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Never Mind, Hans, Found it Myself...
Headers quoted for refrence, stuff in between snipped, however the inquiring mind can certainly follow the headers and verify it's correctness. QUOTE: Newsgroups: rec.radio.amateur.policy From: (Steve Robeson K4YZ) - Find messages by this author Date: 22 Dec 2002 00:34:59 GMT Local: Sat,Dec 21 2002 4:34 pm From: (Len Over 21) Date: 12/21/02 2:26 PM Central Standard Time Message-id: In a couple of months from now I'll mark my 50th anniversary of first QSY...(SNIP) Can't even get the "Q" signals correct for Amatuer application. Besides, "Q" signals are NOT used in MILITARY applications, either... UNQUOTE Congratulations, Hans! You had to go back three years to find something you could hang on to, but nice job! And in YOUR reference: Sorry, Steve, but "Q" signals (properly called Operating Signals) of course ARE used in MILITARY applications. The governing document is ACP-131(E), an unclassified Allied Communications Publication (ACP) available on the web for your examination at http://www.dtic.mil/jcs/j6/cce=ADb/acps/Acp131e.pdf . Yep...In "MILITARY" communications...Not specifically United States "MILITARY"... The document you cited, for the enlightenment of others reading, is a multi-nation Allied document... So for that inappropraite choice of language, I stand corrected... However: That SAME document goes on to say: (paraphrased...you may certainly investigate my comments more closely...) (1) The Q codes (for decode only) are used between military stations and civil aeronautical or maritime stations. (2) The Z codes are for military use only. Q signals MAY be used but are not REQUIRED for use by Allied stations. Said codes are typically used for Morse or teleprinter communications. Z-codes are more prevelent in AMERICAN military communicaitons... But thanks for pointing out s three year old error, Hans. I don't suppose you ahve anything more contemporary to address, do you...?!?! Steve, K4YZ |
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![]() "K4YZ" wrote in message oups.com... Yep...In "MILITARY" communications...Not specifically United States "MILITARY"... The document you cited, for the enlightenment of others reading, is a multi-nation Allied document... Nice bit of Andersonian-like misdirection to try to cover your ignorance (lie?), but welcome to another lesson in US Military Communications, a subject in which you tried to lecture Len, and now me. ALL similar publications used by our AMERICAN military communicators are also used by our military allies. That's why they're call "ACP-xxx". ("ACP" is the acronym for "Allied Communications Publication") ACP-113 (Call Sign Book for Ships), ACP-117 (Routing Indicators), ACP-120 (Security), ACP-121 (General Communications Instructions) ACP-124 (CW Procedures), ACP-125 (Voice Procedures), and many other ACP's are the standard documents used by United States Military communicators. (The publications cited are all unclassified, and probably on the web at the JCS site which contains the ACP-131 which you examined.) Z-codes are more prevelent in AMERICAN military communicaitons. Another "error" (lie?). Q-codes are at least as prevelant in AMERICAN military communications, if not more-so, than "Z" signals. Been there, done that, got the medals. For someone who professes to have been seriously involved in one strictly-AMERICAN military communcations system, NAVMARCORPSMARS, governed by the publication "NTP-8" ("NTP" being the acronym for Naval Telecommunications Publication), your ignorance (lie?) is especially odd, since NTP-8 reproduces an extensive list of "Q" signals taken directly from ACP-131. I would think you'd have known that you never saw a copy of NTP-8. Oh, never mind. I forgot that NAVMARCORPSMARS is NOT a military communications system. "Sorry Hans, MARS IS "Amateur Radio" But thanks for pointing out s three year old lie, Hans. You're welcome, Steve. This lecture brought to you free by K0HB, who hopes that you are not offended by anything you read, inferred, assumed, presumed or otherwise guessed I might have possibly meant as demeaning - unless of course you are a pompous "full-of-yourself" individual who WANTS to be insulted. In which case be my guest. ZBM2, de Hans, K0HB |
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![]() K=D8HB wrote: "K4YZ" wrote in message oups.com... Yep...In "MILITARY" communications...Not specifically United States "MILITARY"... The document you cited, for the enlightenment of others reading, is a multi-nation Allied document... Nice bit of Andersonian-like misdirection to try to cover your ignorance (lie?), but welcome to another lesson in US Military Communications, a subject in which you tried to lecture Len, and now me. And Steven J. Robeson K4YZ K4CAP K4MARS said that he admits his mistakes. =20 Perhaps grudgingly, if at all. |
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![]() "K4YZ" wrote You had to go back three years to find something you could hang on to, but nice job! Nope, less than 2-1/2 years. Actually you're guilty of only a modest exaggeration, but if Brian or Len had exaggerated something by a similar ratio you'd have labled them "liars". I wonder why that is? de Hans, K0HB |
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![]() K=D8HB wrote: "K4YZ" wrote You had to go back three years to find something you could hang on to, but nice job! Nope, less than 2-1/2 years. Actually you're guilty of only a modest exaggeration, but if Brian or Len had exaggerated something by a similar ratio you'd have labled them "liars". I wonder why that is? If Brian or Lennie had such an error pointed out, there'd be a six month long rant on how licensing in Somalia or how Lennie single handedly passsed 1.2 million messages at ADA in 1953. I just acknowledged the error when it was shown and moved on. Do you wonder why THAT is...??? Steve, K4YZ |
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From: "K4YZ" on Fri,Apr 29 2005 2:07 am
K=D8=88B wrote: "K4YZ" wrote You had to go back three years to find something you could hang on to, but nice job! Nope, less than 2-1/2 years. Actually you're guilty of only a modest exaggeration, but if Brian or Len had exaggerated something by a similar ratio you'd have labled them "liars". I wonder why that is? If Brian or Lennie had such an error pointed out, there'd be a six month long rant on how licensing in Somalia or how Lennie single handedly passsed 1.2 million messages at ADA in 1953. 1. Brian had simply mentioned he did some ham radio from Somalia when he was on active duty, assigned there. I saw no "discussion of licensing IN Somalia." I did see a lot of name-calling and general personal insults directed ON Brian by yourself and Das Kolonel. Both of you, plus Jimmie Noserve, had tried to pass yourselves off as "experts" on amateur radio licensing in trying to INFER that Brian was "breaking the law" by "not having the 'authorization.'" You know NOT of such "authorization" and none of the three of you have ANY authority on that of any kind. 2. I've never claimed credit for "single-handedly passing 1.2 million" anything. What I stated was an APPROXIMATION of the number of message I was RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSMISSION as an OPERATING TEAM LEADER...not in 1953 but rather late 1954 when I had the rank (E-5) to BE an Operating Team Leader. It is obvious to any rational mind that NO ONE PERSON could possibly transmit 220 thousand messages a month over a single radio station. That takes teamwork and ALL on the team MUST do their part. 3. Saying you can read the future is itself a LIE. You are neither Saint nor Savant With Prescience. Ergo, you CANNOT say such things as "there'd be a six month rant" by anyone on anything, especially when you cannot get your IMAGINED activities by others factual. I just acknowledged the error when it was shown and moved on. That is (probably) the BIGGEST LIE of Robeson. Robeson tries and tries and tries and tries to turn around ANY accusation by misdirection, personal insult of others, and general accusation of misdeeds by his accusers. 1. As an example, when pointed out to Robeson that the Department of Defense does indeed DIRECT MARS, was given the exact web link to that DIRECTIVE, spent over two weeks of messaging AVOIDING his mistake in saying "MARS IS amateur radio." Robeson could have simply acknoledged that DIRECTIVE's existance and shut up on the subject. He did NOT. If Robeson ever said so, he hid that "acknowledgement" in a smokescreen of verbiage (mostly garbiage) which still attempted to misdirect the subject AND managed to level personal insults on his accusers. There was NO "moving on" but a long, long, protracted (by the Angle of Dearth) message exchange where his very real ERROR was NEVER admitted. 2. This newsgroup has been turned into a personal battle- ground of Robeson's own doing. It has become a cess- pool of insults, invective, rationalizations leveled by Robeson in an attempt to show Robeson never, ever made any mistake...all mistakes are (in Robeson's output) done by OTHERS. One needs only to look at all the message thread titles CREATED BY ROBESON where he practices his ugly invective storm und rang on all who will not agree with him. Do you wonder why THAT is...??? Nobody need "wonder" about Robeson's appearance in messages here. He acts the textbook sociopath, fighting against all who disagree with him in the slightest. Further, his output of insults has the (again, textbook) flavor of "progression." In "progression" he has tried to accuse his accusers of doing the THE SAME MISDEEDS THAT ROBESON DOES. Robeson says he "holds a mirror up to a person" but actually he is only looking at himself in that mirror. Robeson describes himself, not his accusers. [elementary Psychology 101 and 102 once required courses for a California EE degree] Someday this newsgroup - if it survives - may actually discuss POLICY in amateur radio. This week there have been some ventures into that. However, in the main content of this cesspool cum newsgroup, most of the topics and the continuing battle of Robeson against everyone else. :-[ |
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![]() wrote: From: "K4YZ" on Fri,Apr 29 2005 2:07 am K=D8=88B wrote: "K4YZ" wrote You had to go back three years to find something you could hang on to, but nice job! Nope, less than 2-1/2 years. Actually you're guilty of only a modest exaggeration, but if Brian or Len had exaggerated something by a similar ratio you'd have labled them "liars". I wonder why that is? If Brian or Lennie had such an error pointed out, there'd be a six month long rant on how licensing in Somalia or how Lennie single handedly passsed 1.2 million messages at ADA in 1953. 1. Brian had simply mentioned he did some ham radio from Somalia when he was on active duty, assigned there. I saw no "discussion of licensing IN Somalia." I've never seen anyone ask about rear area Army radio stations in the 50's, Lennie, but you sure do let us know about it. have ANY authority on that of any kind. =3D 2. I've never claimed credit for "single-handedly passing 1.2 million" anything. Your INITIAL claim, before everyone with a grade school mathematics education put the numbers back in your face was that YOU were responsible for this feat. You only changed your story to "team" after a week of being hit over the head with your silliness. What I stated was an APPROXIMATION of the number of message I was RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSMISSION as an OPERATING TEAM LEADER...not in 1953 but rather late 1954 when I had the rank (E-5) to BE an Operating Team Leader. It is obvious to any rational mind that NO ONE PERSON could possibly transmit 220 thousand messages a month over a single radio station. That takes teamwork and ALL on the team MUST do their part. If could have been in ANY time era, Lennie...Your INITIAL "story" was that YOU were responsible for this feat. "Teamwork" didn't enter the picture until days later. Nice try, though. 3. Saying you can read the future is itself a LIE. I never said I could, Lennie. I just acknowledged the error when it was shown and moved on. That is (probably) the BIGGEST LIE of Robeson. Robeson tries and tries and tries and tries to turn around ANY accusation by misdirection, personal insult of others, and general accusation of misdeeds by his accusers. Ahhhhhhhhhh....I see....Saying that I realized I made a mistake and accepting that fact is "misdirection"... 1. As an example, when pointed out to Robeson that the Department of Defense does indeed DIRECT MARS, was given the exact web link to that DIRECTIVE, spent over two weeks of messaging AVOIDING his mistake in saying "MARS IS amateur radio." You're the one with the misdirection, Lennie. I NEVER claimed that MARS was under anyone's direction other than DoD. I DID say that the same SPIRIT of AMATEUR RADIO was what made MARS what it is. Robeson could have simply acknoledged that DIRECTIVE's existance and shut up on the subject. He did NOT. If Robeson ever said so, he hid that "acknowledgement" in a smokescreen of verbiage (mostly garbiage) which still attempted to misdirect the subject AND managed to level personal insults on his accusers. I'll end this reply right here since THAT claim by Lennie is the very essence OF Lennie. Leonard H. Anderson IS a pathological liar! And putz.... Steve, K4YZ |
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From: "K4YZ" on Fri,Apr 29 2005 9:54 pm
wrote: From: "K4YZ" on Fri,Apr 29 2005 2:07 am K0HB wrote: "K4YZ" wrote If Brian or Lennie had such an error pointed out, there'd be a six month long rant on how licensing in Somalia or how Lennie single handedly passsed 1.2 million messages at ADA in 1953. 1. Brian had simply mentioned he did some ham radio from Somalia when he was on active duty, assigned there. I saw no "discussion of licensing IN Somalia." I've never seen anyone ask about rear area Army radio stations in the 50's, Lennie, but you sure do let us know about it. Someone has to do it...poor Stevie NEVER did anything close to such HF communications...as an amateur or anything else. Stevie fails to get the point: A half century ago, the MAJOR message load throughout the U.S. military was by teleprinter, NOT morse code. Way higher than 90% of ALL message "traffic" in the military. A HALF CENTURY AGO. Perhaps nearly a quarter million messages a MONTH is not enough traffic in your fevered imagination? Tsk. That kind of traffic was done by the third-largest Army station in ACAN (later STARCOM, later the DCS or Defense Communications System)...using the old 60 WPM rate teleprinters. "WAR" (actually RUEP at Fort Detrick) handled over a MILLION messages per month. 2. I've never claimed credit for "single-handedly passing 1.2 million" anything. Your INITIAL claim, before everyone with a grade school mathematics education put the numbers back in your face was that YOU were responsible for this feat. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You still don't understand what the word APPROXIMATION means. :-) Neither transmitters nor receivers personnel kept a count of the messages going and coming...we kept the radio equipment OPERATING...most circuits being 24/7. Traffic Analysis group at Control did the tallying, primarily for administrative purposes and to gauge the loading on the many and various radio paths to the rest of the network. No more than about four, two in Control (one being the Duty Officer on shift) and two in the TTY Relay section. OK, let's do an APPROXIMATION of the numbers based on very brief data that appeared in the Pacific Stars & Stripes military newspaper of 1955 (exact issue not known, not that it matters except to certain pedantic literalist morsemen)...that being 220,000 messages a month average in 1955. Based on a 30 day month, that works out to about 7333 messages a day average... which is about 2444 messages (average) per 8-hour shift...or 306 messages an hour (average) or 5 messages a minute (average)...all day, all night, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year...continuous traffic...stopped only for about 3 hours during a solar storm some time in late 1955 (neither receivers nor transmitters shut down, were on-line and waiting but it gave the TTY Relay section a nice break time). By the way, there's a nice mnemonic in "220" which is also the APPROXIMATE number of teleprinters in the TTY Relay section floor handling all the TTY in/out of RUEP (the node identifier for Tokyo at the time). My active duty time in the 8235th Army Unit (the "other" identifier for my Signal Battalion) was three years. So, given that I was actively responsible for my part in handling all that traffic (none of us did it all on our own) then, IF and only IF the 220 thousand per month was an average for all three years, a total of message traffic through ADA/RUEP was APPROXIMATELY 7.92 MILLION! An average PER YEAR would be 2.64 million. Now, if I were only directly, intimately, hands-on like involved for 8 hours per day AVERAGE that works out to a "mere" 880 thousand per year... except I was there for three years so that AVERAGE APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE (give or take) jumps back to 2.64 MILLION. [I do hope I haven't taxed your 16 neurons excessively on this so far...] As to this "1.2 million" figure, that would be WRONG IF and only IF TAKEN LITERALLY...IT HAS TO BE MORE! My AVERAGE APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE was being very kind to your one-op, one-transceiver amateur minds in taking that 2.6 million down to roughly half. There were some duties that involved simple maintenance, testing, administrative duties, a couple of quick equipment courses, etc., etc., that did NOT involve DIRECT, HANDS-ON RESPONSIBILITY for keeping the motto of GETTING THE MESSAGE THROUGH "live." For example, in a month of duty exchange spent in Control (to relieve another E-5 who was sick) my ON-LINE RESPONSIBILITY was for a GREATER NUMBER than the ones I ESTIMATED. An EXACT tally is impossible. None of that was a requirement. The only requirement was ABSOLUTE: GET THE MESSAGES THROUGH. WE did. All of us in our unit. You only changed your story to "team" after a week of being hit over the head with your silliness. I used the term "team" for understanding by those who have NOT been in that kind of communications. WE used the term "trick chief" to denote a team leader for operations and maintenance on a shift. ADA transmitters had four teams working in a curious 12-day cycle of three days on each shift followed by three days off. "Trick chiefs" were usually E-5s with an E-4 as Assistant "trick chief." the rank (E-5) to BE an Operating Team Leader. It is obvious to any rational mind that NO ONE PERSON could possibly transmit 220 thousand messages a month over a single radio station. That takes teamwork and ALL on the team MUST do their part. If could have been in ANY time era, Lennie...Your INITIAL "story" was that YOU were responsible for this feat. "Teamwork" didn't enter the picture until days later. Tsk, tsk, tsk. TEAMWORK was NECESSARY a half century ago, always has been, still is (at least in USA and USAF and USN military communications). The U.S. Military is entirely PROFESSIONAL...not a bunch of amateurs having fun in a hobby activity. 3. Saying you can read the future is itself a LIE. I never said I could, Lennie. Then why do you WRITE "what would be?" You don't KNOW that your imaginings will take place. I just acknowledged the error when it was shown and moved on. That is (probably) the BIGGEST LIE of Robeson. Robeson tries and tries and tries and tries to turn around ANY accusation by misdirection, personal insult of others, and general accusation of misdeeds by his accusers. Ahhhhhhhhhh....I see....Saying that I realized I made a mistake and accepting that fact is "misdirection"... Misdirection, personal insult of others, and a general accusation of misdeeds by accusers. Google archives are packed with your examples of NOT "acknowledging an error and moving on!" :-) I NEVER claimed that MARS was under anyone's direction other than DoD. I DID say that the same SPIRIT of AMATEUR RADIO was what made MARS what it is. Bull**** squared. What Robeson wrote was - "Sorry, Hans, MARS IS amateur radio." The only "spirit" there is unwilling to come out in the light of day. :-) MARS was "made what it is" by the United States Army prior to World War 2...a grandiose public relations thing "to get radio amateurs [of the early 30s] involved with Army radio communications." [from Army history as I originally pointed out] After World War 2, the USAF joined with USA and adopted the acronym of MILITARY Affiliate Radio System. Note that "amateur" does NOT appear in that name. Civilian radio amateurs were NOT very active in the pre-WW2 MARS (few volunteers who did not contribute as much as the Army founders hoped). Civilian radio amateurs were active in the post- WW2 MARS, helping the morale effort of a generally peacetime military scattered across the globe through messages and "phone patches" stateside. That dwindled after the "end" of the Vietnam War. Today's military enjoys a much more DIRECT route of communications through the DSN and Internet. It's unfortunate (for the U.S. military) that certain amateur radio publications have made much more than reality of the "contributions" to the "military" for so long...they have brainwashed too many amateurs into thinking they are the heart and soul of MARS. Amateurs are NOT the heart and soul. Some volunteers (not all) USE their volunteerism as a perverted badge of herosim/patriotism as if they "serve" the nation. The DoD still runs/directs/operates MARS...and NOT ON the amateur radio bands. Leonard H. Anderson IS And putz.... Poor baby. Robeson just can't get through a few minutes without insulting an "opponent." Robeson CANNOT acknowledge that some have much more experience IN radio communications than he ever had. Rather than find out anything of the various communications systems or organizations he winds up doing PERSONAL INSULTS in lieu of discussion on a SUBJECT. That's Robeson's sickness demonstrated in here against all of his opponents. Robeson is the role model of today's amateur extra? |
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![]() wrote: From: "K4YZ" on Fri,Apr 29 2005 9:54 pm I've never seen anyone ask about rear area Army radio stations in the 50's, Lennie, but you sure do let us know about it. Someone has to do it...poor Stevie NEVER did anything close to such HF communications...as an amateur or anything else. Neither did you, Lennie. You were a readio mechanic. Period. You were not a message center clerk...You were not responsible for determining operating frequencies, modes, etc. If the box broke, you fixed it. Well done, but that doesn't make you a radio OPERATOR. Stevie fails to get the point: A half century ago, the MAJOR message load throughout the U.S. military was by teleprinter, NOT morse code. Way higher than 90% of ALL message "traffic" in the military. A HALF CENTURY AGO. Sure I get your point, Lennie...Here's a few for you: (1) This forum is about Amateur Radio in the 21st century...Not Army communications in the 1950's. (2) YOU are the only one arguing about Morse Code-vs-teleprinter traffic, Lennie. The rest of us moved on YEARS ago. (3) You are still not licensed in nor have any practical experience in AMATEUR RADIO communications. You continue to make significant errors on matters of Amateur policy AND practice. Your INITIAL claim, before everyone with a grade school mathematics education put the numbers back in your face was that YOU were responsible for this feat. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You still don't understand what the word APPROXIMATION means. Sure I do. And no matter HOW you "APPROXIMATE" the numbers, all you were was a radio mechanic. Sure, your efficiency in keeping the transmitters on the air was important to the overall mission of ADA. But YOU were NOT responsible for sending a single one of those messages... Not a one! Huge snip of Lennie's rationalization for having made a stupid assertion and even more stupid tap dance around it...SNIPPED. It hasn't worked in the years since you uttered it, it doesn't work today. Robeson CANNOT acknowledge that some have much more experience IN radio communications than he ever had. But you have NEVER had experience IN "radio communications", Lennie...THAT is by your OWN hand per your CV. You have always been a black box technician...NEVER a radio OPERATOR! Oh...yes...You pushed a button once that caused a transponder on the mood to beep back at you...Almost as exciting as pusing the car door remote. On the otherhand, I have had over three DECADES of experience in the very programs which YOU purport to be knowldegeable of. Rather than find out anything of the various communications systems or organizations he winds up doing PERSONAL INSULTS in lieu of discussion on a SUBJECT. Old dead horse dragged out and re-subjected to yet another whipping. You are SO guilty of the same conduct, Lennie. Had you not STARTED it, perhaps we'd be carrying on a different conversation today. That's Robeson's sickness demonstrated in here against all of his opponents. Untrue, but then you're not one to do well with facts. Robeson is the role model of today's amateur extra? No more or no less than you are the role model of today's electronics engineer. Steve, K4YZ |
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From: "K4YZ" on Sun,May 1 2005 5:42 am
wrote: From: "K4YZ" on Fri,Apr 29 2005 9:54 pm I've never seen anyone ask about rear area Army radio stations in the 50's, Lennie, but you sure do let us know about it. Someone has to do it...poor Stevie NEVER did anything close to such HF communications...as an amateur or anything else. Neither did you, Lennie. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor Stebie...still envious AND FRUSTRATED. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You were a readio mechanic. "Readio?" Reallio? :-) Tsk, tsk, tsk. Primary MOS of Microwave Radio Relay Operation and Maintenance Supervisor. Secondary MOS of Fixed Station (transmitters) Radio Operation and Maintenance Supervisor...and a few other little duties such as Carrier Operation and Maintenance (not that those Western Electric units had either drift or failure). The VHF-UHF radio relay equipment operation and maintenance fell under my primary MOS. All official and everything...in my DD 214 and all the records archived in St. Louis...not to mention posted on Harold Hallikainen's website and also mentioned on Walter Welkin's website for USAEUR post-WW2 Army history. Hal is a ham, by the way. And, in that vein, Gene Rosenbaum, N2JTV, is not only still a ham but was also there - in my Battalion at the same time at the same station - doing the same thing I did on another operating team. [sunnuvagun!] Period. You were not a message center clerk...You were not responsible for determining operating frequencies, modes, etc. Tsk, tsk. The Chief Signal Officer, Washington DC, did that sort of deciding for ALL involved in ACAN - STARCOM - DCS and still does for all the alphabet soup organization evolvement that followed after the 1960s. If the box broke, you fixed it. ...or sent it to the Depot. Depended on the "broke" condition. Did you ever "fix" a TWO-TON HV TRANSFORMER (cast iron case, lots of iron in the core, much copper, etc., full of PCB liquid)? :-) No sweat to the murine corpse...a murine could hold it in one hand and still be able to sing about "shores of tripoli." Lots of 40 KW MARS transmitters in the the 1st Marine Air Wing, right? :-) Well done, but that doesn't make you a radio OPERATOR. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You go argue with Chief of Signals (new title invoked by previous general) in DC and have the Army "revise" all those MOSs to conform to the wishes of Stebie da Wundermarine. In 24/7 COMMUNICATIONS we didn't PLAY at HF radio like it was a hobby, some kind of recreation. WE GOT THE MESSAGE THROUGH. That requires OPERATION as well as maintenance. OPERATION AT THE TIMES REQUIRED. MINIMUM DOWNTIME. With every QSY a radio circuit was DOWN until the new frequency was set, tuned, and checked by Frequency Standards for carrier and shift. All the while the messages routed through that circuit were being stacked up, unable to be transmitted. That was worse with the SSB circuits carrying 6 to 12 TTY channels simultaneously. Stevie fails to get the point: A half century ago, the MAJOR message load throughout the U.S. military was by teleprinter, NOT morse code. Way higher than 90% of ALL message "traffic" in the military. A HALF CENTURY AGO. Sure I get your point, Lennie...Here's a few for you: Tsk...I'm only giving you ONE finger. :-) (1) This forum is about Amateur Radio in the 21st century...Not Army communications in the 1950's. TSK, TSK, TSK, NURSIE! 1. This forum is NOT for Stebie's experiences with the Commanding General of the First Marine Air Wing in NINETINE EIGHTY ONE!!! [24 years ago] 2. This forum is NOT for Stebie's BRAGS of mighty murine service in 'SEVEN HOSTILE ACTIONS!' 3. This forum is NOT for Stebie's BRAGS of prowess in SUTURING or about his "medical qualifications." 4. This forum is NOT for Stebie's continuing refusal to admit that MARS is NOT "run by amateurs." MARS is run by the MILITARY. 5. This forum is NOT about MARS at all, although the ASSIGNED MARS frequencies are OUTSIDE the ham bands. [sunnuvagun!] (2) YOU are the only one arguing about Morse Code-vs-teleprinter traffic, Lennie. The rest of us moved on YEARS ago. BULL****. Don't you PCTAs give that song and dance. You PCTAs can't dance and your singing voices are as flat as the 1930's attempted revival of vaudeville. You MIGHTY MACHO MORSEMEN just CANNOT admit that TTY was already downsizing manual morse a half century ago. Sucks to be retrograde recreators of ancient times, doesn't it? (3) You are still not licensed in nor have any practical experience in AMATEUR RADIO communications. TSK, TSK, TSK. I'm a PROFESSIONAL in radio, have been since 1953. :-) Maybe ANOTHER radio license...for hobby/recreational fun and games - like amateur radio - would be nice in retirement. shrug But...if all you hard-ass anal-retentive retrogrades have to engage in the Control Freak harrassment like amateur DILL SERGEANTS trying to treat "lesser classes" like maggot recruits...y'all can just shove it up your collective asses. It's a wonder that ANYONE bothers to get into modern ham radio with all you wannabe Chiefs making your smoke signals of mighty radio "operation." You continue to make significant errors on matters of Amateur policy AND practice. BULL****. YOU do NOT set what is "right" and what is "wrong." OPINIONS are expressed in here and everyone's OPINION is THEIRS, neither "right" nor "wrong." Except you and a few other retrograde PCTAs HAVE to jump in with ERROR! ERROR! on every OPINION contrary to yours. And no matter HOW you "APPROXIMATE" the numbers, all you were was a radio mechanic. TSK, TSK, TSK. There goes the EX-marine mouthing off again...trying to call the entire U.S. Army Signal Corps "wrong." :-) Stebie KNOWS ALL ABOUT MILITARY COMMUNICATIONS?!?!? From WHAT experience? As a helo ground support person at a landing field? Did the marines have pigeon messaging (pigeons fly)? Tsk, the Army gave that up right after WW One. Sure, your efficiency in keeping the transmitters on the air was important to the overall mission of ADA. NO, no...THE ENTIRE MISSION OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY. "ADA" did NOT have "a mission." The 8235th Army Unit had a "mission." "ADA" was a callsign of the radio facility...RUEP was the TTY identifier for the Tokyo node within ACAN. But YOU were NOT responsible for sending a single one of those messages... Not a one! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH A HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA H HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEH...gasp, BWARHAH ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Baby Stebie READ ALL THOSE MESSAGES TO PROVE THAT? Tsk, tsk, tsk...messages were not the ONLY content of Army Communications a half century ago OR now. Stebie, from his VAST (well, half) EXPERIENCE in 24/7 military communications doesn't know **** from order-wires. Tsk, tsk, tsk. No problem, can't expect this Mighty Morseman to understand a damn thing about HF communications other than AMATEUR hobby/recreational radio of one operator, one radio kind of thing. Huge snip of Lennie's rationalization for having made a stupid assertion and even more stupid tap dance around it...SNIPPED. Tsk, tsk, tsk..."snipped" because little Stebie doesn't have experience one on military communications on HF, doesn't know the organization, doesn't know the procedures, doesn't even know tap dancing...yet he tap dances all the time in countless BRAGS of prowess. But you have NEVER had experience IN "radio communications", Lennie...THAT is by your OWN hand per your CV. Tsk, tsk, tsk. STILL don't believe OR understand what REAL communications is about, do you? All you know is what you read in the AMATEUR radio publications. You have always been a black box technician...NEVER a radio OPERATOR! Tsk. Poor Stebie. Angry and frustrated...still making the typos when furious (see following). Oh...yes...You pushed a button once that caused a transponder on the mood to beep back at you...Almost as exciting as pusing the car door remote. Tsk. I've never known any "transponder" to have "moods." That's just a rationalization of humans. Electrons, fields, and waves obey their OWN laws and totally ignore the wishes of humans...or aliens who make their pledges "for the corps, God, and country" (in that order). "Just pushing a button?!?" Tsk, tsk. BC-610s (the ones in the AN/GRC-26 huts) could NOT be operated by simple "button pushing." :-) Not even the clumsy T-195 having Collins Autotune and and an automatic antenna tuner (USMC development contract in 1953, operational in 1955) could be operated by a simple "button push." :-) I started in HF radio in the vacuum tube era. The ONLY transmitter that came close to just "pushing a button" was the Western Electric LD-T2, a commercial SSB 4 KW PEP HF transmitter that could "tune itself" to any of 10 preset frequencies (minimizing down time on QSYs). But, poor Stebie NEVER would have been allowed near the actual presetting of 12 potentiometers per frequency or of checking the distortion of the 12 KHz spectral bandwidth of that commercial SSB. On the otherhand, I have had over three DECADES of experience in the very programs which YOU purport to be knowldegeable of. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH A HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA H HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEH...gasp, BWARHAH ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! The WEEKEND WARRIOR doing his thing in AMATEUR radio and playing like he be Chief of Signals of the Amateur Radio Corps! Stebie, cut the bull****. I began in HF radio before you were born. I've both OPERATED and DESIGNED and BUILT (protoype) radios over MORE of the EM spectrum than amateurs have been allowed to in the 71 year life of the FCC. Stebie did 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for "three decades" as an AMATEUR?!?!? Guess Stebie was NOT in "the Corps" then...USMC doesn't want HOBBYISTS defending the country... USMC is a PROFESSIONAL military branch. Guess Stebie was NOT in "nursing" earning his "needles" in marvelous suture closures...nursing is supposed to be professional, not amateur...but Stebie allatime wanna link his "medicine" to RADIO!!! Rather than find out anything of the various communications systems or organizations he winds up doing PERSONAL INSULTS in lieu of discussion on a SUBJECT. Old dead horse dragged out and re-subjected to yet another whipping. Tsk. I've never called Stebie "a dead horse." The BACK END of one, yes, but DEAD only in his mind and ego. Tsk, tsk. You are SO guilty of the same conduct, Lennie. Poor baby. Can't take it, can you? Great big heroic Gunnery Nurse just can't stand any opinion opposite to his own? Had you not STARTED it, perhaps we'd be carrying on a different conversation today. 1. I didn't "start" anything but an opposition to the morse code test for an AMATEUR radio license. 2. The resident retrograde PCTAs in here STARTED all the snide bull**** about "needing" a code test to be "qualified" to operate an HF radio. [that's all archived...begin with KH2D] 3. I began and was QUALIFED to operate high-power HF transmitters in 1953...haven't bothered much to get AUTHORIZATION to do so as an amateur...even though I've legally operated on HF (last year, from a sailboat, SSB 20 W PEP) without ANY radio license. Sunnuvagun! 4. ALL of radio - except for a minority who still live by 1930s standards and practices in amateur radio - has advanced since I began 52 years ago and keeps on advancing. That minority still thinks that morsemanship is an absolute necessity to operate below 30 MHz...all newcomers gots to do dat to "show dedication and committment to the amateur service!!!" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH A HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA H HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEEH...gasp, BWARHAH ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! That's Robeson's sickness demonstrated in here against all of his opponents. Untrue, but then you're not one to do well with facts. Tsk, tsk, tsk!!! Google has the archives of Stebie's SOCIOPATHIC (with overtones of psychosis) behavior against ALL who oppose his opinions! Everyone in here has seen it. The "projection" is evident to anyone with a memory...projection of himself on others when trying to blame them for the faults Stebie has. Stebie tries very hard to make EVERY thread in this newsgroup about HIM. Stebie gots too much time on his hands...doesn't leave enough time for playing with his radio set. "If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck and has feathers like a duck, chances are very good that it IS a duck!" So...Stebie snarls like a sociopath, looks like a sociopath (scowls in every photo), has the thin skin of a sociopath...chances are very good Stebie IS Robeson is the role model of today's amateur extra? No more or no less than you are the role model of today's electronics engineer. Now, now, don't try for the sharp retort...you keep breaking all that glass and you retorts don't hold water. You kept saying (in addition to "PUTZ") that I was "nothing but a bench technician and NEVER an engineer!" [it's in Google archives several times] Don't add HYPOCRITE to your faults. TRY for consistency. I do NOT try to be any "role model of an engineer." I am one. Have been for a long time...since 1960 when I got my first design assignment at Micro- Radionics, Inc. [that's OVER three decades :-)] I've NOT behaved in your manner to others in engineering, not even in Design Reviews (as both a subject and as a reviewer). It is impossible to be so ONE-SIDED and stubborn as you've shown in these "discussions" and still hold a job. I've held my jobs, never been fired or "told to leave." I've attended many a night class in college-level, college-credit courses while still holding my day job...and never been told those college classes were "useless" or that "I was stupid and had to take them." Yes, I did NOT have the finances to attend college full-time, all years at once early in life, but that didn't stop me from learning enough on my own to continue with DESIGN engineering before the very late degree award. I've never met any periodical editor in-person yet have a 96% sell rate on all submitted manuscripts and was ASKED to be an Associate Editor for HR. Ham Radio magazine was in existance for 22 years as an independent, income solely from advertising yet Stebie expresses the opinion it was a "loser." Tsk. Stebie runs to emotional extremes, thinks I "have to be published in professional journals" to "make my name." Actually, I have, but Stebie doesn't read them. Doesn't stop Stebie from yet more insults. I have written documents in public view plus living witnesses as to what I've done, but Stebie has only vague brags and "references" such as "write the CG of 1st MAW" about his 1981 "assignment." Yeah, right, as if 24 years is a normal Commanding General's tour of duty at ONE assignment? :-) Today's (and yesterday's) engineers all know that electrons, fields, and waves obey physical laws, not the whims of humankind. Yesterday's (and even today) engineers looked/look to a future with an advancement of the state of the radio and electronics art. All of radio (except the minds of retrograde worshippers of the amateur past) has either abandoned morse code or never considered it for new radio services. Retrogrades see NOTHING wrong with freezing the past...THEY made it and, by damn, every newbie MUST sweat and work and "show dedication" like THEY did! Like ham radio is NOT a hobby? :-) The name of this newsgroup's game seems to be junior high name-calling, posturing and preening over "seven hostile actions" and other wannabe stuff. [try for "HALO drop" one of the classic pipe-dreams of Stebie] Makes it even tougher for any newcomer to show interest in any hobby radio when all these middle-school drop- outs wanna be the Dill Instructor, closing the main gate to all but "their kind." :-) |
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