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  #1   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 05:22 AM
Radio Amateur KC2HMZ
Posts: n/a
Default Field Day Plans?

Field Day is next weekend. Anybody in the group here have plans?

I'll be on the air with the Amateur Radio Association of the
Tonawandas as one of the W2SEX ops. We'll be running four stations
(CW, HF Phone, HF Digital, and VHF/UHF) plus doing SSTV, ATV, and APRS
demo modes, and we may also satellite contacts through SaudiSat I if
it makes a pass at a good time and we fall into its footprint.

Here's hoping we get to work some of you or your clubs' stations over
the weekend. 73 and good luck during Field Day.

Needless to say, I'll be absent from the NG over the weekend.

73 DE John D. Kasupski
Tonawanda, New York, USA
Amateur Radio (KC2HMZ), HF/VHF/UHF Monitoring (KNY2VS)

  #2   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 03:01 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

I'm FD Chairman for W3YA and W3GA (GOTA). We'll be doing a scaled down
Field day this year, as many of the people that usually help are
committed to other things this year. We won't be able to put the big
effort that we have for the past several years.

We'll be 2A running 100 Watts all stations, some hombrew OCF wire
antennas, and a half wave vertical on 20 meters where the GOTA will be
spending a lot of it's time. We'll be right in the Center of PA in a
beautiful location in a big field.

We'll be doing SSB, CW, and PSK31.

One of the volunteers will be doing the cooking for the operators.
We'll be well fed and with good food.

I'm really looking forward to FD this year, as it will be so different
for us.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #3   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 03:55 PM
Da Shadow
Posts: n/a

We will be a 5F station plus GOTA in CA. I have the GOTA station

GOTA will be on 40M thru 144 MHz. Phone, Data, and some CW (if we can find a
CW op with no HF experience)

400 GOTA QSOs seems a bit high considering we will try and teach newbies how
to operate. I think it is more important to tutor folks on HF and the
digital modes than to run the 400 QSOs. Perhaps we can do both.

For the GOTA station we will try PSK31 and RTTY for demo to newbies and of
course to make contacts.

Wonder if the 20M PSK31 segment will be jam packed and contacts will be
feasible ??
Any PSK31 activity besides 20M for FD ???

This will be our first year trying the digital modes.

Any comments on PSK31 during FD ???

Lamont Cranston

The Shadow Knows

"Radio Amateur KC2HMZ" wrote in message

Field Day is next weekend. Anybody in the group here have plans?

I'll be on the air with the Amateur Radio Association of the
Tonawandas as one of the W2SEX ops. We'll be running four stations
(CW, HF Phone, HF Digital, and VHF/UHF) plus doing SSTV, ATV, and APRS
demo modes, and we may also satellite contacts through SaudiSat I if
it makes a pass at a good time and we fall into its footprint.

Here's hoping we get to work some of you or your clubs' stations over
the weekend. 73 and good luck during Field Day.

Needless to say, I'll be absent from the NG over the weekend.

73 DE John D. Kasupski
Tonawanda, New York, USA
Amateur Radio (KC2HMZ), HF/VHF/UHF Monitoring (KNY2VS)

  #4   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 04:41 PM
Dee D. Flint
Posts: n/a

"Radio Amateur KC2HMZ" wrote in message

Field Day is next weekend. Anybody in the group here have plans?

I'll be on the air with the Amateur Radio Association of the
Tonawandas as one of the W2SEX ops. We'll be running four stations
(CW, HF Phone, HF Digital, and VHF/UHF) plus doing SSTV, ATV, and APRS
demo modes, and we may also satellite contacts through SaudiSat I if
it makes a pass at a good time and we fall into its footprint.

Here's hoping we get to work some of you or your clubs' stations over
the weekend. 73 and good luck during Field Day.

Needless to say, I'll be absent from the NG over the weekend.

Well I hope to be participating in our club's Field Day activities but it's
iffy at this point. It depends on when my doctor schedules my surgery,
which I won't find out until Thursday. If he picks Friday, well there goes
Field Day weekend.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

  #5   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 05:01 PM
Robert Casey
Posts: n/a

Radio Amateur KC2HMZ wrote:

Field Day is next weekend. Anybody in the group here have plans?

Nothing fancy. Operating a Kenwood TS440SAT off commercial power at home.
This gives the serious contesters someone to get a point with.

  #6   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 05:02 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Da Shadow wrote:
We will be a 5F station plus GOTA in CA. I have the GOTA station

GOTA will be on 40M thru 144 MHz. Phone, Data, and some CW (if we can find a
CW op with no HF experience)

Oops, GOTA stations aren't on VHF, Shadow. The rule is: The GOTA station may only operate on the Field Day HF Bands.
Only one transmitted signal is allowed from the GOTA station at any time
(see Field Day rule 4).

So you are pretty much stuck to HF.

400 GOTA QSOs seems a bit high considering we will try and teach newbies how
to operate. I think it is more important to tutor folks on HF and the
digital modes than to run the 400 QSOs. Perhaps we can do both.

It is high. The nice thing about the GOTA is that newbies and the
inexperienced can hone their skills without affecting the more seasoned
operators. My first field day was before the days of GOTA, and I knew
very well that I was holding the score down a bit with my slowness. GOTA
removes that. It's a great way to get started or get back in action.

For the GOTA station we will try PSK31 and RTTY for demo to newbies and of
course to make contacts.

Wonder if the 20M PSK31 segment will be jam packed and contacts will be
feasible ??
Any PSK31 activity besides 20M for FD ???

This will be our first year trying the digital modes.

Any comments on PSK31 during FD ???

PSK31 was a BIG hit last year for us. People are in general, very
receptive to the chat room type atmosphere on PSK31. A person that might
be shy to talk will often be happy to type to another op.

It was also a great way to contribute to the final score, since PSK
contacts are worth 2 points each. I'm glad to see another mode that can
get 2 points per QSO. Actually, I wish that all contacts were 1 point
each. That won't happen for a long time tho'.

PSK activity on 20 meters was pretty decent last year. There was enough
traffic that we just stayed on 20. And by the time the band was finished
for the night, the GOTA station was closed down.

You might try 40, but I've never made a PSK contact there. 80 meters at
night is pretty fair for PSK31, so if you can rig an antenna there, you
should make some QSO's.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #7   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 05:08 PM
Dee D. Flint
Posts: n/a

"Da Shadow" wrote in message
We will be a 5F station plus GOTA in CA. I have the GOTA station

GOTA will be on 40M thru 144 MHz. Phone, Data, and some CW (if we can find

CW op with no HF experience)

The GOTA station is not limited to people with no HF experience. It is for
people with little experience or who have been off the air for a while.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

  #8   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 05:38 PM
Da Shadow
Posts: n/a

Hi Mike -- well the FD rules read:

4.1.1. Any Class A group whose entry classification is two or more
transmitters may also operate one additional HF station without changing its
base entry category, known as the GET ON THE AIR (GOTA) station. This station must operate using a different callsign from the
primary Field Day station. The GOTA station may be operated by Novice, Technicians or
generally inactive hams under their existing operating privileges, or under
the direction of a Control Operator with appropriate privileges, as
necessary. Non-licensed persons may participate under the direct supervision
of an appropriate control operator. A list of operators and participants
must be included on the required summary sheet to ARRL HQ. This station may operate on any valid Field Day band and mode. As
per FCC rules, this station must have a valid control operator present if
operating beyond the license privileges of the participant using the

THIS SEZ TO ME WE CAN OPERATE THE VHF BANDS The maximum transmitter output power for the GOTA station shall be
150 watts. If the primary Field Day group is claiming the QRP multiplier
level of 5, the maximum transmitter output power of the GOTA station may not
exceed 5 watts. A maximum of 400 QSOs made by this station may be claimed for
credit by its primary Field Day operation. A 100-point bonus may be claimed
by the primary Field Day operation if the GOTA station reaches the 100 QSO
level. The GOTA station may only operate on the Field Day HF Bands. Only
one transmitted signal is allowed from the GOTA station at any time (see
Field Day rule 4).

THIS SEZ TO ME WE CAN OPERATE ON HF BANDS BUT NOT WARC BANDS The GOTA station does not affect the additional VHF/UHF station
provided for under Field Day rule 4.1.2. Participants are reminded that non-licensed participants working
under the direction of a valid control operator may only communicate with
other W/VE stations or with stations in countries with which the US has
entered a third-party agreement. GOTA stations operate under a single callsign separate from the
callsign of the main group. The GOTA stations does not qualify as an additional transmitter
when determining the number of transmitters eligible for the 100-point
emergency power bonus under rule 7.3.1. The GOTA station may be operated by Novice, Technicians or
generally inactive hams under their existing operating privileges, or under
the direction of a Control Operator with appropriate privileges, as
necessary. Non-licensed persons may participate under the direct supervision
of an appropriate control operator. A list of operators and participants
must be included on the required summary sheet to ARRL HQ. This station may operate on any valid Field Day band and mode. As
per FCC rules, this station must have a valid control operator present if
operating beyond the license privileges of the participant using the

So I read that as we can operate VHF no problem.

Lamont Cranston

The Shadow Knows
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message ...
Da Shadow wrote:
We will be a 5F station plus GOTA in CA. I have the GOTA station

GOTA will be on 40M thru 144 MHz. Phone, Data, and some CW (if we can

find a
CW op with no HF experience)

Oops, GOTA stations aren't on VHF, Shadow. The rule is: The GOTA station may only operate on the Field Day HF Bands.
Only one transmitted signal is allowed from the GOTA station at any time
(see Field Day rule 4).

So you are pretty much stuck to HF.

400 GOTA QSOs seems a bit high considering we will try and teach newbies

to operate. I think it is more important to tutor folks on HF and the
digital modes than to run the 400 QSOs. Perhaps we can do both.

It is high. The nice thing about the GOTA is that newbies and the
inexperienced can hone their skills without affecting the more seasoned
operators. My first field day was before the days of GOTA, and I knew
very well that I was holding the score down a bit with my slowness. GOTA
removes that. It's a great way to get started or get back in action.

For the GOTA station we will try PSK31 and RTTY for demo to newbies and

course to make contacts.

Wonder if the 20M PSK31 segment will be jam packed and contacts will be
feasible ??
Any PSK31 activity besides 20M for FD ???

This will be our first year trying the digital modes.

Any comments on PSK31 during FD ???

PSK31 was a BIG hit last year for us. People are in general, very
receptive to the chat room type atmosphere on PSK31. A person that might
be shy to talk will often be happy to type to another op.

It was also a great way to contribute to the final score, since PSK
contacts are worth 2 points each. I'm glad to see another mode that can
get 2 points per QSO. Actually, I wish that all contacts were 1 point
each. That won't happen for a long time tho'.

PSK activity on 20 meters was pretty decent last year. There was enough
traffic that we just stayed on 20. And by the time the band was finished
for the night, the GOTA station was closed down.

You might try 40, but I've never made a PSK contact there. 80 meters at
night is pretty fair for PSK31, so if you can rig an antenna there, you
should make some QSO's.

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #9   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 06:18 PM
Da Shadow
Posts: n/a

Well the rule sez: The GOTA station may be operated by Novice, Technicians or
generally inactive hams under their existing operating privileges, or under
the direction of a Control Operator with appropriate privileges, as
necessary. Non-licensed persons may participate under the direct supervision
of an appropriate control operator. A list of operators and participants
must be included on the required summary sheet to ARRL HQ.

How one interprets "generally inactive hams" is beyond me.

Lamont Cranston

The Shadow Knows
"Dee D. Flint" wrote in message

"Da Shadow" wrote in message
We will be a 5F station plus GOTA in CA. I have the GOTA station

GOTA will be on 40M thru 144 MHz. Phone, Data, and some CW (if we can

CW op with no HF experience)

The GOTA station is not limited to people with no HF experience. It is

people with little experience or who have been off the air for a while.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

  #10   Report Post  
Old June 22nd 04, 08:15 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Da Shadow wrote:
Hi Mike -- well the FD rules read:

4.1.1. Any Class A group whose entry classification is two or more
transmitters may also operate one additional HF station without changing its
base entry category, known as the GET ON THE AIR (GOTA) station. This station must operate using a different callsign from the
primary Field Day station. The GOTA station may be operated by Novice, Technicians or
generally inactive hams under their existing operating privileges, or under
the direction of a Control Operator with appropriate privileges, as
necessary. Non-licensed persons may participate under the direct supervision
of an appropriate control operator. A list of operators and participants
must be included on the required summary sheet to ARRL HQ. This station may operate on any valid Field Day band and mode. As
per FCC rules, this station must have a valid control operator present if
operating beyond the license privileges of the participant using the

THIS SEZ TO ME WE CAN OPERATE THE VHF BANDS The maximum transmitter output power for the GOTA station shall be
150 watts. If the primary Field Day group is claiming the QRP multiplier
level of 5, the maximum transmitter output power of the GOTA station may not
exceed 5 watts. A maximum of 400 QSOs made by this station may be claimed for
credit by its primary Field Day operation. A 100-point bonus may be claimed
by the primary Field Day operation if the GOTA station reaches the 100 QSO
level. The GOTA station may only operate on the Field Day HF Bands. Only
one transmitted signal is allowed from the GOTA station at any time (see
Field Day rule 4).

THIS SEZ TO ME WE CAN OPERATE ON HF BANDS BUT NOT WARC BANDS The GOTA station does not affect the additional VHF/UHF station
provided for under Field Day rule 4.1.2. Participants are reminded that non-licensed participants working
under the direction of a valid control operator may only communicate with
other W/VE stations or with stations in countries with which the US has
entered a third-party agreement. GOTA stations operate under a single callsign separate from the
callsign of the main group. The GOTA stations does not qualify as an additional transmitter
when determining the number of transmitters eligible for the 100-point
emergency power bonus under rule 7.3.1. The GOTA station may be operated by Novice, Technicians or
generally inactive hams under their existing operating privileges, or under
the direction of a Control Operator with appropriate privileges, as
necessary. Non-licensed persons may participate under the direct supervision
of an appropriate control operator. A list of operators and participants
must be included on the required summary sheet to ARRL HQ. This station may operate on any valid Field Day band and mode. As
per FCC rules, this station must have a valid control operator present if
operating beyond the license privileges of the participant using the

So I read that as we can operate VHF no problem.

Your call.

- Mike KB3EIA -

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