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"Tarapia Tapioco" wrote in message x.it... In article Dave Heil wrote: I don't see Roger much at all. I saw him once and he bolted. You are lying again. He left after the meeting ended. And "Lurch," you still need help with your bad comb-over, from what he described. Your brain processes seem to mirror that character's, if nbot your appearance. That is absolutely false. I post nowhere on the internet other than as myself. You are the one who seems to see me everywhere. Now, you're still lying, but you lie every time you post, under your own name or not. As I said, my statements are easily verified. Here's a task for you, anonymous one: Come up with verifiable proof to the contrary. Too bad nobody takes your "assignments," or any orders from you, Nazi. Do an internet search on Roger Wiseman, AB8MQ or KC8JBO. That'll reveal that Roger is known only for 1) being in hot water with the FCC and 2) posting filthy rants in newsgroups. He's quite the asset to amateur radio. I can't be bothered. Since your "opinion" of him carries about as much weight with me as it does with evberybody else but your toadies. His "hot water with the FCC" consists of a warning letter from 1999, which may or may not indicate anything, a cautionary letter to him and another ham not to carry online arguments on the air again from 1999, and a retest letter which Roger passed from 2000, all from 5 years ago. Can't find anything recent, though, can you? Why is that? If he is such a "qrmer" as you assert, why hasn't he gotten any more letters? Your reasoning is flawed, like you. And his "filthy" posts are not half as bad as your posts, or others. You sure do like haveing the old Nazi spirit alive, don't you? Roger now keeps a very, very, very low profile on the air--for good reason. Not so. You just can't find him on the air. But with work and other things, he probably has better things to do that stay on the radio 24/7. Isn't have a balance what is in your amateur code? You probably spend more time on the radio than with your family. I can't blame them for encouraging that. "You whining"? Typo, Nazi. "Your whining." Is that better for your narrow mind? Your claim of lies rings quite hollow from one who must hide behind anonymous remailers. Now if you had the courage of your convictions, you'd use your name and stand behind your statements. You can't do that. The only thing ringing hollow is your own pompousity echoing in ^^^^^^^^^^ "pomposity" is the correct form Woger. At least learn the correct form and usage of these advanced words, if you are going to continue using them in your psycobabble. your hollow skull. I stand by my convictions, and others who use anonimity who agree with you, you have no problem with them using "anonimity." Are you like Nursie, using a double standard? You're absolutely right. I'm glad you can see that, finally. |
"A.Melon" wrote:
In article Dave Heil wrote: There is fact. Then there is what you'd say. Funny how that can be applied to you, as well, Nazi. Sorry, that is incorrect. That is totally incorrect. You are ignorant of fact. Says you. But you are a well known liar. Let's see...there's you saying it. Are you a group of individuals? Yep, you can check back issues of State Magazine, QST, CQ, The DX Bulletin. Bank on it. Yeah, right. Maybe those are the articles published you refer to when you post as "Stagger Lee." What articles would those be? My lies about you putting together a sentence? No, stupid, you lies in general. You put together quite a mangled sentence up there. "No, stupid, you lies?" Nice job. You are one pathetic piece of human sludge, hiding behind an anonymous remailer. Oh, heaven forbid that somebody has an opinion other than the self-appointed newsgroup moderator/ham radio "elite", the self- righteous, lying hypocrite who wants to supress freedom of speech. Well, that was the Nazi way. Will you be calling the Gestapo, or will you handle it yourself? It boils down to the fact that you don't have the courage of your convictions. You have to hide. Speak what you like but stand behind what you say. Anyone can snipe from the cover of an anonymous remailer. Dave K8MN |
"Dave Heil" wrote in message ... "A.Melon" wrote: In article Dave Heil wrote: There is fact. Then there is what you'd say. Funny how that can be applied to you, as well, Nazi. Sorry, that is incorrect. That is totally incorrect. You are ignorant of fact. Says you. But you are a well known liar. Let's see...there's you saying it. Are you a group of individuals? Yep, you can check back issues of State Magazine, QST, CQ, The DX Bulletin. Bank on it. Yeah, right. Maybe those are the articles published you refer to when you post as "Stagger Lee." What articles would those be? My lies about you putting together a sentence? No, stupid, you lies in general. You put together quite a mangled sentence up there. "No, stupid, you lies?" Nice job. You are one pathetic piece of human sludge, hiding behind an anonymous remailer. Oh, heaven forbid that somebody has an opinion other than the self-appointed newsgroup moderator/ham radio "elite", the self- righteous, lying hypocrite who wants to supress freedom of speech. Well, that was the Nazi way. Will you be calling the Gestapo, or will you handle it yourself? It boils down to the fact that you don't have the courage of your convictions. You have to hide. Speak what you like but stand behind what you say. Anyone can snipe from the cover of an anonymous remailer. Dave K8MN Roger also likes to hide behind curtains. |
Tarapia Tapioco wrote:
In article Dave Heil wrote: I don't see Roger much at all. I saw him once and he bolted. You are lying again. He left after the meeting ended. Sorry, that isn't correct. The meeting ended and a tour of the communications van ensued. During that period, you bolted, never to be seen again. And "Lurch," you still need help with your bad comb-over, from what he described. He must have given one of your other personalities some bum info, Wiseman/UnWiseman. I have a full head of hair. If you were taller, you'd know. Why this fascination with my hair, Roger? Your brain processes seem to mirror that character's, if nbot your appearance. Are you entering the big Stephen King look-alike contest this summer? Nbot? That is absolutely false. I post nowhere on the internet other than as myself. You are the one who seems to see me everywhere. Now, you're still lying, but you lie every time you post, under your own name or not. Offer up some proof. As I said, my statements are easily verified. Here's a task for you, anonymous one: Come up with verifiable proof to the contrary. Too bad nobody takes your "assignments," or any orders from you, Nazi. You made a claim. Offer up some proof. Do an internet search on Roger Wiseman, AB8MQ or KC8JBO. That'll reveal that Roger is known only for 1) being in hot water with the FCC and 2) posting filthy rants in newsgroups. He's quite the asset to amateur radio. I can't be bothered. Hint: I doubted you'd do so. You already know what would be found. Since your "opinion" of him carries about as much weight with me as it does with evberybody else but your toadies. It has nothing to do with my opinion. It has to do with what a Google search reveals. His "hot water with the FCC" consists of a warning letter from 1999, which may or may not indicate anything... May or may not reveal anything? Why do you believe you were sent a warning letter? ...a cautionary letter to him and another ham not to carry online arguments on the air again from 1999... Why do you think that one was sent? and a retest letter which Roger passed from 2000, all from 5 years ago. Why do you think the retest was mandated? Can't find anything recent, though, can you? Why is that? If he is such a "qrmer" as you assert, why hasn't he gotten any more letters? I'd guess he'd have to be a bigger fool than is commonly supposed to tempt fate, don't you, Roger/UnRoger? Your reasoning is flawed, like you. My reasoning in suggesting doing the Google search? Why not offer up a few of the positive things your good friend Roger has done with his life? And his "filthy" posts are not half as bad as your posts, or others. Sorry, that is totally incorrect. You sure do like haveing the old Nazi spirit alive, don't you? I have no affiliation with the National Socialists nor AARP. Roger now keeps a very, very, very low profile on the air--for good reason. Not so. So. You just can't find him on the air. One can't find what isn't there. But with work and other things, he probably has better things to do that stay on the radio 24/7. I'm sure "he" is long on other things and short on work. Isn't have a balance what is in your amateur code? "Have a balance"? No, I don't find that in "my" amateur code. I have many interests, UnWiseman. Amateur radio is but one of them. You probably spend more time on the radio than with your family. Then again, you'd have no way of knowing. I can't blame them for encouraging that. Then again, you know nothing of them. "You whining"? Typo, Nazi. "Your whining." Is that better for your narrow mind? Just remember it the next time you go on about one of my errors. Your claim of lies rings quite hollow from one who must hide behind anonymous remailers. Now if you had the courage of your convictions, you'd use your name and stand behind your statements. You can't do that. The only thing ringing hollow is your own pompousity echoing in your hollow skull. I stand by my convictions, and others who use anonimity who agree with you, you have no problem with them using "anonimity." Are you like Nursie, using a double standard? If you stood by your convictions, you'd have no need to hide behind anonymous remailers. You previously used your call as part of your email address and you got tossed from several ISP's as a result of your warm and friendly manner. Your statement (above) is one of the most convoluted pieces of work I've ever encountered. As to "anonimity", I'd let you slide but one doesn't often make a typo twice. The word is "anonymity". You're absolutely right. Nobody has to do so. You being a stand up guy, I thought surely you'd want to let us know what you'd done with your life. That you choose not to do so just makes your claims look like sad, plaintive cries in the night. Off to the rest of the cockroaches with you. I'm glad you can see that, finally. I've seen that all along. Dave K8MN |
Tarapia Tapioco wrote: In article Dave Heil wrote: You seem to be having some problems in your home communications center. I can help you straighten that out if you like. Doubtful, Nazi. You can't even figure out you post under other names when everybody else has. Everyone else has posted under other names? Really? Dave K8MN |
A.Melon wrote:
Perhaps you'd like to ask somebody who give a **** about what you request. I don't have to qualify myself to you or anybody else, Nazi. Nobody has to give information because you ask for it, Nazi. Poor two-test wogie, had to retake the amateur exam. What a total joke. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 |
"Italy Anonymous Remailer" wrote in message ... In article Dave Heil the Nazi and liar wrote: That is incorrect. I'd say that marrying a foreign national was why they cut it short. That and the poor performance record. But the marriage to a foreign nation precludes you maintaining a security clearance! Unless you are in this person's supervisory chain-of-command, you cannot gain access to his performance record. Meaning, you are full of crap. Source please? Marriage to a foreign national does not necessarily terminate one's security clearance. Please cite the regulation you are basing this statement on? Source please? That's incorrect once again. My wife and I had five Foreign Service assignments after our marriage. Sure you did,liar. That doesn't quite make it as a sentence or as fact. Care to tell us what you do for a living? Again, you don't quite have a sentence or a fact. Again, your lies trip you up. I've outlined what I've done for amateur radio. I'll be happy to outline what I've done in civic service when you provide a little info, Roger. More lies, Nazi? That's all you can do. And no matter how much you say it, I'm still not Roger. You are one stupid *******. That's incorrect yet again, Roger. Wrong guess, and learn to punctuate your sentences. It is certainly one of you inhabiting his body. Which personality are you? Are you in communication with the others? Wrong again, nazi. But you are an expert at being wrong. Now go tap out some Morse Code, monkey boy. Maybe you can do something about your bad comb-over, too. |
Tarapia Tapioco wrote:
In article Dave Heil wrote: Sorry, that is incorrect. Sorry, but you are in denial. Denial about what? Let's see...there's you saying it. Are you a group of individuals? Let's see, more than just one person has said it, but you must have your head stuck up your ass, as usual. Try "GOOGLEing" it. You know, by golly, you're right. Most of them seem to have names from various anonymous remailers and are dated very recently. I think you're on to something. You're a regular self-fulfilling prophecy. What articles would those be? "State Magaizine," "QST," "CQ," "The DX Bulletin", that you claim to have atricles published. Try to keep up. I didn't claim to have any "atricles" published. "No, stupid, you lies?" Nice job. "Your lies." Better, hypocrite? It is hardly hypocritical to do the very same thing which you do to me and others. It is actually quite just. It boils down to the fact that you don't have the courage of your convictions. You have to hide. Speak what you like but stand behind what you say. Anyone can snipe from the cover of an anonymous remailer. It boils down to the fact that you and Nursie are A--HOLES. Period. ....and you are an fearful cockroach, hiding under the baseboard. You can't come out unless the lights are off. Dave K8MN |
Fritz Wuehler wrote:
In article "Dignity Ain't Roger" Secret wrote: Show him plans that would help him keep his antennas in his own yard rather than drooping over the sidewalks. Since a Alpha Delta DX-CC is only 82 feet long, and Roger has it in an inverted vee configuration, which shortens the space it takes up quite a bit, none of his antenna goes "over the sidewalk", dumbass! It never did. You know, for a guy who isn't Roger Wiseman, you certainly know a great deal about him. As to "it never did": there's a ham living just out the road from you who says differently. Two others confirmed it. Playing cockroach won't work this time, Roger. A wire antenna is rather noticeable. One which runs out near the street is even more noticeable. I hear a couple of your antenna supports are bowed like a fishing rod with a Marlin on the end of the line. Can that be true? Dave K8MN |
Fritz Wuehler wrote:
They can make you retest at any time, if you were first tested under the VE system. Hate to dissappoint you, but I was licensed long before the VE system. I took my test at the FCC field office in front of an examiner for my Advanced ticket. Bet wogie can't say that. Well he could as he lies a lot. Why wasn't a reason given in the FCC letter. It was posted at the Rain Report at one time, say 5 years ago when it happened? And all you can think about is what happened 5 years ago, and you call Roger obsessed? Poor widdle two-test wogie, had to take the exam all over at the request of the FCC. The FCC doesn't make someone retest just for the fun of it, there is a reason behind it, and it nearly always means the person being retested has violated the rules and got caught, like widdle wogie did. |
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