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  #1   Report Post  
Old July 27th 05, 02:23 PM
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Default Still Waiting, Markie

From: "K4YZ" - Find messages by this author
Date: 25 Jul 2005 14:11:04 -0700
Local: Mon,Jul 25 2005 3:11 pm
Subject: Markie Accuses Others Of Libel But Won't Answer Questions
About His Own Libel

an old friend wrote:
nothing but libel and lies form steve

You've yet to show where one line of libel has been written,

Not one.

and all of stevie truth is left above

While we're talking about "truth", Markie, where's the answers to
these questions?


Ten days ago you were insisting that I was "on the public dole" for
disability, and now you come up with this "you are poor" silliness?


So...where'd it come from, Markie, if not your imagination?

These weren't "transposed letters" on a keyboard.

Where'd you get such ideas?

Steve, K4YZ

  #2   Report Post  
Old July 27th 05, 02:34 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
From: "K4YZ" - Find messages by this author
Date: 25 Jul 2005 14:11:04 -0700
Local: Mon,Jul 25 2005 3:11 pm
Subject: Markie Accuses Others Of Libel But Won't Answer Questions
About His Own Libel

an old friend wrote:
nothing but libel and lies form steve

You've yet to show where one line of libel has been written,

Not one.

and all of stevie truth is left above

While we're talking about "truth", Markie, where's the answers to
these questions?


Ten days ago you were insisting that I was "on the public dole" for
disability, and now you come up with this "you are poor" silliness?


So...where'd it come from, Markie, if not your imagination?

These weren't "transposed letters" on a keyboard.

Where'd you get such ideas?

Here's that this all came from, Markie:

K4YZ Jul 11, 8:00 am hide options

From: "K4YZ" - Find messages by this author
Date: 11 Jul 2005 07:00:53 -0700
Local: Mon,Jul 11 2005 8:00 am
Subject: Todd's Hero Backed Into Corner, Act's Like Caged Animal He
Is...K1MAN's Radio Days Numbered

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

Lot's of snips to clip out most of Mark's sandlot one word
responses to lengthy reposts.
I've never spoke to him. Or did you travel back in time and
father yourself?
My father has read your words

I doubt it.

I am sure you do, OTOH that also has nothing to do with the turth

What's a "turth"..?!?! Some pagan worship idol?

get over your obsession with me

You flatter yourself, Markie.

You answer every word I post that is obsession

You don't pay attention. That's stupid.

and it is not flattery

It's flattery when you think that ANYONE needs to "earn" respect
with you.

You're an admitted liar and sexual pervert. No one need prove
anything to you.

- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

Yep. You're lazy. You've been made to think that being "special"
is OK and that you don't have to try and overcome your deficits. It's
become too easy for you to be weak.

Stevie I am not the one taking money of the public dole and go off
pretending how macho i am

"Public dole"..?!?!

Public Dole is the correct phrase, guess you are to dumb to know what
it means, welfare queen is close being a person on the public dole

Who's on welfare? I'm certainly not.

You deny being on disability?


Whoever suggested that to you lied to you, Markie.

I am a wage earner. More than my fair share of 40 hours a week, I

might add.


So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

Steve, K4YZ

  #3   Report Post  
Old July 27th 05, 07:10 PM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
hacking of stevie wasting of bandwidth

So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

that you were, I got that form your own emails to mails to me

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

becuase by titling the post that way you did are are claiming that
glory falsely

Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

from you of course, and no eveidence to the contary has been presented

Steve, K4YZ

  #4   Report Post  
Old July 28th 05, 12:41 AM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
hacking of stevie wasting of bandwidth

That's "Mark Morgan" for "censoring what I can't come up with a
reasonable answer For"

So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

that you were, I got that form your own emails to mails to me

Markie, Markie, Markie...

Out-and-out lying A G A I N......

I hung this carrot out in front of you to see if you'd pony-up the
true answer.

I guess you think I didn't see the posts here where Brain tried to
alledge that I am "on disability" and receiving "public support" abd
that you interacted with taht.

Only more proof that neither of you have the stones to own up to
your assertions with facts.

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

becuase by titling the post that way you did are are claiming that
glory falsely

No I wasn't. I identified an object. NO WHERE in that "title"
did I say, "I worked a crossband contact". I have done so in the
past...even been on the military side of the contacts (When "NZJ", MCAS
El Toro participated in the tests in the 80's...but not since...)

Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

from you of course, and no eveidence to the contary has been presented

Sure it has.

My name does not, nor has it ever, appeared on any public
assistance roles.

Nor did I claim any "glory" in pointing out that I receved a QSL
card for a contact that I clearly stated from the git-go was issued to
me in error.

Mark C Morgan is now, has been and in all likelyhood will forever
be an untrustworthy, lying punk.

Proven. Archived. In his own words.

Steve, K4YZ

  #5   Report Post  
Old July 28th 05, 01:00 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
From: "K4YZ" - Find messages by this author
Date: 25 Jul 2005 14:11:04 -0700
Local: Mon,Jul 25 2005 3:11 pm
Subject: Markie Accuses Others Of Libel But Won't Answer Questions
About His Own Libel

an old friend wrote:
nothing but libel and lies form steve

You've yet to show where one line of libel has been written,

Not one.

and all of stevie truth is left above

While we're talking about "truth", Markie, where's the answers to
these questions?


Ten days ago you were insisting that I was "on the public dole" for
disability, and now you come up with this "you are poor" silliness?


So...where'd it come from, Markie, if not your imagination?

These weren't "transposed letters" on a keyboard.

Where'd you get such ideas?

Here's that this all came from, Markie:

K4YZ Jul 11, 8:00 am hide options

From: "K4YZ" - Find messages by this author
Date: 11 Jul 2005 07:00:53 -0700
Local: Mon,Jul 11 2005 8:00 am
Subject: Todd's Hero Backed Into Corner, Act's Like Caged Animal He
Is...K1MAN's Radio Days Numbered

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:
Lot's of snips to clip out most of Mark's sandlot one word
responses to lengthy reposts.
I've never spoke to him. Or did you travel back in time and
father yourself?
My father has read your words
I doubt it.

I am sure you do, OTOH that also has nothing to do with the turth

What's a "turth"..?!?! Some pagan worship idol?

get over your obsession with me

You flatter yourself, Markie.

You answer every word I post that is obsession

You don't pay attention. That's stupid.

and it is not flattery

It's flattery when you think that ANYONE needs to "earn" respect
with you.

hacking sexual coment
- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

Yep. You're lazy. You've been made to think that being "special"
is OK and that you don't have to try and overcome your deficits. It's
become too easy for you to be weak.

Stevie I am not the one taking money of the public dole and go off
pretending how macho i am

"Public dole"..?!?!

Public Dole is the correct phrase, guess you are to dumb to know what
it means, welfare queen is close being a person on the public dole

Who's on welfare? I'm certainly not.

You deny being on disability?


Whoever suggested that to you lied to you, Markie.

I am a wage earner. More than my fair share of 40 hours a week, I

might add.


So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

your quote has nothing to do with the matter years ago you mentioned it
and now you deny it I simply don't beleive you in cahnging your story

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

yes based on your statements in the past and present

your quote supports the impropriety, as in being able to work 40 hours
you clearly should not eleigble

I have no reason beyond your word that you are not double dipping, as a
point of fact I believe you are, I have not been bringing it up since
then since I don't think it that important, but since you insist I
think you are stealing for the govt monies you are not entitled to

That isn't libel BTW since I clearly state it is my opinion

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

are so you are

Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

You have presented NO eveidence to the contrary, none at all, Indeed I
don't think you or anyone could present any eveidence in this forum

I got the idea form your post of some 6 years ago, and emails you sent
in the same time frame

It is no lie when I state that I believe you are comitting fraud of
some Govt agency.

wether you are or not is another matter but that I have formed that
opinion is a fact

Steve, K4YZ

  #6   Report Post  
Old July 28th 05, 06:11 AM
Posts: n/a

an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

hacking sexual coment

Whcih is to say you "hacked" nothing. There was no "sexual coment"

"Public dole"..?!?!

Public Dole is the correct phrase, guess you are to dumb to know what
it means, welfare queen is close being a person on the public dole

Who's on welfare? I'm certainly not.

You deny being on disability?


Whoever suggested that to you lied to you, Markie.

I am a wage earner. More than my fair share of 40 hours a week, I

might add.


So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

your quote has nothing to do with the matter years ago you mentioned it
and now you deny it I simply don't beleive you in cahnging your story

"cahngubg" THAT story? I've never claimed to be on disability, nor
id I was would I brag about it.

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

yes based on your statements in the past and present

Based upon WHAT statements "in the past and present"...???

I've NEVER stated that I am on disability.

your quote supports the impropriety, as in being able to work 40 hours
you clearly should not eleigble

Supports WHAT impropriety?

I am working, ergo do NOT claim ANY "disability".

So from WHAT source did you glean this information?

I have no reason beyond your word that you are not double dipping, as a
point of fact I believe you are...(SNIP)

First of all, you obviously don't know what "double dipping" is.

(You screwed up "drafted", so why should I be surprised?)

"Double dipping", as it applies in COMMON vernacular, is a federal
retiree who completed one career-length period of employment,
"retired", then completes a second career-length period of employment,
thereby securing a second "retirement".

I have not been bringing it up since
then since I don't think it that important, but since you insist I
think you are stealing for the govt monies you are not entitled to

Then you've demonstrated what a COMPLETE idiot you are by making
such a statement without an iota of evidence.

That isn't libel BTW since I clearly state it is my opinion

yes it is, since you allege the perpetration of a felony without
evidence, opinion or not.

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

are so you are


Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

You have presented NO eveidence to the contrary, none at all, Indeed I
don't think you or anyone could present any eveidence in this forum

You're welcome to search my name and DOB on public files in the
State of Tennessee, Markie. The only "hit" you'll find are my driver's
license and Nursing license.

I got the idea form your post of some 6 years ago, and emails you sent
in the same time frame

I have never claimed drawing any disability pay,
Markie...ESPEICALLY in any alleged (ie: never happened) "e-mails".

Once again, you substantiate my claims of your lack of situational
awareness and attention to detail.

It is no lie when I state that I believe you are comitting fraud of
some Govt agency.

And it is no lie on MY part when I state that I believe you need
to be under the supervision of mental health case workers, or at the
very least a reputable vice cop.

wether you are or not is another matter but that I have formed that
opinion is a fact

You've broken new ground here, Markie. Looks like it't time to
have a chat with the folks at Houghton County SO. Someone up there
needs to know about you.

BTW...How did you manage to screw up your address change with the
FCC so badly? Geeze, Markie, how many time do you think it's necessary
to note "PO" box in the address line???


Steve, K4YZ

  #7   Report Post  
Old July 28th 05, 10:31 AM
Posts: n/a

K4YZ wrote:
an_old_friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:

hacking sexual coment

Whcih is to say you "hacked" nothing. There was no "sexual coment"

there was and you put it there I choose to cut it and noted that I did

"Public dole"..?!?!

Public Dole is the correct phrase, guess you are to dumb to know what
it means, welfare queen is close being a person on the public dole

Who's on welfare? I'm certainly not.

You deny being on disability?


Whoever suggested that to you lied to you, Markie.

I am a wage earner. More than my fair share of 40 hours a week, I

might add.


So, Markie...this makes twice in two weeks that you've accused me
of taking things that I haven't taken.

your quote has nothing to do with the matter years ago you mentioned it
and now you deny it I simply don't beleive you in cahnging your story

"cahngubg" THAT story? I've never claimed to be on disability, nor
id I was would I brag about it.

yes you did you were not braging of it but lameting it some 6 years ago
you were using it to counter the argument you should not be picking on
me becuase of my disability

First you alledge that I am receivng public funds for "disability"
allegedging some impropriety.

yes based on your statements in the past and present

Based upon WHAT statements "in the past and present"...??

asked and answered

I've NEVER stated that I am on disability.

you were never that clear but you danced around around it enough to
convince me of it

your quote supports the impropriety, as in being able to work 40 hours
you clearly should not eleigble

Supports WHAT impropriety?

being on disablity and clearly being able to work is improper

I am working, ergo do NOT claim ANY "disability".

one I have only your word you are working, and your word means nothing
to me

two, working does not preclude you from appling for and reciving
disablity or other public aid, only makes improper and/or illegal to do

So from WHAT source did you glean this information?

your words of some years ago, you cureent behavior, your clear mental

I have no reason beyond your word that you are not double dipping, as a
point of fact I believe you are...(SNIP)

First of all, you obviously don't know what "double dipping" is.

No I simply don't apply the word as narrowly as you do, as can be
expected since I am less narrow minded than you

more of Stevie trying to pretend he is a binding authority on english

why do you bother with that stevie, I don't accept your "authority"
surely even you are bright enough to notice

I have not been bringing it up since
then since I don't think it that important, but since you insist I
think you are stealing for the govt monies you are not entitled to

Then you've demonstrated what a COMPLETE idiot you are by making
such a statement without an iota of evidence.

merely your statements of 7 years no eveidence there

That isn't libel BTW since I clearly state it is my opinion

yes it is, since you allege the perpetration of a felony without
evidence, opinion or not.

not at all you simply don't know much about law. otherwise the DNC
would be broke about now

Then you claim I am "claiming glory" for a QSO I didn't make when
I clearly stated that I never made the contact from the git-go.

are so you are


yes you are

Where did you get the idea that I am on "the public dole" and why
do you continue to lie in the face of glaring evidence to the

You have presented NO eveidence to the contrary, none at all, Indeed I
don't think you or anyone could present any eveidence in this forum

You're welcome to search my name and DOB on public files in the
State of Tennessee, Markie. The only "hit" you'll find are my driver's
license and Nursing license.

anytime you want to present some evidence you go ahead, but again I
have formed my opinion, you wish to prove something you prove it, carry
your own freight you lazy bum

It is statements like the one you just made that help convince me that
you are in fact cheating the system somehow

Even if I preformed the search you sugest it would prove nothing You
could be using a fake name and other id to acomplise this feat Indeed
as I said at some point you can't prove your inocence, it is quite

I got the idea form your post of some 6 years ago, and emails you sent
in the same time frame

I have never claimed drawing any disability pay,
Markie...ESPEICALLY in any alleged (ie: never happened) "e-mails".

you sent bunches of them harrasing me pleading with me demanding I take
various action trying to black mail with the material you had found out
about my sexual orientation

again the precision with which you making your claim suggest that I
quite close to the truth. that you care so much about what someone who
you claim is of so little import has to say on the subject,

as the old saying goes, "Methinks thou doest protest too much"

Once again, you substantiate my claims of your lack of situational
awareness and attention to detail.

i do nothing of the sort you are merely trying , desperately to cloud
an issue on which you are very likely vulernable

It is no lie when I state that I believe you are comitting fraud of
some Govt agency.

And it is no lie on MY part when I state that I believe you need
to be under the supervision of mental health case workers, or at the
very least a reputable vice cop.

I accept that is a true statement

However it also shows your lack of mental balance

nothing you accuse me off merits any attention form a Vice cop and I
suffer from no mental illness as determined by licensed pros

wether you are or not is another matter but that I have formed that
opinion is a fact

You've broken new ground here, Markie. Looks like it't time to
have a chat with the folks at Houghton County SO. Someone up there
needs to know about you.

not at all, no new ground at all, not even your threats are new I have
stated my opinions on you quite clearly in the past

BTW...How did you manage to screw up your address change with the
FCC so badly? Geeze, Markie, how many time do you think it's necessary
to note "PO" box in the address line???

more proof of your stalking

as if more were needed


Steve, K4YZ

  #8   Report Post  
Old July 28th 05, 04:50 PM
Posts: n/a

"an_old_friend" wrote

two, working does not preclude you from appling for and reciving
disablity or other public aid, only makes improper and/or illegal to do

A former employee of mine (now retired) lost an arm in Vietnam, and receives
compensation for his disability. He built a fine career as an electronics design
engineer. What is improper or illegal about that? You owe a lot of disabled
veterans a huge apology for suggesting that succeeding in life is "improper
and/or illegal".


  #9   Report Post  
Old July 28th 05, 05:36 PM
Posts: n/a

K=D8HB wrote:
"an_old_friend" wrote

two, working does not preclude you from appling for and reciving
disablity or other public aid, only makes improper and/or illegal to do

A former employee of mine (now retired) lost an arm in Vietnam, and recei=

compensation for his disability. He built a fine career as an electronics=

engineer. What is improper or illegal about that? You owe a lot of disa=

veterans a huge apology for suggesting that succeeding in life is "improp=

and/or illegal".

you disort my mean sir and you have removed the stement from context

Stevie claims that him working proves he is not receiveing disabilty

stevie also claims that he is not disabled

therefore if stevie is to be believed then it is improper for STEVIE"
to receive benifits

you took a very spesific case and tried to broaden it

Improperly I might add

as you did with NCI's postition on the One time upgrades


  #10   Report Post  
Old July 28th 05, 05:42 PM
Posts: n/a

"an_old_friend" wrote

you disort my mean sir and you have removed the stement from context

I didn't distort your statement at all, but quoted it completely and verbatim.

Then I proved it false.

Deal with that.

73, de Hans, K0HB

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