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From: "bb"
Date: 20 Feb 2005 18:56:15 -0800 Local: Sun, Feb 20 2005 6:56 pm Subject: Len's terms of endearments list wrote: K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: K4YZ wrote: I warned you where this would go if you continued with your course of action a couple days ago. That he has deviated from civil comportment is obvious, though, and his "go" has the consistency of libelous filth. :-) He is a broken man. Blames the world. Singles out a couple of people. Poor guy must think we are responsible for his condition. Tsk, tsk. :-) He's so far up denial that he must get out of the water and do portage. Brian, there should be no apologies necessary. Certainly not by you. Steven James had previously said you were a "pedophile" because of leading some boy scouts. I hold myself to a higher standard. I do not recall calling Steve "Nursie" but if I have, then I am sorry for that. But it truly is a stretch to compare being called "Nursie" with having been called a homosexual and a pedophile. Nor have I suggested that anyone on this group be visited by thugs who "throw rocks through windows, slask tires, and terrorize people's wives." Steve is truly dispicable. I don't have to live with that kind of public behavio[u]r. He does. My conscience is clean. Well, two more things are operative there. Firstly, he may not be aware of the differences in his vile name-calling...it seems to all the same with him...he probably doesn't realize it. Secondly, he could be sociopathic and simply doesn't care about what he says in here...it vents his rages and so he feels better. The second syndrome is the worst of the two for everyone else. Either way, he presents an undesireable image of U.S. amateur radio to everyone else. Steven James has called you "liar" so many times that all those added up wouldn't require you to apologize to him. The other way around. At least in other venues. I can't keep count. Honestly. Suffice it to say that he will forever be known as the "Ham that cried 'Liar, liar, pants on fiar'" or wolf or something like that. Well, he does have a lack of social interaction skills. :-) Common civil courtesy may not exist in this newsgroup. The PCTA Double Standard is operative here. I don't believe much courtesy exists here. Funny because it is sticky sweet on the air, and all these fb gentlemen claim to be hams. Some of the newsgroup correspondents just haven't learned to handle themselves in newsgroups or public boards or whatever. Some of them feel immune to criticsm becasue no one can reach out through time and space to physically harm them, so they toss civility out the window. That's fairly common on all computer-modem venues. Brian, poor Steven James can't focus. When he does, it is only inwards to his own imagination. Tsk, tsk. If he looks inside he must truly hate himself. Or, he may see things that aren't there! :-) Many of the PCTA do make frequent references to the male anatomy. It would be no stretch at all that they have visions of men in the bath tub. Well, perhaps that turns them on? :-) Steve has visions. Might be a medication issue? Maybe he tokes peyote? :-) No embellishment. I operated from Somalia. Steven James has worked that up from your casual mention to some full-fledged imaginary "claim of your own greatness." That's another sickness syndrome in evidence. His, not yours, Brian. :-) He did admit jealousy of the locations that I've operated from. I can see that turning into rage. He typically goes into outrage at anyone having experiences he doesn't have. Envy cubed. He can't stand it! Guys like him are always keeping score, and in this case, I can guess that he thinks he just doesn't measure up. What makes him even more furious is that I just don't care. I don't think he understands that. He gets all tangled up between people, what they said, etc., then says they were "showing off" when a simple casual mention of personal experience was stated. An example is my mention of doing real HF communications in the Army a half century ago in regards to the Army (and other branches) NOT using "CW" in long-haul message traffic. The Lost Action Hero morphed that mention into some kind of "bragging" of mine...not understanding that I actually did what I said and can prove it with personal references. :-) He isn't reading these postings with rose-colored glasses. His eyes are red with rage and cannot discern what was written. :-) He just can't come to terms with some of us have more experiences and/or more unique experiences than he had. That makes him defensive. In defense he tries a misdirection attack, trying to shift a thread direction...or he fabricates things which he never did. Attack, attack, attack. Tora, tora, tora. But it's no surprise. No December 7. It's everyday. It's his notable posting manner. Uncivil but characteristic. Steven James cannot possibly admit at this time that he made a small brag phrase in a somewhat long-ago message. It is a brag and not a truth since he cannot reveal the When or Where of any of those "actions." The best he could do is say it is some kind of "classified" operation or of some "sensitive" nature that cannot be revealed publicly. :-) That's the usual MO for military fakers. Surprised he hasn't claimed to be a Navy Seal, a sniper, or Medal of Honor winner, though he does trot out a box of medals that he didn't earn. Perhaps one of his personalities actually did the things you mention! Although not for real...the action must be hot and heavy in Stevieworld. :-) Further lying about those "seven hostile actions" will do no good since U.S. military history is rather an open book with all service branches having access to the Internet and with agencies supplying public information in archives open to all. On the other hand, denial of original wrong-doing on his part will cause him to lose self-esteem (what Japanese refer to as "face" to the public). Never mind that others see the deception of brag claims, he must continue to support his own self-esteem. His fantasyworld beliefs demand it. Instead of accepting "loss of face," he commits "tora, tora, tora." Mas misdirection. Si. :-) Another technique I would call "remote transference." Steven James doesn't like to be humiliated (in any way) and thinks that all who don't believe him should themselves be humiliated. A better tactic would be to keep his mouth shut. You know that, I know that, nearly everyone else who reads all these moronic mumblings of the Lost Action Hero know it. Poor Stevie can't bear to admit wrongdoing. Loss of face thing to admit weakness of any kind. He wants to transfer his own feelings of inferiority to others and make them "suffer" as he apparently does. He does suffer. It's no longer an excuse for his behavio[u]r, if it ever was. Makes no never mind on his side of the screen. He is alone with the monitor and feels invulnerable...no one can touch him! So, he goes ballistic with all the libelous filth he can type as a "response" to someone with an opinion opposite to his. He HATES some folks. Really HATES them. Tsk. Therefore, he states that others "humiliate themselves." That's not true and others as well as non-posting readers can see that. Steven James cannot. Because he believes his own lies. Then he has a worse personal problem, the inability to understand that reality is NOT that of his fantasy Stevieworld. The outpouring of libelous filth against all who disagree with him will continue until he receives some helpful mental therapy. Until then, this newsgroup will continue as an outlet for his personal frustrations and continue to lose relevance as a forum for discussion about subjects, not the personalities of individuals.. My guess is bi-polar. Hmmm...I don't think we can talk "bi" anything. Coslonaut says that on-off keying CW doesn't have just two states, but many many of them. Therefore it isn't "binary." With his multiple personalities, the Lost Action Hero could be classified as "MULTI-polar!" :-) Just the same, the Lost Action Hero is an example of modern U.S. amateur radio extra class licensee. If the general public bothers to look in here, they would think extras are fruitcake. |
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![]() bb wrote: wrote: K4YZ wrote: That he has deviated from civil comportment is obvious, though, and his "go" has the consistency of libelous filth. :-) He is a broken man. Blames the world. Singles out a couple of people. Oh No, Brian...I didn't "single out" anyone. The two of you STAND out like the only two white guys in the audience of the Apollo. Many of the PCTA do make frequent references to the male anatomy. It would be no stretch at all that they have visions of men in the bath tub. Then you had better redirect some of that "references to the male anatomy" to Lennie, Brian. Anytime anyone uses the word "we" when pointing out that he is in a very, VERY small minority, he accuses them of "shaking your "we-we in public". Steven James has worked that up from your casual mention to some full-fledged imaginary "claim of your own greatness." That's another sickness syndrome in evidence. His, not yours, Brian. :-) He did admit jealousy of the locations that I've operated from. I can see that turning into rage. Oh no, Brian...I NEVER said ANYthing about "jealousy"...Not by a long stretch. Steven James has not operated anything from Somalia. It makes him angry that others have done things he hasn't done. He seems to think that everyone else is in some "contest" as to who has done more, accomplished more, a sort of "men's locker-room brag session" when few in here (other than himself) engage in that. Guys like him are always keeping score, and in this case, I can guess that he thinks he just doesn't measure up. What makes him even more furious is that I just don't care. Sure you do...or you wouldn't be constantly trying to insist that what you did was legal or proper. Then we can go on to your "experiences" in "emergency comms" and how unlicensed devices play a "major role". Are military comms licensed? Steven James should know they are not licensed in the civilian sense of things. However, lacking his definitive claims of actually doing military communications (other than normal small-unit HT use), he cannot claim any sort of experience of direct assignment to communications. Again he keeps score, and sees that he just doesn't measure up. It's not about me, Brian. So far, it's you and Lennie who are (still) short of the mark. Lennie has absolutely NO experience in ANY form of emergency communications (save for cellphones and CB Channel 9). Your's is a bit more plausible, but I doubt it. Another technique I would call "remote transference." Steven James doesn't like to be humiliated (in any way) and thinks that all who don't believe him should themselves be humiliated. A better tactic would be to keep his mouth shut. I am sure you'd rather I stopped rubbing your collective noses in your NG droppings...but the PROBLEM is that you keep dropping it! Sorry! Better on your nose than my shoes! Therefore, he states that others "humiliate themselves." That's not true and others as well as non-posting readers can see that. Steven James cannot. Because he believes his own lies. What lies? The two of you ARE humiliations...Lennie to porfessional engineers and US Army veterans, Brian to former USAF and Amateur Radio types. Just stop lying. No amount of re-direct (ie: the post I am responding to today) will hide what the two of you have perpetrated. The outpouring of libelous filth against all who disagree with him will continue until he receives some helpful mental therapy. Until then, this newsgroup will continue as an outlet for his personal frustrations and continue to lose relevance as a forum for discussion about subjects, not the personalities of individuals.. My guess is bi-polar. So far, the "personalities" of TWO of the "individuals" are chronic liars who have no self respect or dignity. They would be Leonard H. "Lennie" Anderson and Brian P "The Brain" Burke. And a "guess" would be your best offering, Brian...Your lack of knowledge and skill as a "DXer" is only exceeded by your lack of knowledge and skill in the healthcare profession. Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() bb wrote: wrote: K4YZ wrote: bb wrote: K4YZ wrote: I warned you where this would go if you continued with your course of action a couple days ago. Yup. You're back to your natural form, calling people names, calling people liars. Brian, think of it as "consistency." He hasn't deviated from that. That he has deviated from civil comportment is obvious, though, and his "go" has the consistency of libelous filth. :-) He is a broken man. Not a broken bone here. Blames the world. For what? Where? Please cite the post wherein you think I did this, otherwise you've just added yet one more mistruth to the heap, Brian. Singles out a couple of people. Oh no, Brian...I didn't single out ANYone! You two stand out! Common civil courtesy may not exist in this newsgroup. The PCTA Double Standard is operative here. I don't believe much courtesy exists here. Funny because it is sticky sweet on the air, and all these fb gentlemen claim to be hams. No...I claim to be a Radio Amateur. In a previous posting, instead of the salutory "beep, beep" I've sometimes written (to annoy the morsemen), I wrote "toot, toot." :-) Steven James then takes a simple onomatopoetic word pair and manufactures a cute little fantasy involving a bathtup and little toy tugboat, claiming first that I do such things (I do not)...and now yourself. He is losing his grip on the reality. Fantasy is more preferable to him? Many of the PCTA do make frequent references to the male anatomy. As does Lennie H, Brain. "...PCTA shaking thier "we-we" in public...." It would be no stretch at all that they have visions of men in the bath tub. Not men, Brain. You. There's a difference. Men tell the truth, acknowledge their errors and have no reason to make up stories to impress anyone. So that leaves you pretty much out. Steven James has worked that up from your casual mention to some full-fledged imaginary "claim of your own greatness." That's another sickness syndrome in evidence. His, not yours, Brian. :-) He did admit jealousy of the locations that I've operated from. I can see that turning into rage. Jealous...?!?! Where did I EVER say I was JEALOUS of ANYthing you ever alleged to do, Brain...?!?! BBWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Steven James has not operated anything from Somalia. It makes him angry that others have done things he hasn't done. He seems to think that everyone else is in some "contest" as to who has done more, accomplished more, a sort of "men's locker-room brag session" when few in here (other than himself) engage in that. Guys like him are always keeping score, and in this case, I can guess that he thinks he just doesn't measure up. What makes him even more furious is that I just don't care. Sure you care, Brain. I keep rubbing your nose in your blatant lies and make you face up to your lies. That's GOT to hurt. Now...if you'd STOP lying, I'd have less to do and you'd feel a lot better about yourself on several different levels. Again he keeps score, and sees that he just doesn't measure up. Are you on Lennie's "messaging points", program, Brain? I'm sure not. That's the usual MO for military fakers. Surprised he hasn't claimed to be a Navy Seal, a sniper, or Medal of Honor winner, though he does trot out a box of medals that he didn't earn. There's an other difference between you and I, Brain.... I admit the "medals in the box" are just that...unearned trophies. You try to claim your "medals" (operation in Somalia, "emergency comms" experience) are valid. That's why I have no reservation about calling you a liar in a public forum. Because you ARE a liar. Me? I just collect memorabillia and know the difference between them. Another technique I would call "remote transference." Steven James doesn't like to be humiliated (in any way) and thinks that all who don't believe him should themselves be humiliated. A better tactic would be to keep his mouth shut. Why? You only want me to "keep (my) mouth shut" because i frequently rub your nose in YOUR newsgroup droppings. If you'd stop lying, I'd have nothing to rub your nose in. The outpouring of libelous filth against all who disagree with him will continue until he receives some helpful mental therapy. Until then, this newsgroup will continue as an outlet for his personal frustrations and continue to lose relevance as a forum for discussion about subjects, not the personalities of individuals.. What "personalities of individuals" are you refering to, Lennie? Yours? Brain's? You're both archived liars and deceivers. If there's any "frustration", I am sure it's yours from having your nose rubbed in your misconducts. Your problem. My guess is bi-polar. And a "guess" would be all you'd be able to offer, Brain. Your "knowledge and experience" in healthcare is even less than your "knowledge and experience" as a "DXer". Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() wrote: From: "bb" been called a homosexual and a pedophile. Nor have I suggested that anyone on this group be visited by thugs who "throw rocks through windows, slask tires, and terrorize people's wives." Steve is truly dispicable. I don't have to live with that kind of public behavio[u]r. He does. My conscience is clean. Brain, if your "conscience is clean", you truly have low standards for yourself and your ethics. Well, two more things are operative there. Firstly, he may not be aware of the differences in his vile name-calling...it seems to all the same with him...he probably doesn't realize it. Secondly, he could be sociopathic and simply doesn't care about what he says in here...it vents his rages and so he feels better. The second syndrome is the worst of the two for everyone else. Actually, Lennie, the "sociopathic" here would be the guy who keeps posting in a forum in which he has no vested interest or risk. Either way, he presents an undesireable image of U.S. amateur radio to everyone else. To whom? You? Steven James has called you "liar" so many times that all those added up wouldn't require you to apologize to him. The other way around. At least in other venues. I can't keep count. Honestly. Suffice it to say that he will forever be known as the "Ham that cried 'Liar, liar, pants on fiar'" or wolf or something like that. Well, he does have a lack of social interaction skills. As opposed to YOUR "social interaction skills", Lennie? You're a liar. It's been proven. It's been archived. No matter He typically goes into outrage at anyone having experiences he doesn't have. Envy cubed. He can't stand it! I'd ask you to provide a quote that substantiates that, but you're so far behind that it would be useless. Guys like him are always keeping score, and in this case, I can guess that he thinks he just doesn't measure up. What makes him even more furious is that I just don't care. I don't think he understands that. He gets all tangled up between people, what they said, etc., then says they were "showing off" when a simple casual mention of personal experience was stated. An example is my mention of doing real HF communications in the Army a half century ago in regards to the Army (and other branches) NOT using "CW" in long-haul message traffic. The Lost Action Hero morphed that mention into some kind of "bragging" of mine...not understanding that I actually did what I said and can prove it with personal references. Oh, I NEVER said you were "showing off" over your alleged Army service, Lennie. What I HAVE said is that the MOS's that YOU have provided support my contention that you have NO "operating" experience, Army or otherwise. Oh, you may have "keyed up" a transmitter for testing purposes, but you were never an "operator" in any stretch of the imagination. You were a radio mechanic. Period. He isn't reading these postings with rose-colored glasses. His eyes are red with rage and cannot discern what was written. I read them just fine, Lennie. You've made numerous claims that your own subsequent posts undermined, including your claim of passing 1.2 million messages... He just can't come to terms with some of us have more experiences and/or more unique experiences than he had. That makes him defensive. In defense he tries a misdirection attack, trying to shift a thread direction...or he fabricates things which he never did. And I have experiences that YOU don't have, Lennie...Like a LIFELONG background in HF radio communications. And emergency communications. And health and welfare communications. And contesting communications. And aeronautical communications. It's his notable posting manner. Uncivil but characteristic. Coming from you, I take that as a compliment. You are, afterall, the King of Uncivil Newsgroup Posting. Another technique I would call "remote transference." Steven James doesn't like to be humiliated (in any way) and thinks that all who don't believe him should themselves be humiliated. A better tactic would be to keep his mouth shut. You know that, I know that, nearly everyone else who reads all these moronic mumblings of the Lost Action Hero know it. Poor Stevie can't bear to admit wrongdoing. Loss of face thing to admit weakness of any kind. When I make mistakes, Lennie, I acknowledge them and take responsibility for them. Still waiting on YOUR acknowldgement of your errors on Part 97 and your misrepresentations of dishonesty of the ARRL. He does suffer. It's no longer an excuse for his behavio[u]r, if it ever was. Makes no never mind on his side of the screen. He is alone with the monitor and feels invulnerable...no one can touch him! So, he goes ballistic with all the libelous filth he can type as a "response" to someone with an opinion opposite to his. He HATES some folks. Really HATES them. Tsk. If there is any "invunerability", Lennie, it comes from knowing that if you wanted to try and persue some legal recourse to try and stop it, that I'd simply bring copies of your postings to court with me. "It's not libelous if it's true" Just the same, the Lost Action Hero is an example of modern U.S. amateur radio extra class licensee. If the general public bothers to look in here, they would think extras are fruitcake. And perhaps they'd read a bit further and ask themselves why an octogenarian with no vested interest in the Newsgroup he frequents insists on reproving his dishonesty and deceitfulness. I certainly do. Steve, K4YZ |
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