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JJ June 7th 04 03:06 AM

The 20m band is a band used by US drunkards
George Orwell wrote:
When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

Care to quote the rule that states 20m is only for dxing, and not for
general communications?

Mike Coslo June 7th 04 05:37 AM

JJ wrote:

George Orwell wrote:

When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

Care to quote the rule that states 20m is only for dxing, and not for
general communications?

More importantly, is it okay to use 20 meters for Drunken DX'ing?

- Mike KB3EIA -

Jim Hampton June 7th 04 06:01 AM

20 meters is the hangout for the 11 meter types who happen to have valid
amateur licenses. 14.313 has been a favorite haunt of theirs. In fact, I
shouldn't put down CBers by even comparing some (not a lot, but some) 20
meter operators to 11 meter operators.

Can't help but remember calling from the US Naval Hospital (KG6NAC) with
phone patch traffic - the frequency was clear and I had checked - and some
idiot from Hawaii told me to take my phone patch traffic elsewhere as there
was an important DX contest going on. Yep, you youngsters go get shot up in
Vietnam and leave me and my DX alone.

So much for amateur "service". Maybe Len is correct in some of his
observations. Unfortunately, there were a couple of patients, a doctor, and
a nurse present to hear that idiot. I did offer to give him the phone
number as I wanted to tell him what I thought of him but didn't want to say
it over the air as I didn't want to loose my license. He didn't take me up
on it :)

About the only thing that has no limits is stupidity.

73 from Rochester, NY

"JJ" wrote in message
George Orwell wrote:
When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

Care to quote the rule that states 20m is only for dxing, and not for
general communications?

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Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL June 7th 04 04:34 PM

George Orwell wrote in

When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

That's what happens when testing standards are lowered. Dunks and retards
can get licensed. Thank you ARRL! NOT.


KØHB June 7th 04 04:38 PM

"Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL" wrote

That's what happens when testing standards are lowered. Dunks and

can get licensed. Thank you ARRL! NOT.

ARRL has no direct control over testing standards.

Don't you just hate it when someone spoils your rant/bash with a fact?

73, de Hans, K0HB

JJ June 7th 04 06:10 PM

Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL wrote:

That's what happens when testing standards are lowered. Dunks and retards
can get licensed. Thank you ARRL! NOT.


Drunks and retards were getting licensed long before any standards were

Jim Hampton June 7th 04 06:12 PM


We've always had a few brain dead. W2OY (not the current holder, the guy
back in the 60s) comes to mind. A good theory test won't filter 'em out
(nor a cw test either). Unfortunately, there are no mental exams required
to obtain a license ;)

I wish I was running on 160 again. I've never witnessed poor operation on
the top band. It seems the quantity of lids is proportional to the

73 from Rochester, NY

"Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL" wrote in message
George Orwell wrote in

When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

That's what happens when testing standards are lowered. Dunks and retards
can get licensed. Thank you ARRL! NOT.


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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.700 / Virus Database: 457 - Release Date: 6/6/04

applecores June 7th 04 09:22 PM

"George Orwell" wrote in message

When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

Oh POOOOOOH on you!

Everyone knows that 20 Meters is meant for running
phone patches by rich (yet cheap) retired Fla yacht owners
and xian missionaries to order things like air conditioners
and music CD's....

Brian Kelly June 7th 04 09:32 PM

"Vince Fiscus, KB7ADL" wrote in message
George Orwell wrote in

When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

That's what happens when testing standards are lowered. Dunks and retards
can get licensed. Thank you ARRL! NOT.

You oughta been around when the midnite drunk nets were on 20 & 75M AM
.. . and they passed "real exams" by golly. How 'bout that, huh?

The VKs could really tie 'em on . .



Robert Casey June 8th 04 03:16 AM

Mike Coslo wrote:

JJ wrote:

George Orwell wrote:

When you are drunk, please go to the
11m band, not the 20m. 20m is for DXing
not to talk between US buddies.

Care to quote the rule that states 20m is only for dxing, and not for
general communications?

More importantly, is it okay to use 20 meters for Drunken DX'ing?

only on 14313 :-)

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