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[email protected] September 21st 05 12:56 AM

Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:

As of 20 Sep 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
Elimination/Retention tabulation:

ALL to Date Since FR Notice
-------------- ---------------
Grand Total 2367 396

Indeterminate (note 1) 144 35

Value for Percentages 2223 361

Against NPRM (note 2) 672 [30.23%] 118 [32.69%]
For NPRM (note 3) 1213 [54.57%] 179 [49.58%]
Test Extra Only (note 4) 338 [15.20%] 64 [17.73%]


Notice of NPRM 05-143 appeared in Federal Register for 31 August
and established official end of Comments as 31 October 2005 and
official end of Replies to Comments as 14 November 2005. The left
column indicates totals for ALL dates. Right column indicates
all totals beginning 31 August 2005 to day of this scorecard.
It is unknown whether or not the FCC will consider Comments entered
prior to 31 August 2005, hence the two column format used here.
Fixed-font spacing used throughout.

1. Includes duplicate postings from same individual, "joke"
or "test" entries which do not have a valid address, or
polemicizing a personal pet peeve which has nothing to
do with the NPRM, individuals not understanding the
scope and purpose of the NPRM, one foreign citizen
submission, and six who were commenting on another
matter having nothing to do with amateur radio regulations.

2. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly AGAINST
the NPRM and against dropping any code testing.

3. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly FOR the
NPRM and the abolition of the morse code test. NPRM itself
(first docket document on 15 July) is counted as a "for."

4. These are "in-betweeners" who wish to retain the code
test for the "highest" class (Extra) but will accept
eliminating the code test for other classes.

Percentages are calculated from Grand Total less Indeterminates.

Stay tuned...the future of U.S. amateur radio is being made,
like it or not.

RST Engineering September 21st 05 01:05 AM

Does anybody know how to search the FCC database for this NPRM by
submitter's name? I'd like to find mine and copy it directly into a new
comment to make sure I'm on the record.


KØHB September 21st 05 04:38 AM

"RST Engineering" wrote

Does anybody know how to search the FCC database for this NPRM by submitter's

1) Send your browser to

2) In block 1 identify the proceeding ( 05-235 )

3) In block 4 enter "Jim Weir"

4) Click "Retrieve Document List"

73, de Hans, K0HB
A-1 Operator Club

[email protected] September 21st 05 04:52 AM

From: K=D8=88B on Sep 20, 7:38 pm

"RST Engineering" wrote

Does anybody know how to search the FCC database for this NPRM by submit=


1) Send your browser to

2) In block 1 identify the proceeding ( 05-235 )

3) In block 4 enter "Jim Weir"

4) Click "Retrieve Document List"

Right on! [leave the date blocks blank]

Search can also be done by surname only. [try Garcell for
someone who got too anxious...repeatedly...or Sparks]

RST Engineering September 21st 05 07:40 PM

Thanks. Now that I read the page carefully it is obvious how to make that


"KØHB" wrote in message

"RST Engineering" wrote

Does anybody know how to search the FCC database for this NPRM by
submitter's name?

1) Send your browser to

2) In block 1 identify the proceeding ( 05-235 )

3) In block 4 enter "Jim Weir"

4) Click "Retrieve Document List"

73, de Hans, K0HB

[email protected] October 11th 05 09:21 PM

Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:

As of 10 Oct 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
Elimination/Retention tabulation:

ALL to Date Since FR Notice
-------------- ---------------
Grand Total 2530 557

Indeterminate (note 1) 158 48

Value for Percentages 2372 509

Against NPRM (note 2) 710 [29.93%] 155 [30.45%]
For NPRM (note 3) 1301 [54.85%] 267 [52.46%]
Test Extra Only (note 4) 361 [15.22%] 87 [17.09%]


Notice of NPRM 05-143 appeared in Federal Register for 31 August
and established official end of Comments as 31 October 2005 and
official end of Replies to Comments as 14 November 2005. The left
column indicates totals for ALL dates. Right column indicates
all totals beginning 31 August 2005 to day of this scorecard.
It is unknown whether or not the FCC will consider Comments entered
prior to 31 August 2005, hence the two column format used here.
Fixed-font spacing used throughout.

1. Includes duplicate postings from same individual, "joke"
or "test" entries which do not have a valid address, or
polemicizing a personal pet peeve which has nothing to
do with the NPRM, individuals not understanding the
scope and purpose of the NPRM, one foreign citizen
submission, and six who were commenting on another
matter having nothing to do with amateur radio regulations.

2. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly AGAINST
the NPRM and against dropping any code testing.

3. Includes only those who are whole-heartedly FOR the
NPRM and the abolition of the morse code test. NPRM itself
(first docket document on 15 July) is counted as a "for."

4. These are "in-betweeners" who wish to retain the code
test for the "highest" class (Extra) but will accept
eliminating the code test for other classes.

Percentages are calculated from Grand Total less Indeterminates.

Stay tuned...the future of U.S. amateur radio is being made,
like it or not.

Grümwîtch thë Ünflãppåblê October 11th 05 09:44 PM

wrote in message
: Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:
: As of 10 Oct 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
: Elimination/Retention tabulation:
: ALL to Date Since FR Notice
: -------------- ---------------
: Grand Total 2530 557
: Indeterminate (note 1) 158 48
: Value for Percentages 2372 509
: Against NPRM (note 2) 710 [29.93%] 155 [30.45%]
: For NPRM (note 3) 1301 [54.85%] 267 [52.46%]
: Test Extra Only (note 4) 361 [15.22%] 87 [17.09%]

Quiteclose voting 55% against with retention any Morse test, 45% for
retention of some level of Morse test.

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord,
make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it."
- Voltaire

an old friend October 11th 05 10:54 PM

Gr=FCmw=EEtch th=EB =DCnfl=E3pp=E5bl=EA wrote:
wrote in message
: Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:
: As of 10 Oct 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
: Elimination/Retention tabulation:
: ALL to Date Since FR Notice
: -------------- ---------------
: Grand Total 2530 557
: Indeterminate (note 1) 158 48
: Value for Percentages 2372 509
: Against NPRM (note 2) 710 [29.93%] 155 [30.45%]
: For NPRM (note 3) 1301 [54.85%] 267 [52.46%]
: Test Extra Only (note 4) 361 [15.22%] 87 [17.09%]

Quiteclose voting 55% against with retention any Morse test, 45% for
retention of some level of Morse test.

but close only counts with horseshoes hand granades and nukes

what will realy count is the total lack of valid any reason to keep
code testing or the fialure of the Procoder to advance any new argument
(even at this late date I beleive that the proCoders coming up with
something NEW valid or not would stop the porcess for months)

given that I suspect the FCC will do as it is poised to do, end code

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord,
make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it."
- Voltaire

Bill Sohl October 12th 05 05:22 AM

"an old friend" wrote in message

Grümwîtch thë Ünflãppåblê wrote:
wrote in message
: Scorecard in the NCTA v. PCTA Amateur Opinions on NPRM 05-143:
: As of 10 Oct 05, WT Docket 05-235 Comments on Test Element 1
: Elimination/Retention tabulation:
: ALL to Date Since FR Notice
: -------------- ---------------
: Grand Total 2530 557
: Indeterminate (note 1) 158 48
: Value for Percentages 2372 509
: Against NPRM (note 2) 710 [29.93%] 155 [30.45%]
: For NPRM (note 3) 1301 [54.85%] 267 [52.46%]
: Test Extra Only (note 4) 361 [15.22%] 87 [17.09%]

Quiteclose voting 55% against with retention any Morse test, 45% for
retention of some level of Morse test.

but close only counts with horseshoes hand granades and nukes
what will really count is the total lack of any valid reason to keep
code testing or the failure of the Procoders to advance any new argument
(even at this late date I believe that the proCoders coming up with
something NEW...valid or not would stop the process for months)
given that I suspect the FCC will do as it is poised to do, end code

That pretty much sums things up quite well...especially since
a number of nations have already abondoned all code testing
with no ill effects after two years.

Bill K2UNK

an old friend October 12th 05 08:26 AM

Bill Sohl wrote:
"an old friend" wrote in message

but close only counts with horseshoes hand granades and nukes
what will really count is the total lack of any valid reason to keep
code testing or the failure of the Procoders to advance any new argument
(even at this late date I believe that the proCoders coming up with
something NEW...valid or not would stop the process for months)
given that I suspect the FCC will do as it is poised to do, end code

That pretty much sums things up quite well...especially since
a number of nations have already abondoned all code testing
with no ill effects after two years.

not to put you on the spott but i'll try to put you on the spot

do you agree with my statement that a for a truly new arguement that
the FCC would wait and study awhile?

Bill K2UNK

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