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Lloyd April 26th 05 01:12 AM

"Anonymous" wrote in message
In article
"Secwet Gopher Face Tunder" wrote:

The babbling (IKYABWAI)

Looks like Gopher face is stealing from ASSheil. Or is ASSheil
posting under another name, like he claims he doesn't.

The babbling drunk Gopher Face Tunder must be off the cocaine
this morning. His babbling incoherent rants on the Liberty net

^^^^ capitalize

demonstrate how his warped mind triesto function. He must've

no such word no
such conjuntion

gotten the alcohol problem from his drunk daddy, who got canned
when he couldn't even shoot pictures anymore.

^^^^ delete

Cmd Buzz Corey April 27th 05 02:02 AM

Italy Anonymous Remailer wrote:
In article
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:

Did you even have parents? Bet they never would admit it.

I'm sure yours wishes they believed in abortion.

Who cares how long you have been a ham. Nobody.

But a lot longer than you have,

But you still are too stupied and lazy to get past the obsolete
Advanced license.

Poor potty mouth wogie.

Poor Gopher face, he lisps because he fellates so many cocks.

Poor little fatass Davey, he still can't prove the retest


had a reason other than:

"The FCC has the authority, pursuant to §97.519(d)(2) of the
rules to readminister any examination element previously
administered by a volunteer examiner."

And still no other reason was given in Roger's retest letter!

Poor widdle

Poor Little Gopher face, he can't even pass the Extra exam.

Two-test wogie.

So long fool.

Cmd Buzz Corey April 27th 05 10:18 PM

Thrasher Remailer wrote:
In article
Cmd Buzz Corey wrote:

Two-test (And he still passed BOTH)

Poor gopher face, he still can't pass the Extra exam, despite
the current Extra exam has incorporated some of the old Advanced
questions. Guess he'll always be stuck with that obsolete

so long


Poor two-test wogie, had to retake the test at the request of the FCC.

The FCC spanked wogie real good.

Cmd Buzz Corey April 28th 05 03:36 AM

Anonymous AKA two-test wogie, via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer wrote:
Poor (SPANKED Gopher face whines)

Poor Gopher face, he always acknowledges he is too stupid to
pass the Extra exam. Of course, if he was able to do something
in life, he'd pass it because they used the same questions from
the old Advanced question pool on it. Roger took the retest, and
still upgraded to Extra, while you still havfe an obsolete
license. I bet you couldn't pass it if YOU had to retake your
So you think the Extra is a "status symbol?" hmm, I wonder how
the thousands of Extras licensed think of that opinion? Sounds
like "sour grapes" on your part, because you know deep down
inside you couldn't pass it.

Hi wogie, this is the FCC. Due to your violating FCC regulations, we
request you either retest or we will take away your license.


Cmd Buzz Corey April 28th 05 04:03 AM

Anonymous AKA two-test wogie via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer wrote:

Poor Gopher face, he always acknowledges he is too stupid to
pass the Extra exam. Of course, if he was able to do something
in life, he'd pass it because they used the same questions from
the old Advanced question pool on it. Roger took the retest, and
still upgraded to Extra, while you still havfe an obsolete
license. I bet you couldn't pass it if YOU had to retake your

What is "havfe"? The Advanced isn't obsolete, it is still a valid
license and it will be until the FCC says differently. Wrong again,

Cmd Buzz Corey April 29th 05 03:51 AM

Anonymous wrote:
In article
Cmd Buzz Corey AKA Gophger Face Tunder wrote:

Anonymous the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer wrote:

Poor Gopher face, he always acknowledges he is too stupid to
pass the Extra exam. Of course, if he was able to do


in life, he'd pass it because they used the same questions


the old Advanced question pool on it. Roger took the retest,


still upgraded to Extra, while you still havfe an obsolete
license. I bet you couldn't pass it if YOU had to retake your

What is "havfe"?

Looks like a typo. We noticed you dodged the issue, again,
And, nice admission that you couldn't pass a retest if it was
administered to you today.

Poor two-test wogie, spanked really good, twice by Riley at the FCC and
had to retest twice to keep his license because he violated the rules.
Poor two-test wogie.

Cmd Buzz Corey April 29th 05 05:31 PM

Userbeam Remailer AKA two-test wogie wrote:
In article
Cmd Buzz Corey aka Gopher face wrote:

Poor two-tes

Poor Gopher-Face, he can't pass a simple Extra exam, but will
make all kinds of excuses as to why he needs to keep his
obsolete license!

I never had to retake my exam because of violating the FCC rules to keep
my license like two-test wogie did.
Riley and the FCC spanked two-test wogie really good...twice.

Cmd Buzz Corey April 30th 05 02:06 AM

George Orwell AKA two-test wogie wrote:
In article
Cmd Buzz Corey aka Gopher Face wrote:

I never had to retake my exam (incoherent blatherings)

And it's a good thing, too, because you sure couldn't pass it if
you had to retake it today. But you did get a letter from the
FCC, didn't you, Gopher face? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Yes, indeed I did wogie, back in about 1962. You see (this is sorta
technical so you may need to get the 5th grader next door to explain it
to you wogie), I did receive a letter from the FCC about interference to
a television set across the street. At that time, some televisions used
a 21 mhz intermediate frequency, and every time I operated on 15 meters
(that is around 21 mhz in case you didn't know) I would get into this
television's IF and cause interfernece. The owner filed a complaint and
the FCC did send me a letter to respond in 10 days of the situation. I
did respond and explained the problem, also stating I would not operate
on 15 meters, as a courtesy to the set owner, during her favorite TV
viewing hours. The FCC sent the set owner a letter stating the problem
was hers, not mine and I did have the right to operate my station at any
time and she should be appreciative of the fact I volunteered not to
operate during certain hours. Only letter I ever received from the FCC,
end or story.

Never had to retest like wogie because of violating the rules, not even
once, much less twice.

Bet wogie couldn't pass even the General exam, much less the Advance or
Extra if he had to take them when they were real exams, not at some
license give-away VE session where he got his Extra-lite.

Arf! Arf! April 30th 05 08:54 AM

"Cmd Buzz Corey" wrote in message
George Orwell AKA two-test wogie wrote:
In article
Cmd Buzz Corey aka Gopher Face wrote:

I never had to retake my exam (incoherent blatherings)

And it's a good thing, too, because you sure couldn't pass it if
you had to retake it today. But you did get a letter from the
FCC, didn't you, Gopher face? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Yes, indeed I did wogie, back in about 1962. You see (this is sorta
technical so you may need to get the 5th grader next door to explain it
to you wogie), I did receive a letter from the FCC about interference to
a television set across the street. At that time, some televisions used
a 21 mhz intermediate frequency, and every time I operated on 15 meters
(that is around 21 mhz in case you didn't know) I would get into this
television's IF and cause interfernece. The owner filed a complaint and
the FCC did send me a letter to respond in 10 days of the situation. I
did respond and explained the problem, also stating I would not operate
on 15 meters, as a courtesy to the set owner, during her favorite TV
viewing hours. The FCC sent the set owner a letter stating the problem
was hers, not mine and I did have the right to operate my station at any
time and she should be appreciative of the fact I volunteered not to
operate during certain hours. Only letter I ever received from the FCC,
end or story.

Never had to retest like wogie because of violating the rules, not even
once, much less twice.

Bet wogie couldn't pass even the General exam, much less the Advance or
Extra if he had to take them when they were real exams, not at some
license give-away VE session where he got his Extra-lite.

The only exam Rogie ever passed with Magna Cum Numbnuts accolades was his
rectal exam.
The examiner lauded Rogie in that despite years heaped upon years of abuse
of rectal intrusions by his buddies, Rogie's rectum is amazingly still
The Examiner commented that it is rather surprising that Rogie can sustain
such a vast amount of "intake" while still being able to "output" from the
same cavity.
This is, in short, proof positive that Rogie can "talk out his ass" while
simultaneously "taking it in the ass."
This also explains Rogie's inability to spell well. It is nearly impossible
to sound out words when the Lavender Lads are probing Rogie's Back Door. (it
disrupts his concentration)

Bi Lingual.
1. able to speak two languages.
2. spoken in two languages.
3. Roger Wiseman. Able to speak from an oral and anal cavity simultaneously.

Cmd Buzz Corey April 30th 05 10:57 PM

George Orwell AKA two-test wogie wrote:
In article
Cmd Buzz Corey

Yes, indeed I did blatherings

No, Gopher face, you got one in 1999. You know, since you had to
explain why you got it on the so-called "Liberty net".

Sorry wogie, again you don't have a clue as to whom you are speaking of.
I have never listened to the so-called 'Liberty net', much less been on
it. Poor brain dead two-test wogie, just keeps wildly stabbing in the
dark and stabbing himself.
So why don't you provide proof of this alleged letter I received from
the FCC? Huh? Can't do so? Just what I thought.

He's already proven he could, **** for brains. And he was only
retested once, you alcoholic moron.
Unlike you, who can't even get the Extra exam.

Poor two-test wogie, if he had to take the General, Advanced or Extra
when it was a real exam, in front of an FCC examiner, he would never
have passed. He had to get his Extra-lite at a license give-away VE
session. Riley and the FCC spanked wogie not once but twice and made him
retake the test for violating the rules. SPANK SPANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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