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[email protected] September 14th 05 08:26 PM

Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:

As of 13 Sep 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
Elimination/Retention tabulation:

ALL to Date Since FR Notice
-------------- ---------------
Grand Total 2288 318

Indeterminate (note 1) 134 25

Value for Percentages 2154 293

Against NPRM (note 2) 645 [29.94%] 92 [31.40%]
For NPRM (note 3) 1180 [54.78%] 146 [49.83%]
Test Extra Only (note 4) 329 [15.27%] 55 [18.77%]


Notice of NPRM 05-143 appeared in Federal Register for 31 August
and established official end of Comments as 31 October 2005 and
official end of Replies to Comments as 14 November 2005. The left
column indicates totals for ALL dates. Right column indicates
all totals beginning 31 August 2005 to day of this scorecard.
It is unknown whether or not the FCC will consider Comments entered
prior to 31 August 2005, hence the two column format used here.
Fixed-font spacing used throughout.

1. Includes duplicate postings from same individual, "joke"
or "test" entries which do not have a valid address, or
polemicizing a personal pet peeve which has nothing to
do with the NPRM, individuals not understanding the
scope and purpose of the NPRM, one foreign citizen
submission, and six who were commenting on another
matter having nothing to do with amateur radio regulations.

2. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly AGAINST
the NPRM and against dropping any code testing.

3. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly FOR the
NPRM and the abolition of the morse code test. NPRM itself
(first docket document on 15 July) is counted as a "for."

4. These are "in-betweeners" who wish to retain the code
test for the "highest" class (Extra) but will accept
eliminating the code test for other classes.

Percentages are calculated from Grand Total less Indeterminates.

Stay tuned...the future of U.S. amateur radio is being made,
like it or not.

RST Engineering September 14th 05 11:25 PM

I'm just not "in the know". Why would or would not the FCC consider all
comments, and what is an "FR Notice"? To be sure of being heard, can we
repost what we posted prior to the FR Notice?


wrote in message
Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:

As of 13 Sep 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
Elimination/Retention tabulation:

ALL to Date Since FR Notice

an_old_friend September 15th 05 02:45 AM

RST Engineering wrote:
I'm just not "in the know". Why would or would not the FCC consider all
comments, and what is an "FR Notice"? To be sure of being heard, can we
repost what we posted prior to the FR Notice?

no one is truely in the know here. I would say you could resend just in
case You might mention that the dates issue to sure

Hopefully Len would move such a dub out of the sole previous to
publishing stats, and you might add more to flesh out your remarks

OTOH I believe the FCC will not realy discount any coment made before
formal publication


wrote in message
Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:

As of 13 Sep 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
Elimination/Retention tabulation:

ALL to Date Since FR Notice

[email protected] September 15th 05 05:52 AM

From: RST Engineering on Sep 14, 2:25 pm

I'm just not "in the know". Why would or would not the FCC consider all
comments, and what is an "FR Notice"? To be sure of being heard, can we
repost what we posted prior to the FR Notice?

"FR Notice" is Federal Register Notice. All announcements, news,
notices, laws enacted, etc., by any federal agency is printed in
there...every working day by the Government Printing Office (GPO).

If you look at the lower part of the Title of NPRM 05-143 you
will see that the "Comment period begins when printed in the
Federal Register" and then extends until N number of days after
that notice. 60 days for Comments and 75 days for Replies to

The first filed comment on WT Docket 05-235 appeared on 20 July.
The NPRM itself was inserted by the FCC on 21 July but they
moved it to 15 July the next day. You can see the time-stamp
of the ECFS on the 15 July filing (which is larger in file
size than the direct-downloadable NPRM PDF file version because
it is a scanned paper image).

The Notice on NPRM 05-143 did not appear in the Federal Register
until 31 August. When it did, the Notice added the official
cutoff date of Comments as 31 October with cutoff of Replies to
Comments as 14 November. The period between 15 July and 31
August is roughly six weeks. So, for six weeks there's about
2000 Comments filed which were done BEFORE the Notice in the
Federal Register.

You are free to post anything you want in the ECFS. If the FCC
doesn't like it for any reason, then they probably won't let it
be on the ECFS. About half of the "Indeterminates" are so
categorized because they go into some kind of argument/diatribe
NOT directly attributable to the NPRM; the NPRM is ONLY about
the elimination or retention of the code test.

Some individuals have posted MORE than once such as surname
Garcell with over 14 "For" Comments and surname Sparks with
over 5 "Against" Comments. I don't know what the FCC will do
with those. I put duplicates in the "Indeterminate" category
because all I'm doing is getting some insight on the opinions
of all those who Comment.

So far, in the first two months of Comment, the number of
filings exceed all of those posted on WT Docket 98-143 on
Restructuring (roughly 10 months total from release of that
NPRM and official - extended twice - cutoff date of
15 Jan 99). If elimination goes through as an R&O it will be
of greater impact on the immediate future of United States
amateur radio than did R&O 99-412 on restructuring.

[email protected] September 16th 05 08:59 PM

Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:

As of 15 Sep 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
Elimination/Retention tabulation:

ALL to Date Since FR Notice
-------------- ---------------
Grand Total 2319 348

Indeterminate (note 1) 137 28

Value for Percentages 2182 320

Against NPRM (note 2) 653 [29.93%] 99 [30.94%]
For NPRM (note 3) 1193 [54.67%] 159 [49.69%]
Test Extra Only (note 4) 336 [15.40%] 62 [19.38%]


Notice of NPRM 05-143 appeared in Federal Register for 31 August
and established official end of Comments as 31 October 2005 and
official end of Replies to Comments as 14 November 2005. The left
column indicates totals for ALL dates. Right column indicates
all totals beginning 31 August 2005 to day of this scorecard.
It is unknown whether or not the FCC will consider Comments entered
prior to 31 August 2005, hence the two column format used here.
Fixed-font spacing used throughout.

1. Includes duplicate postings from same individual, "joke"
or "test" entries which do not have a valid address, or
polemicizing a personal pet peeve which has nothing to
do with the NPRM, individuals not understanding the
scope and purpose of the NPRM, one foreign citizen
submission, and six who were commenting on another
matter having nothing to do with amateur radio regulations.

2. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly AGAINST
the NPRM and against dropping any code testing.

3. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly FOR the
NPRM and the abolition of the morse code test. NPRM itself
(first docket document on 15 July) is counted as a "for."

4. These are "in-betweeners" who wish to retain the code
test for the "highest" class (Extra) but will accept
eliminating the code test for other classes.

Percentages are calculated from Grand Total less Indeterminates.

Stay tuned...the future of U.S. amateur radio is being made,
like it or not.

RST Engineering September 17th 05 08:07 PM

Then in your daily scorecard, since it appears to be some sort of fill-in
template, would you please put the FCC URL to this comment site?


So far, in the first two months of Comment, the number of
filings exceed all of those posted on WT Docket 98-143 on
Restructuring (roughly 10 months total from release of that
NPRM and official - extended twice - cutoff date of
15 Jan 99). If elimination goes through as an R&O it will be
of greater impact on the immediate future of United States
amateur radio than did R&O 99-412 on restructuring.

[email protected] September 17th 05 09:32 PM

Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:

As of 16 Sep 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
Elimination/Retention tabulation:

ALL to Date Since FR Notice
-------------- ---------------
Grand Total 2321 350

Indeterminate (note 1) 138 29

Value for Percentages 2183 321

Against NPRM (note 2) 653 [29.91%] 99 [30.84%]
For NPRM (note 3) 1194 [54.70%] 160 [49.84%]
Test Extra Only (note 4) 336 [15.39%] 62 [19.31%]

The ECFS did not list any filings for 16 Sep 05 as of Noon EDT on
17 Sep 05. The above includes two added filings for 15 Sep 05.


Notice of NPRM 05-143 appeared in Federal Register for 31 August
and established official end of Comments as 31 October 2005 and
official end of Replies to Comments as 14 November 2005. The left
column indicates totals for ALL dates. Right column indicates
all totals beginning 31 August 2005 to day of this scorecard.
It is unknown whether or not the FCC will consider Comments entered
prior to 31 August 2005, hence the two column format used here.
Fixed-font spacing used throughout.

1. Includes duplicate postings from same individual, "joke"
or "test" entries which do not have a valid address, or
polemicizing a personal pet peeve which has nothing to
do with the NPRM, individuals not understanding the
scope and purpose of the NPRM, one foreign citizen
submission, and six who were commenting on another
matter having nothing to do with amateur radio regulations.

2. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly AGAINST
the NPRM and against dropping any code testing.

3. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly FOR the
NPRM and the abolition of the morse code test. NPRM itself
(first docket document on 15 July) is counted as a "for."

4. These are "in-betweeners" who wish to retain the code
test for the "highest" class (Extra) but will accept
eliminating the code test for other classes.

Percentages are calculated from Grand Total less Indeterminates.

Stay tuned...the future of U.S. amateur radio is being made,
like it or not.

[email protected] September 17th 05 09:40 PM

That gets you to the fill-form at the FCC for finding filings on
dockets and for specific dates. You have only to put in
"05-235" without the quotes in the upper left block and the
dates (in the stated format) in the "from-to" blocks.

You can also get there from the FCC home page through
the general search block and follow the links to reach the same
page. There's been over 2300 filings so far since 15 July 2005;
happy reading! :-)

[email protected] September 17th 05 09:55 PM

I'll add that you can compare the filings on 98-143
("restructuring") with 05-235 by just entering "98-143" (without
quote marks) in the upper left block. Leaving all the date
blocks blank will return ALL filings on a given proceding. At
the bottom of the Results display you can select numeric
groups (100 per display at these numeric totals).

[email protected] September 20th 05 02:21 AM

Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:

As of 19 Sep 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
Elimination/Retention tabulation:

ALL to Date Since FR Notice
-------------- ---------------
Grand Total 2357 386

Indeterminate (note 1) 141 32

Value for Percentages 2216 350

Against NPRM (note 2) 670 [30.23%] 116 [32.77%]
For NPRM (note 3) 1209 [54.56%] 175 [49.44%]
Test Extra Only (note 4) 337 [15.21%] 63 [17.80%]


Notice of NPRM 05-143 appeared in Federal Register for 31 August
and established official end of Comments as 31 October 2005 and
official end of Replies to Comments as 14 November 2005. The left
column indicates totals for ALL dates. Right column indicates
all totals beginning 31 August 2005 to day of this scorecard.
It is unknown whether or not the FCC will consider Comments entered
prior to 31 August 2005, hence the two column format used here.
Fixed-font spacing used throughout.

1. Includes duplicate postings from same individual, "joke"
or "test" entries which do not have a valid address, or
polemicizing a personal pet peeve which has nothing to
do with the NPRM, individuals not understanding the
scope and purpose of the NPRM, one foreign citizen
submission, and six who were commenting on another
matter having nothing to do with amateur radio regulations.

2. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly AGAINST
the NPRM and against dropping any code testing.

3. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly FOR the
NPRM and the abolition of the morse code test. NPRM itself
(first docket document on 15 July) is counted as a "for."

4. These are "in-betweeners" who wish to retain the code
test for the "highest" class (Extra) but will accept
eliminating the code test for other classes.

Percentages are calculated from Grand Total less Indeterminates.

Stay tuned...the future of U.S. amateur radio is being made,
like it or not.

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