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Dave Heil April 24th 05 02:13 AM

George Orwell wrote:
"Italy Anonymous Remailer" wrote in message

In article
Dave Heil the Nazi and liar wrote:

That is incorrect.

I'd say that marrying a foreign national was why they cut it
That and the poor performance record. But the marriage to a
foreign nation precludes you maintaining a security clearance!

Unless you are in this person's supervisory chain-of-command,
you cannot gain access to his performance record. Meaning,
you are full of crap. Source please?

Roger is flailing about, grasping for something--anything to hang on me.
He'll be disappointed.

Marriage to a foreign national does not necessarily terminate
one's security clearance. Please cite the regulation you are
basing this statement on? Source please?

It happens all the time. A background check is done. The marriage is
"blessed" by the Bureau of Diplomatic Security.

At my last post alone, the Deputy Chief of Mission was married to a
Chilean, the General Services Officer was married to a Finn, the
Administrative Officer was married to a Chinese.

In Helsinki (first tour) the Ambassador, Consular Officer, one of my
coworkers and one Political Officer were married to Finns, the Deputy
Chief of Mission to a Chilean.

In Botswana the Deputy Chief of Mission was married to a Swede, the
Administrative Officer to a Portuguese, the Budge and Finance Officer to
a South African, my coworker to a Brit, the Consular Officer to a Thai.

In short, Roger hasn't the foggiest idea what he's talking about.

That's incorrect once again. My wife and I had five Foreign


assignments after our marriage.

Sure you did,liar.

Sure. We did.

Dave K8MN

George Orwell April 24th 05 03:10 AM

"Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer" wrote
in message ...
In article
"herb" wrote:

Roger also likes to hide behind curtains.

And you like to hide behind door safety chains, Davies.

NOTE: Poster responded to the name *Roger*

George Orwell April 24th 05 03:11 AM

"Userbeam Remailer" wrote in message
In article
"herb" wrote:

Roger also likes to hide behind curtains.

And you like to hide behind door safety chains, Davies.

NOTE: Poster responded to the name *ROGER*

Dave Heil April 24th 05 05:39 AM

George Orwell wrote:
In article
Dave Heil wrote:

During that period, you bolted, never to be seen again.

I did? When I've never been to one of your "meetings?"

Sure, you have. You were the short fellow with the Stephen King mask.

Besides, you just got caught lying again. And how long would it
take to look over a van?

It took the rest of us some time. Your tour was shorter. You fled.

Guess you don't get out much.

Are you asking me for a date?

I have a full head of hair. If you were taller,
you'd know. Why this fascination with my hair, Roger?

Now, Lurch the Nazi, you seem to see Roger everywhere. You have
a bad comb-over from what was described to me. And all grey
hair. Too bad you dye your eyebrows, but you probably are vain
like that.

It'd be strange for Roger Wiseman to have a fixation on my hair and
eyebrows. It would be far more peculiar for you, a person you claim not
to be Roger Wiseman to have such a fixation--especially when you worry
that I don't go out enough.

Are you entering the big Stephen King look-alike contest this


No, since I don't look like Steven King.

Don't be modest. You're a shoo-in for first prize.


What's "Nbot"????

Don't you recognize it? You wrote it: "Your brain processes seem to
mirror that character's, if nbot your appearance."

Offer up some proof.

That was my response to:

"Now, you're still lying, but you lie every time you post, under
your own name or not."

You first, liar.

Me first at what, UnWiseman?

His "hot water with the FCC" consists of a warning
letter from 1999, which may or may not indicate anything...

May or may not reveal anything? Why do you believe you were

sent a

warning letter?

I wasn't. Roger was.

Oh, I see.

...a cautionary letter to him and another ham not to carry


arguments on the air again from 1999...

Why do you think that one was sent?

Mainly because Roger alerted the FCC to it.

I'm beginning to see a pattern. "Roger" received a cautionary letter
because "Roger" alerted the FCC to it. That makes about as much sense
as anything else you've posted.

and a retest letter which
Roger passed from 2000, all from 5 years ago.

Why do you think the retest was mandated?


My reasoning in suggesting doing the Google search? Why not offer up a
few of the positive things your good friend Roger has done with his


Sorry, that is totally incorrect.

Your posts are on Google for all to see.

They most certainly are. None of them has material consisting of vile,
vulgar references to someone's parents, children or spouse. None of
them depicts filthy acts of homosexuality, incest or pedophilia.
Yours, on the other hand...

I have no affiliation with the National Socialists nor AARP.

Not "offically", but you sure do embrace the supression of
freedom of speech, Nazi.

Your rights end where they infringe upon mine.


Not so. I imagine Roger gets on the air. You just would try to
qrm him, wouldn't you?

You see--there's your problem. You assume that everyone thinks and acts
like you do. You're socially defective.

I am referencing Paul Segal's "The Amateur's Code" written in

The Radio Amateur is...
{edit} is an avocation, never interfering with duties
owed to a family, job, school,orcommunity.

That's just lovely coming from the local filth monger. You're one of
the most unbalanced people I've run into in years, UnWiseman. You're a
problem to amateur radio and a problem to your community. You haven't a

If you stood by your convictions, you'd have no need to hide behind
anonymous remailers. You previously used your call as part of your
email address and you got tossed from several ISP's as a result of your
warm and friendly manner.

Would you like some cheese with all that whine? I never used "my
call" as part of my email address, Nazi. And I've never gotten
tossed from my ISP, either.

Sure, sure, Roger--and you've never had troubles with the FCC and never
had troubles with local law enforcement. You're a regular model citizen.

Your statement (above) is one of the most convoluted pieces of

work I've

ever encountered.

Sort of like your screw up of "That's incorrect yet again"...or
any number of errors.
Like "Nbot" above.

*Just like* "Nbot" above. You wrote it and even *you* didn't know what
it meant.

You're absolutely right. Nobody has to do so. You being a stand
up guy, I thought surely you'd want to let us know what you'd done
with your life. That you choose not to do so just makes your claims
look like sad, plaintive cries in the night. Off to the rest of the
cockroaches with you.

Dave K8MN

Rabbi Roger April 24th 05 06:04 AM

"Dave Heil" wrote in message
George Orwell wrote:
In article
Dave Heil wrote:

Poor Roger. The witless little 49 year old boy is being booted about like a
half-inflated football by all but one user in this group.

Wogie just doesn't get the all too obvious temperament of the posters, does
he? What will it take for Roger to see the significance?

I mean, what is next? Must Wogie be struck on and about his head before he
realizes that he is a persona-non-gratis?

The boy/man is clearly a slow learner.

Small wonder he has no famale companions save for the "pay per" types.

Dave Heil April 24th 05 07:51 AM

Userbeam Remailer wrote:
In article . net
Dave Heil wrote:

You know, for a guy who isn't Roger Wiseman, you certainly

know a great

deal about him.

It's called "e-mailing," Nazi. Perhaps you should keep up.
But not, you, you'd rather be in the dark on a permanent basis.

So you and Roger e-mail each other and he tells you about my hair and
eyebrows along with details of his antenna system along with details of
how it is situated on his tiny lot. Is that correct?

As to "it never did": there's a ham living just out
the road from you who says differently. Two others confirmed


More unsubstantiateed, outright lies.

C'mon, Roger. You know there's only one ham out Echo Valley from you.
You know who I mean. He's a straight shooter.

Playing cockroach won't work this time

I guess you know all baout that since you live in filth.

No, I live near Cameron.

, Roger.

Wrong, again.

Tell him at shift change, when he takes over the body, will you?

A wire antenna is rather noticeable.
One which runs out near the street is even more noticeable.
I hear a couple of your antenna supports are bowed like a
fishing rod with a Marlin on the end of the line. Can that be true?

Hardly, since I don't have one.

I feel badly for you.

Dave K8MN

Stephen King April 24th 05 08:20 AM

I guess you know all baout that since you live in filth.

, Roger.

Wrong, again.

A wire antenna is rather noticeable.

So is your body odor.

One which runs out near the street is even more noticeable.

So is your pointy head.

I hear a couple of your antenna supports are bowed like a

fishing rod
with a Marlin on the end of the line. Can that be true?

Hardly, since I don't have one. Roger has metal antenna
supports. Looks like you are talking out of your ass, as usual.


Hey, Not Roger. Referring to yourself in the third person is a lame ruse.
It is quite obvious to all that your 'third person" routine is but a
childish attempt to mislead those whom you hope are of a similar intellect
as yours. Unfortunately, Not Roger/Roger, your weak attempts are fruitless
and those of us who are you intellectual superiors spend several minutes of
each day laughing at you.

Not with you, Roger At you.

Dave was accurate when he described you as being a psychopath and social
misfit. You really do need help from an outside source.

Tara Kinney April 24th 05 09:19 AM

"Fritz Wuehler" wrote
in message
In article
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:

Hate to dissappoint you, but I was licensed long before the VE

system. I
took my test at the FCC field office in front of an examiner

for my
Advanced ticket.

And you were never good or smart enough to get the Extra, were

So you hold onto an obsolete license......HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
.................................................. ...........................

And you got a new, five words per minute Extra license.

Of course you only had to test twice before Riley cut you off...


Psychiatrist-To-Hams April 24th 05 02:10 PM

"Userbeam Remailer" wrote in message
In article . net
Dave Heil wrote:

You know, for a guy who isn't Roger Wiseman, you certainly

know a great
deal about him.

It's called "e-mailing," Nazi. Perhaps you should keep up.

So, Unroger emails Roger, and Notroger emails the other two?
Fascinating! With three personalities emailing each other, do
they have separate email accounts? Separate computers?
Which one, two, or all three are responsible for the bowed over
antenna support poles?

But not, you, you'd rather be in the dark on a permanent basis.

As to "it never did": there's a ham living just out
the road from you who says differently. Two others confirmed


More unsubstantiateed, outright lies.

Playing cockroach won't work this time

I guess you know all baout that since you live in filth.

, Roger.

Wrong, again.

A wire antenna is rather noticeable.

So is your body odor.

One which runs out near the street is even more noticeable.

So is your pointy head.

I hear a couple of your antenna supports are bowed like a

fishing rod
with a Marlin on the end of the line. Can that be true?

Hardly, since I don't have one. Roger has metal antenna
supports. Looks like you are talking out of your ass, as usual.

Dave Heil April 24th 05 07:17 PM

Anonymous wrote:
In article
Cmd Secret Davey wrote:

Hate to dissappoint you,(whines)

But you were always a disspointment, weren't you? Even to your

Poor little fatass Davey, he still can't prove the retest letter
had a reason other than:

Sorry to interrupt a good rant, UnWiseman. You aren't replying to me.
As I've told you, I post as no one but myself. Your mistake is in
thinking that because you do something, all others do the same.

Keep taking your pills and get plenty of rest.

Dave K8MN

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