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  #21   Report Post  
Old April 1st 05, 04:54 AM
Posts: n/a

Nomen Nescio wrote:

In article
Jim wrote:

George Orwell wrote:


What a punk, you wouldn't have what it takes to say that to


What a pussy you are, "Jim". And you sure wouldn't have what it
takes to say this to anybody's face, either. And, so learn how
to spell.

face! This is where I believe in free speech, as long as

everybody knows

who you are!

Oh, do point out exactly in the Bill of Rights where it says you
must identify yourself to have free speech, ****flap.

It must be true what they say about roger.

And it must be true that they say you are a registered sex
offender, "Jim."

And people like you think freedom of speach is ok as long as you can
hide and nobody knows who you are, what a punk.

  #22   Report Post  
Old April 1st 05, 07:50 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Tarapia Tapioco, anonymous tapioca magnate wrote:

In article
"K4YZ" wrote:

Dave is just a former bolt tightener and messenger boy for the
Dept. of State.

I think you'll have difficulty finding those positions listed on the
State website employment area, Roger.

I noticed they gave him all the "plum"
assignments in the backwater holes.

That's what happens when you "notice". Department of State assignments
are made on the basis of bids. One chooses places of interest and bids
on them.

Like the Cashew capital of Africa.

No sentence here. Yep, the cashew capital of Africa. The African
hardship posts mostly come with a 25% hardship differential. In
Guinea-Bissau, I received that and lots of nice, fresh cashews too.
Why would you have a problem with it?

And Finland.

No sentence here either. Finland isn't a backwater, Roger. It is
choice assignment with no hardship differential. It certainly has a
healthy cost of living allowance though. Then again, you seem to know
as little of it as you do of Guinea-Bissau. Do you have a problem with
Finland? Ever been there? Ever been anywhere?

Perhaps you'd better quit using that info from a couple of
introductory psychology classes they make you take in first year
nursing, Nursie. You get so confused when you see the "big

I would imagine he's seen your threatening e-mail to Roger,
about posting flyers illegally on utility poles in his

Threatening e-mail, Roger? I asked how you'd like it if your mother,
your sister or your kids saw some of your output? I asked if you
thought your neighbors would like to see some of your work from the
newsgroups pasted to telephone poles in your area.

In fact he probably has said that you are an

He has probably said that? My, my--you must have one of those high
powered Moundsville lawyers (Psssst--Roger! You don't have an

I imagine that any "flyers" posted on phone polls were


Nursie, what are "phone polls", is that anything like a survey
over the phone? Oh, Nursie, you are as ignorant of the law as
you are of everything else. It is illegal to post anything on a
utility pole.

It is illegal to put guy ropes for radio masts across a public sidewalk
too, but you did that. The city of Glen Dale told you to take them

The power company needs a clear path in case a
worker has to climb them.

Yep, those utility workers would surely have trouble climbing over an 8
1/2 x 11" sheet of paper four feet off the ground. People having garage
sales put 'em up all the time without problems from any utility.

Many communities are starting to demand that such posters
a be put up when deviants live in them to warn the good


You should know, since they put a few up about you, Nursie.

Your problem is called transference, Roger.

Since when? You seem to be having some mental problems, since
you couldn't intimidate Roger.

Roger was warned. Roger is now being warned.

Just like the lie that he left
before the "meeting was over. He asked the person in charge

the meting was over, when that person said yes. Roger left.

The "meting"? The "person in charge" was in the communications van when
you intimidated yourself out to the car and skedaddled. You've never
been to another meeting. I guess Roger can be intimidated.

Not quite the outcome you and your giggling fatassed faggot butt
buddy Bertie wanted, eh?

Butt buddy? Bert doesn't smoke. What is your fixation with
homosexuality, Roger? Did you see something you shouldn't have seen as
a child?

Dave K8MN
  #23   Report Post  
Old April 1st 05, 08:10 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

"A.Melon" wrote:

In article
Dave Heil wrote out of his fatass :

K4YZ wrote:

And High-el doesn't know what the **** he is talking about.
Roger hasn't recieved...

What is "recieved"?

..."repeat visits with the chief of police".
You ar a liar.

What is "You ar"? Yes, Roger, you've had a number of chats with Chief

He isn't about to get another one either, dumbass.

If I were you, I wouldn't want to make a bet on that.

Goddamn, are you one stupid f--k.

Then again, I'm not the one getting into scrapes with the law and with
the FCC.

Roger has had repeated run-ins with the FCC as well. Roger's

been taped
QRMing other stations on 20m. A local dropped a dime on him.

retesting is legend.

You having some reading comprehension problems in your old age,
Muddy Water's ex c--ks--ker?

What is your fixation on homosexuality, Roger? Okay, you've visited my
web site. You've seen a photo of me with Muddy Waters. Now what?

You mean you made forged tapes of him and sent them in.

Well now, that would have been tricky. You see, I was in Tanzania when
you had your run in with the FCC.

You and
your fatassed buddy Bertie, who when talks about a hard drive
describes the physical dimensions, not the capacity.

I see another problem with your theory, Roger. Bert was on active duty
with the military in Germany during that period. That leaves you locked
on the horns of a dilemma. By the way, I know the local who did it, but
I'm not telling. Needless to say that the FCC found the tape

And Roger passed his retest, which in the FCC letter had no
reason given other than the FCC can at any time, retest somebody
under the VE program , and upgraded, while you still do nothing
for amateur radio.

Let's ask Phil Kane if he has ever heard of an instance in which the FCC
forced a retest for no reason at all. By the way, do you consider your
upgrade as "doing something for amateur radio"?

For somebody who says they've been a ham as long as you are, you
sure don't know Part 97.

There is no proof of your statement. I've never had any problems with
the FCC--none.

High-el forgets to mention the years of therapy he had to endure
after his daddy assraped him repeatedly as a child.

What is this homoerotic fixation you have, Roger? Have you sought help
for it?

Pot kettle black.
You have been running your mouth and doing

You can check in with your local police. You'll find that they have a
large number of your newsgroup posts and e-mails to me on hand. I've
visited them a number times when you were the only topic. That isn't
exactly "doing nothing". In this case, you are both the pot and the
kettle. It is evident that you have a problem with "black".

Tell us how your deceased Episcopalian priest daddy
didn't molest you and the other altar boys.

Is that from one of your fantasies? Do you have a thing about altar

Dave K8MN
  #24   Report Post  
Old April 1st 05, 09:51 AM
Posts: n/a

Tarapia Tapioco wrote:
In article
"K4YZ" wrote:

A.Melon wrote:

Wrong again, ****tard. Roger didn't even post that. Try Lloyd
Davies, N0VFP.
And you had better keep your immense ignorance to yourself,

for brains, ######. Now go cry because that retard daughter


Who can tell? Lloyd Davies? Wogie Wiseman? Todd


Not you, Nursie.

Don't be so sure.

Thing is Wiseman didn't send it. Dumb####.

Doesn't matter.

Oh, so you'd rather spread more lies, then to actually tell the
truth. Some example for amateur radio you are setting, Nursie.

And your prolific use of profanity and defiling the memory or a
dead child is?

In any case, hitting Lloydie, Wogie and Toiddie with such
accusations is like shooting at manure. No matter where the round
goes, you're going to hit manure.

BWHAHAHAHA..wrong again, #### for brains. Goddamn are you one
stupid fat ####.

Why is it that the people who can't see their toes

without a
mirror or having to lean up against a wall are the ones

calling other
"fat" all the time?

Says the ###### nursie, wearing that men's girdle under his
little jumpsuit.

Care to take a peek?

And High-el doesn't know what the #### he is talking about.
Roger hasn't recieved "repeat visits with the chief of

You ar a liar. He isn't about to get another one either,

#######, are you one stupid @@@@.

And I'd say you're in denial.

And I'd say as usual, you don't back up what you purport.

So what do I need to do? They've been quoted, verbatim, in
this and other venues. No need to waste bandwidth so you can read
about yourself.

You having some reading comprehension problems in your old

Muddy Water's ex ####sucker?

Seems' to me that Dave's pretty much gotten it right so


"Seems" to me you need some remedial English, Nursie. How *do*
you ever fill out a patient's charts correctly?

I manage. Of course I have to leave out the "f" word, "dumb###',
"&&&&sucker", etc, which would seriously reduce your available

For somebody who says they've been a ham as long as you are,

sure don't know Part 97.

Seems to me again that he knows Part 97 quite well.

Then you need to have somebody read 97.519 (d)(2). Check that,
you'll have to have somebody read it to you.
At least you spelled "seems" correct this time, without the
unnecessary apostrophe.

Seem's to me you have little to argue EXCEPT punctuation.

Dave is much closer to being a Doctor than you are a human
being...Perhaps that's where all of your anger comes from?

Dave is just a former bolt tightener and messenger boy for the
Dept. of State. I noticed they gave him all the "plum"
assignments in the backwater holes. Like the Cashew capital of
Africa. And Finland.
Perhaps you'd better quit using that info from a couple of
introductory psychology classes they make you take in first year
nursing, Nursie. You get so confused when you see the "big

The YOU had better review some of those "plum" assignments. They
weren't all plums.

And I seriously doubt taht you have even the FIRST idea of what's
in "first year nursing".

High-el forgets to mention the years of therapy he had to

after his daddy assraped him repeatedly as a child.

At least his daddy paid him some attention. Must be rough

knowing who yours is, eh?

Speaking from experience, since half the Fleet screwed your
mommy when your drunk daddy was not on leave.
Nice support of your "friend", too, agreeing that his daddy
assraped him.

You've avoided the question. Who's YOUR daddy?

I would imagine he's seen your threatening e-mail to Roger,
about posting flyers illegally on utility poles in his
neighborhood. In fact he probably has said that you are an

I imagine that any "flyers" posted on phone polls were


Nursie, what are "phone polls", is that anything like a survey
over the phone? Oh, Nursie, you are as ignorant of the law as
you are of everything else. It is illegal to post anything on a
utility pole. The power company needs a clear path in case a
worker has to climb them.

My bust on pole-vs-poll. But I think you got the idea.

And it does not mitigate the communities need to know what kind of
pervert is in their community. I haven't seen anything here yet to
cause me to believe you are anything else.

Many communities are starting to demand that such posters
a be put up when deviants live in them to warn the good


You should know, since they put a few up about you, Nursie.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...NOW who's lying...?!?!

Since when? You seem to be having some mental problems, since
you couldn't intimidate Roger. Just like the lie that he left
before the "meeting was over. He asked the person in charge

the meting was over, when that person said yes. Roger left.

quite the outcome you and your giggling ######## %%%%%% butt
buddy Bertie wanted, eh?

Perhasp they need a new EmmCee?

Your personality isn't that good, Nursie.

That's why I have a job that requires a bit more talent and
skill...Anyone can get a job announcing the Blue Light Special.

Oh, a name lame. Showing your 3rd grade mentality, are you?

Seems pretty appropriate to me...And a bit ironic of a


Yes, your adherance to double standards is well known in this
newsgroup and elsewhere.

I'd love to hear YOUR interpretation of what a "double standard"

Of course in order to have ANY standards, one must have some basic
principles of conduct, and yours seem to be to make anonymous swipes
and prolific use of profanity.

The GOOD thing is that you ahve no where to go but up.

coming from a coward who just weaseled his way through several
paragraphs of profanities and insults via an anonymizer.

And still made more sense then the stupid statements you made,

There ya go...Correcting MY grammar then making your own silly



Oh, Nursie, you are so cute when you get angry.

Oh, I'm not angry. Quite the contrary. It's not necessary.

Not for cowards like you.

Steve, K4YZ

  #25   Report Post  
Old April 1st 05, 10:32 AM
Posts: n/a

Userbeam Remailer wrote:
In article . com
"K4YZ" blathered:
George Orwell wrote:
In article

. com
"K4YZ" blathered out of his fatass:

Like I said...Prolific profanity an sandlot
threats...None of
which impress me in the least.

Poor Nursie, aren't you glad your retarded daughter Taelor

before you could have your way with her?

I am glad that you've used an anonymizer. You should be


Oh, Nursie, We just love it when a "weekend" CAP "play soldier"
talks tough. Now go play soldier, Nursie.

I don't have to play, Anonymous Coward.

Nothing's heresay about Roger.

It's a very good thing you went to Nursing school, since not
only could you not hack Med school, you couldn't hack Law
school, either, obviously.

Why? To know that Roger Wiseman is a legal scofflaw? That Lloyd
Davies is a coward and a liar and that Toiddie Dougherty is a
weakminded fool?

I know he has...I've seen copies of the documents.

And yet, you never provide "details" of these "documents", of
course you are talking out of your fatass, nursie....again.


And you still fail to provide any "details." Not surprising,

Not necessary. The are public records. Nothing more damning that
records you can't hide from or alter.

Aww, poor Nursie, he gets so frustrated when he can't stamp

little flabby feet.

If they were flabby, I might get frustrated.

We've seen your picture, flabby. At least you don't do a bad
comb over like your buddy Heil does, but pretty soon you won't
have to worry about hair care products.

You keep trying to chip away with the flabby comments, yet there is
documentary evidence to the contrary. Makes you a LYING anonymous

Nope. You're welcome to check. They are public record.

So is your incompetence which caused a patient's death, Nursie.

And you're welcome to produce a record of that, Anonymous Coward.

We've seen your pics online too, Nursie, how is it a "health
care professional" like you is ****ing morbidly obese.

I'm not...but then you know that.

In denial, Nursie, your little "jumpsuit" doesn't hide that fat
gut very well.

Since there's not one to hide, the flightsuit doesn't need to hide

With your
beady eyes and that so-called moustache along with your size

inch gut makes you look like a pregnant weasel, nursie.

It's a loooooooooooooong way from 50...Perhaps you'd like

to see
first hand?

Sorry, Nursie, maybe the reason you got into Nursing is to play
drop the soap with your male patients, but not everybody is into
that sort of thing.

Especially me. One more thing you're welcome to try and provide
some documentary evidence of, Anonymous Coward

So it is MORE than 50?

Nope. Not even in the 40's.

You need to sharpen up your "detective skills," too.

Naaaaaaah. Got e-mail headers and friends who can "work the
numbers" for me if I want.

As well as your English, your
QRZ profile and "website" are rife with spelling errors.

No, they're not...but nice try.

Thanks for the head's up Dave.

Now be a good little ##### and give him a reach around.

Sure must be rough being as weakminded as you are all-the-

having such big dreams for yourself. Maybe if you roll off of

your mom
long enough for her to catch her breath she'll tell you who

your father
was and you can feel a bit better about yourself...(Of course

I am sure
"grandpa" will make her shup up first...I wonder why???)

"In article
"K4YZ" blathered out of his fatass:
Like I said...Prolific profanity an sandlot threats...None of
which impress me in the least."

You are a hypocrite, Nursie.

Nope. No profanity there, Anonymous Coward. Nor were there any

You've still not impressed me. Or shall I say "positively"
impressed me..!?!?

You're still an anonymous coward, and proof evident of the liar,

Too bad you're not half the man you IMAGINE you are...You could
stand up behind your words...Instead you've ducked behind the


Steve, K4YZ

  #26   Report Post  
Old April 1st 05, 02:16 PM
Dee Flint
Posts: n/a

"Tony" TonyHammons@noreply wrote in message ...

"Dee Flint" wrote in message

"George Orwell" wrote in message
In article . com
"K4YZ" blathered out of his fatass:

Like I said...Prolific profanity an sandlot

threats...None of
which impress me in the least.

Poor Nursie, aren't you glad your retrded daughter Taelor died
before you could have your way with her?

Well this fellow is now consigned to my killfile. Such degrading and
degraded idiots should be silent and invisible.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

Save any future anonymous emails, Kim. This shunned "creep" will most
employ that tactic next.

You are confused. I'm not Kim.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

  #27   Report Post  
Old April 1st 05, 03:00 PM
Posts: n/a

Dee Flint wrote:
"Tony" TonyHammons@noreply wrote in message


You are confused. I'm not Kim.

Details, details, details...! =)


Steve, K4YZ

  #28   Report Post  
Old April 2nd 05, 12:54 AM
Dee Flint
Posts: n/a

"K4YZ" wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
"Tony" TonyHammons@noreply wrote in message


You are confused. I'm not Kim.

Details, details, details...! =)


Steve, K4YZ

Ah but "the devil is in the details." Now if I just knew who said that!

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

  #29   Report Post  
Old April 2nd 05, 04:19 AM
Posts: n/a

"Dee Flint" wrote in message

"K4YZ" wrote in message

Dee Flint wrote:
"Tony" TonyHammons@noreply wrote in message


You are confused. I'm not Kim.

Details, details, details...! =)


Steve, K4YZ

Ah but "the devil is in the details." Now if I just knew who said that!

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

The bottom line, Dee, remains the same. Roger strongly dislikes
condescending posts, or what he percieves to be condescension. (anybody who
can author more than a sentence without a single profanity is, in Roger's
eyes, condescending). Roger especially comes apart when a woman is the
As said before, the Sociopath has a penchant for sending anon emails and by
necissity must hide behind a cloak of anonymity.

  #30   Report Post  
Old April 2nd 05, 09:15 AM
Posts: n/a

Anonymous wrote:
In article
"K4YZ" wrote:

Tarapia Tapioco wrote:

Not you, Nursie.

Don't be so sure.

Oh, so you'd rather spread more lies, then to actually tell

truth. Some example for amateur radio you are setting,


And your prolific use of profanity and defiling the memory

or a
dead child is?

Cry me a river, Nursie.

No need to cry. Did my crying years ago.

In any case, hitting Lloydie, Wogie and Toiddie with such
accusations is like shooting at manure. No matter where the

goes, you're going to hit manure.

My, my, Nursie, and you call yourself a Christian?

Did I? Is there a quoe you can find that said I did?

Says the ###### nursie, wearing that men's girdle under his
little jumpsuit.

Care to take a peek?

I'm not one of your male patients, Nursie. We know you love
doing that sort of thing with them.


But there's a better than average chance you're going to get to
find out just how good or bad of shape I am really in. And your
anonymizer will only slow things down...Not stop it.

And I'd say as usual, you don't back up what you purport.

So what do I need to do? They've been quoted,

verbatim, in
this and other venues. No need to waste bandwidth so you can

about yourself.

So, you admit you don't have any evidence, Nursie. Quoting and
providing are two different things.

The evidence is court documents already posted in this forum.

"Seems" to me you need some remedial English, Nursie. How

you ever fill out a patient's charts correctly?

I manage. Of course I have to leave out the "f" word,

"&&&&sucker", etc, which would seriously reduce your available

It seems to get your panties all in a twist, Nursie.

You keep refering to undergarments and same-gender perversions. If
you would like, I can offer you a few points-of-contact for

Then you need to have somebody read 97.519 (d)(2). Check

you'll have to have somebody read it to you.
At least you spelled "seems" correct this time, without the
unnecessary apostrophe.

Seem's to me you have little to argue EXCEPT punctuation.

"Seems" to me you backpedal when you are confronted with facts.

Seems to me you are confused.

The YOU had better review some of those "plum"

assignments. They
weren't all plums.

Nice of you to admit he had backwater ******** assignments,
Nursie. Way to support your friend.

Not al of his assignments were "plums". He stated that himself.

And I seriously doubt taht you have even the FIRST idea of

in "first year nursing".

Don't be to sure about that, Nursie.

I am quite sure of it.

Speaking from experience, since half the Fleet screwed your
mommy when your drunk daddy was not on leave.
Nice support of your "friend", too, agreeing that his daddy
assraped him.

You've avoided the question. Who's YOUR daddy?

At least I know who he is for sure. Unlike that drunk of yours
who croaked not soon after Taelor.

To whom do you refer? No one I know, drunk or othrwise, has passed
away since my daughter died.

I imagine that any "flyers" posted on phone polls were

Nursie, what are "phone polls", is that anything like a

over the phone? Oh, Nursie, you are as ignorant of the law as
you are of everything else. It is illegal to post anything

on a
utility pole. The power company needs a clear path in case a
worker has to climb them.

My bust on pole-vs-poll. But I think you got the idea.

Excuses for your screw ups doesn't was, just like you, Nursie.

What? English, please.

Did you mean "doesn't wash"...?!?!

At least I can stand up and admit my errors. You just wallow in

And it does not mitigate the communities need to know

what kind of
pervert is in their community. I haven't seen anything here

yet to
cause me to believe you are anything else.

Nursie, your logic skills are as poor as your English skills.

So far, they are better than yours. Not that it takes much.

You should know, since they put a few up about you, Nursie.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...NOW who's lying...?!?!

You are, Nursie.

You're welcome to re-post the items wherein you claim I am lying,
Anonymous Coward, but I bet they won't be forthcoming.

Your personality isn't that good, Nursie.

That's why I have a job that requires a bit more talent

skill...Anyone can get a job announcing the Blue Light Special.

You've yet to demonstrate any of that "skill", Nursie.

And why would I need to? I am working as an ACLS ER Nurse.

Yes, your adherance to double standards is well known in this
newsgroup and elsewhere.

I'd love to hear YOUR interpretation of what a "double


You never hear anything, Nursie, your balding skill is tickling
your prostate.

Dodge, dodge, dodge.

Of course in order to have ANY standards, one must have

some basic
principles of conduct, and yours seem to be to make anonymous

and prolific use of profanity.

Aww, are you gonna cry, Nursie?

Why should I? I'm not the one with a morals and ethics problem.

The GOOD thing is that you ahve no where to go but up.

The good thing is I don't "have" your command of the English
language, Nursie.

A letter transposition is not an English skills deficiency,
Anonymous Coward.

And still made more sense then the stupid statements you


There ya go...Correcting MY grammar then making your own


Wrong, Nursie.

Nope. Nice snip, though.



Oh, Nursie, you are so cute when you get angry.

Oh, I'm not angry. Quite the contrary. It's not


Not for cowards like you.

Your post shows you are, Nursie.

Then you have a comprehension problem that exceeds even my
estimations. Seek remedial assistance.

Steve, K4YZ

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