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  #1   Report Post  
Old January 27th 05, 12:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Huygens Probe (Was The Cassini Probe)

Len Anderson wrote:
In article . com,

"K4YZ" writes:

Just one of the MANY things that I DO have that you do not...CAN
NOT have. You talk big about a great many things, but do nothing

it...Except to try and make things miserable for those who DO choose

do "it".

"Do" what? Type snarly, slavering personal insults in a


"Talking BIG?" Tsk. I've already done things poor nursie hasn't.
In radio. And in electronics. For half a century.

But you've not done ANYthing in Amateur Radio except antagonize
this NG, and you've NOT done anything in a great many of the other
disciplines in which you insinuate skill and knowledge.

Tsk. FCC Commissioners and staff are not required to have
personal amateur radio licenses in order to REGULATE U.S.
amateur radio! [sunnuvagun!]

Lennie, YOU are NOT an FCC Commissioner.

Tsk. Never said I was.

Not a single FCC commissioner has to have an amateur raido license
in order to regulate U.S. amateur radio.


Kind of spoils your 'hood rant, donut?

The only "rant" ruined, Lennie, it the one wherein YOU foolishly
attempt to redirect posts when caught in a corner.

You are not an FCC commissioner. You have no experience from
which to make INFORMED opinions on matters of Amateur Radio policy.

Te Commissioners and the 600K+ licensed Amateurs do.

Discussing the FCC commissioners does not negate the fact that YOU
perport to know and have experience in thse many things, yet you
obvioulsy DON'T have the knowledge OR experience in them.

Tsk. Try "purport." Put 'purport' in your I/O port.

Try resonding like teh adult you allege to be. Responses like
that only further to substantiate my assertions about you.

Nonetheless, there's NO law that says any FCC commissioner OR
staff must have an amateur radio license in order to regulate U.S.
amateur radio.

You still have not made the linkage between the FCC commissioners
and you.

FCC commissioners have a duty to perform. You don't.

None of their "duty" involves getting an amateur radio license in
order to regulate U.S. amateur radio!


You still have not made the linkage between the FCC commissioners
and you.

You're a big mouth.

Tsk. Does that mean the honeymoon is over?

What kind of a low life would marry you, Lennie?

That's all. You know a lot of little trivial more.

Yeah...Ohm's Law to Maxwell's Equations, plus a lot of radio
and electronics theory which has been applied to design, test,
debug, and field operation of radio-electronic systems...not to
mention a better working knowledge of the English language
(particularly spelling).

Really must get your goat to munching when I've made a fairly
nice living at knowing all those "trivial" things, donut?

So far we've seen nothing that indicates YOU know these things.

The extent of your "knowledge" seems to stop at the end of your
mouse cord, Lennie.

And as for your "spelling" skills, you still manage to make a
handful of typos, and usually the same ones over and over.

You also demonstrate a LACK of skill in the English language,
especially communications issues. This is quite evident because you've
been asked the same questions by numerous posters over and over yet you
refuse to answer the questions.

Personally, I think it's because you simply don't understand the
questions. THAT stems from your being an idiot.

I have an FAA Airman's Certificate and have currency in 3 types.

Irrelevant insofar as radio is concerned.

But not irrelevant as YOUR frequent diversions into matters of
airmanship. Another discipline that you shoot your mouth off on and
have no eal EXPERIENCE in. It's so obvious that everyone EXCEPT you
sees it.

Tsk. I've never claimed "eal" experience in anything. Does that

to do with aquatic things? "Electric eals?" [shocking...]

The ONLY thing shocking in the Anderson home, I am sure.

The "r" I dropped notwithstanding, the context stands. You've
attempted to represent yourself as being knowledgeable about aerial

You are neither a licensed aviator or navigator.

Note: This newsgroup is about amateur radio policy, not


True, but that never stops you from discussing NAVAIDS, aerial
navigation, or a host of other aviation related subjects from which
your ONLY experience is a web based search engine.

You mean like radionavigation aids such as VOR, Localizer,
Glide Slope, Marker Beacons, TACAN, and DME? Worked ON
all those plus the L-Band Transponders (in both civil and military
modes). At RCA and Teledyne Electronics (division in Newbury
Park, CA). Neither corporation has a website devoted to radio-
navigation systems as far as I know.

Gosh and golly...all those radionavigation aids work on radio
frequencies! Sunnuvagun!

They sure do.

And you've tried (and failed) to "teach" us about how they are

Nor is it about the US Army in 1953, aerospace, or disaster
response, however you frequently deleve into those topics when the

strikes you.

Tsk. I've worked IN U.S. Army radio communications for three

solid back a half-century ago...main radio circuit paths on HF all
across the Pacific, Sea of Japan, and other aquatic places. Guess
that doesn't count since you didn't exist then, huh? Never did

either since the Army didn't have any "QSL Buro" and frowned on
that sort of ham activity as part of the Army Command and
Administrative Network.

Geeze, Lennie. While I was on Okinawa in 80, 81, 89 and 90,
various MARS stations on the Island received SWL requests, and I
answered every one of them.

We were using a lot LESS than the multi-kilowatt signals you
purported to using from ADA.

Wassamatta...?!?!? ADA couldn't be heard with all that


I have multiple licenses as a healthcare provider.

Irrelevant insofar as radio is concerned.

But it's 100% relevent in this forum since YOU frequently bring up
discussions on the matter. Again...just one more discipline that

run your obviously ill-prepared mouth off on.

I'll bet your licenses look real purty, suitable for framing and


Poor effort to redirect, Lennie.

Note: This newsgroup is about amateur radio policy, not health
or medicine.

Here again we have Lennie TRYING to chastise others for liberties
HE takes at will.

I haven't taken any "will" anywhere except to my safety deposit
box. Need to be an attorney or paralegal to prepare a will.

More weak redirect, Lennie?

This is the best you can do???

Sorry Lennie. It doesn't work that way. If it's OK for you, it
IS "ok" for the rest of us...ESPECIALLY those of us with the
credentials from which to make informed opinions.

Yup...Doctor Strangeglove titles hisself THE authority...

Wow......"credentials!!" [I'll bet they are all put on nice

hung on the walls for friends and neighbors to Ohhh and Ahhh

My "credentials" are in the lives I have touched and made better,

I don't need (although I DO have) plaques for the wall. The
neighbors "oooh" and ahhh" from the positive impacts I made on them and
their families.

You have none,
although you somehow insinuate "experience" by virtue of sleeping

a person with a diploma from K-Tel, Ronco, or some other such


Irrelevant insofar as radio is concerned.

Note: This newsgroup is about amateur radio policy, not

or correspondence schools nor libelous personal insults

I am "sleeping with" someone other than my wife.

I didn't say you were sleeping with anyone BUT your wife.

Are you saying this newsgroup is about "infidelity?" Strange...

I am saying it's highly unlikely that anyone with the credentials
and education you suggest your "wife" has would marry an idiot like
you...(or at least STAY married to an idiot like you...)

What I
AM saying is that YOU have made so many easily disproven lies in

forum that only the very gullible or the very very easily fooled
believe any statement by you that your wife holds any of the
credentials you claim she does.

Wow! I didn't know my Lamont Cranston Powers (learned while
in the Orient) were that good! Fooled a lot of government

in Illinois, Wisconsin, Washington, and California! For years!

Yes...You did.

I notice you left Pennsylvania off your list.

THAT is because the folks in Pennsylvania got wise to Lennie
Anderson and sent him packing. Perhaps you learned your lesson after
that, but I doubt it.

For myself, I guess I also fooled the FBI, CIA, DIA, DCAS, IRS,
and the Franchise Tax Board (of California)!

No doubt you have. And having filed income tax returns on your
"earnings" doesn't validate your claims of proficiency at your
"craft"...It only means you were smart enough to not tangle with the

You've never acknowledged that the Department of Defense
directs MARS.

Sure I have. Several times over. You keep ignoring it.

There is nothing to ignore. You have not acknowledged that
the Department of Defense directs the Military Affiliate Radio
System. You keep insisting that "amateurs are MARS."

That's NOT what I said, but we've already gone over that.

Tsk. Quote: "Sorry Hans, MARS IS amateur radio."

Does Google lie?

Again you quote one line from 100,000 and try to make THAT an

Everyone here EXCEPT you has figured it out, Lennie.

It DOES seem to be ALL you have to "work" with, Lennie.
Lame..REAL lame.

You've never acknowledged the when and where of those
"seven hostile actions."

They were and are none of your business.

In other words, those do not exist. LYING. Braggadoccio.

Not lies. None of your business.

Ah! They are "secret ops?" Sensitive information? Classified?

Nope...Just not pertinent here...besides, NOT telling you just
tickles me to death that you can't get what you want!

You've point-blank demanded that I tell you. Sorry...ain't

Tsk, tsk. I've no delusions about HF radio communications. Been
IN it, done the work, have the documentation AND personal

(all still living). Never once used morse code or had to know

code for legal radio transmissions on HF since.

And not once for the Amateur Radio Service.

"Communication" on frequencies in the HF part of the spectrum does
NOT qualify you as "experienced" in AMATEUR practices.

You've never acknowledged that the University of Illinois is
NOT a correspondence school.

The University of Illinois does have extension courses.

That may be (haven't checked their syllabi).

Of course you haven't, Lennie! We'd expect nothing more from you!
And "syllabi" is not where you ant to look. The catalog is. classify "extension courses" as "correspondence courses"
still? You think a Masters Degree is that easy to obtain? Tsk.

An "extension course" IS a "correspondence course".

A Master's degree is ANYthing but easy.

But I do not believe that anyone in your household holds one,
ESPECIALLY in any discipline of mental health or social affairs.

Nonetheless, my
wife earned TWO Masters Degrees from the University of Illinois
at Urbana, attending formal classes ("formal class" refers to

present IN class).

"In residence" means being "IN" class.

She was aided in that with formal classes at
the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

You CLAIM she has those credentials.

Yup. Documentation is in state records of Illinois and

Paperwork is in storage in the northern house (includes the
framed Degree certificates).

And we don't have Mrs. Lennie's full name with which to make the
inquiries to determine the validity of your assertions.

As for the records being in the "northern house", that's the "/T5
Logs" defense...Kinda like the Twinkie Defense, but without the

I say if she did, and she
has the experience you alledge her to have, she'd smack you upside

head and forbid you from acting this way in public.

Heeeeeee. She got a good laugh out of your comment.

She probably gets a good laugh from a bottle of Geritol, Lennie.
Needs a lot of it, being married to a well known and archived liar like
you, no doubt.

She obviously hasn't, so you were either lying about her awareness
of your conduct in this forum or you were lying about her education

experience. In either care, you WERE (are) lying.

Poor nursie...everyone who talks back to him/her is "lying."

There's no "talking back" here, Lennie.

You make unfounded allegations. You can't/won't substantiate your

You're a liar.

It really is THAT simple.

I have NEVER "derided" SINCGARS, Lennie.

Tsk. You didn't even know about it.

Sure I do and did Lennie.

They are NOT pertient to Amateur Radio.

They are your one and only claim to "operation" in taht part of
the spectrum, Lennie.

The most-produced radio system in the U.S. military, a quarter
million (approximate) sets produced and made operational since

Made operational for the Armed Forces...NOT for Amateur Radio.

And more ISR radios have been deployed to the Armed Forces in the
last three years than SINCGARS was in the previous 15. (ISR is the
federal spin-off of the Family Radio Service...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G to me that
radios which are essentially rechannelized UHF CB's are more functional
to the Armed Forces than Lennie's vaunted SINCGARS!)

I have said they are not relevent to Amateur Radio.

The AN/PRC-119 family operates in the 30 to 88 MHz frequency
range. Uses some modulation and modes not allocated to U.S.
amateurs. Nonetheless it IS a radio.

It IS a radio.

It is not AMATEUR Radio.

However YOUR "reserve" duty was NOT active reserves. You were
still under a formal obligation to return to active duty if called,
however you were not in uniform, you were not standing watches, and

CERTAINLY were not anywhere near being in harms way. (You weren't

there when you WERE on acitve duty!)

I wear a watch. Never stood on one (would break if I did).

Army doesn't "stand watches."

Sure they do.

I remember some nice ones in a PX
in a neat display case of watches, though.

Probably next to the magazine rack where you read about the REAL
soldiers, unlike yourself.

But LENNIE! YOU are the one who is constantly insisting that I
don't have any "working" knowledge of Yiddish just becasue I call

you a
(very well deserved) putz.

Shalom, goyim.

Anyone who was paying attention to why I left NURSING for a while
in 2000 understands perfectly. I bet Brian Burke can explain it to
you, Lennie.

I LEFT Atlanta to go back to Nursing. It really is THAT simple.

Of course you did. Uh huh. "Nothing else" involved, ey?


Note: This newsgroup is about amateur radio policy, not human
resources or industry employment practices.

Then why do YOU keep bringing it up, Lennie...?!?! I don't.

Tsk. Okay, you couldn't hack it as a purchasing agent in an
electronics company that "rents servers from Antec." Boo hoo.

I "couldn't hack" not being in full-time Nursing again. I needed
a break after I lost my daughter. I got it. It really is THAT simple.

You're right again! Yet YOU keep bringing up your alleged
aerospace contractors and retirement packages! NONE of which

in YOUR mind as the mood strikes) are pertinent to AMATEUR RADIO.

"Alleged?" "Retirement packages?" I've never alleged any
employment, just stated those employers I'd actually worked for.
My "Retirement package" from industry was exactly one, now
ended with a lump sum payment...the rest was my own personal

Congratulations on the planning.

Kinda a bummer you did so well on that, yet never amounted to much
as a "regular full time professional engineer", eh...??? are angry that some of us ARE retired but YOU must
keep on working! If you suffer, all must suffer! You are the

of the universe?

Why would I be "angry" about not being retired before I was 50,

So I could sit around looking for ways to be irritating and
annoying like YOU do...?!?!

So, Lennie...How did you go from making inappropriate suggestions
of where/how I became an aviator to discussing the entry of SINCGARS

military service...??? ought to digitize your Command Pilot wings and glorify
yourself as "Pilot in Command" on a website!

Still waiting Lennie...

BTW, I don't have "Command Pilot" wings. I am, however, licensed
by the federal government to BE a "pilot-in-command".

You became an AVIATOR! Wow! You need a good script to make
a movie from! [maybe Leonardo diCaprio could star in a sequel?]

STILL waiting, Lennie...

Where's the proof to substantiate YOUR claim that I supposedly said
the Armed Forces made me an Aviator?

Are you going to acknowledge your error or not?

"Acknowledge my error?"

OK... My bad...there's so MANY of them I should have specified.

Your ERROR about some claim you alledge I made that the Armed
Forces were responsible for my Airman's Certificate.

Ya think that maybe that's why I participate in an AMATEUR radio

Is it? I thought you were just venting and venting and venting to
get over your daily frustrations at not being more than you are.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....I'd ask you to cite where I said I was
frustrated at not being more than I am, however I can say that I AM
more than YOU ever were!

By the way...YOU, Mr "Radio Professional", have repeatedly
insisted that there are radio services established strictly for
"recreational" purposes, yet there's not a single bit of

evidence in ANY FCC rule or regulation. We've been waiting for

to cite the federal rule that supports your assertions.

Tsk. You can find them in Part 95, Title 47 Code of Federal

No, I cannot.

There's not a single radio service nor subpart of any service that
establishes it as being for strictly recreational purposes.

Tsk, tsk. I've mentioned that Part many times in here, in public.

Yes, You have.

Your ENTIRE existence in RRAP has been about trying to dazzle us
with your "Been There-Done That" bragging of your own.

Poor baby...still ****ed to an extreme point that anyone has done
anything better than you...


Unlike you, I can look to someone else's accomplishments, admire
them. learn from them, and express my appreciation for the deed

You cannot.

And SO far, other than having made it to your age without getting
shot or maimed by the people you've irritated, antagonized, lied to,
deceived, cheated, stole from or otherwise just ticked off, you have
not demonstrated or documented a single thing that I can consider
"worthy" of even the most minimal of respect

We've asked you to provide the name of ONE PERSON who is, this
day, involved in radio communication in ANY phase because of some
guidance you have provided.

Your "contract" in Pennsylvania was your undoing as a newsgroup

Tsk. I've never had a "contract" of any kind of employment in

That's funny...YOU insisted that you did...Gave dates, places,

It's no "personal insult". You were in Pennsylvania. You named
places and dates. I have friends who were in those places during


Ah, you have at least two friends! Amazing.

I have a lot more than that.

One of them knew you.

Doubtful. You've not identified that person. You've not

where that fictitious person worked within that "facility." You
simply fabricated a statement out of your fevered imagination.
In other, pithier words, bull****.

Ahhhhh yes...the last resort of the weak mind...Cornered, without
further recourse or options...profanity.

You were incompetent. They got rid of you. No big deal. I am
sure it was not the only time it happened...Just the only case that
could be verified.

Yet another moment where we're left wondering what ever happened
to you that made you such a vile, spiteful and empty shell of a

Lennie. are really working up a head of steam, Doctor
Strangeglove. Now get a large towel and wipe the froth from
your lips, keyboard, and uniform shirt front. That's a good


As I was saying....


By the way, as you were corrected by another, the Titan
lander probe was named "Huygens," not "Cassini." Try to
remember that some time.

I already published an acknowledgement of my error, Lennie.

You have a few of your own due, but I doubt that an adequate
amount of server space is avaiable to handle the load.

Still impressed with seeing your name twice, eh?

Steve, K4YZ

  #2   Report Post  
Old January 27th 05, 01:54 AM
Phil Kane
Posts: n/a

On 26 Jan 2005 15:56:02 -0800, K4YZ wrote: classify "extension courses" as "correspondence courses"
still? You think a Masters Degree is that easy to obtain? Tsk.

An "extension course" IS a "correspondence course".

Here's where I have to rain on your parade, Steve.

My first year of grad study at UCLA was in "UCLA extension" status
to avoid very high non-resident tuition. These classes were the
same ones that "regular" status students took. The next year I was
a California resident so I could register for "regular" classes. When
I had completed all my course work ("matriculation" status) I could
petition for conversion of "extension" credits to "regular" credits.

Another type of "extension" courses were those taught off-campus,
either at another institution's or at some company's campus.

AFAIK UCLA never had correspondence courses. I wish that they had.
I was enrolled in my last required course when I had to leave the
area because of job transfer.

I don't know whether they still have that "extension" system.

73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane

  #3   Report Post  
Old January 27th 05, 08:36 AM
Posts: n/a

Phil Kane wrote:
On 26 Jan 2005 15:56:02 -0800, K4YZ wrote: classify "extension courses" as "correspondence

still? You think a Masters Degree is that easy to obtain?


An "extension course" IS a "correspondence course".

Here's where I have to rain on your parade, Steve.

My first year of grad study at UCLA was in "UCLA extension" status
to avoid very high non-resident tuition. These classes were the
same ones that "regular" status students took. The next year I was
a California resident so I could register for "regular" classes.

I had completed all my course work ("matriculation" status) I could
petition for conversion of "extension" credits to "regular"


Another type of "extension" courses were those taught off-campus,
either at another institution's or at some company's campus.

AFAIK UCLA never had correspondence courses. I wish that they had.
I was enrolled in my last required course when I had to leave the
area because of job transfer.

I don't know whether they still have that "extension" system.

Phil, where did you think you were raining on anything?

Where were we discussing UCLA?
What is the price of tea in China?


Steve, K4YZ

  #4   Report Post  
Old January 29th 05, 01:52 AM
Phil Kane
Posts: n/a

On 26 Jan 2005 23:36:09 -0800, K4YZ wrote:

Here's where I have to rain on your parade, Steve.

Phil, where did you think you were raining on anything?

Where were we discussing UCLA?

You were discussing "extension" courses as "correspondence"
courses. You wrote:

An "extension course" IS a "correspondence course".

My discourse on UCLA showed that "extension courses" were NOT
necessarily "correspondence courses" and in fact UCLA (the
mega-university with which I am most familiar) never even had
correspondence courses although it had a vast array of extension

What is the price of tea in China?

Never been there although I am a regular tea drinker....

73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane

  #5   Report Post  
Old January 29th 05, 03:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Phil Kane wrote:
On 26 Jan 2005 23:36:09 -0800, K4YZ wrote:

Here's where I have to rain on your parade, Steve.

Phil, where did you think you were raining on anything?

Where were we discussing UCLA?

You were discussing "extension" courses as "correspondence"
courses. You wrote:

An "extension course" IS a "correspondence course".

My discourse on UCLA showed that "extension courses" were NOT
necessarily "correspondence courses" and in fact UCLA (the
mega-university with which I am most familiar) never even had
correspondence courses although it had a vast array of extension

And I can show where there are intersections in the United States
where it's OK to make a left turn on red. Does that mean EVERY
intersection facilitates a left turn on red? (Yes...I said left...not

What is the price of tea in China?

Never been there although I am a regular tea drinker....

Iced tea for me, although a hot cup occassionally breaks up the
coffee routine!


Steve, K4YZ

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