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In article .com, "bb"
writes: N2EY doesn't mind at all. Gives him an excuse for not answering the hard questions. With respect to GPS, it is not a "free market." The Department of Defense developed it. One of the capabilities built in is Selective Availability which injects an error into the unencrypted signals. This is so that the military can continue to use it, and deny the best accuracy to an enemy on the battlefield. Another capability is to encrypt the signal, and turn off the unencrypted signal denying access to an enemy on the battlefield. No free market about it. now we've got Hans saying "It's my right, It's my right to have free access to a DoD weapons system!" Boo, hoo, hoo. Perhaps the excuse for whining is that the USN began the development of GPSS under the original NAVSTAR project acronym? [Hans was a USN super chief] :-) I was representing RCA at NAS Warminster when NADC was in its second year of NAVSTAR test flights. One of the test bed aircraft was an RA-2, shared among two other projects, one of which was SECANT developed by RCA. [circa 1971-1972] All of that eyewitness experience is "no good" in here since all expertise in anything is granted to any Amateur Extra that knows, loves, and cherishes morse code. Jim, what are the right problems to focus on? Who is the right enemy? So you answered for N2EY that the trade deficit caused by petroleum imports is the enemy and the problem that we should focus on. I love those focussed discussions on amateur radio policy matters. Too bad there aren't any to be found in here... snip Jim, what are the right problems to focus on? Who is the right enemy? The "right enemy" is anyone advocating the elimination of the morse code test for any AMATEUR radio operator license. :-) |
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Jim is full of hisself.
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In article , (Steve
Robeson K4YZ) writes: Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS? From: PAMNO (N2EY) Date: 12/21/2004 4:30 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: In article , (Steve Robeson K4YZ) writes: Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS? From: PAMNO (N2EY) Date: 12/20/2004 6:21 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: In article , (Steve Robeson K4YZ) writes: Snipped... I think you want to avoid the hard facts, Steve. No, Jim...I just don't need the editorializing of past events. We know why Social Security was created... What I wrote wasn't about why SS was created, but about why it could be in trouble in the future. And as Hans, K0HB has pointed out, the 800 pound gorilla problem is the borrowing of money from the SS trust fund. Such borrowing is fine unless and until it's not paid back. I don't think FDR ever imagined it being *******ized such as it has. How is SS *******ized? FDR's New Deal, like the Constitution, wasn't meant to be a static unchanging entity. He said so himself - if a program didn't work, it was to be changed or eliminated. Jim, we are there already. We are where? When we have people "disabled" and collecting Social Security ( or other entitlements which draw against it...) in their 30's without truly being "disabled", then we ARE there. Where? I see it every day. And now we are seeing people in their 20's and sometimes even "teens" who are claiming "disability", yet can drive, socialize, party, and even "work" in other revenue producing pursuits. But the SECOND you threaten that check every month, they suddenly become "sick bay commandos" until the threat has resolved. You mean plain old fraud. Yes, we have that in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans' benefits, disability, workmen's comp and various welfare systems too. There's also fraud in private insurance claims. Should all those systems be shut down because some people abuse them? I say no. But the real solution is education and responsibility. The real solution is to restore the program to what it was intended for, Which is? delete the drug abusers and lazy, and restore some basic civic responsibilities. How would you do that? Hmmm? Here's a bit of history: How did I know we were in for this...??? Once upon a time....(I was right...) ...(up until about 40 years ago), there were lots of large state mental hospitals. (Snip to...) Is any of what I wrote inaccurate? Then came a whole bunch of new pharmaceuticals...(And further snip to...) And most of the state mental institutions closed or were radically reduced in size, while the population grew. So a lot of the patients who used to be inside those institutions are now outside, trying to survive. Are they really better off? Are we saving any money? NONE of those mental health facility closings were due to the introduction of new pharmaceuticals, Jim. Yes, they were. At least in part. New pharmacueticals made it possible to de-institutionalize large numbers of people with certain mental illnesses - *if* they took the pharmecuticals as prescribed! Look up how mental health care used to work - say in the 1940s and 50s, before 'modern' pharmecuticals existed. A considerable number of people were simply locked up because nobody knew what else to do. Those closings were due to the interventions of (A) "civil rights" programs which insisted that those poor wretched souls had had their rights denied to them, That was part of it too. Books like "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" were based on the reality of the old systems. and (B) bean counters who thought that those monies could be better spent elsewhere. Those "bean counters" were politicians looking for ways to avoid spending money on mental health care. After all, it *was* cheaper to buy the new pharmecuticals for a mentally ill person than to institutionalize them. Please note that those decisons were made by Administrations wherein a Democrat was in the White House. Who controlled the congress? How much of this was state-level and how much federal? Most of the mental-health hospitals I know of were state operations, not federal. Did it all happen under Kennedy, Johnson and Carter, with none of it under Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan or Bush? Most of all - is any of what I wrote incorrect? How about this: How about we rebuild and reopen all those mental health hospitals, and reallow indefinite involuntary mental-health commitments? Would probably cost less than what we're spending now on other solutions. I do...More so than I ever thought Bill Clinton was... Why? At least under Bill Clinton, the markets were rising, inflation was low and the budget got balanced. Now Shrub is digging an enormous hole of debt and yet giving the rich tax cuts. BBBWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHA ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Those "markets" were ALREADY "rising" under Bush the Elder! Sure. The Dow was about 3600 when Clinton took office. E V E R Y stock market indicator was "up" in the last year of Bush the Elders term, Yet he lost the election. Boo hoo hoo. and CLAIMS by the Clinton administration within the first 90 days of his presidency (and before a SINGLE Clintonian plan had been implimented) that the markets were already responding just on the strength of Clinton PROMISES were absolutely ludicrous then, and are absolutely ludicrous today! No more ludicrous than Shrub's claim. And BTW, Jim, at an average of $48 to $53K a year, I have not had my taxes LOWER since before Jimmy Carter! I am HARDLY "rich" ! ! ! ! First off, look at your income vs. inflation. If your income hasn't kept pace with inflation, it's a good bet that some of your taxes will drop. Second, look at your life situation. Were you married, did you own a home, have dependent children, or itemize deductions back in Carter's time? Where in the USA did you live? Changes in all those areas affect some taxes. Third, when you say your taxes are lower, which taxes are you including or excluding? Most people see their federal income tax in big bold numbers because they or their accountant figures it out every year. But what about other taxes? Add up how much you pay in SS, Medicare, sales taxes, excise taxes, real estate taxes, state income and wage taxes, etc. Look at the big picture, not just one item, then see if your taxes are lower. Finally, remember that it's easy to lower taxes if you don't mind piling up debt, and easy to balance the budget if you don't mind raising taxes like crazy. What was the national debt in Carter's time? What is it today? How much of your taxes went to pay the interest on the debt loans then and now? 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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N2EY wrote:
In article , (Steve Robeson K4YZ) writes: Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS? From: PAMNO (N2EY) Date: 12/21/2004 4:30 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: In article , (Steve Robeson K4YZ) writes: Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS? From: PAMNO (N2EY) Date: 12/20/2004 6:21 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: In article , (Steve Robeson K4YZ) writes: Snipped... I think you want to avoid the hard facts, Steve. No, Jim...I just don't need the editorializing of past events. We know why Social Security was created... What I wrote wasn't about why SS was created, but about why it could be in trouble in the future. And as Hans, K0HB has pointed out, the 800 pound gorilla problem is the borrowing of money from the SS trust fund. Such borrowing is fine unless and until it's not paid back. I don't think FDR ever imagined it being *******ized such as it has. How is SS *******ized? FDR's New Deal, like the Constitution, wasn't meant to be a static unchanging entity. He said so himself - if a program didn't work, it was to be changed or eliminated. Jim, we are there already. We are where? Jim, is there some underlying reason why you feel it necessary to insult me like this? I am waist deep, on a daily basis, with people who are products of entitlement programs gone wild, all of it at the expense of "Social Security". In the past 72 hours at my ER alone FIVE people generated 12 "emergency room" visits for complaints ranging from "headaches", to "chronic back pain", to "weakness" induced by alcohol. One of those five people has FORTY TWO visits to the ED since January 1st. I've got $10 riding on her making it to 50 before 2359 on 31 December. The pot is up to a couple hundred bucks already. One of the five has 28 visits since Janaury 1st. Wanna bet he makes it to 30? Mr 28 and one of the others made their arrivals via EMS. Both of Mr 28's visits were chauffered per the county. Again paid for by SSI/Medicare. Mr. 28 is under 40 and "disabled" due an injury that, oddly, prevents him from "working", but not from riding motorcycles, drinking, and otherwise dissapating that check in a hurry. Think I am exaggerating or making this up? You are most cordially invited to join me any weekend that I work and spend the evening. You've got my e mail address...drop me a line. I'll set it up. Social Security and it's ancilliary programs such as SSI and AFDC actually promote single parent households and perpetuate drug seeking behaviour. Since any healthcare facility that accepts Medicare/Medicaid must also accept their rules, these "patients" are allowed to continue these abuses almost unabated. Why "work" when all they have to do is get pregnant, get "the check" coming, and then their "insurance card" follows...Nice deal. Or find an MD who will certify them as "disabled"...There's a whole Cottage Industry of trial lawyers who jump a the chance to help these poor souls get thier checks rolling in. The recipients will get "back pay" checks going back to the first day they filed an applcation for "benefits". The backpay can be as much as $12K to $20K once the lawyers play with it for a while since these negotiations can go on for a couple of years. (Which begs to ask how is it they managed to get along without the monies!) By the way, YOU are paying for it. Furthermore, any healthcare facility that accepts federal entitlement payees (and 95% of all facilites must, if they want to "do business") must also accept federal regulations...Not a bad idea you say? Federal rules are the reason most hospitals must charge $2.00 for a Tylenol and $20 for a simple gauze dressing from people with "real" insurance. Medicare says "we will pay you "this much" and you WILL accept it, sorry if it's not enough to cover your real expenses... So, Jim, please do NOT presume to ask me "where" we are in reference to the current state of Social Security... I see it every day. You're welcome to join me for a shift if you're really, REALLY prepared to leave mad... 73 Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() K4YZ wrote: N2EY wrote: In article , (Steve Robeson K4YZ) writes: Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS? From: PAMNO (N2EY) Date: 12/21/2004 4:30 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: In article , (Steve Robeson K4YZ) writes: Subject: Problem for boaters and APRS? From: PAMNO (N2EY) Date: 12/20/2004 6:21 AM Central Standard Time Message-id: In article , (Steve Robeson K4YZ) writes: Snipped... I think you want to avoid the hard facts, Steve. No, Jim...I just don't need the editorializing of past events. We know why Social Security was created... What I wrote wasn't about why SS was created, but about why it could be in trouble in the future. And as Hans, K0HB has pointed out, the 800 pound gorilla problem is the borrowing of money from the SS trust fund. Such borrowing is fine unless and until it's not paid back. I don't think FDR ever imagined it being *******ized such as it has. How is SS *******ized? FDR's New Deal, like the Constitution, wasn't meant to be a static unchanging entity. He said so himself - if a program didn't work, it was to be changed or eliminated. Jim, we are there already. We are where? Jim, is there some underlying reason why you feel it necessary to insult me like this? I didn't mean to insult you, Steve, I just didn't know what you meant. I am waist deep, on a daily basis, with people who are products of entitlement programs gone wild, all of it at the expense of "Social Security". In the past 72 hours at my ER alone FIVE people generated 12 "emergency room" visits for complaints ranging from "headaches", to "chronic back pain", to "weakness" induced by alcohol. One of those five people has FORTY TWO visits to the ED since January 1st. I've got $10 riding on her making it to 50 before 2359 on 31 December. The pot is up to a couple hundred bucks already. One of the five has 28 visits since Janaury 1st. Wanna bet he makes it to 30? Mr 28 and one of the others made their arrivals via EMS. Both of Mr 28's visits were chauffered per the county. Again paid for by SSI/Medicare. Mr. 28 is under 40 and "disabled" due an injury that, oddly, prevents him from "working", but not from riding motorcycles, drinking, and otherwise dissapating that check in a hurry. So what you've got are people who manipulate the system and use the ER for things that should be cared for by a primary care physician - or just good ol' common sense. How do we fix the problem? Shut down all entitlements because some people abuse them? Think I am exaggerating or making this up? Not at all! You are most cordially invited to join me any weekend that I work and spend the evening. You've got my e mail address...drop me a line. I'll set it up. What percentage of ER visits would you estimate are legitimate, and what percentage are manipulations of the system? Social Security and it's ancilliary programs such as SSI and AFDC actually promote single parent households You mean because the benefits for two single people are greater than those of a married couple? I agree 100%. Note that the income taxes a married couple pay when both work are greater than the sum of the income taxes of two single working people making the same money and living together. and perpetuate drug seeking behaviour. How? Since any healthcare facility that accepts Medicare/Medicaid must also accept their rules, these "patients" are allowed to continue these abuses almost unabated. Why "work" when all they have to do is get pregnant, get "the check" coming, and then their "insurance card" follows...Nice deal. Or find an MD who will certify them as "disabled"...There's a whole Cottage Industry of trial lawyers who jump a the chance to help these poor souls get thier checks rolling in. The recipients will get "back pay" checks going back to the first day they filed an applcation for "benefits". The backpay can be as much as $12K to $20K once the lawyers play with it for a while since these negotiations can go on for a couple of years. (Which begs to ask how is it they managed to get along without the monies!) I agree that they are all abuses of the system. But how do we fix them? Do we just shut down SS? By the way, YOU are paying for it. I've been paying for it longer than you, Steve ;-) Furthermore, any healthcare facility that accepts federal entitlement payees (and 95% of all facilites must, if they want to "do business") must also accept federal regulations...Not a bad idea you say? Federal rules are the reason most hospitals must charge $2.00 for a Tylenol and $20 for a simple gauze dressing from people with "real" insurance. Medicare says "we will pay you "this much" and you WILL accept it, sorry if it's not enough to cover your real expenses... It's called "cost shifting". The people who pay don't just pay for themselves, they pay for those who don't pay anything. Here in metro Philly, it is not too unusual for an addict in labor to show up at a major hospital. Delivery is complicated by many factors and baby has multiple problems, all traceable to substance abuse. Mom and baby get good medical care, probably saving both their lives - at a cost of a quarter million or so in medical costs alone. Then mom signs herself out AMA and abandons baby to the care of the state. Often baby leaves hospital by way of the morgue because the multiple problems are simply too much and too many. And in a year or two, if she's still alive, mom is back in the same or worse condition. And we all pay for it. Now - how do we fix it? So, Jim, please do NOT presume to ask me "where" we are in reference to the current state of Social Security... I see it every day. You're welcome to join me for a shift if you're really, REALLY prepared to leave mad... You are lumping all entitlement programs together, as if they're all the same. They're not. It's clear that *some* people manipulate and abuse the systems. They obviously need fixing. But how do we fix them? 73 de Jim, N2EY |
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In article .com, "K4YZ"
writes: N2EY wrote: Jim, is there some underlying reason why you feel it necessary to insult me like this? Ought to be obvious considering some of the replies from the Avenging Angle. Little Yiddish words such as "Putz" for one example. :-) I am waist deep, on a daily basis, with people who are products of entitlement programs gone wild, all of it at the expense of "Social Security". Have you considered wearing waders? Fishermen like those... In the past 72 hours at my ER alone FIVE people generated 12 "emergency room" visits for complaints ranging from "headaches", to "chronic back pain", to "weakness" induced by alcohol. One of those five people has FORTY TWO visits to the ED since January 1st. I've got $10 riding on her making it to 50 before 2359 on 31 December. The pot is up to a couple hundred bucks already. Ah, yes, all those are TENNESSEEANS who were busy "kicking out Albert Gore, Jr. :-) One of the five has 28 visits since Janaury 1st. Wanna bet he makes it to 30? Mr 28 and one of the others made their arrivals via EMS. Both of Mr 28's visits were chauffered per the county. Again paid for by SSI/Medicare. Mr. 28 is under 40 and "disabled" due an injury that, oddly, prevents him from "working", but not from riding motorcycles, drinking, and otherwise dissapating that check in a hurry. Tsk, tsk. All those nasty Tenneesseans such as those "laid off" by military medical discharges and unable to continue the rigors of military life "serving the president." Must be a rough life. Think I am exaggerating or making this up? You are most cordially invited to join me any weekend that I work and spend the evening. You've got my e mail address...drop me a line. I'll set it up. "Exaggerating?" You've told us a MILLION TIMES not to do that! :-) Social Security and it's ancilliary programs such as SSI and AFDC actually promote single parent households and perpetuate drug seeking behaviour. Since any healthcare facility that accepts Medicare/Medicaid must also accept their rules, these "patients" are allowed to continue these abuses almost unabated. Would it be any different if everyone had to learn morse code? Why "work" when all they have to do is get pregnant, get "the check" coming, and then their "insurance card" follows...Nice deal. Or find an MD who will certify them as "disabled"...There's a whole Cottage Industry of trial lawyers who jump a the chance to help these poor souls get thier checks rolling in. The recipients will get "back pay" checks going back to the first day they filed an applcation for "benefits". The backpay can be as much as $12K to $20K once the lawyers play with it for a while since these negotiations can go on for a couple of years. (Which begs to ask how is it they managed to get along without the monies!) Tsk. Federal government (through the Department of Defense) not paying the Avenging Angle enough on that disability check? By the way, YOU are paying for it. Tsk. Don't bite the hands that feed you... Furthermore, any healthcare facility that accepts federal entitlement payees (and 95% of all facilites must, if they want to "do business") must also accept federal regulations...Not a bad idea you say? Federal rules are the reason most hospitals must charge $2.00 for a Tylenol and $20 for a simple gauze dressing from people with "real" insurance. Medicare says "we will pay you "this much" and you WILL accept it, sorry if it's not enough to cover your real expenses... So, Jim, please do NOT presume to ask me "where" we are in reference to the current state of Social Security... I see it every day. You're welcome to join me for a shift if you're really, REALLY prepared to leave mad... Tsk. The Avenging Angle leaves work very angry? Ah, that may explain his taking out his frustrations on everyone else in here. --- Hmmm...I've looked and looked, stretched imagination to the breaking point and can't find a single mention of "boaters," "APRS" or even amateur radio! Certainly not about amateur radio policy... :-) |
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In article . com,
writes: It's clear that *some* people manipulate and abuse the systems. They obviously need fixing. But how do we fix them? I thought the "fix" was obvious from all the previous postings... make everyone take a morse code test! If they show an "interest" in radio, make them take an amateur radio license examination! First, before doing anything else... :-) did dit, |
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Steve, one of my sons had a bad accident and his leg was broken in two
places. After spending a night in the e-room and a day in the hospital, he went to work finding a new job. He had been cheffing, but its hard to chef from a wheelchair, and he had bills to pay. So I kept bringing him newspapers and he started calling around to jobs that sounded like "sit-down" jobs. He sold magazines by telephone for a week, then he got on at a window/siding place. He started making OK money - more than cheffing paid even though he loved cheffing. He met another salesman on the job, and they talked a little. The guy lived for free with his "girlfriend" and her two children in sec 8 housing. You see, she has asthma and can't work. But she can have wild, passionate sex and get pregnant, then go through childbirth at least twice. Not bad for a person who can't work. Well, my son in a wheelchair and pins in his leg read this guy the riot act. He almost got fired for being "prejudiced." I listened to a guy who called in on 700/WLW one night. He was a workman's comp investigator. Funniest two minute call I've ever heard. He called in while actually having someone under surveillance, and said that he wished they were listening to the program so they would start acting injured again. He'll probably get fired for that, and the faker will get a lifetime of freebies. bb |
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