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[email protected] April 12th 05 12:23 PM

Lest We Forget
The new Canadian War Museum opens May 7-8

Some of the windows spell out "Lest We Forget" in Morse Code.

73 de Jim, N2EY

[email protected] April 12th 05 06:27 PM

Lest WE forget..."N2EY" NEVER served in ANY war in ANY military.

Let's all stand up and salute this brave "member of the service."


[email protected] April 13th 05 01:20 AM

Lest WE forget..."N2EY" NEVER served in ANY war in ANY military.

How do you know for sure, Len?

Besides - what does it matter?

I've seen how you talk to those who *have*
served in the US military, and for various
departments of the US government. If the
person disagrees with you on almost any
issue, you treat them *and their service*
with little or no respect at all. You
make fun of them and their service for
no apparent reason other than a failed
attempt at what you consider "humor".

Except it isn't funny.

Let's all stand up and salute this brave "member of the service."

There you go again! So typical.

[email protected] April 13th 05 02:02 AM

From: N2EY on Apr 12, 4:20 pm

Lest WE forget..."N2EY" NEVER served in ANY war in ANY military.

How do you know for sure, Len?

Besides - what does it matter?

You want to get all emotional and teary on
World War II? Tsk. Go talk to a REAL WW2
veteran. Better yet, visit a VA hospital and
keep some of them company.

Remember that WW2 ENDED BEFORE you were born.

And, you've NEVER served in any military.

Yet you make this BIG THING about morse code
in a window display...could it be that you
just don't give a damn about WW2 and only want
to make a big emotional showing for morse?

I've seen how you talk to those who *have*
served in the US military, and for various
departments of the US government.

I haven't dissed Bill Sohl about his USN service.
I haven't dissed Brian Burke about his USAF service.

I HAVE dissed those that want to LIE about
their big heroic military "actions" such as
Stebie the wonder murine about his famous
"seven hostile actions" and his failure to
acknowledge that the DoD really does direct

Am I supposed to "respect" the infamous Kolonel
Klunk about his very NON-SPECIFIC "service" in
Vietnam? Just because he brags without revealing
any details? Just because he was in the State

Of course I "should." All those infamous types
are pro-coders and YOU love morse code, so much
so that you think ham radio is all about morse-
manship...and MUST connect morse code to some kind
of imaginary "gallantry in the service." :-)

If the person disagrees with you on almost any
issue, you treat them *and their service*
with little or no respect at all.

Tsk, tsk. Better contact the Department of the
Army of the United States and DEMAND my Good
Conduct medal be given up and sent back! :-)

You make fun of them and their service for
no apparent reason other than a failed
attempt at what you consider "humor".

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Those "veterans" (at least one
with "seven hostile actions") have all been
about as disrespectful to me FIRST. They got
what is known as "return fire." Poor things.
Thought they could pull a snow job on everyone
else and make themselves real "big" in others'
eyes. They should have stayed down at the
Legion Hall bar.

Except it isn't funny.

Not to you. But, you've NOT served in the military.

Your body too precious to get it harmed in REAL
service for your country?

Couldn't get a dinner date with the Captain
because the King of the Katapults was already
booked on that aircraft carrier?

Let's all stand up and salute this brave "member of the service."

There you go again! So typical.

I served. YOU did NOT.

You want to see more of what I did in ARMY service? OK,
go to and
drop down to "Stations." Once you've downloaded at least
one, we MIGHT have a chat...but then you have this
terrible habit of wanting to message on everything at
long length. Wastes my time.

[email protected] April 13th 05 05:00 AM

From: N2EY on Apr 12, 4:20 pm

Lest WE forget..."N2EY" NEVER served in ANY war in ANY military.

How do you know for sure, Len?

You don't know for sure, do you, Len?

Besides - what does it matter?

You want to get all emotional and teary on
World War II?

"You cannot answer a question with another question"

You own words, Len.

What does it matter whether I served in any military or not?

Tsk. Go talk to a REAL WW2

I've done that - many times. From several branches of the
US military.

Better yet, visit a VA hospital and
keep some of them company.

That's a good idea!

Remember that WW2 ENDED BEFORE you were born.

Why is that of any significance? If anything, it is
more important that those of us who weren't alive then
keep the history alive.

I live just up the hill from Valley Forge, where Washington's
army survived a terrible winter. Also down the pike from where
the Paoli Massacre took place.

That war ended long before *you* were born, Len.

And, you've NEVER served in any military.

How do you know for sure?

And what does it matter anyway?

Yet you make this BIG THING about morse code
in a window display...

Is it wrong to mention an interesting architectural feature?

Does it bother you, Len?

Here's a hint: The Canadian military forces used Morse Code in

could it be that you
just don't give a damn about WW2 and only want
to make a big emotional showing for morse?

Nope - not at all. I find the history of WW2 to be
very interesting. I think it's important to understand
that war, both how it got started and the aftermath, to
understand current history. And technology.

For example, the very first high-speed, general purpose,
digital electronic computer, ENIAC, was developed and built
right here in Philadelphia - in the basement of the building where I
went to EE school. I've actually seen and handled
pieces of it, read the original papers in the library there.

It was built to compute artillery aiming tables for the US Army,
and was used for ten years at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds. There's
also an unconfirmed story that it was used for atom
bomb calculations.

Or let's talk about the lessons to be learned from the US Navy
Mark XIV submarine torpedo, and its problems.

Perhaps the proximity fuse is more to your liking. Incredible
device, made with tubes originally meant for hearing aids.

I could go on about the political and economic effects, but since this
is a radio newsgroup I thought I'd stick to electronic and
radio subjects.

If I did talk about any military service I had, you would
be certain to make fun of it. It's just what you do, Len.
So typical.

I've seen how you talk to those who *have*
served in the US military, and for various
departments of the US government.

I haven't dissed Bill Sohl about his USN service.

Because he doesn't disagree with you about Morse Code testing in
amateur radio. In fact, he pretty much ignores you.

I haven't dissed Brian Burke about his USAF service.

Because he doesn't disagree with you about Morse Code testing in
amateur radio. In fact, he pretty much idolizes you.

It's only those who disagree with you about Morse Code testing
that get your disrespect, abuse, name calling, and general
jackass behavior.

I HAVE dissed those that want to LIE about
their big heroic military "actions" such as
Stebie the wonder murine

There you go - calling names. So typical.

about his famous
"seven hostile actions"

Do you know what they are? Where *you* involved in any of

Is there any reason to doubt that Steve, K4YZ, was involved
if he says he was?

and his failure to
acknowledge that the DoD really does direct

I see. His mistake somehow justifies *your* behavior?

Am I supposed to "respect" the infamous Kolonel

There you go again - calling names.

Godwin invoked. You lose.

Why not use the person's name and callsign?

about his very NON-SPECIFIC "service" in
Vietnam? Just because he brags without revealing
any details?

What difference would details make? Your behavior when
details are given doesn't change. In fact, you simply
use the details as a source of more insults.

OTOH, Brian, N0IMD, refuses to give any details about
his claimed amateur radio operation from Somalia, but
that doesn't bother you a bit.

Just because he was in the State

Do you mean Dave, K8MN, who served in the US State Department
at a number of foreign posts as a communications officer?

His service to our country was much longer than your, Len, and
in many more foreign countries. I recall when he was transferred
to right around the same time the US Embassy in the country he was
transferring to was bombed. We didn't hear from him for weeks.
Luckily he was OK.

Yet you argued with him at length about communications facilities
that he used - even though you've never worked for the State

Of course I "should."

Yes, you should.

Perhaps you have forgotten the US Coast Guard radio operator who
used to post here? You made fun of his service in that capacity,
in your now-famous "sphincter post".


All those infamous types
are pro-coders and YOU love morse code, so much
so that you think ham radio is all about morse-

Len - lest we forget - you're not a radio amateur. You've never been a
radio amateur. Yet you see fit to tell all how amateur
radio should be. You're not and never have been part of the FCC,

and MUST connect morse code to some kind
of imaginary "gallantry in the service." :-)

All I did was mention a museum and some windows. That really
seems to bother you. Too bad - the fact is, the Canadian
armed forces used Morse Code in WW2. Deal with it, Len.

If the person disagrees with you on almost any
issue, you treat them *and their service*
with little or no respect at all.

Tsk, tsk. Better contact the Department of the
Army of the United States and DEMAND my Good
Conduct medal be given up and sent back! :-)

I don't demand anything like that, Len.

You make fun of them and their service for
no apparent reason other than a failed
attempt at what you consider "humor".

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Those "veterans" (at least one
with "seven hostile actions") have all been
about as disrespectful to me FIRST.

No, they haven't. At least not to anyone rational.

You apparently see any disagreement with your
cherished beliefs about Morse Code testing in amateur
radio as "disrespect", and then proceed in your
completely predictable manner.

They got
what is known as "return fire."

For saying good things about Morse Code, apparently.

Poor things.
Thought they could pull a snow job on everyone
else and make themselves real "big" in others'
eyes. They should have stayed down at the
Legion Hall bar.

You mean like somebody who tells us the same story,
over and over and over and over again,
about his service at a big radio facility 50+ years
ago? Then gets mad because people point out his
underestimation of distances, and mistakes about
Soviet aircraft deployment dates?

Except it isn't funny.

Not to you. But, you've NOT served in the military.

How do you know for sure?

Do *you* think it's funny, Len? Why? Those whom you make
fun of don't seem to be amused.

Besides, the point is that you make fun of the military service of
those who disagree with you about Morse code testing in amateur radio.
Even though you're not an amateur radio operator, never have been, and
probably never will be.

Your body too precious to get it harmed in REAL
service for your country?

Why, no, Len. I don't think that at all. Never have.

Is military service the only REAL service, Len? I guess
all those police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and other
uniformed people who go in harm's way don't count, do they?

How about the utility workers who keep the lights on and the water
flowing? Or the highway, airline, transit, railroad and maritime
workers who keep transportation running?

Or health care workers, exposed to who-knows-what every day on the job?

Guess they don't count either - to you.

Couldn't get a dinner date with the Captain
because the King of the Katapults was already
booked on that aircraft carrier?

More name calling - so typical of you.

Let's all stand up and salute this brave "member of the service."

There you go again! So typical.

I served. YOU did NOT.

How does that give you the right to insult others' service?

You want to see more of what I did in ARMY service?

No. You've told us over and over and over again. That's

Dave Heil April 13th 05 06:31 AM


From: N2EY on Apr 12, 4:20 pm

Lest WE forget..."N2EY" NEVER served in ANY war in ANY military.

How do you know for sure, Len?

You don't know for sure, do you, Len?

Besides - what does it matter?

You want to get all emotional and teary on
World War II?

"You cannot answer a question with another question"

You own words, Len.

What does it matter whether I served in any military or not?

Tsk. Go talk to a REAL WW2

I've done that - many times. From several branches of the
US military.

It would have difficult to grow up in the times we did and not encounter
larges numbers of World War II vets. My dad was a U.S. Navy veteran of
the Normandy Invasion. A great-uncle was at Bataan. He survived the
Death March and was held by the Japanese until the end of the war.

Better yet, visit a VA hospital and
keep some of them company.

That's a good idea!

It is a great idea but it isn't necessary to visit just a VA hospital.
I can visit any number here who live quietly with spouses, who are
living alone as widowers or who are in nursing homes.

Remember that WW2 ENDED BEFORE you were born.

Why is that of any significance? If anything, it is
more important that those of us who weren't alive then
keep the history alive.

I live just up the hill from Valley Forge, where Washington's
army survived a terrible winter. Also down the pike from where
the Paoli Massacre took place.

That war ended long before *you* were born, Len.

You don't quite have the hang of it, Jim. I'd have used, "That war

And, you've NEVER served in any military.

How do you know for sure?

And what does it matter anyway?

Yet you make this BIG THING about morse code
in a window display...

Is it wrong to mention an interesting architectural feature?

I read your post and looked in vain for the portion in which you made it

Does it bother you, Len?

You read his lengthy post and saw the style he used. You bet it
bothered him.

Here's a hint: The Canadian military forces used Morse Code in

If I did talk about any military service I had, you would
be certain to make fun of it. It's just what you do, Len.
So typical.

I've seen how you talk to those who *have*
served in the US military, and for various
departments of the US government.

I haven't dissed Bill Sohl about his USN service.

Because he doesn't disagree with you about Morse Code testing in
amateur radio. In fact, he pretty much ignores you.

I haven't dissed Brian Burke about his USAF service.

Because he doesn't disagree with you about Morse Code testing in
amateur radio. In fact, he pretty much idolizes you.

It's only those who disagree with you about Morse Code testing
that get your disrespect, abuse, name calling, and general
jackass behavior.

To be fair, Len has exhibited jackass behavior toward K0HB and Hans does
not support retention of morse code testing.

I HAVE dissed those that want to LIE about
their big heroic military "actions" such as
Stebie the wonder murine

There you go - calling names. So typical.

....and utterly predictable.

about his famous
"seven hostile actions"

Do you know what they are? Where *you* involved in any of

He doesn't have any idea what they were. It kills him.

Is there any reason to doubt that Steve, K4YZ, was involved
if he says he was?

and his failure to
acknowledge that the DoD really does direct

I see. His mistake somehow justifies *your* behavior?

To my knowledge, Steve has never stated that DOD does not direct MARS.
His claim is that if there were no radio amateurs, there'd have been no
MARS program. In that, he is correct.

Am I supposed to "respect" the infamous Kolonel

There you go again - calling names.

Did you really expect otherwise?

Godwin invoked. You lose.

Why not use the person's name and callsign?

about his very NON-SPECIFIC "service" in
Vietnam? Just because he brags without revealing
any details?

What difference would details make? Your behavior when
details are given doesn't change. In fact, you simply
use the details as a source of more insults.

That's pretty much why I've left details out. As with Steve's military
service, Len doesn't know what I did or where I did it and it kills him.

OTOH, Brian, N0IMD, refuses to give any details about
his claimed amateur radio operation from Somalia, but
that doesn't bother you a bit.

Isn't this about the point at which Leonard or Brian would begin some
litany about a double standard?

Just because he was in the State

Do you mean Dave, K8MN, who served in the US State Department
at a number of foreign posts as a communications officer?

His service to our country was much longer than your, Len, and
in many more foreign countries.

....and Len has invariably demeaned that service. He has always known
more about my job that I did. Foreign service tours were dismissed as
tropical backwaters, places of insignificance and Cashew capitals.

I recall when he was transferred
to right around the same time the US Embassy in the country he was
transferring to was bombed. We didn't hear from him for weeks.
Luckily he was OK.

Luckily, he was on holiday between the assignments and was comfy right
here in West Virginia when the news broke. I arrived in Tanzania three
weeks after the embassy bombing. The embassy was in ruins. Operations
were carried out from a residence for six months while a new temporary
embassy was constructed. It was my busiest assignment.

Yet you argued with him at length about communications facilities
that he used - even though you've never worked for the State

Don't leave out his attempts at insult by stating that my name never
appeared in any lists of embassy staff. That blew up in his face when I
produced a couple of urls in which I was listed. Len's response was to
dismiss the lists as some sort of telephone directory.

Of course I "should."

Yes, you should.

Perhaps you have forgotten the US Coast Guard radio operator who
used to post here? You made fun of his service in that capacity,
in your now-famous "sphincter post".


Because Len is all about Len. That isn't the important part though.
The important part is where Len's sphincter post speaks of what it is
like to be in battle. Len was never in battle.

All those infamous types
are pro-coders and YOU love morse code, so much
so that you think ham radio is all about morse-

Len - lest we forget - you're not a radio amateur. You've never been a
radio amateur. Yet you see fit to tell all how amateur
radio should be. You're not and never have been part of the FCC,

As far as I'm concerned, amateur radio is about operating any mode I
choose on any band I choose. Len isn't involved on any level.

If the person disagrees with you on almost any
issue, you treat them *and their service*
with little or no respect at all.

Tsk, tsk. Better contact the Department of the
Army of the United States and DEMAND my Good
Conduct medal be given up and sent back! :-)

I don't demand anything like that, Len.

You make fun of them and their service for
no apparent reason other than a failed
attempt at what you consider "humor".

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Those "veterans" (at least one
with "seven hostile actions") have all been
about as disrespectful to me FIRST.

No, they haven't. At least not to anyone rational.

No, they haven't.

You apparently see any disagreement with your
cherished beliefs about Morse Code testing in amateur
radio as "disrespect", and then proceed in your
completely predictable manner.

They got
what is known as "return fire."

For saying good things about Morse Code, apparently.

Poor things.
Thought they could pull a snow job on everyone
else and make themselves real "big" in others'
eyes. They should have stayed down at the
Legion Hall bar.

Len knows more about what others did than those involved. Len knows
more about the military. Len knows more about communications. Len
knows more about radio operation. Len knows more about the U.S.
Department of State.
Len knows more about your work. Len knows more about Brian Kelly's
Len knows more about Steve's work.

You mean like somebody who tells us the same story,
over and over and over and over again,
about his service at a big radio facility 50+ years
ago? Then gets mad because people point out his
underestimation of distances, and mistakes about
Soviet aircraft deployment dates?

Whatever Len did at ADA more than a half century ago impacts amateur
radio not in the least. Len tells it because he wants to be sure that
everyone knows of it.

Except it isn't funny.

Not to you. But, you've NOT served in the military.

How do you know for sure?

Do *you* think it's funny, Len? Why? Those whom you make
fun of don't seem to be amused.

Besides, the point is that you make fun of the military service of
those who disagree with you about Morse code testing in amateur radio.
Even though you're not an amateur radio operator, never have been, and
probably never will be.

Your body too precious to get it harmed in REAL
service for your country?

Why, no, Len. I don't think that at all. Never have.

Is military service the only REAL service, Len? I guess
all those police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and other
uniformed people who go in harm's way don't count, do they?

How about the utility workers who keep the lights on and the water
flowing? Or the highway, airline, transit, railroad and maritime
workers who keep transportation running?

Or health care workers, exposed to who-knows-what every day on the job?

Guess they don't count either - to you.

Couldn't get a dinner date with the Captain
because the King of the Katapults was already
booked on that aircraft carrier?

More name calling - so typical of you.

Let's all stand up and salute this brave "member of the service."

There you go again! So typical.

I served. YOU did NOT.

How does that give you the right to insult others' service?

How does it give him the right to insult those who never served?

You want to see more of what I did in ARMY service?

No. You've told us over and over and over again. That's

Now you've done it, Jim. You've denigrated a veteran.

Dave K8MN

[email protected] April 13th 05 07:42 AM

From: on Apr 12, 8:00 pm

From: N2EY on Apr 12, 4:20 pm
Lest WE forget..."N2EY" NEVER served in ANY war in ANY military.

How do you know for sure, Len?

You don't know for sure, do you, Len?

Tsk. You aren't in the St. Louis database. :-)

What does it matter whether I served in any military or not?

This newsgroup is amateur radio policy, not WW2. :-)

Remember that WW2 ENDED BEFORE you were born.

Why is that of any significance? If anything, it is
more important that those of us who weren't alive then
keep the history alive., you want to keep U.S. amateur radio as a
living museum of morsemanship. Understand.
Understood before, still understand that. :-)

I live just up the hill from Valley Forge, where Washington's
army survived a terrible winter. Also down the pike from where
the Paoli Massacre took place.

That's nice. Been there, seen that. So, WHAT
does that have to do with amateur RADIO?

That war ended long before *you* were born, Len.

Absolutely...but, the American Revolutionary War
did NOT involve either morse code or radio.

Remember, this IS an amateur radio policy news-
group, not some teary-eyed emotional hangout for
those that NEVER served.

And, you've NEVER served in any military.

How do you know for sure?

The St. Louis database does NOT have you in it.

And what does it matter anyway?

Not to me, personally. But, remember, this isn't
the History Channel and you AIN'T a docent in it.

Yet you make this BIG THING about morse code
in a window display...

Is it wrong to mention an interesting architectural feature?

Morse code is NOW an "interesting architectural feature?"

So, you are now an amateur "architect?" :-)

Does it bother you, Len?

Only in that you are such a transparent hypocrite.

Here's a hint: The Canadian military forces used Morse Code in

Wow! [...that's a BIG Ben Stein "wowwww...."]

could it be that you
just don't give a damn about WW2 and only want
to make a big emotional showing for morse?

Nope - not at all. I find the history of WW2 to be
very interesting. I think it's important to understand
that war, both how it got started and the aftermath, to
understand current history. And technology.

Tsk, tsk. Then you MUST understand that THIS venue
is NOT for "warfare" or the technology of warfare.

You should also realize that morse code has HAD its
day and is now obsolete for modern communications.
Obsolete for everyone but the retrograde self-
aggrandizement elitist PCTA extras who USE morse
skills to show how much "better" they are than all
other "radio operators." Tsk, tsk.

For example, the very first high-speed, general purpose,
digital electronic computer, ENIAC, was developed and built
right here in Philadelphia - in the basement of the building where I
went to EE school. I've actually seen and handled
pieces of it, read the original papers in the library there.

Poor baby, still BEHIND the times, reaching for glory
on someone ELSE's work. Look again. Collossus over in
the UK's Bletchley Park beat ENIAC in the time frame.
Not only that, John Atanasoff's little group over at
Ohio State was before BOTH of them. :-)

You really DON'T know your own industry's history well
and you are griping about others. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

It was built to compute artillery aiming tables for the US Army,
and was used for ten years at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds. There's
also an unconfirmed story that it was used for atom
bomb calculations.

Sounds like you've been irradiated to sterility of the
mind. LOTS of calculation places were busy doing
ordinance table calculations way back then. Bell Labs
had a RELAY calculator...actually three of them in one
of the first computer "networks" in NYC. Before ENIAC
was started. Tsk, tsk. Get WITH the history program!

Or let's talk about the lessons to be learned from the US Navy
Mark XIV submarine torpedo, and its problems.

Oh! You are now an Expert Extra on USN ordinance?

Remember, this is an AMATEUR RADIO POLICY newsgroup.

Perhaps the proximity fuse is more to your liking. Incredible
device, made with tubes originally meant for hearing aids.

Tsk, tsk. You had a "prox" go off on YOU, sweetums.

Remember, this is an AMATEUR RADIO POLICY newsgroup.

I could go on about the political and economic effects, but since this

is a radio newsgroup I thought I'd stick to electronic and
radio subjects.

Remember, this is an AMATEUR RADIO POLICY newsgroup.

If I did talk about any military service I had, you would
be certain to make fun of it. It's just what you do, Len.
So typical. did NOT HOW can you "talk about"
something that NEVER happened?

Remember, this is an AMATEUR RADIO POLICY newsgroup.

I haven't dissed Bill Sohl about his USN service.

Because he doesn't disagree with you about Morse Code testing in
amateur radio. In fact, he pretty much ignores you.

Bill hasn't been here much. That means he "ignored"
YOU, too! :-)

I haven't dissed Brian Burke about his USAF service.

Because he doesn't disagree with you about Morse Code testing in
amateur radio. In fact, he pretty much idolizes you.

Irrelevant for THIS thread, sweetums. :-)

It's only those who disagree with you about Morse Code testing
that get your disrespect, abuse, name calling, and general
jackass behavior.

Oooooooo! Big PCTA EXTRA tossing your weight around?

Hello? Does the "sign-off" word "PUTZ" mean anything
to you? :-)

Does Kolonel Klunk's "you never did any operating 24/7
in the military" mean anything to you? :-)

I HAVE dissed those that want to LIE about
their big heroic military "actions" such as
Stebie the wonder murine

There you go - calling names. So typical.

Ooooooo! Causing you "great pain and anguish" is it?

Poor baby...must be new to the Internet. :-)

about his famous
"seven hostile actions"

Do you know what they are?

Nope...the big hero sojer in da TN woods won't say!

Are you reading deprived and can't understand what
your pet buddy is saying about others?

Where *you* involved in any of them?

Now, HOW could I have been "in" them? My service
time was 1952 to 1960. Check with St. Louis archives
if you don't believe that. :-)

Is there any reason to doubt that Steve, K4YZ, was involved
if he says he was?


and his failure to
acknowledge that the DoD really does direct MARS.

I see. His mistake somehow justifies *your* behavior?

Just ONE of DOZENS of his "mistakes." :-)

Godwin invoked. You lose.

Do you go to the House of Godwin on Sundays?

Sorry, sweetums, I've WON but you can't ever admit it.

Why not use the person's name and callsign?

Why don't others? Tsk, tsk. You are an elitist PCTA
EXTRA double-standard bearer, Jimmie.

What difference would details make? Your behavior when
details are given doesn't change. In fact, you simply
use the details as a source of more insults.

Awwwww...nobody giving you all that "praise" you get
from your admiring neighbors about your "neat radio
setup" and how you can describe your radio in great
detail to show off for them? :-)

OTOH, Brian, N0IMD, refuses to give any details about
his claimed amateur radio operation from Somalia, but
that doesn't bother you a bit.

Why does that matter to YOU? :-)

Do you mean Dave, K8MN, who served in the US State Department
at a number of foreign posts as a communications officer?


His service to our country was much longer than your, Len, and
in many more foreign countries. I recall when he was transferred
to right around the same time the US Embassy in the country he was
transferring to was bombed. We didn't hear from him for weeks.
Luckily he was OK.

ONE "hostile action" that he was NOT in... :-)

Perhaps you have forgotten the US Coast Guard radio operator who
used to post here? You made fun of his service in that capacity,
in your now-famous "sphincter post".

Tsk, tsk, tsk...YOUR sphincter is way too compressed.

He's a "mathematics LECTURER" in a TITLE
makes him sooooo expert, etc. He ALSO was a MAIL DROP
for ANOTHER extra, one who lived in Rhode Island and
wanted a Hawaii call sign. Tsk, tsk. Highly unethical.


I have NO idea why the Rhode Islander wanted a 6 call
from Hawaii...not to mention a half dozen or so "club
calls" there... :-)

All those infamous types
are pro-coders and YOU love morse code, so much
so that you think ham radio is all about morse-

Len - lest we forget - you're not a radio amateur.

How COULD you PCTA double-standard EXTRAs forget? :-)

You've never been a radio amateur.

Right. And, judging from the behavior of you PCTA
double-standard EXTRAs, the "role models" are pretty
damn poor.

Yet you see fit to tell all how amateur radio should be.

Ooooo..."Klunk's last gasp" (at arguments) invoked!

I'm wondering WHAT drives you retrograde PCTA double-
standard EXTRAs to so enforce the RETENTION of morse
code testing for U.S. amateur radio licensing. You
all get SO HOSTILE at ANYONE wanting to delete that
regulation! :-)

You're not and never have been part of the FCC, either.

Here's the heartbreaking NEWS for you: YOU are NOT.
Either. :-)

[are you out of a job? maybe I can get you on Kevin's you out...]

and MUST connect morse code to some kind
of imaginary "gallantry in the service." :-)

All I did was mention a museum and some windows. That really
seems to bother you. Too bad - the fact is, the Canadian
armed forces used Morse Code in WW2. Deal with it, Len.

I DID, sweetums. :-) The miliaries (plural) DROPPED
morse code for communications purposes. They started
DROPPING its use when I was in the military. Morse has
been DEAD for years. [except in retrograde amateurism
where the PCTAs worship the dead...]

Tsk, tsk. Better contact the Department of the
Army of the United States and DEMAND my Good
Conduct medal be given up and sent back! :-)

I don't demand anything like that, Len.

Tsk. Feeling GUILTY about mouthing off to a vet?

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Those "veterans" (at least one
with "seven hostile actions") have all been
about as disrespectful to me FIRST.

No, they haven't.

BULL****! You're starting to sound like Stevie the
wonder murine again...[but you LIKE him calling others
by names...that means you don't have to "lower"
yourself to do so...:-) ]

You apparently see any disagreement with your
cherished beliefs about Morse Code testing in amateur
radio as "disrespect", and then proceed in your
completely predictable manner.

Tsk, tsk. Apparently you have a READING disability,
sweetums. You just DON'T (or can't) see that morse-
manship is NOT the ultimate skill in amateurism.

They got
what is known as "return fire."

For saying good things about Morse Code, apparently.

No, for being total mirrors of the olde fahrts in
ham radio...the double-standard PCTA EXTRA elite
who think they are members of some imaginary
"service" to their country. Tsk, tsk.

You mean like somebody who tells us the same story,
over and over and over and over again,
about his service at a big radio facility 50+ years

Tsk. YOU didn't do such a thing, did you?

Do we detect "envy" in someone working high-power
HF in REAL 24/7 communications...BIG a
professional manner?

Sure looks like it to me. And to others.

Then gets mad because people point out his
underestimation of distances, and mistakes about
Soviet aircraft deployment dates?

Nah. Soviet aircraft weren't my thing at the time.
Still aren't.

Thing is, I was THERE, sweetums. YOU were NOT.

You READ all about Soviet aircraft in a book, long
after the harm they could cause us was over.

Not to you. But, you've NOT served in the military.

How do you know for sure?

Stuff it, sweetums. I KNOW. You are NOT in the
military service archives. Of the United States of
America. Makes one wonder WHERE you "served" in the

Remember, this is an AMATEUR RADIO POLICY newsgroup.

Do *you* think it's funny, Len? Why? Those whom you make
fun of don't seem to be amused.

Ooooooo! It just breaks my heart! [he said sarcastically]

TS, big shot. Calling all those NCTAs for "dumbed down"
because they don't care for morsemanship is NOT some
kind of funny business.

Is military service the only REAL service, Len? I guess
all those police officers, firefighters, EMTs, and other
uniformed people who go in harm's way don't count, do they?

Police DO count, sweetums. Are YOU a policeman?
Bad folk try to kill police...and police fire back.
Do YOU have the guts to do that?

How about the utility workers who keep the lights on and the water
flowing? Or the highway, airline, transit, railroad and maritime
workers who keep transportation running?

Don't forget the garbage collectors, the newspaper vendors
the factory workers, and the cafeteria servers...the butcher,
the baker, the candlestick makers...:-)

Remember, this is an AMATEUR RADIO POLICY newsgroup.

You want to do a thing on Human Resouces, you get on
Larry Roll. :-)

Couldn't get a dinner date with the Captain
because the King of the Katapults was already
booked on that aircraft carrier?

More name calling - so typical of you.

Wow! Must have really get you ****ed off to get turned
down! Bet you didn't get to shoot any bears either!

I served. YOU did NOT.

How does that give you the right to insult others' service?

WHO appointed YOU "god" in here to determine who is to
to what? Hummmm?

Howcomeforwhy YOU get to be critical as all get out about
MY working HF comms IN the military a half century ago?

Oh! I know! The ARMY didn't bother using morse code or
morsemanship for the long-distance HF comms then! That
MUST make you all angry and frustrated. Poor guy.

You want to see more of what I did in ARMY service?

No. You've told us over and over and over again. That's enough.

WHO was it that used to quote (or rather misquote) a
baseball player's phrase, "It ain't braggin if ya done it."

I did it. You did NOT. You have been an amateur while
I've been a professional about as long as you've been


K4YZ April 13th 05 08:22 AM


Lest WE forget..."N2EY" NEVER served in ANY war in ANY military.

Let's all stand up and salute this brave "member of the service."

Let's see....

Jim Miccolis, who never served in the Armed Forces, takes a moment
to mention a Veteran's memorial that has a cute Morse Code "theme" to
it. No big deal. Thanks, Jim.

Then we have Lennie Anderson. Served ONE tour of duty in a soft,
non-combatant rear area radio station from 1953 to 1956. Finished his
"obligation" as a non-drilling reservist.

Conceptualizes his duty as having jumped on grenades and dragged
wounded buddies from withering machine gun fire.

Never rose above Sergeant (E-4 in those days, I believe, but I may
be wrong).

NEVER served in combat and NEVER fired a shot in anger. DID,
however, attempt to embellish his meager duty by trying to associate
HIS service with the sacrifices of Soldiers who were KIA before he was
even inducted!

Has not doen a thing to serve anyone BUT Lennie Anderson
since...And that by his own admission.

Lennie, who is the King of the Whining Wounded, takes a pot shot
at Jim. Why are we not surprised.

This is why Lennie is the creep that he is. Just like the onld
"7Up" commercial..."Always was...Always will be..."

Guess Lennie has one more story of how he protected that rear area
radio station from those "Hammie *******s" down at the VFW now...

Steve, K4YZ

[email protected] April 13th 05 08:26 AM

From: Dave Heil on Apr 12, 9:31 pm

From: N2EY on Apr 12, 4:20 pm

Does it bother you, Len?

You read his lengthy post and saw the style he used. You bet it
bothered him.

NAH. I did it. Jimmie didn't do it.

To be fair, Len has exhibited jackass behavior toward K0HB and Hans

not support retention of morse code testing.

Tsk. Everyone who disagrees with Davie is guilty of
"jackass behavior?" :-)

Riiiight...only ARRL-speak and the beauty, nobility,
and grandeur of morsemanship is spoken in here...:-)

about his famous
"seven hostile actions"

Do you know what they are? Where *you* involved in any of

He doesn't have any idea what they were. It kills him.

NAH. It only shows what a snow-jobbing laid-off
murine does under the guise of a U.S. AMATEUR radio
extra callsign. Tosses brags like they were bagels.

To my knowledge, Steve has never stated that DOD does not direct MARS.

His claim is that if there were no radio amateurs, there'd have been

MARS program. In that, he is correct.

Bull****. The United States ARMY started MARS...but
under a different name before WW2. Tsk. Davie ought
to read up on the subject...lots of references.

MARS always was and remains a MILITARY radio system.
A small one, about as effective as having special
services put on shows and entertainment. Morale
boosting thing.

That's pretty much why I've left details out. As with Steve's

service, Len doesn't know what I did or where I did it and it kills


No problem with me. If you ain't got the guts to
tell the details, you AIN'T done it. Simple as that.

...and Len has invariably demeaned that service. He has always known
more about my job that I did. Foreign service tours were dismissed as

tropical backwaters, places of insignificance and Cashew capitals. doing a Rodney Dangerfield? Get no
"respect?" :-)

Don't leave out his attempts at insult by stating that my name never
appeared in any lists of embassy staff. That blew up in his face when

produced a couple of urls in which I was listed. Len's response was

dismiss the lists as some sort of telephone directory.

Tsk. Sounds like you are bucking for an Intelligence Star.
Couldn't you get a sponsor at the NSA to award you one?

Because Len is all about Len. That isn't the important part though.
The important part is where Len's sphincter post speaks of what it is
like to be in battle. Len was never in battle.

Only ONE very brief exchange of gunfire. Doesn't count
as a "battle," though.

Big Hero Dave...tell us all YOUR "battle experience."

Were you behind the Viet Cong lines sending intel to
HQ via CW?

As far as I'm concerned, amateur radio is about operating any mode I
choose on any band I choose. Len isn't involved on any level.

Everyone NOT licensed in amateur radio "isn't involved."


The point is that some MIGHT want to GET INTO amateur
radio. Dave loses his perspective on that. [age
causing loss of sight...among other things...]

Davie ought to get with Paul Schleck pronto and have
EVERYONE without a valid amateur radio license TOSSED
OFF this newsgroup! Make it "safe" for the double-
standard elitist PCTA EXTRAs to use as their personal
chat room and blog... :-)

Len knows more about what others did than those involved.

Nope. But...I DO recognize a bull**** artist from a
long distance. Davie be one of those...

Len knows more about the military.

I know enough to meet THIS level of homo saps. :-)

Been IN the Army...had lots of contact with Army
as a civilian after service time done.

Len knows more about communications.

Tsk. I know some about that. Been IN that as a
civilian. :-)

Len knows more about radio operation.

Tsk. I know HOW they work and the protocols needed
in some radio services. You have a need of info on
those radio services, big honcho?

Len knows more about the U.S. Department of State.

I do? Oh, my, aren't you stepping off into denied
territory! :-)

Len knows more about your work.

Tsk. Jimmie "works in the transportation field"
according to one Comment in the ECFS. Other than
that, Jimmie do NOT say squat. He afraid others
find out?

Len knows more about Brian Kelly's work.

I do? Oh, my. News to me. Isn't Kellie retired?

Len knows more about Steve's work.

Tsk. Stevie follows REAL DOCTORS' orders...which
includes staying OUT of the Sharps box. :-)

Whatever Len did at ADA more than a half century ago impacts amateur
radio not in the least.

Riiiiight old-timer. Ham radio NEVER operated on HF, did
it? :-)

Len tells it because he wants to be sure that everyone knows of it.

You betcha! :-)

The U.S. military did NOT use morse code in long-distance
fixed-point to fixed-point communications a half century
ago and still don't. Tsk. Some of you olde-tyme hammes
need to get your noses out of old WW2 surplus radio books
and inspect the rest of the radio world.

How does it give him the right to insult those who never served?

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Those with SUCH thin skin should NOT be
ANYWHERE on the Internet!!!! :-)

Now you've done it, Jim. You've denigrated a veteran.

Jimmie (and Davie...and Stevie...and every other elitist
double-standard PCTA EXTRA) will, without doubt, insult
ANYONE they care to. It's in the fine print of their
ham privileges as super-dooper under-the-dashboard douche
bag guar-un-teed morsemanship EXTRA AMATEURS!!!!

K4YZ April 13th 05 09:31 AM

From: Dave Heil on Apr 12, 9:31 pm

about his famous
"seven hostile actions"

Do you know what they are? Where *you* involved in any of

He doesn't have any idea what they were. It kills him.

NAH. It only shows what a snow-jobbing laid-off
murine does under the guise of a U.S. AMATEUR radio
extra callsign. Tosses brags like they were bagels.

Who's "snow-jobbing"...???

Who's "laid off"...???

How can one toss an intangible...???

To my knowledge, Steve has never stated that DOD does not direct


His claim is that if there were no radio amateurs, there'd have been

MARS program. In that, he is correct.


There's the definitive, "professional" response.

The United States ARMY started MARS...but
under a different name before WW2. Tsk. Davie ought
to read up on the subject...lots of references.

It doesn't matter if it was started by the Hand of God himself,

No Radio Amateurs = No MARS...Army, Air Force, OR NAVMARCORPS.

MARS always was and remains a MILITARY radio system.
A small one, about as effective as having special
services put on shows and entertainment. Morale
boosting thing.

Your limited scope of experience and practice is showing, Lennie.

That's pretty much why I've left details out. As with Steve's

service, Len doesn't know what I did or where I did it and it kills


No problem with me. If you ain't got the guts to
tell the details, you AIN'T done it. Simple as that.

As opposed to YOUR making up details, Lennie?

I am not as predisposed to being a braggart about my military
service. There's no need to. Guys who make a point of sticking the
minute details of what they allegedly did in the Armed Forces usually
prove out to be the rear area radio clerks, etc.

...and Len has invariably demeaned that service. He has always

more about my job that I did. Foreign service tours were dismissed

tropical backwaters, places of insignificance and Cashew capitals. doing a Rodney Dangerfield? Get no

Please specify there part wherein you feel Dave has misrepresented
YOUR representations of his duties, Lennie.

I say he's spot-on.

Don't leave out his attempts at insult by stating that my name never
appeared in any lists of embassy staff. That blew up in his face

produced a couple of urls in which I was listed. Len's response was

dismiss the lists as some sort of telephone directory.

Tsk. Sounds like you are bucking for an Intelligence Star.
Couldn't you get a sponsor at the NSA to award you one?

Dave produces evidence of his claims of service.

You produce excuses.

Because Len is all about Len. That isn't the important part though.
The important part is where Len's sphincter post speaks of what it

like to be in battle. Len was never in battle.

Only ONE very brief exchange of gunfire. Doesn't count
as a "battle," though.

Tripping and accidentally discharging your weapon is NOT an
"exchange of gunfire".

Big Hero Dave...tell us all YOUR "battle experience."

Please, Lennie...P L E A S E retell the tale of YOUR service under
the threat ot the Soviet Bear...And then again your emotional outburst
about how somone else doesn't know what it's like to be under incomming
artillery if YOU had been at Khe San or Chosin Resivoir! ! ! !

Len knows more about what others did than those involved.

Nope. But...I DO recognize a bull@@@@ artist from a
long distance. Davie be one of those...

No, he's not. But you sure do "bare the scars" of one.

Len knows more about the military.

I know enough to meet THIS level of homo saps.


So far, other than reciting the hearldry of the one unit you were
in in 1953, you haven't gotten a single thing about anyone else's
service right yet!

Been IN the Army...

Yeah. When Dwight D Eisenhower was President.

....had lots of contact with Army
as a civilian after service time done.

Too bad you didn't learn anything about the Army after that.

Len knows more about communications.

Tsk. I know some about that. Been IN that as a

Not very successful though. Muddled through to retirement. No
real accomplishments other than having had the good sense to invest
wisely for your leisure years...Of couse at least ONE of your
"employers" reports that you were rather leisurely WHILE you were in
their "employ".

Len knows more about radio operation.

Tsk. I know HOW they work and the protocols needed
in some radio services. You have a need of info on
those radio services, big honcho?

You know jack squat about "radio operation", Lennie.

You know a lot of theory...but squat about how they are used.

Len knows more about the U.S. Department of State.

I do? Oh, my, aren't you stepping off into denied

But it's true. You've tried to nip at Dave's heels for years but
still can't seem to land a good bite in there...

Due primarily to your lack of knowledge and experience in such

I've not found a single bit of fault in anything Dave has
commented on herein...However YOU ahve been caught with your britches
down on numerous occassions.

Whatever Len did at ADA more than a half century ago impacts amateur
radio not in the least.

Riiiiight old-timer. Ham radio NEVER operated on HF, did

Neither did you, according to your MOS's, Lennie...Oh, I have no
doubt that in the process of performing your radio mechanic duties that
you caused some RF to eminate on HF, but you were NEVER an HF operator.

Len tells it because he wants to be sure that everyone knows of it.

You betcha!

Now if it were only true.....

How does it give him the right to insult those who never served?

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Those with SUCH thin skin should NOT be
ANYWHERE on the Internet!!!

I love it...

Lennie wrapping himself in patriotic he claims others
do...Of course when HE does it it's "OK".

Now you've done it, Jim. You've denigrated a veteran.

Jimmie (and Davie...and Stevie...and every other elitist
double-standard PCTA EXTRA) will, without doubt, insult
ANYONE they care to. It's in the fine print of their
ham privileges as super-dooper under-the-dashboard douche
bag guar-un-teed morsemanship EXTRA AMATEURS!!!!

There's a "douche bag" in this forum, Lennie, but he doesn't have
an Amateur Radio license of ANY class.

Steve, K4YZ

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