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  #152   Report Post  
Old March 7th 05, 03:47 PM
Posts: n/a

Dee Flint wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message


As the future would pan out, we have lost numbers, and a lot of

them the
Non-coded types.

As a ship that is almost stopped proves, turning the rudder does

nothing, or when the interest rate goes very low, adjusting it does

nothing, eliminating the 5WPM Morse code will have no positive

effect on
the numbers of new hams, and the most likely effect will be that

with the
lesser effort, more and more will get into the hobby with only

interest, and then drop out. That is not what we need.

Hey, do I get a prize for that freakin' long sentence?

- Mike KB3EIA -

How does it stack up against some of Edgar Allan Poe's sentences? I

know he
wrote some doozies when it came to length.

I think you'll find that James Joyce holds all the long-sentence

And that Sweet Lenny holds all the records for irrelevant sentences.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE


  #153   Report Post  
Old March 7th 05, 05:28 PM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Michael Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

K4YZ wrote:


Perhaps Coslo might make it 4. Coslonaut wants so much
to be an olde-tymer he'll even refer to himself as an "extra
lite" to show his sycophantsies (e.g. synchronous fantasies).

I didn't notice that in the original post.

What a very, very odd thing to type..........

It is the latest in a very long string of very odd things which Leonard
has typed.

One of the first times I have been accused of trying to impress others.
Go figure. Mostly I just irritate others.

Mike, Mike, Mike. You have a callsign. You're guilty of trying to
impress Len.

Heck, I've had it all wrong, Dave. I thouhgt having a callsign
*offended* him!

Maybe he's right and I am a little dull...

Trying to impress him offends him. That would, in Len-speak, make you

Next thing you know, Len'll be picturing you in an invisible Waffen SS
uniform and his thoughts will drift to having you punish him. It gets
really strange *after* that.

Dave K8MN
  #154   Report Post  
Old March 8th 05, 02:06 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
Michael Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

K4YZ wrote:


Perhaps Coslo might make it 4. Coslonaut wants so much
to be an olde-tymer he'll even refer to himself as an "extra
lite" to show his sycophantsies (e.g. synchronous fantasies).

I didn't notice that in the original post.

What a very, very odd thing to type..........

It is the latest in a very long string of very odd things which Leonard
has typed.

One of the first times I have been accused of trying to impress others.
Go figure. Mostly I just irritate others.

Mike, Mike, Mike. You have a callsign. You're guilty of trying to
impress Len.

Heck, I've had it all wrong, Dave. I thouhgt having a callsign
*offended* him!

Maybe he's right and I am a little dull...

Trying to impress him offends him. That would, in Len-speak, make you

Next thing you know, Len'll be picturing you in an invisible Waffen SS
uniform and his thoughts will drift to having you punish him. It gets
really strange *after* that.

Do I at least get to wear regular underwear? I hope....

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #155   Report Post  
Old March 8th 05, 04:49 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Mike Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:
Michael Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

K4YZ wrote:


Perhaps Coslo might make it 4. Coslonaut wants so much
to be an olde-tymer he'll even refer to himself as an "extra
lite" to show his sycophantsies (e.g. synchronous fantasies).

I didn't notice that in the original post.

What a very, very odd thing to type..........

It is the latest in a very long string of very odd things which Leonard
has typed.

One of the first times I have been accused of trying to impress others.
Go figure. Mostly I just irritate others.

Mike, Mike, Mike. You have a callsign. You're guilty of trying to
impress Len.

Heck, I've had it all wrong, Dave. I thouhgt having a callsign
*offended* him!

Maybe he's right and I am a little dull...

Trying to impress him offends him. That would, in Len-speak, make you

Next thing you know, Len'll be picturing you in an invisible Waffen SS
uniform and his thoughts will drift to having you punish him. It gets
really strange *after* that.

Do I at least get to wear regular underwear? I hope....

I dunno, Mike. It's Len's fantasy.

Dave K8MN

  #156   Report Post  
Old March 8th 05, 04:21 PM
Posts: n/a

Alun L. Palmer wrote:
wrote in news:1108745797.245365.147250

Alun L. Palmer wrote:
wrote in news:1108665611.010471.49400
But emulating Sweden is OK huh?



Sure, why not?

BINGO: There it is. Old Europe. Sez it all.

Not in your lifetime Alun.



We have very different political views.


I don't know how you would classify
yourself, but by European standards you are very far to the right


I'm a centrist Republican a la Sen. Arlen Specter, a member of a
disapperaing breed.

Sadly disappearing!

Ted Kennedy is a right-winger by Old Europe


Welcome to America.

as by no stretch is Sweden a socialist country.

Blather. It's a country which uses it's outrageous taxes on it's

monster "capitalist" smokestack industries to hand out socialist
entitlements to it's population on a scale unheard of in any other
country. Entitlments being the heart of socialism in all it's

Sven the fender-hanger at the SAAB plant didn't "feel good"

so he stayed home and watched the tube. No problem, he got paid

under Swedish law. SAAB plant payrolls are bloated by 20% percent

unit out the door vs. the U.S & Japan because 20% of the SAAB

"call in sick" every day. Absolute fact. GM got stupid and bought

mostly to save the marque otherwise SAAB would have died years ago

GM is now mulling a pullout to cut their losses. The outflow of

from Sweden to other countries has been appalling, check out the
numbers and why it's happening and what the Swedish government is

to stanch the bleeding.

The reason the whole thing didn't collapse right away was that the
smokestacks are/were big exporters, bringing in hard currency.

I can no doubt go ten blocks around the compass from here in the
suburbs of Philadelphia and find more businesses with ten or fewer
employees than you'll find in all of Sweden. Why is that Alun??

it be that Swedish socialist economics stifles entrepreneurial
capitalism which is the engine behind the astounding growth of the
U.S. economy for over two centuries? Of course it is.

As for myself, I used to be a card carrying member of the
Conservative and
Unionist Party in the UK, but I freely admit that I have drifted
since then, very likely as a result of seeing at first hand the

social inequalities in the USA.

Certainly there are social inequalities in the U.S. The original
Constitution plus it's Bill of Rights guarantees equality in all
elections and in all courts in this country and nothing more.
Translates into a system in which the fate of individuals depends

what they freely choose to do or not do with their lives. Those who
choose to be slackers suffer the consequences they freely imposed

themselves so of course we wind up with "social inequalities"


Equality of rights and opportunities - not equality of outcomes.

Add in some other points about Sweden:

Compared to the USA, it's tiny in both population and land area. Also
virtually homogeneous (again compared to the USA). 'Diversity' means
something very different in Sweden. Heck, they split with Norway

less than 100 years of alliance IIRC.

Rather, it was the Norwegians who split. And as everyone knows, they
ARE weird.

It's relatively easy and simple for a community/society to 'work' if
it's small and uniform. USA is neither, and never has been.

By your leftist standards our system has too many freedoms.

If it's called being a socialist to think that the ordinary

should be able to get medical care without courting bankruptcy,

suppose that makes me a socialist, but if you actually look in a
dictionary, then you will see that I am not, and neither are the

See above.

Health care is only one issue. Is W3RV's info about SAAB accurate or
Should American industry work the same way?

American industry works in the way that the government ensures they
have no competition. And if the industries become unprofitable anyway,
the government pumps money into it to keep it afloat.

This is unlike, for instance, Sweden, where they have this thing called
a "market economy" which means that if a company cannot survive in
competition with other companies, the company will simply die. On the
other hand, it's easier and less bureaucratic to start a new company in

The way Swedes see it, what the United States has is a more socialist
system than Sweden has. And the Swedish government always tries to make
other countries realize that a market economic system would be good for
them. Unfortunately most people seem to be strong believers in

socialism // n.
1 a political and economic theory of social organization which

that the community as a whole should own and control the means of
production, distribution, and exchange.

Oh**** . . the second coming of Cecil and his friggin' dictionaries


2 policy or practice based on this theory.
socialist n. & adj.
socialistic // adj.
socialistically // adv.
[French socialisme (as social)]

"community as a whole" = "the government"

Sure seems to fit!

73 de Jim, N2EY

  #157   Report Post  
Old March 9th 05, 02:07 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

Michael Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

K4YZ wrote:


Perhaps Coslo might make it 4. Coslonaut wants so much
to be an olde-tymer he'll even refer to himself as an "extra
lite" to show his sycophantsies (e.g. synchronous fantasies).

I didn't notice that in the original post.

What a very, very odd thing to type..........

It is the latest in a very long string of very odd things which Leonard
has typed.

One of the first times I have been accused of trying to impress others.
Go figure. Mostly I just irritate others.

Mike, Mike, Mike. You have a callsign. You're guilty of trying to
impress Len.

Heck, I've had it all wrong, Dave. I thouhgt having a callsign
*offended* him!

Maybe he's right and I am a little dull...

Trying to impress him offends him. That would, in Len-speak, make you

Next thing you know, Len'll be picturing you in an invisible Waffen SS
uniform and his thoughts will drift to having you punish him. It gets
really strange *after* that.

Do I at least get to wear regular underwear? I hope....

I dunno, Mike. It's Len's fantasy.

ARGGHHHHH! I give up Dave, Uncle, Uncle! You've succedded in totally
grossing me out! 8^)

- Mike KB3EIA -

  #158   Report Post  
Old March 9th 05, 02:39 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Mike Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:
Mike Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

Michael Coslo wrote:

Dave Heil wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

K4YZ wrote:


Perhaps Coslo might make it 4. Coslonaut wants so much
to be an olde-tymer he'll even refer to himself as an "extra
lite" to show his sycophantsies (e.g. synchronous fantasies).

I didn't notice that in the original post.

What a very, very odd thing to type..........

It is the latest in a very long string of very odd things which Leonard
has typed.

One of the first times I have been accused of trying to impress others.
Go figure. Mostly I just irritate others.

Mike, Mike, Mike. You have a callsign. You're guilty of trying to
impress Len.

Heck, I've had it all wrong, Dave. I thouhgt having a callsign
*offended* him!

Maybe he's right and I am a little dull...

Trying to impress him offends him. That would, in Len-speak, make you

Next thing you know, Len'll be picturing you in an invisible Waffen SS
uniform and his thoughts will drift to having you punish him. It gets
really strange *after* that.

Do I at least get to wear regular underwear? I hope....

I dunno, Mike. It's Len's fantasy.

ARGGHHHHH! I give up Dave, Uncle, Uncle! You've succedded in totally
grossing me out! 8^)

Oh heck, Mike. That's nothing. None of that stuff phases me. I'd
begin to be weirded out if Len were to suddenly take a liking to me, to
begin being cordial, to act as if there were other people on the planet
who knew as much or more about a subject than he does.

If he dropped his wild rants about the Church of St. Hiram, Sermons on
the Antenna Mount, his claims of being a PROFESSIONAL, his not-so-subtle
references to Mr. Glock or his belittling of the careers of others, I'd
be nervous that something quite unpleasant was about to take place.
Then it dawns on me: How much worse could it get?

Dave K8MN
  #159   Report Post  
Old March 9th 05, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:

Then it dawns on me: How much worse could it get?

I think any abrupt change, even if it means having to tell the
truth, would, from Lennie, be a "death bed confession"...!


Steve, K4YZ

  #160   Report Post  
Old March 9th 05, 01:33 PM
Posts: n/a

Dave Heil wrote:

Then it dawns on me: How much worse could it get?

I think any abrupt change, even if it means having to tell the
truth, would, from Lennie, be a "death bed confession"...!


Steve, K4YZ

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