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Userbeam Remailer wrote:
In article Dave Heil wrote: Michael Coslo wrote: Anonymous wrote: He never was good enough for medical school to be a real Doctor. He had to give into his inner feminine side and be a nursie. For those that can't hack medical school, they have to be second best. Just like he was with dead retarded daughter Taelor. That's as low a statement as I have ever seen. Cry me a river. You haven't the slightest idea of how to behave in a civilized society, Roger. You follow one torrent of vile filth with another. That's our Glen Dale burden, Mike. The man is a complete sociopath with nothing whatever to redeem him. He is an embarrassment to this area, this state and to amateur radio. Wiseman owns you, dumbass. Why do you write of yourself in the third person? Is Wiseman just one of your personalities? Wiseman wouldn't own the home he lives in had he not inherited it. And you live in an even more embarassing area of Marshall county from all reports, Cameron... From all reports? Whose reports? Haven't you ever been to Cameron? I don't actually live in Cameron, Roger. I'm several miles away. Your town, for the most part, isn't embarrassing. You're one of the things which makes it embarrassed. ...where the father regularly fornicates the sister and the farm animals. Your posts show a fondness for sexual deviance. You see it everywhere. You live in the worst section of the state. Apparently there is much of the state you've never seen. It is likely hard to see the rest of West Virginia from your house. But then your posts don't do anything for "amateur radio's image" either, you Nazi fat f--k. Let's see....I've never been given a warning by the FCC for anything. I've never been required to retest for a license. I've not become the internet poster boy for writing restroom stall material over any number of newsgroups and web sites. Maybe you could go back to the Cashew Capital of Africa and be dictator over there, you'd have more success in that venue than on the newsgroup. I would? How in the world would you know? Do you know anything of Africa or of cashew production? Anything? Dave K8MN |
Fritz Wuehler wrote:
In article Cmd Buzz Corey (LARDASS wrote: Lives in a run down hovel by the river. That's better than living in a 200 square foot HUD section 8 public housing apartment in the ****** section of Athens, AL, like you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! Do you have a problem with blacks Roger? Is there any group of people you haven't insulted? Dave K8MN |
Italy Anonymous Remailer wrote: In article k.net robert casey wrote: But his landlord lets him put up antennas! Landlord? I'd better call the CDC, looks like Nursie's stupidity is contagious. Since when do homeowners have "landlords?" Gee...I don't know...Why don't you cite the post where I said they did...?!?! Oh...wait...I didn't...Guess who's "stupid" now, Anonymous Coward...??? Steve, K4YZ |
A.Melon wrote: In article . com "K4YZ" wrote: Michael Coslo wrote: Anonymous wrote: He never was good enough for medical school to be a real Doctor. He had to give into his inner feminine side and be a nursie. For those that can't hack medical school, they have to be second best. Just like he was with dead retarded daughter Taelor. That's as low a statement as I have ever seen. Yeah, it's pretty low, Mike, but considering who we're dealing with here, it was not unexpected. You never seem to run out of excuses, Nursie. No excuses. You're a low life. An anonyomus coward who can't go toe-to-toe with anyone save for behind an anonymizer. Of course facts don't deter the ignorant: Hey, contgrats, Nursie, you managed to spell "ignorant" twice now. And I've spelled "anonymous coward" right every time. Applied it correctly too! (1) I never wanted to be an MD. MD's don't do th things I do, so why go to school for something I didn't want to do? Always shooting for mediocrity, eh, Nursie? How is doing what I do "mediorcre"? Do you propose that ALL healthcare providers beccome MD's? No Nurses? No CNA's? No Paramedics? You mean MD's can communicate in English, don't you? What is "th" things????? If the dropped letter confused you that much, I guess there is little hope for you. (2) You HAVE to have a bit more feminine side to be a Nurse..It Yes, and you do such good needlepoint, Nursie. Actually, I was one of a very few Navy-certified Suture Techs. Pretty good at it, actually. Don't care for needlepoint, however. requires that extra bit of compassion as...But hey...I'm straight and surrounded by women all night! Yeah, ones that could pass for your twin sister, Nursie. You're welcome to stop by my place of employment and see otherwise, Anonymous Coward. (3) I was hardly "second best" for Taelor. She was only given less than two years to live. I kept her for six. Mighty defensive there, Nursie. Nope. Just citing facts. I was told by three neurologists she'd die before two. Kept her for five years, 11 months, three weeks and a day. And as for obese..?!?! Well...Some folks will just have to find out the hard way. No, Nursie, I don't want to see your beer belly. Good. I don't have one. Sorry. Steve, K4YZ |
K4YZ wrote: A.Melon wrote: Yes, and you do such good needlepoint, Nursie. Actually, I was one of a very few Navy-certified Suture Techs. Pretty good at it, actually. Don't care for needlepoint, however. Google dropped a line here. I was a Navy-certified USMC Suture Tech. A priviledge extended to me for volunteering in the USN ER at Camp Kuwae on Okinawa. There are, of course, many USN suture techs. Steve, K4YZ |
Anonymous wrote:
In article Dave Heil wrote: You haven't the slightest idea of how to behave in a civilized society, Roger. You follow one torrent of vile filth with another. And you do? That's rich. Especially the way you conduct yourself on the newsgroup, Nazi. You have no ceoncept of what a nazi is. You can't help but see Roger everywhere, can you? If you ever had a thought, it would die of lonliness. This meant something? Why do you write of yourself in the third person? Is Wiseman just one of your personalities? Let's see, maybe it's because I'm not Wiseman. God@@@@, are you stupid. Let's see... You talk like him... You act like him... You defend his actions... And you shamefully hide behind an anonymizer. If you aren't him, you sure share the same DNA. Wiseman wouldn't own the home he lives in had he not inherited it. Wrong again. But you've made a career out of being wrong, haven't you? We'd ask you to prove it, but since you're too cowardly to come out into the light of day, guess that's out of the question. Your town, for the most part, isn't embarrassing. You're one of the things which makes it embarrassed. Again, you don't even know what "town" I live in. Easy enough....Just follow the smell of rotting flesh... ...where the father regularly fornicates the sister and the farm animals. Your posts show a fondness for sexual deviance. You see it everywhere. Your response indicates you are sexually aroused at the discussion of such topics. You seek such topics obviously to fuel your perversions. Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh! "per-ver-sions" THREE SYLLABLES! Aren't you proud! Guess that Evelyn Woodhead couse is working, eh? You live in the worst section of the state. Apparently there is much of the state you've never seen. It is likely hard to see the rest of West Virginia from your house. Apparently, you are in denial. Apparently, you're too cowardly to identify yourself and prove him wrong. But then your posts don't do anything for "amateur radio's image" either, you Nazi fat ****. Let's see....I've never been given a warning by the FCC for anything. What a coincidence, neither have I. Sure you have Roger. I've never been required to retest for a license. What license? I've not become the internet poster boy for writing restroom stall material over any number of newsgroups and web sites. No, you are the internet poster boy for supression of free speech, you fat Nazi ####. Yep. Sure lloks like wogie to me. I could be wrong, but I bet not... Maybe you could go back to the Cashew Capital of Africa and be dictator over there, you'd have more success in that venue than on the newsgroup. I would? Most definately, ###hole. Can't get your way? Cuss! How in the world would you know? Do you know anything of Africa or of cashew production? Ye, I can read. "Ye", you can read? Better than you type, I hope. I know they sent you to such "plum jobs like that backwater hole. That speaks volumes about your job qualifications and job assignments. Tell us of YOUR "plum job assignments". Oh wait...You refuse to be a man and sign your name, ergo you can't discuss your life's works lest you give yourself away.. Or worse yet...Prove to us what an incomplete, social ner-do-well you really are, which is far mor likely. Anything? Apparently, you don't know anything of correct English. Nor you. You keep avoiding the fact that your failure to stand up in public and take responsiblity for your words leaves you in the unenviable position of being labeled an anonymous coward. And until you gather up the gonads to be a man and come out, you'll always be a second place human being. Just like you are right now. Steve, K4YZ |
Thrasher Remailer wrote: In article .com "K4YZ" wrote: A.Melon wrote: You never seem to run out of excuses, Nursie. No excuses. Yes, all you give are excuses. Such as? You're a low life. An anonyomus coward who can't go toe- to-toe with anyone save for behind an anonymizer. Going toe-to-toe with you is child's play, Nursie. You just aren't that good, at anything. Then why don't you come out from behind the anonymizer, Coward? Of course facts don't deter the ignorant: Hey, contgrats, Nursie, you managed to spell "ignorant" twice now. And I've spelled "anonymous coward" right every time. Applied it correctly too! Oh, Nursie, you still spelled "ignorant" in one post incorrectly though. Sorry, no gold star for you, you whine too much. But you're STILL an anonymous coward. (1) I never wanted to be an MD. MD's don't do th things I do, so why go to school for something I didn't want to do? Always shooting for mediocrity, eh, Nursie? How is doing what I do "mediorcre"? My, you sure are defensive, Nursie. That's okay, not everybody can make a career out of emptying bedpans. You're right. That's why I am a Nurse instead of a CNA. And I asked you a question that you've not answered. How is what I do "mediocre"...?!?! Do you propose that ALL healthcare providers beccome MD's? No Nurses? No CNA's? No Paramedics? We weren't talking about anybody but a loser, you, Nursie. You still haven't answered the question. You claim that going "toe-to-toe" with me is "child's play", yet you can't seem to answer simple questions. What's up with that? A comprehension problem? You mean MD's can communicate in English, don't you? What is "th" things????? If the dropped letter confused you that much, I guess there is little hope for you. More excuses, Nursie. The fact is you get your panties in a wad and you screw up. And the issue is still there. I dropped the "e". You seemed to have gotten confused over one dropped vowel. I still contend that if that was too much for you, you have a problem. (2) You HAVE to have a bit more feminine side to be a Nurse..It Yes, and you do such good needlepoint, Nursie. Actually, I was one of a very few Navy-certified Suture Techs. Pretty good at it, actually. Don't care for needlepoint, however. Oh, I bet you do, Nursie. Then send me your money, anonymous coward, because it's a lost bet. requires that extra bit of compassion as...But hey...I'm straight and surrounded by women all night! Yeah, ones that could pass for your twin sister, Nursie. You're welcome to stop by my place of employment and see otherwise, Anonymous Coward. I've seen it, Nursie, you really have some heiffers as nurses. You being one of them. Oh? ANd where IS that place of employment, Anaonymous Coward? What shift do I work? With whom? Remember now...You've stated you've "seen it". So let's have some relative facts here! (3) I was hardly "second best" for Taelor. She was only given less than two years to live. I kept her for six. Mighty defensive there, Nursie. Nope. Just citing facts. I was told by three neurologists she'd die before two. Kept her for five years, 11 months, three weeks and a day. Good thing she didn't live long enough to realize how pathetic you are, Nursie. =) And as for obese..?!?! Well...Some folks will just have to find out the hard way. No, Nursie, I don't want to see your beer belly. Good. I don't have one. Sorry. Your pictures shows otherwise, Nursie. Then you are again confused. Sucks to be you, I suppose. Steve, K4YZ |
Tarapia Tapioco wrote: In article .com "K4YZ" wrote: Italy Anonymous Remailer wrote: In article k.net robert casey wrote: But his landlord lets him put up antennas! Landlord? I'd better call the CDC, looks like Nursie's stupidity is contagious. Since when do homeowners have "landlords?" Gee...I don't know...Why don't you cite the post where I said they did...?!?! Gee Nursie, are you saying you are "Robert Casey" or is your reading comprehension "skills" or lack therof showing themselves again? I said your stupidity is contagious, not that you specifically said "homeowners have landlords", or are you too stupid to understand? You still have not cited the post wherein you insinuate I am "stupid" for suggesting homeowners have landlords. You still haven't provided the cite. Oh...wait...I didn't...Guess who's "stupid" now, Anonymous Coward...??? You must be, Nursie. Unless you are confessing you sockpuppeted like a "coward" under the nick "Robert Casey." Otherwise, why are you commenting on a post directed to him? Guess who's "stupid", that would be you, Nursie. Robert Casey is not, to the best of my knowledge, a Nurse. Yet the original insinuation that I was stupid over a comment made about landlords. I didn't make the original comment, and you've now compounded your OWN stupidity despite the fact that I pointed it out to you yet you are still arguing the point. Sucks to be you. Steve, K4YZ |
"Italy Anonymous Remailer" wrote in message ... In article k.net robert casey wrote: But his landlord lets him put up antennas! Landlord? I'd better call the CDC, looks like Nursie's stupidity is contagious. Since when do homeowners have "landlords?" .......... Well, yes, you ARE a homeowner now. Now that your adoptive mommy passed away and you inherited same. |
You must not have had any completing report "privileges" with your spelling skills. There are, of course, many USN suture techs. Poor fumble, Nursie. ...... Roger not only fumbled, he ran the wrong way when it came to spelling skills. Below you will see actual misspellings (he had the supidity to call them "typos") by "Not Roger". These are actual words used in "Not Roger's" many, many diatribes. Of course we had to read between the filthy lines to get these.... “shreeched” Wasn’t he the guy in a sit com? Screech? “stuid” Pot calling the kettle black? “heared” That’s West Virginia for heard. “assuslted” Rog just makes em’ up as he goes along. “experieince” Oh, DUH! “abouve” Is this a French word? “Cosast” Some place by a body of water? “mebership”, Just a typo, right? “retqards” Regards or Retards? Who can tell? “coordinbator” Huh? “Realy” Really? “Nitoiced” Keyboard error or stupidity? Becasue Licence Convienince Myabe “occurance” Say what? “srtuggling” “definatrely” “delapidated” What a dufus. “picutre” “permenatly” Ebonics again? “Arest” You need a rest, Wogie. “Sentenceing” No comment. “Narcotices” What? “Undre” Is this a city in Germany? “Surgeoun” And this would be? “Commuications” Who is laughing at who? “Ovre” Ovre and out! “Wondreful” It’s a “wondreful” day in the neighborhood? “Derivitave” Still no spell-checker, eh? “You lose, **** for brians.” Woger showing who real loser is. “Deisowned” Deis what? “Deeppest” Roger strikes again. “Dodgeing”. Is he talking about a car? “Staedy” Steady? “Linme” Transmission line? “Getr” Nobody knows. “Experieince” Wogie is good, ain’t he? “Appropiate” What kind of opiate? “Laywer” Lay what? “Visitpors” You never have any, ergo you don’t know how to spell it. “It's "complaintant," you sniveling weasel.” (Roger Wiseman on spelling complainant.) “Irreevant” Good going, Wogie. “Forwared” Forward HO! “Glady” Glad Bags? “Neighborhod” It’s a wonderful day in Wogie’s neighborhood. “Mena” Mean? What you mean, Wogie? “Notr” Not? “Sassifyed” ALA Rolling Stones…No Sassifaction.. “Fantasises” That is “fantasizes”, Wussman. “Illarate” West BY GOD Virginny! “Reveresed” Must be one of those off-brand keyboards. “Soem”…as in Some? What a loser. “VIRIN”…What Wogie was before he met the Lavender Lads. “Minisule”…he mussa meant miniscule. Like his IQ. “Champoin”…Whassup, Wiseman? No dictionaries in the mental ward? "Anoinymous"...a cross between anonymous and annoying? “Acident” Roger’s mom got preggers by accident. “Alreaedy” Alright, already! “Amouints” Roger amounts to nothing. “Aposterphe” This guy is a hoot, ain’t he? "Basios"...word Woger uses when he gets neeeerrrrvous. "Behing"...a cross between being and behind? “Coiward” As in peeking from behind his mommy’s curtains. "Feamle"...I think he meant female. "Losser"...only loser Roger can do it better. "Ignroant"...typical, considering the source. "Sluprs"...only Rogie knows what this means. "Travelled"...a Rogerism, replete with ignorance. "Postss"...pssst...Roger..that should be Posts. "Defgenerate"...well, it's Roger's word... "Faity"...he meant to say Fairy, but you know Roger. “Ghet” Get a load of Curtain Boy! "Distribiution"...Roger likes using phonics. "Biotch"...he meant Bitch, but his phonics took over again. "Methjadone"...a West Virginia substitute for Heroin. "Sumbliminal"...one of Roger's favorites. "Recepticle"...either of Roger's moist cavaties. "Cociane"...a West Virginia drug of choice? "Tiome"...Roger meant to say Time...but his fingers were numb. "Beraking"...no definition. Could mean 'beraking' the leaves, "Amny"...he meant 'any', "Nlay"...a town in Maylaysia? Vermont? "Al;ong"...only Wussman knows what this means. "Becasu"...well, becasu Roger is not the brightest bulb on the tree. "Seperation". Why? Because Roger cannot "seperate" from his mommie! “Sisnce” He meant Since, but his pudgy little fingers slipped off the keys. "gnetically" What? "provce" (prove?) "Piuzza" (West Virginia Pizza) "Schol" (school?) "strill" (still?) “shoitgun” 12 ga or 20 ga? "Snoip" (How they spell “snip” in Glen Dale) "Maturbater". Wiseman does it all the time, he just can’t spell it.(leaves a sticky residue on his right hand) "Coskscuking". It’s a Roger thing, as in Lavender Lads. "Waddleing". Only in Glen Dale, eh? "Spaeaking". Curtain Boy did this after his second retest. “ Stgop” Roger’s version of Stop. “Fahter's” He meant Father’s Day. “fserting”..would that be festering? “poists”. Roger meant “posts”. “snadwich” As in peanut butter and jelly? “regualr” Glen Dale rendition of “regular”. “aftrer” After? Aftrer what? “soory”. Sorry Roger ****s up again. “didnb't” He didn’t? “whoile”. He ate the whoile thing? “Woamn” He’s hooked on West Virginia phonics, all right. “prrof” And he kin prove it, too. “beforfe” Was that before he lurned to spell? “yoiuy” Roger’s version of “y’all”. “illerate” Only illiterate Roger can spell like this. “haeart” Aw, how heartless of me to laugh! “valule” Roger has no values. No wonder he can’t spell it. “proch” Doesn’t everyone have one on their house? “inmstitution” Where Roger’s mom put him in June 1999. “timne” It’s Howdy Doody time? “whgo” What? Who dat? “gnetically” Only Roger knows what this one means… “crfy” Like, cry, Roger, cry. “stutrtering” Some stutter, Wiseman stutrters. “Whjere” Where is Curtain Boy? “Webiste” That’s Website to the rest of us. “Youire” Your? You’re? Who knows. “fiored” As in fired? “Parety” Roger gave a party once. Nobody came. “Bouynce” Bounce? “Varification” Verifiable mental case. “Probelms” Poor Rogie…has many problems of the mental sort. “Partricipate” Oh, DUH!!!! “Cryed” Gee, Wogie..cry me a river…you dolt! “Stoick” What a dork. His old 386 has no spell check program. “Partiall” More WV Phonics, I see. “Obsucred” Either obscured or Rogie has “sucre” on his mind. “Infinate” Stupid. Think finite, Rogie. “Sustinance” As in Sustenance? “Juvinile”. This is the way Roger likes his boys. “Piut” Put it where, Rogie? “Toyus”. “Toyus R Us? “Diminuative”. Roger’s height. “Definitely” Definitely “Percriptions” Say what? “Credibiliy” More Glen Dale intellect. “Thsoe” Yet another Glen Dale gaffe. ----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- http://www.newsfeeds.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! 120,000+ Newsgroups ----= East and West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---- |
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