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![]() "aditting" Darn those typos! "abckpedals" His greasy hair got in his eyes again "shreeched" Wasn't he the guy in a sit com? Screech? "stuid" Pot calling the kettle black? "heared" That's West Virginia for heard. "assuslted" Rog just makes em' up as he goes along. "experieince" Oh, DUH! "abouve" Is this a French word? "Cosast" Some place by a body of water? "mebership", Just a typo, right? "retqards" Regards or Retards? Who can tell? "coordinbator" Huh? "Realy" Really? "Nitoiced" Keyboard error or stupidity? Becasue Licence Convienince Myabe "occurance" Say what? "srtuggling" "definatrely" "delapidated" What a dufus. "picutre" "permenatly" Ebonics again? "Arest" You need a rest, Wogie. "Sentenceing" No comment. "Narcotices" What? "Undre" Is this a city in Germany? "Surgeoun" And this would be? "Commuications" Who is laughing at who? "Ovre" Ovre and out! "Wondreful" It's a "wondreful" day in the neighborhood? "Derivitave" Still no spell-checker, eh? "You lose, **** for brians." Woger showing who real loser is. "Deisowned" Deis what? "Deeppest" Roger strikes again. "Dodgeing". Is he talking about a car? "Staedy" Steady? "Linme" Transmission line? "Getr" Nobody knows. "Experieince" Wogie is good, ain't he? "Appropiate" What kind of opiate? "Laywer" Lay what? "Visitpors" You never have any, ergo you don't know how to spell it. "It's "complaintant," you sniveling weasel." (Roger Wiseman on spelling complainant.) "Irreevant" Good going, Wogie. "Forwared" Forward HO! "Glady" Glad Bags? "Neighborhod" It's a wonderful day in Wogie's neighborhood. "Mena" Mean? What you mean, Wogie? "Notr" Not? "Sassifyed" ALA Rolling Stones.No Sassifaction.. "Fantasises" That is "fantasizes", Wussman. "Illarate" West BY GOD Virginny! "Reveresed" Must be one of those off-brand keyboards. "Soem".as in Some? What a loser. "VIRIN".What Wogie was before he met the Lavender Lads. "Minisule".he mussa meant miniscule. Like his IQ. "Champoin".Whassup, Wiseman? No dictionaries in the mental ward? "Anoinymous"...a cross between anonymous and annoying? "Acident" Roger's mom got preggers by accident. "Alreaedy" Alright, already! "Amouints" Roger amounts to nothing. "Aposterphe" This guy is a hoot, ain't he? "Basios"...word Woger uses when he gets neeeerrrrvous. "Behing"...a cross between being and behind? "Coiward" As in peeking from behind his mommy's curtains. "Feamle"...I think he meant female. "Losser"...only loser Roger can do it better. "Ignroant"...typical, considering the source. "Sluprs"...only Rogie knows what this means. "Travelled"...a Rogerism, replete with ignorance. "Postss"...pssst...Roger..that should be Posts. "Defgenerate"...well, it's Roger's word... "Faity"...he meant to say Fairy, but you know Roger. "Ghet" Get a load of Curtain Boy! "Distribiution"...Roger likes using phonics. "Biotch"...he meant Bitch, but his phonics took over again. "Methjadone"...a West Virginia substitute for Heroin. "Sumbliminal"...one of Roger's favorites. "Recepticle"...either of Roger's moist cavaties. "Cociane"...a West Virginia drug of choice? "Tiome"...Roger meant to say Time...but his fingers were numb. "Beraking"...no definition. Could mean 'beraking' the leaves, "Amny"...he meant 'any', "Nlay"...a town in Maylaysia? Vermont? "Al;ong"...only Wussman knows what this means. "Becasu"...well, becasu Roger is not the brightest bulb on the tree. "Seperation". Why? Because Roger cannot "seperate" from his mommie! "Sisnce" He meant Since, but his pudgy little fingers slipped off the keys. "gnetically" What? "provce" (prove?) "Piuzza" (West Virginia Pizza) "Schol" (school?) "strill" (still?) "shoitgun" 12 ga or 20 ga? "Snoip" (How they spell "snip" in Glen Dale) "Maturbater". Wiseman does it all the time, he just can't spell it.(leaves a sticky residue on his right hand) "Coskscuking". It's a Roger thing, as in Lavender Lads. "Waddleing". Only in Glen Dale, eh? "Spaeaking". Curtain Boy did this after his second retest. " Stgop" Roger's version of Stop. "Fahter's" He meant Father's Day. "fserting"..would that be festering? "poists". Roger meant "posts". "snadwich" As in peanut butter and jelly? "regualr" Glen Dale rendition of "regular". "aftrer" After? Aftrer what? "soory". Sorry Roger ****s up again. "didnb't" He didn't? "whoile". He ate the whoile thing? "Woamn" He's hooked on West Virginia phonics, all right. "prrof" And he kin prove it, too. "beforfe" Was that before he lurned to spell? "yoiuy" Roger's version of "y'all". "illerate" Only illiterate Roger can spell like this. "haeart" Aw, how heartless of me to laugh! "valule" Roger has no values. No wonder he can't spell it. "proch" Doesn't everyone have one on their house? "inmstitution" Where Roger's mom put him in June 1999. "timne" It's Howdy Doody time? "whgo" What? Who dat? "gnetically" Only Roger knows what this one means. "crfy" Like, cry, Roger, cry. "stutrtering" Some stutter, Wiseman stutrters. "Whjere" Where is Curtain Boy? "Webiste" That's Website to the rest of us. "Youire" Your? You're? Who knows. "fiored" As in fired? "Parety" Roger gave a party once. Nobody came. "Bouynce" Bounce? "Varification" Verifiable mental case. "Probelms" Poor Rogie.has many problems of the mental sort. "Partricipate" Oh, DUH!!!! "Cryed" Gee, Wogie..cry me a river.you dolt! "Stoick" What a dork. His old 386 has no spell check program. "Partiall" More WV Phonics, I see. "Obsucred" Either obscured or Rogie has "sucre" on his mind. "Infinate" Stupid. Think finite, Rogie. "Sustinance" As in Sustenance? "Juvinile". This is the way Roger likes his boys. "Piut" Put it where, Rogie? "Toyus". "Toyus R Us? "Diminuative". Roger's height. "Definitely" Definitely "Percriptions" Say what? "Credibiliy" More Glen Dale intellect. "Thsoe" Yet another Glen Dale gaffe. |
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![]() "I Ain't Roger Either" wrote in message ... "aditting" Darn those typos! "abckpedals" His greasy hair got in his eyes again "shreeched" Wasn't he the guy in a sit com? Screech? "stuid" Pot calling the kettle black? "heared" That's West Virginia for heard. "assuslted" Rog just makes em' up as he goes along. "experieince" Oh, DUH! "abouve" Is this a French word? "Cosast" Some place by a body of water? "mebership", Just a typo, right? "retqards" Regards or Retards? Who can tell? "coordinbator" Huh? "Realy" Really? "Nitoiced" Keyboard error or stupidity? Becasue Licence Convienince Myabe "occurance" Say what? "srtuggling" "definatrely" "delapidated" What a dufus. "picutre" "permenatly" Ebonics again? "Arest" You need a rest, Wogie. "Sentenceing" No comment. "Narcotices" What? "Undre" Is this a city in Germany? "Surgeoun" And this would be? "Commuications" Who is laughing at who? "Ovre" Ovre and out! "Wondreful" It's a "wondreful" day in the neighborhood? "Derivitave" Still no spell-checker, eh? "You lose, **** for brians." Woger showing who real loser is. "Deisowned" Deis what? "Deeppest" Roger strikes again. "Dodgeing". Is he talking about a car? "Staedy" Steady? "Linme" Transmission line? "Getr" Nobody knows. "Experieince" Wogie is good, ain't he? "Appropiate" What kind of opiate? "Laywer" Lay what? "Visitpors" You never have any, ergo you don't know how to spell it. "It's "complaintant," you sniveling weasel." (Roger Wiseman on spelling complainant.) "Irreevant" Good going, Wogie. "Forwared" Forward HO! "Glady" Glad Bags? "Neighborhod" It's a wonderful day in Wogie's neighborhood. "Mena" Mean? What you mean, Wogie? "Notr" Not? "Sassifyed" ALA Rolling Stones.No Sassifaction.. "Fantasises" That is "fantasizes", Wussman. "Illarate" West BY GOD Virginny! "Reveresed" Must be one of those off-brand keyboards. "Soem".as in Some? What a loser. "VIRIN".What Wogie was before he met the Lavender Lads. "Minisule".he mussa meant miniscule. Like his IQ. "Champoin".Whassup, Wiseman? No dictionaries in the mental ward? "Anoinymous"...a cross between anonymous and annoying? "Acident" Roger's mom got preggers by accident. "Alreaedy" Alright, already! "Amouints" Roger amounts to nothing. "Aposterphe" This guy is a hoot, ain't he? "Basios"...word Woger uses when he gets neeeerrrrvous. "Behing"...a cross between being and behind? "Coiward" As in peeking from behind his mommy's curtains. "Feamle"...I think he meant female. "Losser"...only loser Roger can do it better. "Ignroant"...typical, considering the source. "Sluprs"...only Rogie knows what this means. "Travelled"...a Rogerism, replete with ignorance. "Postss"...pssst...Roger..that should be Posts. "Defgenerate"...well, it's Roger's word... "Faity"...he meant to say Fairy, but you know Roger. "Ghet" Get a load of Curtain Boy! "Distribiution"...Roger likes using phonics. "Biotch"...he meant Bitch, but his phonics took over again. "Methjadone"...a West Virginia substitute for Heroin. "Sumbliminal"...one of Roger's favorites. "Recepticle"...either of Roger's moist cavaties. "Cociane"...a West Virginia drug of choice? "Tiome"...Roger meant to say Time...but his fingers were numb. "Beraking"...no definition. Could mean 'beraking' the leaves, "Amny"...he meant 'any', "Nlay"...a town in Maylaysia? Vermont? "Al;ong"...only Wussman knows what this means. "Becasu"...well, becasu Roger is not the brightest bulb on the tree. "Seperation". Why? Because Roger cannot "seperate" from his mommie! "Sisnce" He meant Since, but his pudgy little fingers slipped off the keys. "gnetically" What? "provce" (prove?) "Piuzza" (West Virginia Pizza) "Schol" (school?) "strill" (still?) "shoitgun" 12 ga or 20 ga? "Snoip" (How they spell "snip" in Glen Dale) "Maturbater". Wiseman does it all the time, he just can't spell it.(leaves a sticky residue on his right hand) "Coskscuking". It's a Roger thing, as in Lavender Lads. "Waddleing". Only in Glen Dale, eh? "Spaeaking". Curtain Boy did this after his second retest. " Stgop" Roger's version of Stop. "Fahter's" He meant Father's Day. "fserting"..would that be festering? "poists". Roger meant "posts". "snadwich" As in peanut butter and jelly? "regualr" Glen Dale rendition of "regular". "aftrer" After? Aftrer what? "soory". Sorry Roger ****s up again. "didnb't" He didn't? "whoile". He ate the whoile thing? "Woamn" He's hooked on West Virginia phonics, all right. "prrof" And he kin prove it, too. "beforfe" Was that before he lurned to spell? "yoiuy" Roger's version of "y'all". "illerate" Only illiterate Roger can spell like this. "haeart" Aw, how heartless of me to laugh! "valule" Roger has no values. No wonder he can't spell it. "proch" Doesn't everyone have one on their house? "inmstitution" Where Roger's mom put him in June 1999. "timne" It's Howdy Doody time? "whgo" What? Who dat? "gnetically" Only Roger knows what this one means. "crfy" Like, cry, Roger, cry. "stutrtering" Some stutter, Wiseman stutrters. "Whjere" Where is Curtain Boy? "Webiste" That's Website to the rest of us. "Youire" Your? You're? Who knows. "fiored" As in fired? "Parety" Roger gave a party once. Nobody came. "Bouynce" Bounce? "Varification" Verifiable mental case. "Probelms" Poor Rogie.has many problems of the mental sort. "Partricipate" Oh, DUH!!!! "Cryed" Gee, Wogie..cry me a river.you dolt! "Stoick" What a dork. His old 386 has no spell check program. "Partiall" More WV Phonics, I see. "Obsucred" Either obscured or Rogie has "sucre" on his mind. "Infinate" Stupid. Think finite, Rogie. "Sustinance" As in Sustenance? "Juvinile". This is the way Roger likes his boys. "Piut" Put it where, Rogie? "Toyus". "Toyus R Us? "Diminuative". Roger's height. "Definitely" Definitely "Percriptions" Say what? "Credibiliy" More Glen Dale intellect. "Thsoe" Yet another Glen Dale gaffe. LOL! 73, Lloyd |
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Lardass Lloydie dictionary: "You can always tell when you are getting to Woger. He gets to flustered to type." - Mongolloyd must be getting flustered, "too," BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! "imput" - Mongolloyd's brain has no "input"! Mongolloyd one stupid fat faggot. "Hundred's" - Mongolloyd couldn't count to one much less "hundreds" "dopesnt" - Mongolloyd "doesn't" have a command of the English language! "Wait till" - Mongolloyd we will "wait until" you compose a coherent sentence, but it will be a long wait. "We wn't" - Lardass Davies, you should **** off with your stupidity so "we won't" see it ever again. "Woger is now awoke" - Mongolloyd is never "awake." "is too stupid to under awoke" - oh the irony, Mongolloyd! "I ****s my pants" - Mongoolloyd sure does and eats it, too! "treasing" - Mongolloyd likes "teasing" ****** assholes with his syphilitic tongue. "It's being TOS even" -Mongolloyd the only thing you TOS is your tiny dick! "peoples" - Mongolloyd always steals other "people's" lines! "I really wish Steve wasn't suck a pussy and would come back to this board" - Mongolloyd makes good ****ed up sentence! Mongolloyd made a Freudian slip when he used "suck" instead of "such". "I think it is long since past time when you closed this ****ty board!" -Mongolloyd smoke bad weed! "wraped" - Mongolloyd has frequently "wrapped" his syphilitic tongue around a ******'s asshole! "hig" Who knows what the Athens Asshole means????? "teir" - Mongolloyd is Belle Plaine's "Forrest Gump," As to his retarded peers, he's "their" Camp-We-Can-Do's star pupil. Mongolloyd make good spells! |
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![]() "A.Melon" wrote in message news:4d9f9032c786906fb44cb819cf12d8d0@melontraffic kers.com... In article "I Ain't Roger Either" wrote: backpedals Roger plagiarizes And the chicken****, psychopathic momma's boy from West Vagina spews yet more filth. Wogie, you are not worth the toilet paper it takes to clean Lloyd's butthole. Low-life scum such as yourself lead very lonely lives. You know what I mean. You have nary a single friend in the whole world ("hole" as you spell it) and your pathetic existence is punctuated by occasional malicious forays into the newsgroups where the only attention you get is shameful. You obviously lack the attention you wished you would have had as a child, but being a 49 year old psychopath is not going to bring back the childhood you missed. Castigating others will not bring back your Father. He left you a long time ago, and probably for good reason. Denigrating the families of others will not bring back your wife and kids. They left you a long time ago, too. And for good reason. You, Curtains Boy, are a pathetic excuse for a 49 year old "man." Life is very obviously lonely for you. For whatever good it may do Wogie, we the undersigned will keep you in our prayers. May God have pity on your tormented soul. Lloyd Steveo Von Blevins Lloyd 2 Not Roger Tunder Todd Arf! Arf! Toad Dimmy David Thomas Regina Dee Tarapia 2 Secwet Woger George Orwell Buzz Anonymous Cypherpunk Len Italy Anonymous Les Dave Oris Norm ....and last, but not the least, your adopotive momma, Marie. |
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