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KØHB September 11th 04 06:11 AM

Radiosport contesting --- an idea to validate 97.1(a)
N0FP posted an idea to the CQ-CONTEST reflector a couple of years ago
about a contest that could prove to provide considerable exposure to
contesting, ham radio, and emergency preparedness.

The purpose? To demonstrate that US hams are capable of originating and
delivering significant and meaningful traffic to central collection
points. We are not rank "amateurs".

Imagine a contest where the purpose is to publicly simulate a
significant national disaster--a thermo nuclear device detonated over
Chicago for example. The FCCs Mr. Powell would send out a press release
to the ARRL and all media (CNN, NBC, ABC, etc.) at high noon EST on a
Friday or Saturday between two dates (e.g. 9/11 and 3/31) stating: "All
amateur radio operators are instructed to begin the emergency
communications simulation beginning today at 02:00 UTC and ending 06:00
UTC. That would be the kick-off of the mother of all US contests. All
amateurs on all bands on all modes all at once. Every scrap of
equipment you own would be pressed into service.

Starting at 22:00 hours the same day, W1AW would begin posting
instructions for the contest using digital modes to provide the "rules
of engagement" for the contest. The contest exchange, log routing,
collection points, etc., would be sent from W1AW during the entire
contest. Specific instructions from W1AW will direct appropriate band
limits, restrictions, regional information, etc.

The goal for contesters would be to collect valid QSOs using the
instructed exchange. Any station may be worked for valid QSO points, on
any non-WARC band more than once, but never more than once per hour.
All US amateur ops on all bands except the WARC bands would be eligible
to collect valid Qs. Each US section would be a "team." Logs would be
routed to section managers using ARES people to man the traffic. The
traffic would be the logs of contesters.

The goal? Deliver logs to section managers as often and quickly as
possible. Points would be assigned to sections based on the number of
Qs in the log and the time received by the section manager. Relays of
logs are encouraged. The use of VHF frequencies is encouraged. Every
scrap of equipment you own will be pressed into service, except your
phone line. No internet is allowed. No twisted pairs allowed. Only RF
delivered traffic allowed.

Section managers will accumulate the data and summarize the results.
Email the results to a central collection point -- W1AW. Mr. Powell
will get a report on Monday morning outlining the success of the
operation. Number of Qs, counties covered, time delivered, number of
stations, etc. would all be proudly displayed to the FCC and the media.
We are not rank "amateurs" as some congressmen have proclaimed recently.

This is rough but I think you get the general idea.


Imagine the press. Imagine the questions you will get at work. Imagine
the pride in Mr. Haynie's heart when he delivers the 6" thick printout
to Mr. Powell, in a ceremony on the following Monday morning.
Congressmen will no longer be able to call us rank "amateurs" any more.
I wonder if the BoD will question whether these line scores should make
it into print? Contesting will be front page news on QST for sure. Page
2 on NYTimes, Wall Street Journal, CNN Headline news and on-and on-and

Imagine the local press in your neighborhood anxious to get the local
scoop on this mysterious press release the previous Friday noon.
Equipment sales will soar. Contesters will be asked to Elmer the
capable hams that have shun contesting all these years. I get goose

You want to contribute. Give this idea legs and the ranks of ham radio,
and contesting, will grow more than at any other time in our history.
The only way this will fly is if contesters get involved. The time is
ripe (9/11).

Real traffic in a real emergency simulation.

KØHB September 11th 04 11:11 PM

"Len Over 21" wrote

Has the ARRL been telling the truth all those years
about amateur involvement in "real emergency situations?"

Yes, I think that their reporting has been honest (with an
understandable tendency to "patting amateur radio on the back").

Gosh, from all I see in here, radio amateurs are akin to "minutemen
of the air" ready at a moment's notice to come to the aid of their
country in time of need!

Many amateurs feel exactly that way, and keep their stations ready to do
exactly that.

Apparently the USG and other non-amateur organizations feel that way
also, given the monetary grants made to enhance emergency communications
training in the amateur community.

Remember, when real emergencies happen all the commercial
infrastructure fails!

Is Leonard Anderson telling the truth about "all the commercial
infrastrure fails" or is he "exaggerating somewhat"?

Field Day is supposed to be the "emergency training" isn't it?

Yes, that is one of the reasons for that operating event.

With warmest personal regards,

de Hans, K0HB

Len Over 21 September 12th 04 01:35 AM

In article t, "KØHB"

"Len Over 21" wrote

Has the ARRL been telling the truth all those years
about amateur involvement in "real emergency situations?"

Yes, I think that their reporting has been honest (with an
understandable tendency to "patting amateur radio on the back").

Gosh, after all these years, it would seem like something if a
big national news organization picked up on all that!

When did they?

Gosh, from all I see in here, radio amateurs are akin to "minutemen
of the air" ready at a moment's notice to come to the aid of their
country in time of need!

Many amateurs feel exactly that way, and keep their stations ready to do
exactly that.

Riiiiiight. :-)

[I'll bet you would be interested in some beach-front property in the
Mojave here...real bargain! :-) ]

Apparently the USG and other non-amateur organizations feel that way
also, given the monetary grants made to enhance emergency communications
training in the amateur community.

Riiiiiight. Like the "USG" awards money based "solely" on technical
and experience basis. Uh huh. Of course.

[can anyone say "pork barrel?" Or "political ploys?" :-) ]

Remember, when real emergencies happen all the commercial
infrastructure fails!

Is Leonard Anderson telling the truth about "all the commercial
infrastrure fails" or is he "exaggerating somewhat"?

I'm just repeating what I've been told. :-)

Never seen it yet...but this country is big and I haven't seen all of it.

Field Day is supposed to be the "emergency training" isn't it?

Yes, that is one of the reasons for that operating event.

So...what IS Field Day de facto? Drop this alleged de jure bit.

It is a CONTEST. A day out in the park or someplace nice, all
playing "competitive radiosport" with some buddies.

With warmest personal regards,

Warm? :-) Like your favorite ice hole... :-)

Len Over 21 September 12th 04 02:05 AM

In article,
"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this writes:

I think I have finally figured out Len's problem (s). He is impotent. Has
tried all the toys, including the blow up dolls, and is totally frustrated.
Even viagra don't get him fired up.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

"Dan da man" went in the jock locker room again? :-)

Ah, yes, morsemanship makes the ham hard? Tsk, tsk.

Weird science, Danny boy, considering you have NO "medical
credentials" to back up your "diagnosis." You should have left
that to Dr. Strangelove, one of the alter personalities of the
gunnery know, the one with the "hostile action"

No matter. Morsemanship makes you feel like you "know
everything" and/or "are very 'manly.'"

Sorry Len, nothing else to do old boy. A .45 is effective.

Tsk, tsk. Just because yours won't fire off, don't get all upset.

You ought to start making veiled threats about my wife and
property. Nursie do that. She also ends postings with cute
little Yiddish pejoratives about being a "penis head." :-)

Modern-day image of Role Models for U.S. amateur radio...
do like they say or be dead? :-)

Danny boy, consider that you make a big target. Fills the
sight picture very nicely. Just a few ounces of pressure.....

[not talking about radio at all but then Danny boy wasn't doing
that, either]

KØHB September 12th 04 05:38 AM

"Len Over 21" wrote

Like your favorite ice hole... :-)

That'd be you, kindly old Sir.

73, de Hans, K0HB

Dan/W4NTI September 12th 04 01:36 PM

"Len Over 21" wrote in message

Danny boy, consider that you make a big target. Fills the
sight picture very nicely. Just a few ounces of pressure.....

[not talking about radio at all but then Danny boy wasn't doing
that, either]

Poor Poor Lennie, now resorting to terroristic threats. Correct me , oh
know it all, isn't this improper under the patriot act? Should anyone be
interested...please submit to proper authorities. I won't bother because I
know he is a sick person, and impotent also considering his
response.....did I hit that nerve old boy?

Let us now simplify things........we all have your number, you are just fun
to play with.


Steve Robeson K4CAP September 12th 04 03:51 PM

Subject: Radiosport contesting --- an idea to validate 97.1(a)
From: "Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@getrid of this
Date: 9/12/2004 6:36 AM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net

"Len Over 21" wrote in message

Danny boy, consider that you make a big target. Fills the
sight picture very nicely. Just a few ounces of pressure.....

[not talking about radio at all but then Danny boy wasn't doing
that, either]

Poor Poor Lennie, now resorting to terroristic threats. Correct me , oh
know it all, isn't this improper under the patriot act? Should anyone be
interested...please submit to proper authorities. I won't bother because I
know he is a sick person, and impotent also considering his
response.....did I hit that nerve old boy?

Let us now simplify things........we all have your number, you are just fun
to play with.

It's some of that "NCTA" double standard, Dan.

Of course Lennie can't SEE the "sight picture" , so what's to worry?


Steve, K4YZ

Dan/W4NTI September 12th 04 06:16 PM

"Steve Robeson K4CAP" wrote in message
Subject: Radiosport contesting --- an idea to validate 97.1(a)
From: "Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@getrid of this
Date: 9/12/2004 6:36 AM Central Standard Time
Message-id: . net

"Len Over 21" wrote in message

Danny boy, consider that you make a big target. Fills the
sight picture very nicely. Just a few ounces of pressure.....

[not talking about radio at all but then Danny boy wasn't doing
that, either]

Poor Poor Lennie, now resorting to terroristic threats. Correct me ,

know it all, isn't this improper under the patriot act? Should anyone

interested...please submit to proper authorities. I won't bother because

know he is a sick person, and impotent also considering his
response.....did I hit that nerve old boy?

Let us now simplify things........we all have your number, you are just

to play with.

It's some of that "NCTA" double standard, Dan.

Of course Lennie can't SEE the "sight picture" , so what's to worry?


Steve, K4YZ

No worry...I would just love to read about him getting questioned by the


N2EY September 14th 04 01:19 PM

In article . net, "Dan/W4NTI"
w4nti@get rid of this writes:

"Len Over 21" wrote in message

Danny boy, consider that you make a big target. Fills the
sight picture very nicely. Just a few ounces of pressure.....

[not talking about radio at all but then Danny boy wasn't doing
that, either]

Poor Poor Lennie, now resorting to terroristic threats.

Sure looks like one to me, Dan.

Correct me , oh
know it all, isn't this improper under the patriot act?

Even without it.

Note the lack of smiley - not that a smiley excuses such a threat.

It's not the first time - I recall Len mentioning "one by twos" needing a whack
with a two by four or some such. (referring to assult on holders of certain
amateur radio callsigns)

Civil discourse, huh? Easy to do from a continent away.

73 de Jim, N2EY

William September 15th 04 12:39 AM

PAMNO (N2EY) wrote in message ...
In article . net, "Dan/W4NTI"
w4nti@get rid of this writes:

"Len Over 21" wrote in message

Danny boy, consider that you make a big target. Fills the
sight picture very nicely. Just a few ounces of pressure.....

[not talking about radio at all but then Danny boy wasn't doing
that, either]

Poor Poor Lennie, now resorting to terroristic threats.

Sure looks like one to me, Dan.

Correct me , oh
know it all, isn't this improper under the patriot act?

Even without it.

Note the lack of smiley - not that a smiley excuses such a threat.

It's not the first time - I recall Len mentioning "one by twos" needing a whack
with a two by four or some such. (referring to assult on holders of certain
amateur radio callsigns)

Civil discourse, huh? Easy to do from a continent away.

73 de Jim, N2EY

Jim, I noticed that you were silent with respect to Steve's remarks
about bricks through windows and terrorizing Lens wife.

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