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Mike Coslo January 30th 05 04:48 PM

Len's terms of endearment list
In another post, I went back through a few weeks messages to find the
cute little nicknames that LenOver21 makes up for people. I was pretty
impressed with the volume, but I know I didn't get them all. I came up
with 21 nicknames.

In the interest of not leaving anyone out who may have received one of
his monikers, let's add to the list he

Nun of the Above
Rev. Jim
Gunnery Nurse
Robust Oberst
Avenging Angle
Poop Dave
Some kind of Humorless Ham full of Angries
the paragon of Truth and Virtue, he say
Herr Kommandant
James Psychochief Miccolis
Kommandant uf das Neugruppen Waffe
Herr Gruppekommandant
Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer
das gruppenfuhrer
da Katapult King
La Cucaracha
Herr Gasbag
hockey puck
fifth wheel on the four morsemen of the apocalypse

- Mike KB3EIA -

bb January 31st 05 02:12 AM

Mike Coslo wrote:
In another post, I went back through a few weeks messages to find the

cute little nicknames that LenOver21 makes up for people. I was

impressed with the volume, but I know I didn't get them all. I came

with 21 nicknames.

In the interest of not leaving anyone out who may have received one

his monikers, let's add to the list he

Nun of the Above
Rev. Jim
Gunnery Nurse
Robust Oberst
Avenging Angle
Poop Dave
Some kind of Humorless Ham full of Angries
the paragon of Truth and Virtue, he say
Herr Kommandant
James Psychochief Miccolis
Kommandant uf das Neugruppen Waffe
Herr Gruppekommandant
Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer
das gruppenfuhrer
da Katapult King
La Cucaracha
Herr Gasbag
hockey puck
fifth wheel on the four morsemen of the apocalypse

- Mike KB3EIA -

Mike, "Avenging Angel" is mine. bb

Mike Coslo January 31st 05 02:56 AM

bb wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

In another post, I went back through a few weeks messages to find the

cute little nicknames that LenOver21 makes up for people. I was


impressed with the volume, but I know I didn't get them all. I came


with 21 nicknames.

In the interest of not leaving anyone out who may have received one


his monikers, let's add to the list he

Nun of the Above
Rev. Jim
Gunnery Nurse
Robust Oberst

Strike for inaccurate attribute
Avenging Angle

back to list

Poop Dave
Some kind of Humorless Ham full of Angries
the paragon of Truth and Virtue, he say
Herr Kommandant
James Psychochief Miccolis
Kommandant uf das Neugruppen Waffe
Herr Gruppekommandant
Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer
das gruppenfuhrer
da Katapult King
La Cucaracha
Herr Gasbag
hockey puck
fifth wheel on the four morsemen of the apocalypse

- Mike KB3EIA -

Mike, "Avenging Angel" is mine. bb

Oops, sorry about that Brian. I suspect there will be a few missed
attributes in the list.

K4YZ January 31st 05 07:19 AM

Mike Coslo wrote:
bb wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

In another post, I went back through a few weeks messages to find


cute little nicknames that LenOver21 makes up for people. I was


impressed with the volume, but I know I didn't get them all. I came


with 21 nicknames.

In the interest of not leaving anyone out who may have received one


his monikers, let's add to the list he

Nun of the Above
Rev. Jim
Gunnery Nurse
Robust Oberst

Strike for inaccurate attribute
Avenging Angle

back to list

Poop Dave
Some kind of Humorless Ham full of Angries
the paragon of Truth and Virtue, he say
Herr Kommandant
James Psychochief Miccolis
Kommandant uf das Neugruppen Waffe
Herr Gruppekommandant
Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer
das gruppenfuhrer
da Katapult King
La Cucaracha
Herr Gasbag
hockey puck
fifth wheel on the four morsemen of the apocalypse

- Mike KB3EIA -

Mike, "Avenging Angel" is mine. bb

Oops, sorry about that Brian. I suspect there will be a few missed
attributes in the list.

Actually, Mike, you were correct...So was Brian...Brian uses the
"Avenging Angel", however Lennie twists an already dumb idea into the
more dumberest "Angle".

And you forgot "Brownshirts", "Elitists", "Dr Strangelove" and

Oh...and let's not forget "Coslonaut".

If Lennie were to spend as much time on Amateur Radio as he does
dissing Radio Amateurs, he'd get the recognition he THINKS he deserves
now...But, we all know THAT won't happen...!


Steve, K4YZ

bb January 31st 05 12:22 PM

K4YZ wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:
bb wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

In another post, I went back through a few weeks messages to find


cute little nicknames that LenOver21 makes up for people. I was


impressed with the volume, but I know I didn't get them all. I



with 21 nicknames.

In the interest of not leaving anyone out who may have received



his monikers, let's add to the list he

Nun of the Above
Rev. Jim
Gunnery Nurse
Robust Oberst

Strike for inaccurate attribute
Avenging Angle

back to list

Poop Dave
Some kind of Humorless Ham full of Angries
the paragon of Truth and Virtue, he say
Herr Kommandant
James Psychochief Miccolis
Kommandant uf das Neugruppen Waffe
Herr Gruppekommandant
Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer
das gruppenfuhrer
da Katapult King
La Cucaracha
Herr Gasbag
hockey puck
fifth wheel on the four morsemen of the apocalypse

- Mike KB3EIA -

Mike, "Avenging Angel" is mine. bb

Oops, sorry about that Brian. I suspect there will be a few missed
attributes in the list.

Actually, Mike, you were correct...So was Brian...Brian uses the
"Avenging Angel", however Lennie twists an already dumb idea into the
more dumberest "Angle".

Oh, I missed that. Looks like he he's added a new twist and made it
his own. Probably patentable. Awesome.

K4YZ January 31st 05 04:39 PM

bb wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Actually, Mike, you were correct...So was Brian...Brian uses the
"Avenging Angel", however Lennie twists an already dumb idea into

more dumberest "Angle".

Oh, I missed that. Looks like he he's added a new twist and made it
his own. Probably patentable. Awesome.

Brian, I know that for what ever reason...maybe it's just to root
for the underdog, you've "sided" with Lennie.

But myself and a dozen other people have been TRYING to tell you
that Lennie is all-about making OTHER people's work HIS own...That's
partly why Lennie was disinvited from working in Pennsylvania, and
partly why you won't find his name as "author" in any professional
journals...At least not since 1980.

Lennie can rant and rave about "PCTA Extras" or "Mighty Morsemen"
all he wants, but his circumstances are his OWN doing, and part of that
"doing" was trying to get by on the works of others.
And that now includes you.


Steve, K4YZ

Len Anderson January 31st 05 07:29 PM

In article .com, "bb"

Oops, sorry about that Brian. I suspect there will be a few missed
attributes in the list.

Actually, Mike, you were correct...So was Brian...Brian uses the
"Avenging Angel", however Lennie twists an already dumb idea into the
more dumberest "Angle".

Oh, I missed that. Looks like he he's added a new twist and made it
his own. Probably patentable. Awesome.

Brian, those tongue-in-cheek satiric appelations were justly earned
by all parties. :-)

Actually, "Avenging Angle" applies to nearly all PCTA extras. All
are self-righeously Right even if they aren't in a triangle of being
oh-so-superior to NCTAs. All who don't worship at the Church of
St. Hiram are, to them, heretics and infidels, unworthy of surviving
on the same planet as the PCTA. They are all Right Angles but
perpendicular to the plane of existance of reality of today.

Much earlier in here I'd made mention of one Elfren Saldivar (hope
name is correct), the "Angle of Death" at Glendale Memorial
Hospital in this area. He was a nurse who offed a bunch of
elderly patients "to ease their suffering." Lots of them. Registered
nurse with certificates and everything... Sound familiar? :-)

So...we've got the "forever marine" spending the weekend shouting
epithets using pejoratives not in his ethnic experience, always
being the "avenger" for the "service." We've got the prissy never-
served busy acting like Nun of the Above, rapping the knuckles of
any who don't agree with him (or her). We've got the "forever ham"
of four decades hamming it up into great "superiority" but who
never learned a thing about diplomacy in the State Department
"foreign service." We've got the "university lecturer" who survives
the terrible storms that regularly destroy everything in Hawaii
except the ham rigs and assists other hams in regards to USPS
addresses. We have the coslonaut who wanted hearty
congratulations for a feat he hasn't yet begun but was upset when
he didn't get it. A nice jolly group of down-lookers in their own
PCTA "blog" happily giving each other high-fives for being so
intrinisically superior to all others. The major "superiority" attribute
is cussing out "civilians" not possessing the right ham hobby
papers to show to their raddio kopp schutzstaffel.

They can flog each other in this blog for all I care. [some do]
All their little names are familiar to all who look into this blog.
[it long since dropped out as a discussion place, became a chat
room reserved for their highnesses, a group blog] They've
worked hard at earning all those names and should be proud of
them. :-)

Godwin's observation as the catalyst of their being compared to
the national socialist party of 1930s Germany applies in the truest
form. They gas back and forth so much in the group blog that
they need their own chambers. [again deserved by them]

As to amateur radio policy, only the newsgroup name has any
relevation to "ham radio." They ham it up, not on radio, not on
any "airwaves," only on computers, saved from direct physical
harm through time and distance by insulting all who don't agree
with them. Hear them roar! :-)

- 30 -

Mike Coslo February 1st 05 02:51 AM

K4YZ wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

bb wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

In another post, I went back through a few weeks messages to find


cute little nicknames that LenOver21 makes up for people. I was


impressed with the volume, but I know I didn't get them all. I came


with 21 nicknames.

In the interest of not leaving anyone out who may have received one


his monikers, let's add to the list he

Nun of the Above
Rev. Jim
Gunnery Nurse
Robust Oberst

Strike for inaccurate attribute

Avenging Angle

back to list

Poop Dave
Some kind of Humorless Ham full of Angries
the paragon of Truth and Virtue, he say
Herr Kommandant
James Psychochief Miccolis
Kommandant uf das Neugruppen Waffe
Herr Gruppekommandant
Mr. Petty Chief Ossifer
das gruppenfuhrer
da Katapult King
La Cucaracha
Herr Gasbag
hockey puck
fifth wheel on the four morsemen of the apocalypse

- Mike KB3EIA -

Mike, "Avenging Angel" is mine. bb

Oops, sorry about that Brian. I suspect there will be a few missed
attributes in the list.

Actually, Mike, you were correct...So was Brian...Brian uses the
"Avenging Angel", however Lennie twists an already dumb idea into the
more dumberest "Angle".

And you forgot "Brownshirts", "Elitists", "Dr Strangelove" and

Oh...and let's not forget "Coslonaut".

If Lennie were to spend as much time on Amateur Radio as he does
dissing Radio Amateurs, he'd get the recognition he THINKS he deserves
now...But, we all know THAT won't happen...!

Doesn't appear to like too many Hams, does he?

- Mikie KB3EIA -

K4YZ February 1st 05 08:43 AM

Len Anderson wrote:

Brian, those tongue-in-cheek satiric appelations were justly

by all parties.

No one in this group "earned" being insulted by a pathological liar
like you, Lennie.

Rest of self-appreciating anti-Amateur Radio hatred snipped.

- 30 -

Cute, Lennie, but it still doesn't amke you an "author".


K4YZ February 1st 05 09:02 AM

Mike Coslo wrote:

If Lennie were to spend as much time on Amateur Radio as he does
dissing Radio Amateurs, he'd get the recognition he THINKS he

now...But, we all know THAT won't happen...!

Doesn't appear to like too many Hams, does he?

If you'll check out his latest rant in this thread, you'll see
that Lennie doesn't like much of anyone.

He has something ugly to say about each of us... He comes into an
Amateur Radio forum, is ugly to and dishonest in his representations of
Amateurs, then wonders why no one wants to be his pal.

Steve, K4YZ

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