan FCC. Demonstrated his abilty to not only receive....but to SEND
Dan CW in front of the FCC examiners. And has 43 years of experience
Dan since then. You know....a real ham.

Dan Make of that what you must.

Huh. I'm so glad I'm not an old, bitter, frustrated person. I might
run the risk of being a real ham.

Dan Dan/W4NTI

(I'm happier being me, thanks.)
- --
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org

And I'm so happy that I'm not a know it all, but learned nothing newguy that
thinks he is the cats meow.


  #92   Report Post  
Old May 9th 04, 12:12 AM
Posts: n/a

"starwars" wrote in message
Jack Twilley wrote:

Huh. I'm so glad I'm not an old, bitter, frustrated person. I might
run the risk of being a real ham.

Age has nothing to do with Dan's personality problems. I've been
licensed for 50 years, took all my exams except for the first one
(Novice) in front of FCC examiners, but I've moved on since then.

Some people sit back and try to live in the past (military days,
ham radio license -- whatever) while others continue to anticipate
the future. Dan's "real ham" mantra is a plea for respect which
arises out of his own insecurity.

I've been there, done that, got the ARRL 35 wpm certificate, and
then proceeded to persue other things. It is my belief that ham
radio has become quite "uncool" to newbies in these days of
the internet, personal computers, Wi-Fi, and the rest of the
technology that attracts today's bright kids. I put ham radio on
the back burner way back in 1980 when my interests also turned to
computers and the Arpanet. I've built my own machines, written
operating systems for them, and developed software in persuit of
my technical interests. I think that the "real hams" of the 80's
did very similar things and enlarged their own worlds beyond the
narrow view that the SPST switch throwers (CW dudes) seem to espouse
as "real" ham radio.

As the other "real hams" left the Dan types behind, they became
insecure and increasingly strident. Ignore them. They not only
don't matter any more, they are not "real hams" themselves. They
are now merely old timers who couldn't keep up.

You make some valid points there. And I probably fit most to all of that.
Unfortunatly this has NOT happened to me since the 80s or before. It
happened as soon as I came up to these newsgroups. And when the CB type of
operations came to HF. And when CBers turned ham radio VHF/UHF into a pizza
ordering service.

Real Ham Radio is Morse Code, and decent Voice operations. All history.
And I hate that. Your right.


  #93   Report Post  
Old May 9th 04, 12:19 AM
Posts: n/a

"Lumushahs" wrote in message
From: Jack Twilley

I'm so glad I'm not an old, bitter, frustrated person. I might
run the risk of being a real ham.

There are young hams, and old hams (and all ages in between). Not all hams

old. I don't know any hams that are bitter.I don't think hams are

either. (They seem to be comfortable with who they are).

I don't know any "real" hams that are old, bitter, or frustrated. Okay. I

some that are old. But, your'e saying all real hams are old.

Nor do I thing my age of 57 is 'OLD'. I'm no spring chicken but I sure hear
a LOT of older folks on the air than I am.


  #94   Report Post  
Old May 9th 04, 03:45 AM
Posts: n/a

"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this wrote in

"Jack Twilley" wrote in message
Hash: SHA1

"Dan" == w4nti Dan writes:


Dan A real ham is the proper answer.

Dan You know one that paid his dues, passed his tests in front of the
Dan FCC. Demonstrated his abilty to not only receive....but to SEND
Dan CW in front of the FCC examiners. And has 43 years of experience
Dan since then. You know....a real ham.

Dan Make of that what you must.

Huh. I'm so glad I'm not an old, bitter, frustrated person. I might
run the risk of being a real ham.

Dan Dan/W4NTI

(I'm happier being me, thanks.)
- --
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org

And I'm so happy that I'm not a know it all, but learned nothing newguy
that thinks he is the cats meow.


Jack may be relatively new, but I've been a ham for 24 years, 'real' or
otherwise, and I'm also glad that I'm me and not you.
  #95   Report Post  
Old May 9th 04, 11:47 PM
Posts: n/a

"Alun" wrote in message
"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this wrote in

"Jack Twilley" wrote in message
Hash: SHA1

"Dan" == w4nti Dan writes:


Dan A real ham is the proper answer.

Dan You know one that paid his dues, passed his tests in front of the
Dan FCC. Demonstrated his abilty to not only receive....but to SEND
Dan CW in front of the FCC examiners. And has 43 years of experience
Dan since then. You know....a real ham.

Dan Make of that what you must.

Huh. I'm so glad I'm not an old, bitter, frustrated person. I might
run the risk of being a real ham.

Dan Dan/W4NTI

(I'm happier being me, thanks.)
- --
Jack Twilley
jmt at twilley dot org

And I'm so happy that I'm not a know it all, but learned nothing newguy
that thinks he is the cats meow.


Jack may be relatively new, but I've been a ham for 24 years, 'real' or
otherwise, and I'm also glad that I'm me and not you.

Dang more thing we agree on.


  #96   Report Post  
Old May 12th 04, 04:04 AM
Posts: n/a

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message ...
Subject: Morse and Contests
Date: 5/7/2004 5:57 AM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

Steve, its obvious that you're nuts and I'm not.

To WHO...?!?!


A documented liar? A "man" who won't stand behind his own word?

Am I supposed to be impressed by this?

Sheeeeeeesh. You really ARE an idiot.

Steve, K4YZ

Poor demented Steve.

I told you that the zero in my callsign stood for the tenth district,
not the zeroeth district.

I understand that for Amateur Radio applications the ZERO in the callsign
is for the tenth call district. Unlike you, I can think in the abstract.

Then why did it take me to point it out to you???

I also understand there is only one numeral in your callsign. It IS a

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's also only one numeral in your
callsign, and it stands for only one numeral in the FCC's callsign

So are you.

Obviously I'm a 10.

It really is THAT simple.

Then why don't you get it???

And so you call me a liar and an idiot, and insinuate that I'm not a

You are a liar.

No, I am telling the truth.

You've made assertions about things you've allegedly done
in Amateur Radio that you subsequently refuse to substantiate them with ANY
form of proof.

I've done them, yet I owe you no proof.

You're an idiot because you keep exposing yourself to such ridicule even
though you've been caught doing it over and over.

There you go calling me names again.

I doubt you're much of a man because of your foolish regard for your own
reputation and reckless behaviour in a public forum

Steve, you're broken. I can't help you - broken people aren't my area
of expertise. Go get fixed. Go get help.

Get help.

For what? Making a fool out of you? That's what I HAVE you for,
PuppetBoy! Now...Tell us all about your hero Lennie...How proud you are to be
associated with him...How you worked "portable" from Somalia without proper
authorization to do so. Then you can ALSO provide us with SOME sort of proof
to substantiate YOUR claim that "unlicensed radio services play a major role in
disaster communications....

Welp, Steve, I had proper authorization to operate amateur radio in

Len is my hero because he doesn't back down from rabid dogs like you.

Cellular phones help people in emergencies every day, probably much
more often than amateur radio and certainly more often than CW in any

Too bad.

We'll wait right here while you pony up an excuse for all of that....And
THEN tell us who's "nuts"...

No excuse offered. I'm good with where I'm at. But you're broken.
Go get fixed.

Steve, K4YZ

All you're good for are personal attacks. You have no honor.
  #97   Report Post  
Old May 13th 04, 04:27 AM
Steve Robeson K4CAP
Posts: n/a

Subject: Morse and Contests
From: (William)
Date: 5/11/2004 9:04 PM Central Standard Time

(Steve Robeson K4CAP) wrote in message

I told you that the zero in my callsign stood for the tenth district,
not the zeroeth district.

I understand that for Amateur Radio applications the ZERO in the

is for the tenth call district. Unlike you, I can think in the abstract.

Then why did it take me to point it out to you???

It didn't.

You still haven't got the message, I guess.

I also understand there is only one numeral in your callsign. It

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's also only one numeral in your
callsign, and it stands for only one numeral in the FCC's callsign

Yes...and it's NOT a ZERO.

So are you.

Obviously I'm a 10.

Not when it comes to honesty you aren't.

It really is THAT simple.

Then why don't you get it???

I "get it" just fine, Brain.

You're the one with a comprehension disorder.

Sucks to be you.

And so you call me a liar and an idiot, and insinuate that I'm not a

You are a liar.

No, I am telling the truth.

Uh huh.

You've made assertions about things you've allegedly done
in Amateur Radio that you subsequently refuse to substantiate them with ANY
form of proof.

I've done them, yet I owe you no proof.

You SAY you've done them.

I say I've operated from Okinawa Japan. I can provide copies of old logs,
and I bet if I wrote to 15th Air Force I could get a copy of my old
authorization. I can also pony up a couple folks who were there when I did it.

YOU say you operated from Somalia. You haven't supplied the callsign of
ONE contact you made...Haven't provided a copy of ANY authorization from that
operation, and can't even give us the name of your commander that allegedly
gave you the permission.

Heck...I'd be half tempted to give you the "benefit of the doubt" based ont
eh "I was following orders" ruse if you'd even provide THAT much information.

You haven't. SEVERAL folks have asked you to ante-up some facts.

No facts = Brain's a liar.

It really is THAT simple.

You're an idiot because you keep exposing yourself to such ridicule

though you've been caught doing it over and over.

There you go calling me names again.

It's not "calling names" if it's true, Brain.

I doubt you're much of a man because of your foolish regard for your

reputation and reckless behaviour in a public forum

Steve, you're broken. I can't help you - broken people aren't my area
of expertise. Go get fixed. Go get help.

You don't seem to have ANY "area of expertise", Brain...Certainly not in
Amatuer Radio.

Get help.

For what? Making a fool out of you? That's what I HAVE you for,
PuppetBoy! Now...Tell us all about your hero Lennie...How proud you are to

associated with him...How you worked "portable" from Somalia without proper
authorization to do so. Then you can ALSO provide us with SOME sort of

to substantiate YOUR claim that "unlicensed radio services play a major

role in
disaster communications....

Welp, Steve, I had proper authorization to operate amateur radio in

Not from what you've posted here.

Len is my hero because he doesn't back down from rabid dogs like you.

Lennie is a documented pathological liar. And just like a broken watch,
he get's one right once in a while. That still doen't make him any less of a
liar and antagonist.

If that's what you idolize, then just grit your teeth and take the flak
coming your way, PuppetBoy.

Cellular phones help people in emergencies every day, probably much
more often than amateur radio and certainly more often than CW in any

Too bad.

No one sid it didn't.

YOU said "Unlicensed services play a MAJOR role in disaster

I've asked you to provide me ONE instance where "unlicensed (Part 95 other
than GMRS and Part 15) devices play a MAJOR role.

Again...ANOTHER assertion you've made unsubstantiated by facts.

We'll wait right here while you pony up an excuse for all of

THEN tell us who's "nuts"...

No excuse offered. I'm good with where I'm at. But you're broken.
Go get fixed.

If you are "good with where (you're) at", then dysfunctional and mediocre
are your milestones.

Nice job.

All you're good for are personal attacks. You have no honor.

A declaration about honor from a person who subsidises lying and

That's cute.

That's Brian Burke. Why am I not surprised...?!?!


Steve, K4YZ

  #99   Report Post  
Old May 13th 04, 06:24 PM
Posts: n/a

"KØHB" wrote in message
"Jack Twilley" wrote

If you were the average ham, Hans......

"Average" and "contesting" are incompatible concepts.


"Nothing average ever stood as a monument to progress.

Not entirely true.

Look at the "average" ham HF transceiver of, say, 40 years ago. Now
look at the "average" ham HF transceiver today. Not the
top-of-the-line, but rather what the middle of the pack can afford.
I'd say there's been some progress, particularly in what such sets
cost to buy new in terms of how many hours you have to work to buy

Of course one of the big reasons the *average* rig is better is a
trickle-down effect of techniques used on the top-of-the-line stuff.
Which stuff exists in large part because of the market created by
contesters and DXers.

Or look at the features, capabilities and cost of the average PC
compared to 5 or 10 years ago. Heck, the average new PC today is more
powerful (by a whole bunch of measures) than the top-of-the-line
machine of a few years ago - and it costs far less.

So I'd say that the *average* can actually be a monument to progress.

progress is looking for a partner it doesn't turn to those who
believe that they are only average. It turns instead to those who
are forever searching and striving to become the best they
possibly can. If we seek the average level, we cannot hope to
achieve a higher level of success. Our only hope is to avoid
being a failure."

I agree 100% with that part.

73 de Jim, N2EY
  #100   Report Post  
Old May 13th 04, 07:08 PM
Posts: n/a

"N2EY" wrote

So I'd say that the *average* can actually be a monument to progress.

Please never bother to apply for a position in my product development

73, de Hans, K0HB

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