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From: "b.b." on Mon 1 Aug 2005 17:30
wrote: From: b.b. on Jul 31, 2:10 pm wrote: From: "b.b." on Sun 31 Jul 2005 07:42 K4YZ wrote: b.b. wrote: K4YZ wrote: b.b. wrote: K4YZ wrote: Merely a lack of concern for your demands. More like a lack of interest in your own flailing character, Brain. Steve's needs are not high on my priority list. He wishes it weren't so. Tsk. I think Stebie thinks ALL should be concerned with Stebie's demands! :-) But we're not, so he bites his knuckle and thinks up new taunts and attacks. All his knuckles are painful open wounds. No doubt he blames all his own knuckle-biting on us...:-) He is to be pitied. He needs to be bandaged. :-) Note the use of "flailing" in place of "failing" in Stebie's sentence. A Freudian slip of his mirroring his own FLAILING about when he says all disagreers "LIE, LIE, LIE!" :-) He has a unique viewpoint. [all from inside his own fevered imagination...] Temper Fry. Deep fat fry? :-) Someday it will be worthy of study under the heading "Aberrant Behavio[u]r." Until someone in the professional headspace business seizes him, we have to deal with his rantings. Aye, that be the cross we all must bear. Tsk, if we could only pry Kellie away from his Navel Intelligence job he could shoot THAT bear for us... :-) He'd turn PETA before he shot that bear. I'm betting he would turn white first. :-) Yes, yes, yes. You are the way the truth and the light... Nope. Not "my" truth...Just THE truth. Like I said... Stebie's posting sometimes read like "Watchtower" clone bad copy stuff. :-) Is "Watchtower" good science fiction? No. It's not even a subject at the world's first (and still oldest surviving) Science Fiction Writer's Association in North Hollywood, CA. Darn! Well, much of the time it IS fiction at least... Stebie's output is more like the 1930s "Big Lie" technique used by the national socialist party of Germany at that time. Publish enough of it, often enough, as widely as one can, and some folks will begin to believe it. It's a common psychological warfare technique used the world over. And it's called Watchtower? The religious tract is. I'm not sure what the tract were Stebie is now is called. Stebie should have put His "truth" in quotation marks. Dat stuff don't exist in reality. "His Truth." "His Reality." That kind of sums it up. Yes, that's the essence of his output. I'm just hoping he opens up a little about his "seven hostile actions" so the Stolen Valor people set things straight. Not likely. :-) But, we can take up a collection and get Stebie an IMPLIED medal for his IMPLIED "hostile action" Heroism. [doesn't cost much at all...:-) ] Congratulations on your acheivement. I am in awe of your abilities. "Chews gum and walks simultaneously, all the while being easily offended!" Is Ripley's "Believe It Or Not" still published? If it is, we ought to send Stebie's marvelous accomplishment to them for wider distribution and acclaim! Now that would be funny, but it might trigger an "episode." ANY disagreement with Stebie WILL "trigger an episode." His emotional state is that of a walking nitroglycerine vial. Shake it slightly and it sets off an explosion. They could make a movie.... "The Detonator!" Wow! A movie! Maybe Tom Crude could star as Stebie? We don't continually embarass amateur radio and bring discredit upon the Extra Class licensees the way you do. You should be proud of yourselves. I don't bring "discredit upon the Extra Class licensees", Brain. If I bring any discredit, and I serious doubt it, it's just on me. I think Steve took a quick glimpse of reality, then closed his eyes tightly and went back to discrediting his fellow Extra's and his family name. You hit that one "bang on", Brian. Very plausible. :-) It's just better for everyone when he keeps his eyes shut. His behavior is bizarre enough without him having to face reality. We might have to bring back "Duck and Cover" drills... Air raid sirens and all. Well, his cries of "outrage" could out-db the siren! :-) Brian, you are too subtle for Stebie. He failed to notice your plural form of "yourselves" (as in reference to multiple personalities). :-) He's not very bright. Plus a barbarian emotional mentality...resorts to brute force whenever challenged in the slightest. Tsk, brute force doesn't work in an enviornnment where it is impossible to really reach out and hit anyone. He implies "threats" of coming to various challengers' residence areas as a surrogate, that nothing more than bullying taunts. I'm not so sure they are taunts. I think he just got a new Capital One card and is showing off. Welp, Stebie has just admitted to hypocrisy. It used to was that anyone talking back to Stebie "HATED ALL HAM RADIO!" Now Stebie admits he is only "representing" HIMSELF (and all his personalities of course). There's a tiny promise for optimists there. :-) I'm optimistic about many things, but Steve is not one of them. Tsk, I'm getting the same way. It's remarkable that his "fellows" and "peers" in here (extras all of them) all seem to condone his actions denigrating the spirit, cameraderie, and "propensity for international good will" (FCC phrase) of the amateur radio service. He's a poster boy of what NOT to be in the amateur radio hobby. But, he IS "federally qualified" to transmit RF on U.S. amateur radio frequencies and has a certificate (suitable for framing) attesting to that. After all, he thinks that OBTAINING THE *LICENSE* is the most desireable attribute in U.S. ham radio. He recently said so. They sit by silently. One day he will come for them. I hope NOT...there are two women and one nun here watching! Ugh, what an awful sight...! tic tac |
K4YZ wrote: an old friend wrote: b.b. wrote: BUZZ wrong answer Stevie you have a complete refusaul to deal with reality All you got was a BUZZ? A Klaxon just went off behind my head on that one. Hi! I have specail Stevie filters instaled got tire of all the noise Cute!~ break Markie claims he can install filters to ignore the opinions he doesn't want to see, yet can't seem to use a spellchecker! more lies Stevie you can't get anything right and I was making a joke, unlike you I have asense of humor, even about my tormentors Steve piled up 29 lies in three weeks, and I didn't even read everything he posted in those three weeks. Who'se got the time? I have had the time but I haven't been counted (the weather herehas been beastly so I have been staying inside a lot) Brain and his alleged 29 lies...sheesh. at least 29 I think the total is more like 200 or so Was asked to validate and substantiate his claims then...didn't do it. you know we can't parrot everything you write back at you Still passing on the same unvalidated claims today... And he wonders why he's held in such "high regard" by others... Now he's in a back-slapping contest with yet another CONFIRMED pathological liar... another Lie Stevie or at least the offense of exceeding your nursing license Why am I not surprised...?!?! why aren't you? But it was fun watching the two of you pat each others backs here again...Now if you'd just invited Markie and Toadie in, you'd have had the whole gang in. don't need an inviation It's an open forum, which is why Steve is still permitted access. well said or should we just disinvite him? Gee, Markie...that sounds like a "threat"...Why are you "stalking" me...?!?! it might be a threat if I could I do it, and indeed if I could do it, i would, in a heart beat but absulely not stalking It was of course a joke, and your reaction prooves your paranoia and delusional nature yes I am pratcice med with a Ham license, same as you do Steve, K4YZ |
K4YZ wrote: b.b. wrote: wrote: All his knuckles are painful open wounds. No doubt he blames all his own knuckle-biting on us...:-) He is to be pitied. Not by you, Brain. by all of us Note the use of "flailing" in place of "failing" in Stebie's sentence. A Freudian slip of his mirroring his own FLAILING about when he says all disagreers "LIE, LIE, LIE!" :-) He has a unique viewpoint. [all from inside his own fevered imagination...] Temper Fry. In the words of your Master, I see. no he has his own themes as does Len and myself and even todd you are just so narrow minded you can't see the defferences Someday it will be worthy of study under the heading "Aberrant Behavio[u]r." Until someone in the professional headspace business seizes him, we have to deal with his rantings. Aye, that be the cross we all must bear. Tsk, if we could only pry Kellie away from his Navel Intelligence job he could shoot THAT bear for us... He'd turn PETA before he shot that bear. People Eating Tasty Animals? Sure! But I bet Brian Kelly would know what that Bear looked like before the trigger got pulled. Of course Lennie knows...he "saw" them years before they were even in service, which would be pretty astounding since the old Soviet government kept things like that pretty secret in those days... Yes, yes, yes. You are the way the truth and the light... Nope. Not "my" truth...Just THE truth. Like I said... Stebie's posting sometimes read like "Watchtower" clone bad copy stuff. :-) Is "Watchtower" good science fiction? No. It's not even a subject at the world's first (and still oldest surviving) Science Fiction Writer's Association in North Hollywood, CA. Darn! There's a lot of fiction eminating from California...Not all of it from Hollywood, North or otherwise. indeed and even more from Tenn, but I prefer Speilburgs "War of the Worlds" to your tripe Stebie's output is more like the 1930s "Big Lie" technique used by the national socialist party of Germany at that time. Publish enough of it, often enough, as widely as one can, and some folks will begin to believe it. It's a common psychological warfare technique used the world over. And it's called Watchtower? Ooooops...Went and invoked the Nazi's again! Not too surprising there. alas the Nazi refferences fit between your Goebelsish effort at psychological warfare, to your views on the disabled Of course Lennie should know about The Big Lie technique...He's been trying to root it here without success. root it out why can't Stevie get it straight? prehaps becuase he is a closet Gay, as were many Nazi's Stebie should have put His "truth" in quotation marks. Dat stuff don't exist in reality. "His Truth." "His Reality." That kind of sums it up. Yes, that's the essence of his output. I'm just hoping he opens up a little about his "seven hostile actions" so the Stolen Valor people set things straight. We could just take some of your Somaila DX Radio Hero stories too, Brain. Plus a barbarian emotional mentality...resorts to brute force whenever challenged in the slightest. Tsk, brute force doesn't work in an enviornnment where it is impossible to really reach out and hit anyone. He implies "threats" of coming to various challengers' residence areas as a surrogate, that nothing more than bullying taunts. I'm not so sure they are taunts. Of course you don't. and you insist on making wonder about them and then are not man enough to admit they are threats That's part of the reason why you are "Brain" instead of "Brian". It's remarkable that his "fellows" and "peers" in here (extras all of them) all seem to condone his actions denigrating the spirit, cameraderie, and "propensity for international good will" (FCC phrase) of the amateur radio service...(SNIP) This forum is NOT "Amateur Radio", Lennie...You've said so yourself. In as much as you do not now nor ever have held an Amateur Radio license, you'll never be in a situation that will allow you to make a first-hand assessment of my operating skills or conduct WHILE operating. which does not prevent him from forming opinions, except of course in that dark sick disgurting realm you dare to call a mind He's a poster boy of what NOT to be in the amateur radio hobby. And remind me, Lennie... What are YOUR qualifications to make ANY assessment about ANYone in Amateur Radio? another Lie he does not want that he wants to bash len again over his bio, but is too dishonest to admit it But, he IS "federally qualified" to transmit RF on U.S. amateur radio frequencies and has a certificate (suitable for framing) attesting to that. Yep. Since 1972. And unlike you, I am a radio OPERATOR. After all, he thinks that OBTAINING THE *LICENSE* is the most desireable attribute in U.S. ham radio. He recently said so. No I didn't. Why do you utter lies like that in an archived forum, Lennie? because he isn't lying he is reasoning something you might try doing They sit by silently. One day he will come for them. Well...Lennie utters lies and Brain echos his sentiments... not really What else do I need to validate my assertions of their dishonesty and culpability in deceit? you could start with having one to make Putzii. back to gentals again Steve, K4YZ |
K4YZ wrote: b.b. wrote: And just like Steve and the Lib press to focus in on BSA errors while ignoring all of the liberal failures of the last half century. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... "Liberal failures-vs-BSA errors" Now there was a stretch to pull from the on-going "conversation". really? ah yes required you to think always a strech for you Not the least of which interesting as I am neither a liberal or member of the Boy Scouts. Wonder if Steve hates the BSA just because I've been an adult volunteer, or if he was denied an adult leadership position for whatever reason, and couldn't wear its uniform? "...hates the BSA..." ?!?! Where in the world did you get THAT line of mularkie from, Brain? Just because I pointed out that some Scout "leaders" violated one of the most basic safety rules of erecting a tent and paid for it with their lives...?!?! in a newsgroup about the ARS yes one could get the line. I disagree with him, I think you trying to devirt attetion from your misdeeds by attacking some poor fools, who aren't around to defend themselves Steve, K4YZ |
an old friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: an old friend wrote: b.b. wrote: BUZZ wrong answer Stevie you have a complete refusaul to deal with reality All you got was a BUZZ? A Klaxon just went off behind my head on that one. Hi! I have specail Stevie filters instaled got tire of all the noise Cute!~ break Markie claims he can install filters to ignore the opinions he doesn't want to see, yet can't seem to use a spellchecker! more lies Stevie you can't get anything right and I was making a joke, unlike you I have asense of humor, even about my tormentors How can anyone tell a joke from sincerity with you, Mark? You won't fix your functional illiteracy. Steve piled up 29 lies in three weeks, and I didn't even read everything he posted in those three weeks. Who'se got the time? I have had the time but I haven't been counted (the weather herehas been beastly so I have been staying inside a lot) Brain and his alleged 29 lies...sheesh. at least 29 I think the total is more like 200 or so You have the same invitation that Brain does, Markie, and that is to prove a single one of them. Was asked to validate and substantiate his claims then...didn't do it. you know we can't parrot everything you write back at you But you insist we do it to you! You have tried to make an issue of trimming these posts down after they get to be 3-4 quote deep. Still passing on the same unvalidated claims today... And he wonders why he's held in such "high regard" by others... Now he's in a back-slapping contest with yet another CONFIRMED pathological liar... another Lie Stevie or at least the offense of exceeding your nursing license Nope. You're a pathologial liar. You can't help yourself anymore. Why am I not surprised...?!?! why aren't you? Because you keep on doing it. It's like breathing. Take a breath...tell a lie... But it was fun watching the two of you pat each others backs here again...Now if you'd just invited Markie and Toadie in, you'd have had the whole gang in. don't need an inviation It's an open forum, which is why Steve is still permitted access. well said or should we just disinvite him? Gee, Markie...that sounds like a "threat"...Why are you "stalking" me...?!?! it might be a threat if I could I do it, and indeed if I could do it, i would, in a heart beat Then you'd find out exactlyu what "countersuit" means, Markie. but absulely not stalking Absolutley stalking...According the the same "definition" of "stalking" that you try to apply to me, LiarBoy. It was of course a joke, and your reaction prooves your paranoia and delusional nature Nope. It proves that I find anythig you ahve to say is based in lies. yes I am pratcice med with a Ham license, same as you do I don't "pratcice med" with or WITHOUT an Amateur license, Markie. Steve, K4YZ |
an old friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: b.b. wrote: wrote: All his knuckles are painful open wounds. No doubt he blames all his own knuckle-biting on us...:-) He is to be pitied. Not by you, Brain. by all of us By "all of us" I assume you only mean you, Brain and Lennie. As if the three of you "mattered"...?!?! Note the use of "flailing" in place of "failing" in Stebie's sentence. A Freudian slip of his mirroring his own FLAILING about when he says all disagreers "LIE, LIE, LIE!" :-) He has a unique viewpoint. [all from inside his own fevered imagination...] Temper Fry. In the words of your Master, I see. no he has his own themes as does Len and myself and even todd you are just so narrow minded you can't see the defferences Obviously he DOESN'T have "his own themes" as he was mimicking Lennie. There's a lot of fiction eminating from California...Not all of it from Hollywood, North or otherwise. indeed and even more from Tenn, but I prefer Speilburgs "War of the Worlds" to your tripe No lies here, Markie. Stebie's output is more like the 1930s "Big Lie" technique used by the national socialist party of Germany at that time. Publish enough of it, often enough, as widely as one can, and some folks will begin to believe it. It's a common psychological warfare technique used the world over. And it's called Watchtower? Ooooops...Went and invoked the Nazi's again! Not too surprising there. alas the Nazi refferences fit between your Goebelsish effort at psychological warfare, to your views on the disabled You, Lennie and Brain are the "Big Lie" promulgators, Markie. And I have all the compassion in the world for the TRULY disabled. People like YOU are not in that category. Of course Lennie should know about The Big Lie technique...He's been trying to root it here without success. root it out why can't Stevie get it straight? I got it right the first time. prehaps becuase he is a closet Gay, as were many Nazi's Nope...Not closet, open or otherwise. Stebie should have put His "truth" in quotation marks. Dat stuff don't exist in reality. "His Truth." "His Reality." That kind of sums it up. Yes, that's the essence of his output. I'm just hoping he opens up a little about his "seven hostile actions" so the Stolen Valor people set things straight. We could just take some of your Somaila DX Radio Hero stories too, Brain. Plus a barbarian emotional mentality...resorts to brute force whenever challenged in the slightest. Tsk, brute force doesn't work in an enviornnment where it is impossible to really reach out and hit anyone. He implies "threats" of coming to various challengers' residence areas as a surrogate, that nothing more than bullying taunts. I'm not so sure they are taunts. Of course you don't. and you insist on making wonder about them and then are not man enough to admit they are threats What threats? You keeps whining about "threats" but none have been made OR proven. Why do you insist on lying? Steve, K4YZ |
"an old friend" wrote K4YZ wrote: an old friend wrote: b.b. wrote: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn. Same tune, different day. Call down to the rrap machine room and tell them to empty the bit bucket, and FAST, before that baby overflows. |
"K4YZ" wrote an old friend wrote: K4YZ wrote: an old friend wrote: b.b. wrote: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn. Same tune, different day. Call down to the rrap machine room and tell them to empty the bit bucket, and FAST, before that baby overflows. |
"an old friend" wrote K4YZ wrote: b.b. wrote: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn. Same tune, different day. Call down to the rrap machine room and tell them to empty the bit bucket, and FAST, before that baby overflows. |
"an old friend" wrote K4YZ wrote: b.b. wrote: wrote: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn. Same tune, different day. Call down to the rrap machine room and tell them to empty the bit bucket, and FAST, before that baby overflows. |
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